23 lines
771 B
23 lines
771 B
# ============================================================
# Author: chusiang / chusiang (at) drx.tw
# Blog: http://note.drx.tw
# Filename: memory-check.sh
# Modified: 2016-10-24 13:05
# Description: Monitoring memory usage of specific process.
# The RSS (resident set size) is mean memory used in KB, not B,
# so we need to `* 1024` for mapping zabbix-server.
# Reference:
# 1. Total memory used by Python process? | Stack Overflow
# - http://stackoverflow.com/a/40173829/686105
# 2. linux - ps aux output meaning | Super User
# - http://superuser.com/a/117921/205255
# ===========================================================
ps aux | grep $PROCESS_NAME | awk '{ sum=sum+$6 }; END { print sum*1024 }'