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Copyright 2008-2015 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.
* Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* @preserve XDate v@VERSION
* Docs & Licensing: http://arshaw.com/xdate/
* Internal Architecture
* ---------------------
* An XDate wraps a native Date. The native Date is stored in the '0' property of the object.
* UTC-mode is determined by whether the internal native Date's toString method is set to
* Date.prototype.toUTCString (see getUTCMode).
var XDate = (function(Date, Math, Array, undefined) {
/** @const */ var FULLYEAR = 0;
/** @const */ var MONTH = 1;
/** @const */ var DATE = 2;
/** @const */ var HOURS = 3;
/** @const */ var MINUTES = 4;
/** @const */ var SECONDS = 5;
/** @const */ var MILLISECONDS = 6;
/** @const */ var DAY = 7;
/** @const */ var YEAR = 8;
/** @const */ var WEEK = 9;
/** @const */ var DAY_MS = 86400000;
var ISO_FORMAT_STRING = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss(.fff)";
var methodSubjects = [
'FullYear', // 0
'Month', // 1
'Date', // 2
'Hours', // 3
'Minutes', // 4
'Seconds', // 5
'Milliseconds', // 6
'Day', // 7
'Year' // 8
var subjectPlurals = [
'Years', // 0
'Months', // 1
'Days' // 2
var unitsWithin = [
12, // months in year
31, // days in month (sort of)
24, // hours in day
60, // minutes in hour
60, // seconds in minute
1000, // milliseconds in second
1 //
var formatStringRE = new RegExp(
"(([a-zA-Z])\\2*)|" + // 1, 2
"(\\(" + "(('.*?'|\\(.*?\\)|.)*?)" + "\\))|" + // 3, 4, 5 (allows for 1 level of inner quotes or parens)
"('(.*?)')" // 6, 7
var UTC = Date.UTC;
var toUTCString = Date.prototype.toUTCString;
var proto = XDate.prototype;
// This makes an XDate look pretty in Firebug and Web Inspector.
// It makes an XDate seem array-like, and displays [ <internal-date>.toString() ]
proto.length = 1;
proto.splice = Array.prototype.splice;
/* Constructor
// TODO: in future, I'd change signature for the constructor regarding the `true` utc-mode param. ~ashaw
// I'd move the boolean to be the *first* argument. Still optional. Seems cleaner.
// I'd remove it from the `xdate`, `nativeDate`, and `milliseconds` constructors.
// (because you can simply call .setUTCMode(true) after)
// And I'd only leave it for the y/m/d/h/m/s/m and `dateString` constructors
// (because those are the only constructors that need it for DST-gap data-loss reasons)
// Should do this for 1.0
function XDate() {
return init(
(this instanceof XDate) ? this : new XDate(),
function init(xdate, args) {
var len = args.length;
var utcMode;
if (isBoolean(args[len-1])) {
utcMode = args[--len];
args = slice(args, 0, len);
if (!len) {
xdate[0] = new Date();
else if (len == 1) {
var arg = args[0];
if (arg instanceof Date || isNumber(arg)) {
xdate[0] = new Date(+arg);
else if (arg instanceof XDate) {
xdate[0] = _clone(arg);
else if (isString(arg)) {
xdate[0] = new Date(0);
xdate = parse(arg, utcMode || false, xdate);
else {
xdate[0] = new Date(UTC.apply(Date, args));
if (!utcMode) {
xdate[0] = coerceToLocal(xdate[0]);
if (isBoolean(utcMode)) {
setUTCMode(xdate, utcMode);
return xdate;
/* UTC Mode Methods
proto.getUTCMode = methodize(getUTCMode);
function getUTCMode(xdate) {
return xdate[0].toString === toUTCString;
proto.setUTCMode = methodize(setUTCMode);
function setUTCMode(xdate, utcMode, doCoercion) {
if (utcMode) {
if (!getUTCMode(xdate)) {
if (doCoercion) {
xdate[0] = coerceToUTC(xdate[0]);
xdate[0].toString = toUTCString;
if (getUTCMode(xdate)) {
if (doCoercion) {
xdate[0] = coerceToLocal(xdate[0]);
xdate[0] = new Date(+xdate[0]);
// toString will have been cleared
return xdate; // for chaining
proto.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
if (getUTCMode(this)) {
return 0;
return this[0].getTimezoneOffset();
/* get / set / add / diff Methods (except for week-related)
each(methodSubjects, function(subject, fieldIndex) {
proto['get' + subject] = function() {
return _getField(this[0], getUTCMode(this), fieldIndex);
if (fieldIndex != YEAR) { // because there is no getUTCYear
proto['getUTC' + subject] = function() {
return _getField(this[0], true, fieldIndex);
if (fieldIndex != DAY) { // because there is no setDay or setUTCDay
