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2011-10-06 01:36:10 +01:00

712 lines
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Copyright 2008-2011 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz Community Edition.
Clipperz Community Edition is an online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.
* Clipperz Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Clipperz Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Clipperz Community Edition. If not, see
if (typeof(Clipperz) == 'undefined') { Clipperz = {}; }
if (typeof(Clipperz.YUI) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.YUI = {}; }
* yui-ext 0.40
* Copyright(c) 2006, Jack Slocum.
* @class Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery
* Provides high performance selector/xpath processing by compiling queries into reusable functions.
* New pseudo classes and matchers can be plugged. It works on HTML and XML documents (if a content node is passed in).
* @singleton
Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery = function(){
var cache = {}, simpleCache = {}, valueCache = {};
var nonSpace = /\S/;
var trimRe = /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/;
var tplRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g;
var modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>]\s?|\s|$)/;
var clsRes = {};
function child(p, index){
var i = 0;
var n = p.firstChild;
if(n.nodeType == 1){
if(i == index){
return n;
n = n.nextSibling;
return null;
function next(d){
var n = d.nextSibling;
while(n && n.nodeType != 1){
n = n.nextSibling;
return n;
function prev(d){
var n = d.previousSibling;
while(n && n.nodeType != 1){
n = n.previousSibling;
return n;
function clean(d){
var n = d.firstChild, ni = -1;
var nx = n.nextSibling;
if(n.nodeType == 3 && !nonSpace.test(n.nodeValue)){
n.nodeIndex = ++ni;
n = nx;
return this;
function byClassName(c, a, v){
return c;
var re = clsRes[v];
re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)(?:' + v + ')(?:\\s|$)');
clsRes[v] = re;
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
function convert(c){
return c;
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
r[r.length] = c[i];
return r;
function attrValue(n, attr){
if(!n.tagName && typeof n.length != 'undefined'){
n = n[0];
return null;
if(attr == 'for'){
return n.htmlFor;
if(attr == 'class' || attr == 'className'){
return n.className;
return n.getAttribute(attr) || n[attr];
function getNodes(ns, mode, tagName){
var result = [], cs;
return result;
mode = mode ? mode.replace(trimRe, '$1') : '';
tagName = tagName || '*';
if(ns.tagName || ns == document){
ns = [ns];
if(mode != '/' && mode != '>'){
for(var i = 0, ni; ni = ns[i]; i++){
cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
result = concat(result, cs);
for(var i = 0, ni; ni = ns[i]; i++){
var cn = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for(var j = 0, cj; cj = cn[j]; j++){
if(cj.parentNode == ni){
result[result.length] = cj;
return result;
function concat(a, b){
return a.concat(b);
for(var i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i++){
a[a.length] = b[i];
return a;
function byTag(cs, tagName){
if(cs.tagName || cs == document){
cs = [cs];
return cs;
var r = []; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){
if(ci.nodeType == 1 && ci.tagName.toLowerCase()==tagName){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
function byId(cs, attr, id){
if(cs.tagName || cs == document){
cs = [cs];
return cs;
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = cs.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = cs[i];
if(ci && ci.id == id){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
function byAttribute(cs, attr, value, op, custom){
var r = [], st = custom=='{';
var f = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.operators[op];
for(var i = 0, l = cs.length; i < l; i++){
var a;
a = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.getStyle(cs[i], attr);
else if(attr == 'class' || attr == 'className'){
a = cs[i].className;
}else if(attr == 'for'){
a = cs[i].htmlFor;
a = cs[i].getAttribute(attr);
if((f && f(a, value)) || (!f && a)){
r[r.length] = cs[i];
return r;
function byPseudo(cs, name, value){
return Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.pseudos[name](cs, value);
// This is for IE MSXML which does not support expandos.
// IE runs the same speed using setAttribute, however FF slows way down
// and Safari completely fails so they need to continue to use expandos.
