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450 lines
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Copyright 2008-2015 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.
* Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* SimpleTest, a partial Test.Simple/Test.More API compatible test library.
* Why?
* Test.Simple doesn't work on IE < 6.
* * Support the Test.Simple API used by MochiKit, to be able to test MochiKit
* itself against IE 5.5
if (typeof(SimpleTest) == "undefined") {
var SimpleTest = {};
// Check to see if the TestRunner is present and has logging
if (typeof(parent) != "undefined" && parent.TestRunner) {
SimpleTest._logEnabled = parent.TestRunner.logEnabled;
SimpleTest._tests = [];
SimpleTest._stopOnLoad = true;
SimpleTest._scopeCopy = {};
* Saves a copy of the specified scope variables.
SimpleTest.saveScope = function (scope) {
SimpleTest._scopeCopy = {};
for (var k in scope) {
SimpleTest._scopeCopy[k] = scope[k];
* Verifies the specified scope against the stored copy and reports
* any differences as test failures.
SimpleTest.verifyScope = function (scope) {
var filter = ['test', '_firebug','_FirebugConsole','XMLHttpRequest','Audio',
for (var k in scope) {
if (MochiKit.Base.findValue(filter, k) < 0) {
var v = scope[k];
var old = SimpleTest._scopeCopy[k];
if (v !== old && typeof(old) === "undefined") {
SimpleTest.ok(false, "scope modified, variable " + k + " was added");
} else if (v !== old) {
SimpleTest.ok(false, "scope modified, variable " + k + " changed from: " + old + ", to: " + v);
for (var k in SimpleTest._scopeCopy) {
if (!(k in scope)) {
SimpleTest.ok(false, "scope modified, variable " + k + " has been removed");
* Something like assert.
SimpleTest.ok = function (condition, name, diag) {
var test = {'result': !!condition, 'name': name, 'diag': diag || ""};
if (SimpleTest._logEnabled) {
var msg = test.result ? "PASS" : "FAIL";
msg += " | " + test.name;
if (test.result) {
} else {
msg += " | " + test.diag;
* Roughly equivalent to ok(a==b, name)
SimpleTest.is = function (a, b, name) {
var repr = MochiKit.Base.repr;
// SimpleTest.ok(a == b, name, "got " + repr(a) + ", expected " + repr(b));
SimpleTest.ok(a == b, name, "got " + repr(b) + ", expected " + repr(a));
* Roughly equivalent to ok(compare(a,b)==0, name)
SimpleTest.eq = function (a, b, name) {
var base = MochiKit.Base;
var repr = base.repr;
try {
// SimpleTest.ok(base.compare(a, b) == 0, name, "got " + repr(a) + ", expected " + repr(b));
SimpleTest.ok(base.compare(a, b) == 0, name, "got " + repr(b) + ", expected " + repr(a));
} catch (e) {
SimpleTest.ok(false, name, "exception in compare: " + repr(e));
* Makes a test report, returns it as a DIV element.
SimpleTest.report = function () {
var DIV = MochiKit.DOM.DIV;
var passed = 0;
var failed = 0;
var results = MochiKit.Base.map(
function (test) {
var cls, msg;
if (test.result) {
cls = "test_ok";
msg = "ok - " + test.name;
} else {
cls = "test_not_ok";
msg = "not ok - " + test.name;
if (test.diag != null && test.diag != "") {
msg += ": " + test.diag;
return DIV({"class": cls}, msg);
var summary_class = ((failed == 0) ? 'all_pass' : 'some_fail');
return DIV({'class': 'tests_report'},
DIV({'class': 'tests_summary ' + summary_class},
DIV({'class': 'tests_passed'}, "Passed: " + passed),
DIV({'class': 'tests_failed'}, "Failed: " + failed)),
* Toggle element visibility
SimpleTest.toggle = function(el) {
if (MochiKit.Style.getStyle(el, 'display') == 'block') {
el.style.display = 'none';
} else {
el.style.display = 'block';
* Toggle visibility for divs with a specific class.