// and the add* and diff* methods use DATE instead
proto['set' + subject] = function(value) {
_set(this, fieldIndex, value, arguments, getUTCMode(this));
return this; // for chaining
if (fieldIndex != YEAR) { // because there is no setUTCYear
// and the add* and diff* methods use FULLYEAR instead
proto['setUTC' + subject] = function(value) {
_set(this, fieldIndex, value, arguments, true);
return this; // for chaining
proto['add' + (subjectPlurals[fieldIndex] || subject)] = function(delta, preventOverflow) {
_add(this, fieldIndex, delta, preventOverflow);
return this; // for chaining
proto['diff' + (subjectPlurals[fieldIndex] || subject)] = function(otherDate) {
return _diff(this, otherDate, fieldIndex);
function _set(xdate, fieldIndex, value, args, useUTC) {
var getField = curry(_getField, xdate[0], useUTC);
var setField = curry(_setField, xdate[0], useUTC);
var expectedMonth;
var preventOverflow = false;
if (args.length == 2 && isBoolean(args[1])) {
preventOverflow = args[1];
args = [ value ];
if (fieldIndex == MONTH) {
expectedMonth = (value % 12 + 12) % 12;
expectedMonth = getField(MONTH);
setField(fieldIndex, args);
if (preventOverflow && getField(MONTH) != expectedMonth) {
setField(MONTH, [ getField(MONTH) - 1 ]);
setField(DATE, [ getDaysInMonth(getField(FULLYEAR), getField(MONTH)) ]);
function _add(xdate, fieldIndex, delta, preventOverflow) {
delta = Number(delta);
var intDelta = Math.floor(delta);
xdate['set' + methodSubjects[fieldIndex]](
xdate['get' + methodSubjects[fieldIndex]]() + intDelta,
preventOverflow || false
if (intDelta != delta && fieldIndex < MILLISECONDS) {
_add(xdate, fieldIndex+1, (delta-intDelta)*unitsWithin[fieldIndex], preventOverflow);
function _diff(xdate1, xdate2, fieldIndex) { // fieldIndex=FULLYEAR is for years, fieldIndex=DATE is for days
xdate1 = xdate1.clone().setUTCMode(true, true);
xdate2 = XDate(xdate2).setUTCMode(true, true);
var v = 0;
if (fieldIndex == FULLYEAR || fieldIndex == MONTH) {
for (var i=MILLISECONDS, methodName; i>=fieldIndex; i--) {
v /= unitsWithin[i];
v += _getField(xdate2, false, i) - _getField(xdate1, false, i);
if (fieldIndex == MONTH) {
v += (xdate2.getFullYear() - xdate1.getFullYear()) * 12;
else if (fieldIndex == DATE) {
var clear1 = xdate1.toDate().setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // returns an ms value
var clear2 = xdate2.toDate().setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // returns an ms value
v = Math.round((clear2 - clear1) / DAY_MS) + ((xdate2 - clear2) - (xdate1 - clear1)) / DAY_MS;
else {
v = (xdate2 - xdate1) / [
3600000, // milliseconds in hour
60000, // milliseconds in minute
1000, // milliseconds in second
1 //
][fieldIndex - 3];
return v;
/* Week Methods
proto.getWeek = function() {
return _getWeek(curry(_getField, this, false));
proto.getUTCWeek = function() {
return _getWeek(curry(_getField, this, true));
proto.setWeek = function(n, year) {
_setWeek(this, n, year, false);
return this; // for chaining
proto.setUTCWeek = function(n, year) {
_setWeek(this, n, year, true);
return this; // for chaining
proto.addWeeks = function(delta) {
return this.addDays(Number(delta) * 7);
proto.diffWeeks = function(otherDate) {
return _diff(this, otherDate, DATE) / 7;
function _getWeek(getField) {
return getWeek(getField(FULLYEAR), getField(MONTH), getField(DATE));
function getWeek(year, month, date) {
var d = new Date(UTC(year, month, date));
var week1 = getWeek1(
getWeekYear(year, month, date)
return Math.floor(Math.round((d - week1) / DAY_MS) / 7) + 1;
function getWeekYear(year, month, date) { // get the year that the date's week # belongs to
var d = new Date(UTC(year, month, date));
if (d < getWeek1(year)) {
return year - 1;
else if (d >= getWeek1(year + 1)) {
return year + 1;
return year;
function getWeek1(year) { // returns Date of first week of year, in UTC
var d = new Date(UTC(year, 0, 4));
d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() - (d.getUTCDay() + 6) % 7); // make it Monday of the week
return d;
function _setWeek(xdate, n, year, useUTC) {
var getField = curry(_getField, xdate, useUTC);
var setField = curry(_setField, xdate, useUTC);
if (year === undefined) {
year = getWeekYear(