// Branched at load time for faster execution.
var isIE = window.ActiveXObject;
var addAttr = isIE ?
function(n, a, v){
n.setAttribute(a, v);
} :
function(n, a, v){
n[a] = v;
var getAttr = isIE ?
function(n, a){
return n.getAttribute(a);
} :
function(n, a){
return n[a];
var clearAttr = isIE ?
function(n, a){
} :
function(n, a, v){
delete n[a];
function nodup(cs){
return cs;
addAttr(cs[0], '_nodup', true);
var r = [cs[0]];
for(var i = 1, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){
var c = cs[i];
if(!getAttr(c, '_nodup')){
addAttr(c, '_nodup', true);
r[r.length] = c;
for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){
clearAttr(cs[i], '_nodup');
return r;
function quickDiff(c1, c2){
return c2;
for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){
addAttr(c1[i], '_qdiff', true);
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){
if(!getAttr(c2[i], '_qdiff')){
r[r.length] = c2[i];
for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){
clearAttr(c1[i], '_qdiff');
return r;
function quickId(ns, mode, root, id){
if(ns == root){
var d = root.ownerDocument || root;
return d.getElementById(id);
ns = getNodes(ns, mode, '*');
return byId(ns, null, id);
return {
getStyle : function(el, name){
return YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, name);
* Compiles a selector/xpath query into a reusable function. The returned function
* takes one parameter "root" (optional), which is the context node from where the query should start.
* @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query
* @param {String} type (optional) Either 'select' (the default) or 'simple' for a simple selector match
* @return {Function}
compile : function(path, type){
// strip leading slashes
while(path.substr(0, 1)=='/'){
path = path.substr(1);
type = type || 'select';
var fn = ['var f = function(root){\n var mode; var n = root || document;\n'];
var q = path, mode, lq;
var tk = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.matchers;
var tklen = tk.length;
var mm;
while(q && lq != q){
lq = q;
var tm = q.match(/^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/);
if(type == 'select'){
if(tm[1] == '#'){
fn[fn.length] = 'n = quickId(n, mode, root, "'+tm[2]+'");';
fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "'+tm[2]+'");';
q = q.replace(tm[0], '');
fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "*");';
if(tm[1] == '#'){
fn[fn.length] = 'n = byId(n, null, "'+tm[2]+'");';
fn[fn.length] = 'n = byTag(n, "'+tm[2]+'");';
q = q.replace(tm[0], '');
while(!(mm = q.match(modeRe))){
var matched = false;
for(var j = 0; j < tklen; j++){
var t = tk[j];
var m = q.match(t.re);
fn[fn.length] = t.select.replace(tplRe, function(x, i){
return m[i];
q = q.replace(m[0], '');
matched = true;
// prevent infinite loop on bad selector
throw 'Error parsing selector, parsing failed at "' + q + '"';
fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+mm[1]+'";';
q = q.replace(mm[1], '');
fn[fn.length] = 'return nodup(n);\n}';
return f;
* Selects a group of elements.
* @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query
* @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).
* @return {Array}
select : function(path, root, type){
if(!root || root == document){
root = document;
if(typeof root == 'string'){
root = document.getElementById(root);
var paths = path.split(',');
var results = [];
for(var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++){
var p = paths[i].replace(trimRe, '$1');
cache[p] = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.compile(p);
throw p + ' is not a valid selector';
var result = cache[p](root);
if(result && result != document){
results = results.concat(result);
return results;
* Selects a single element.
* @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query
* @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).
* @return {Element}
selectNode : function(path, root){
return Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.select(path, root)[0];
* Selects the value of a node, optionally replacing null with the defaultValue.
* @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query
* @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).
* @param {String} defaultValue
selectValue : function(path, root, defaultValue){
path = path.replace(trimRe, '$1');
valueCache[path] = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.compile(path, 'simple');
var n = valueCache[path](root);
n = n[0] ? n[0] : n;
var v = (n && n.firstChild ? n.firstChild.nodeValue : null);
return (v === null ? defaultValue : v);
* Selects the value of a node, parsing integers and floats.
* @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query
* @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).