SimpleTest.toggleByClass = function (cls) {
var elems = MochiKit.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName('div', cls);
MochiKit.Base.map(SimpleTest.toggle, elems);
return false;
* Shows the report in the browser
SimpleTest.showReport = function() {
var base = MochiKit.Base;
var dom = MochiKit.DOM;
var togglePassed = dom.A({'href': '#'}, "Toggle passed tests");
var toggleFailed = dom.A({'href': '#'}, "Toggle failed tests");
togglePassed.onclick = base.partial(SimpleTest.toggleByClass, 'test_ok');
toggleFailed.onclick = base.partial(SimpleTest.toggleByClass, 'test_not_ok');
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var firstChild = body.childNodes[0];
var addNode;
if (firstChild) {
addNode = function (el) {
body.insertBefore(el, firstChild);
} else {
addNode = function (el) {
addNode(dom.SPAN(null, " "));
* Tells SimpleTest to don't finish the test when the document is loaded,
* useful for asynchronous tests.
* When SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish is called,
* explicit SimpleTest.finish() is required.
SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish = function () {
SimpleTest._stopOnLoad = false;
* Talks to the TestRunner if being ran on a iframe and the parent has a
* TestRunner object.
SimpleTest.talkToRunner = function () {
if (typeof(parent) != "undefined" && parent.TestRunner) {
* Finishes the tests. This is automatically called, except when
* SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish() has been invoked.
SimpleTest.finish = function () {
MochiKit.DOM.addLoadEvent(function() {
if (SimpleTest._stopOnLoad) {
// --------------- Test.Builder/Test.More isDeeply() -----------------
SimpleTest.DNE = {dne: 'Does not exist'};
SimpleTest.LF = "\r\n";
SimpleTest._isRef = function (object) {
var type = typeof(object);
return type == 'object' || type == 'function';
SimpleTest._deepCheck = function (e1, e2, stack, seen) {
var ok = false;
// Either they're both references or both not.
var sameRef = !(!SimpleTest._isRef(e1) ^ !SimpleTest._isRef(e2));
if (e1 == null && e2 == null) {
ok = true;
} else if (e1 != null ^ e2 != null) {
ok = false;
} else if (e1 == SimpleTest.DNE ^ e2 == SimpleTest.DNE) {
ok = false;
} else if (sameRef && e1 == e2) {
// Handles primitives and any variables that reference the same
// object, including functions.
ok = true;
} else if (SimpleTest.isa(e1, 'Array') && SimpleTest.isa(e2, 'Array')) {
ok = SimpleTest._eqArray(e1, e2, stack, seen);
} else if (typeof e1 == "object" && typeof e2 == "object") {
ok = SimpleTest._eqAssoc(e1, e2, stack, seen);
} else {
// If we get here, they're not the same (function references must
// always simply rererence the same function).
stack.push({ vals: [e1, e2] });
ok = false;
return ok;
SimpleTest._eqArray = function (a1, a2, stack, seen) {
// Return if they're the same object.
if (a1 == a2) return true;
// JavaScript objects have no unique identifiers, so we have to store
// references to them all in an array, and then compare the references
// directly. It's slow, but probably won't be much of an issue in
// practice. Start by making a local copy of the array to as to avoid
// confusing a reference seen more than once (such as [a, a]) for a
// circular reference.
for (var j = 0; j < seen.length; j++) {
if (seen[j][0] == a1) {
return seen[j][1] == a2;
// If we get here, we haven't seen a1 before, so store it with reference
// to a2.
seen.push([ a1, a2 ]);
var ok = true;
// Only examines enumerable attributes. Only works for numeric arrays!
