
88 行
6.3 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"David Pean <>",
"Mihir Thakkar <>"
"apihelp-commentblock-description": "The commentblock API allows blocking a user from the comment it originated from after filling out the following parameters: CommentID.",
"apihelp-commentblock-summary": "The commentblock API allows blocking a user from the comment it originated from after filling out the following parameters: CommentID.",
"apihelp-commentdelete-description": "The commentdelete API allows deleting a comment after filling out the following parameters: CommentID.",
"apihelp-commentdelete-summary": "The commentdelete API allows deleting a comment after filling out the following parameters: CommentID.",
"apihelp-commentlatestid-description": "The commentlatestID API allows to retrieve latest comment ID after filling out the following parameters: pageID",
"apihelp-commentlatestid-summary": "The commentlatestID API allows to retrieve latest comment ID after filling out the following parameters: pageID",
"apihelp-commentlist-description": "The commentlist API retrieves multiple comments and outputs them as a list after filling out the following parameters: pageID, order, pagerPage, and showForm.",
"apihelp-commentlist-summary": "The commentlist API retrieves multiple comments and outputs them as a list after filling out the following parameters: pageID, order, pagerPage, and showForm.",
"apihelp-commentsubmit-description": "The commentsubmit API allows to submit/post a comment after filling out the following parameters: pageID, parentID, commentText.",
"apihelp-commentsubmit-summary": "The commentsubmit API allows to submit/post a comment after filling out the following parameters: pageID, parentID, commentText.",
"apihelp-commentvote-description": "The commentvote API allows to vote on a comment after filling out the following parameters: commentID, voteValue.",
"apihelp-commentvote-summary": "The commentvote API allows to vote on a comment after filling out the following parameters: commentID, voteValue.",
"apihelp-commentblock-param-commentID": "Comment ID of the comment by user which is to be blocked",
"apihelp-commentdelete-param-commentID": "Comment ID of the comment to be deleted",
"apihelp-commentlatestid-param-pageID": "Page ID of the page on which latest comment is there",
"apihelp-commentlist-param-pageID": "Page ID of the page from which comment list is retrieved",
"apihelp-commentlist-param-order": "Defined whether comment list in ascending or descending order",
"apihelp-commentlist-param-pagerPage": "Comments page number",
"apihelp-commentlist-param-showForm": "Show comments form",
"apihelp-commentsubmit-param-pageID": "Page ID of the page on which comment is to be submitted",
"apihelp-commentsubmit-param-parentID": "Comment ID of the parent comment",
"apihelp-commentsubmit-param-commentText": "Comment Text",
"apihelp-commentvote-param-commentID": "Comment ID of the comment that is voted for",
"apihelp-commentvote-param-voteValue": "Vote value for the comment",
"comments-comment": "Comment",
"comments-desc": "Adds <code>&lt;comments&gt;</code> parser hook that allows commenting on pages",
"comments-db-locked": "<h3>Adding comments</h3>The database is currently locked for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. Please check back later!",
"comments-voted-label": "Voted",
"comments-loading": "Loading...",
"comments-auto-refresher-enable": "Enable comment auto-refresher",
"comments-auto-refresher-pause": "Pause comment auto-refresher",
"comments-reply-to": "Reply to {{GENDER:$2|$1}}",
"comments-cancel-reply": "Cancel",
"comments-block-warning-anon": "Are you sure you want to permanently ignore all comments from this anonymous user (via their IP address)?",
"comments-block-warning-user": "Are you sure you want to permanently ignore all comments from user $1?",
"comments-delete-warning": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"comments-sort-by-date": "Sort by date",
"comments-sort-by-score": "Sort by score",
"comments-show-comment-link": "Show comment",
"comments-manage-blocklist-link": "Manage ignore list",
"comments-ignore-message": "You are ignoring the author of this comment",
"comments-you": "You",
"comments-reply": "Reply",
"comments-login-required": "You must be logged in to add comments",
"comments-not-allowed": "You are not allowed to post comments.",
"comments-post": "Post comment",
"comments-submit": "Add your comment",
"comments-score-text": "Score",
"comments-permalink": "Permalink",
"comments-delete-link": "Delete comment",
"comments-anon-name": "Anonymous user",
"comments-anon-message": "{{SITENAME}} welcomes <b>all comments</b>. If you do not want to be anonymous, <a href=\"$1\">register</a> or <a href=\"$2\">log in</a>. It is free.",
"comments-links-are-forbidden": "External links in comments are forbidden!",
"comments-is-spam": "Submitted text of the comment was interpreted as spam.",
"comments-ignore-item": "<a href=\"$1\">$2</a> on $3 <a href=\"$4\">(unblock)</a>",
"comments-ignore-no-users": "There are no users currently blocked.",
"comments-ignore-remove-message": "Are you sure you want to unblock user <b>$1</b>'s comments?",
"comments-ignore-unblock": "Unblock",
"comments-ignore-cancel": "Cancel",
"comments-ignore-title": "Comment ignore list",
"commentignorelist": "Comment ignore list",
"comments-no-comments-of-day": "There are no comments of the day.",
"log-name-comments": "Comments log",
"log-description-comments": "This is a log of comments.",
"logentry-comments-add": "$1 posted a new comment on $3",
"logentry-comments-delete": "$1 deleted comment #$4 on $3",
"comments-time-ago": "$1 ago",
"comments-time-months": "{{PLURAL:$1|one month|$1 months}}",
"comments-time-days": "{{PLURAL:$1|one day|$1 days}}",
"comments-time-hours": "{{PLURAL:$1|one hour|$1 hours}}",
"comments-time-minutes": "{{PLURAL:$1|one minute|$1 minutes}}",
"comments-time-seconds": "{{PLURAL:$1|one second|$1 seconds}}",
"log-show-hide-comments": "$1 comment log",
"group-commentadmin": "Comment administrators",
"group-commentadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|comment administrator}}",
"grouppage-commentadmin": "{{ns:project}}:Comment administrators",
"right-comment": "Submit comments",
"right-commentadmin": "Administrate user-submitted comments",
"right-commentlinks": "Use external links in comments"