
31 рядки
1.2 KiB

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Baloch Khan",
"Amjad Khan"
"comments-comment": "تبصره",
"comments-loading": "رابرسېرېږي...",
"comments-cancel-reply": "ناگارل",
"comments-sort-by-date": "اوډنه د نېټې له مخې",
"comments-sort-by-score": "اوډنه د شمېرو له مخې",
"comments-show-comment-link": "تبصره ښکاره کول",
"comments-you": "تاسې",
"comments-reply": "ځوابول",
"comments-submit": "خپله تبصره ورگډول",
"comments-delete-link": "تبصره ړنگول",
"comments-anon-name": "ورکنومی کارن",
"comments-ignore-unblock": "بنديز لرې کول",
"comments-ignore-cancel": "ناگارل",
"log-name-comments": "د تبصرو يادښت",
"comments-time-ago": "$1 دمخه",
"comments-time-months": "{{PLURAL:$1|۱ مياشت|$1 مياشت}}",
"comments-time-days": "{{PLURAL:$1|يو ورځ|$1 ورځې}}",
"comments-time-hours": "{{PLURAL:$1|يو ساعت|$1 ساعتونه}}",
"comments-time-minutes": "{{PLURAL:$1|يو دقيقه|$1 دقيقې}}",
"comments-time-seconds": "{{PLURAL:$1|يوه ثانيه|$1 ثانيې}}",
"right-comment": "تبصرې سپارل"