
233 lines
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* xPandMenu MULTI-LEVEL class
* Creates a tree-view menu.
* The menu can be as deep as needed
* The menu items are organised in HTML unordered lists
* Container nodes can be expanded/collapsed thanks to Javascript actions
* Patrick Brosset
* 02/2005
// Path to default image files (directories and documents icons) -- (use absolute URL)
// Reference to the File class for saving and loading the generated menu
//include_once 'File.php';
// Xmenu class
class XMenu
// Sub-nodes contained in this menu (references to Xnode objects)
var $items = array();
// Keeps track of the HTML code indent to use (formatting of UL and LI)
var $indent;
// Is it the first node ?
var $first;
// Used for assigning unique IDs to HTML elements (for the javascript function)
var $treeCount;
// Same for images
var $imgCount;
// Contains the generated HTML code
var $output;
// Contains the nodes to expand when generating tree
var $visibleNodes = array("1");
// Constructor
function XMenu()
$this->indent = 0;
$this->first = true;
$this->treeCount = 0;
$this->imgCount = 0;
$this->output = "";
// addItem, adds a child to this menu
// Takes a XNode object reference as argument
function &addItem(&$node)
$this->items[] = &$node;
return $this->items[count($this->items) - 1];
// generateTree, generates the HTML code (UL list) for the dynamic tree-view
function generateTree($root = false)
if(!$root) $root = $this;
$this->output .= $this->codeIndent()."<ul id=\"XRoot\" class=\"XtreeRoot\">\n";
$this->first = false;
if (array_search($this->treeCount, $this->visibleNodes) !== false)
$this->output .= $this->codeIndent()."<ul id=\"Xtree".$this->treeCount."\" class=\"Xtree\" style=\"display:block;\">\n";
$this->output .= $this->codeIndent()."<ul id=\"Xtree".$this->treeCount."\" class=\"Xtree\" style=\"display:none;\">\n";
$this->treeCount ++;
foreach($root->items as $myChild){
$this->imgCount ++;
$img_js = "xSwapImg(document.getElementById('Ximg".$this->imgCount."'),'".$myChild->img."','".$myChild->alt_img."');";
$img_js = "";
if (array_search($this->treeCount, $this->visibleNodes) !== false)
$img = "<img onClick=\"".$img_js."xMenuShowHide(document.getElementById('Xtree".$this->treeCount."'));\" id=\"Ximg".$this->imgCount."\" src=\"".$myChild->alt_img."\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$img = "<img onClick=\"".$img_js."xMenuShowHide(document.getElementById('Xtree".$this->treeCount."'));\" id=\"Ximg".$this->imgCount."\" src=\"".$myChild->img."\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$img = "";$img_js = "";
$href_open = "<a href=\"".$myChild->link."\">";
$href_close = "</a>";
$href_open = "";
$href_close = "";
if(count($myChild->items) != 0){
$this->output .= $this->codeIndent()."<li class=\"Xnode\" id=\"Xnode".$this->treeCount."\"><div>".$href_open.$img.$myChild->name.$href_close."</div></li>\n";
$this->indent ++;
$this->output .= $this->codeIndent()."<li class=\"Xleaf\"><div onClick=\"".$img_js."\">".$href_open.$img.$myChild->name.$href_close."</div></li>\n";
$this->output .= $this->codeIndent()."</ul>\n";
$this->indent --;
return $this->output;
// saveTree and restoreTree - thanks to Niels Fanoe ( for giving me the idea
// saveTree, save the generated HTML code to a file for future use without generating again
function saveTree($filename = "xMenuCache.html")
$file = new File();
return $filename;
// restoreTree, returns the previously generated HTML code stored in a file
// Call this method STATICALLY for easier use: XMenu::restoreTree("xPandMenuCode.html");
function restoreTree($filename = "xMenuCache.html")
$file = new File();
$menu = $file->read($filename);
$error = $file->getError();
if(!empty($error)) return false;
else return $menu;
// codeIndent, only used to create a nice and readable HTML code (indents the UL and LI tags)
function codeIndent()
$str = "";
$str .= " ";
return $str;
// XNode class: A node item in the menu
class XNode
// Name assigned to this node (Text shown on the item)
var $name;
// Link for the item (if any)
var $link;
// Sub-items of this node
var $items = array();
// Absolute URL of this node's icon
var $img;
// Absolute URL of this node's icon (alternate, used for expanded and collapsed states)
var $alt_img;
// constructor
// $name: text shown for this item
// $link: where does this item links to when clicked (optional)
// $img and $alt_img: images displayed next to this item (absolute paths to images must be used)
function XNode($name,$link = false,$img = LEAF_DEFAULT_IMG,$alt_img = LEAF_DEFAULT_ALT_IMG)
$this->name = $name;
$this->link = $link;
$this->img = $img;
$this->alt_img = $alt_img;
// addItem, adds a subnode under this node
// Takes a XNode object reference as argument
function &addItem(&$node)
if($this->img == LEAF_DEFAULT_IMG){$this->img = NODE_DEFAULT_IMG;}
if($this->alt_img == LEAF_DEFAULT_ALT_IMG){$this->alt_img = NODE_DEFAULT_ALT_IMG;}
$this->items[] = &$node;
return $this->items[count($this->items) - 1];