// Associative arrays return 0. So call _eqAssoc() for them, instead.
var max = a1.length > a2.length ? a1.length : a2.length;
if (max == 0) return SimpleTest._eqAssoc(a1, a2, stack, seen);
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var e1 = i > a1.length - 1 ? SimpleTest.DNE : a1[i];
var e2 = i > a2.length - 1 ? SimpleTest.DNE : a2[i];
stack.push({ type: 'Array', idx: i, vals: [e1, e2] });
if (ok = SimpleTest._deepCheck(e1, e2, stack, seen)) {
} else {
return ok;
SimpleTest._eqAssoc = function (o1, o2, stack, seen) {
// Return if they're the same object.
if (o1 == o2) return true;
// JavaScript objects have no unique identifiers, so we have to store
// references to them all in an array, and then compare the references
// directly. It's slow, but probably won't be much of an issue in
// practice. Start by making a local copy of the array to as to avoid
// confusing a reference seen more than once (such as [a, a]) for a
// circular reference.
seen = seen.slice(0);
for (var j = 0; j < seen.length; j++) {
if (seen[j][0] == o1) {
return seen[j][1] == o2;
// If we get here, we haven't seen o1 before, so store it with reference
// to o2.
seen.push([ o1, o2 ]);
// They should be of the same class.
var ok = true;
// Only examines enumerable attributes.
var o1Size = 0; for (var i in o1) o1Size++;
var o2Size = 0; for (var i in o2) o2Size++;
var bigger = o1Size > o2Size ? o1 : o2;
for (var i in bigger) {
var e1 = o1[i] == undefined ? SimpleTest.DNE : o1[i];
var e2 = o2[i] == undefined ? SimpleTest.DNE : o2[i];
stack.push({ type: 'Object', idx: i, vals: [e1, e2] });
if (ok = SimpleTest._deepCheck(e1, e2, stack, seen)) {
} else {
return ok;
SimpleTest._formatStack = function (stack) {
var variable = '$Foo';
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
var entry = stack[i];
var type = entry['type'];
var idx = entry['idx'];
if (idx != null) {
if (/^\d+$/.test(idx)) {
// Numeric array index.
variable += '[' + idx + ']';
} else {
// Associative array index.
idx = idx.replace("'", "\\'");
variable += "['" + idx + "']";
var vals = stack[stack.length-1]['vals'].slice(0, 2);
var vars = [
variable.replace('$Foo', 'got'),
variable.replace('$Foo', 'expected')
var out = "Structures begin differing at:" + SimpleTest.LF;
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
var val = vals[i];
if (val == null) {
val = 'undefined';
} else {
val == SimpleTest.DNE ? "Does not exist" : "'" + val + "'";
out += vars[0] + ' = ' + vals[0] + SimpleTest.LF;
out += vars[1] + ' = ' + vals[1] + SimpleTest.LF;
return ' ' + out;
SimpleTest.isDeeply = function (it, as, name) {
var ok;
// ^ is the XOR operator.
if (SimpleTest._isRef(it) ^ SimpleTest._isRef(as)) {
// One's a reference, one isn't.
ok = false;
} else if (!SimpleTest._isRef(it) && !SimpleTest._isRef(as)) {
// Neither is an object.
ok = SimpleTest.is(it, as, name);
} else {
// We have two objects. Do a deep comparison.
var stack = [], seen = [];
if ( SimpleTest._deepCheck(it, as, stack, seen)) {
ok = SimpleTest.ok(true, name);
} else {
ok = SimpleTest.ok(false, name, SimpleTest._formatStack(stack));
return ok;
SimpleTest.typeOf = function (object) {
var c = Object.prototype.toString.apply(object);
var name = c.substring(8, c.length - 1);
if (name != 'Object') return name;
// It may be a non-core class. Try to extract the class name from
// the constructor function. This may not work in all implementations.
if (/function ([^(\s]+)/.test(Function.toString.call(object.constructor))) {
return RegExp.$1;
// No idea. :-(
return name;
SimpleTest.isa = function (object, clas) {
return SimpleTest.typeOf(object) == clas;
// Global symbols:
var ok = SimpleTest.ok;
var is = SimpleTest.is;
var isDeeply = SimpleTest.isDeeply;