* @param {Number} defaultValue
* @return {Number}
selectNumber : function(path, root, defaultValue){
var v = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.selectValue(path, root, defaultValue || 0);
return parseFloat(v);
* Returns true if the passed element(s) match the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Array} el An element id, element or array of elements
* @param {String} selector The simple selector to test
* @return {Boolean}
is : function(el, ss){
if(typeof el == 'string'){
el = document.getElementById(el);
var isArray = (el instanceof Array);
var result = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.filter(isArray ? el : [el], ss);
return isArray ? (result.length == el.length) : (result.length > 0);
* Filters an array of elements to only include matches of a simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child)
* @param {Array} el An array of elements to filter
* @param {String} selector The simple selector to test
* @param {Boolean} nonMatches If true, it returns the elements that DON'T match
* the selector instead of the ones that match
* @return {Array}
filter : function(els, ss, nonMatches){
ss = ss.replace(trimRe, '$1');
simpleCache[ss] = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.compile(ss, 'simple');
var result = simpleCache[ss](els);
return nonMatches ? quickDiff(result, els) : result;
* Collection of matching regular expressions and code snippets.
matchers : [{
re: /^\.([\w-]+)/,
select: 'n = byClassName(n, null, "{1}");'
}, {
re: /^\:([\w-]+)(?:\(((?:[^\s>\/]*|.*?))\))?/,
select: 'n = byPseudo(n, "{1}", "{2}");'
re: /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/,
select: 'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");'
}, {
re: /^#([\w-]+)/,
select: 'n = byId(n, null, "{1}");'
re: /^@([\w-]+)/,
select: 'return {firstChild:{nodeValue:attrValue(n, "{1}")}};'
* Collection of operator comparison functions. The default operators are =, !=, ^=, $=, *= and %=.
* New operators can be added as long as the match the format <i>c</i>= where <i>c<i> is any character other than space, &gt; &lt;.
operators : {
'=' : function(a, v){
return a == v;
'!=' : function(a, v){
return a != v;
'^=' : function(a, v){
return a && a.substr(0, v.length) == v;
'$=' : function(a, v){
return a && a.substr(a.length-v.length) == v;
'*=' : function(a, v){
return a && a.indexOf(v) !== -1;
'%=' : function(a, v){
return (a % v) == 0;
* Collection of "pseudo class" processors. Each processor is passed the current nodeset (array)
* and the argument (if any) supplied in the selector.
pseudos : {
'first-child' : function(c){
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = c[i];
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'last-child' : function(c){
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = c[i];
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'nth-child' : function(c, a){
var r = [];
if(a != 'odd' && a != 'even'){
for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){
var m = child(ci.parentNode, a);
if(m == ci){
r[r.length] = m;
return r;
var p;
// first let's clean up the parent nodes
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var cp = c[i].parentNode;
if(cp != p){
p = cp;
// then lets see if we match
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = c[i], m = false;
if(a == 'odd'){
m = ((ci.nodeIndex+1) % 2 == 1);
}else if(a == 'even'){
m = ((ci.nodeIndex+1) % 2 == 0);
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'only-child' : function(c){
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = c[i];
if(!prev(ci) && !next(ci)){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'empty' : function(c){
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = c[i];
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'contains' : function(c, v){
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
var ci = c[i];
if(ci.innerHTML.indexOf(v) !== -1){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'checked' : function(c){
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++){
if(c[i].checked == 'checked'){
r[r.length] = c[i];
return r;
'not' : function(c, ss){
return Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.filter(c, ss, true);
'odd' : function(c){
return this['nth-child'](c, 'odd');
'even' : function(c){
return this['nth-child'](c, 'even');
'nth' : function(c, a){
return c[a-1];
'first' : function(c){
return c[0];
'last' : function(c){
return c[c.length-1];
'has' : function(c, ss){
var s = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.select;
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){
if(s(ss, ci).length > 0){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'next' : function(c, ss){
var is = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.is;
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){
var n = next(ci);
if(n && is(n, ss)){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
'prev' : function(c, ss){
var is = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.is;
var r = [];
for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){
var n = prev(ci);
if(n && is(n, ss)){
r[r.length] = ci;
return r;
* Selects an array of DOM nodes by CSS/XPath selector. Shorthand of {@link Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery#select}
* @param {String} path The selector/xpath query
* @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document).
* @return {Array}
* @member Ext
* @method query
Clipperz.YUI.query = Clipperz.YUI.DomQuery.select;