var week1 = getWeek1(year);
if (!useUTC) {
week1 = coerceToLocal(week1);
setField(DATE, [ getField(DATE) + (n-1) * 7 ]); // would have used xdate.addUTCWeeks :(
// n-1 because n is 1-based
/* Parsing
XDate.parsers = [
XDate.parse = function(str) {
return +XDate(''+str);
function parse(str, utcMode, xdate) {
var parsers = XDate.parsers;
var i = 0;
var res;
for (; i<parsers.length; i++) {
res = parsers[i](str, utcMode, xdate);
if (res) {
return res;
xdate[0] = new Date(str);
return xdate;
function parseISO(str, utcMode, xdate) {
var m = str.match(/^(\d{4})(-(\d{2})(-(\d{2})([T ](\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2})(\.(\d+))?)?(Z|(([-+])(\d{2})(:?(\d{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/);
if (m) {
var d = new Date(UTC(
m[3] ? m[3] - 1 : 0,
m[5] || 1,
m[7] || 0,
m[8] || 0,
m[10] || 0,
m[12] ? Number('0.' + m[12]) * 1000 : 0
if (m[13]) { // has gmt offset or Z
if (m[14]) { // has gmt offset
d.getUTCMinutes() +
(m[15] == '-' ? 1 : -1) * (Number(m[16]) * 60 + (m[18] ? Number(m[18]) : 0))
}else{ // no specified timezone
if (!utcMode) {
d = coerceToLocal(d);
return xdate.setTime(+d);
/* Formatting
proto.toString = function(formatString, settings, uniqueness) {
if (formatString === undefined || !valid(this)) {
return this[0].toString(); // already accounts for utc-mode (might be toUTCString)
return format(this, formatString, settings, uniqueness, getUTCMode(this));
proto.toUTCString = proto.toGMTString = function(formatString, settings, uniqueness) {
if (formatString === undefined || !valid(this)) {
return this[0].toUTCString();
return format(this, formatString, settings, uniqueness, true);
proto.toISOString = function() {
return this.toUTCString(ISO_FORMAT_STRING_TZ);
XDate.defaultLocale = '';
XDate.locales = {
'': {
monthNames: ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'],
dayNames: ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
dayNamesShort: ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'],
amDesignator: 'AM',
pmDesignator: 'PM'
XDate.formatters = {
function format(xdate, formatString, settings, uniqueness, useUTC) {
var locales = XDate.locales;
var defaultLocaleSettings = locales[XDate.defaultLocale] || {};
var getField = curry(_getField, xdate, useUTC);
settings = (isString(settings) ? locales[settings] : settings) || {};
function getSetting(name) {
return settings[name] || defaultLocaleSettings[name];
function getFieldAndTrace(fieldIndex) {
if (uniqueness) {
var i = (fieldIndex == DAY ? DATE : fieldIndex) - 1;
for (; i>=0; i--) {
return getField(fieldIndex);
return _format(xdate, formatString, getFieldAndTrace, getSetting, useUTC);
function _format(xdate, formatString, getField, getSetting, useUTC) {
var m;
var subout;
var out = '';
while (m = formatString.match(formatStringRE)) {
out += formatString.substr(0, m.index);
if (m[1]) { // consecutive alphabetic characters
out += processTokenString(xdate, m[1], getField, getSetting, useUTC);
else if (m[3]) { // parenthesis
subout = _format(xdate, m[4], getField, getSetting, useUTC);
if (parseInt(subout.replace(/\D/g, ''), 10)) { // if any of the numbers are non-zero. or no numbers at all
out += subout;
else { // else if (m[6]) { // single quotes
out += m[7] || "'"; // if inner is blank, meaning 2 consecutive quotes = literal single quote
formatString = formatString.substr(m.index + m[0].length);
return out + formatString;
function processTokenString(xdate, tokenString, getField, getSetting, useUTC) {
var end = tokenString.length;
var replacement;
var out = '';
while (end > 0) {
replacement = getTokenReplacement(xdate, tokenString.substr(0, end), getField, getSetting, useUTC);
if (replacement !== undefined) {
out += replacement;
tokenString = tokenString.substr(end);
end = tokenString.length;
return out + tokenString;
function getTokenReplacement(xdate, token, getField, getSetting, useUTC) {
var formatter = XDate.formatters[token];
if (isString(formatter)) {
return _format(xdate, formatter, getField, getSetting, useUTC);
else if (isFunction(formatter)) {
return formatter(xdate, useUTC || false, getSetting);
switch (token) {
case 'fff' : return zeroPad(getField(MILLISECONDS), 3);
case 's' : return getField(SECONDS);
case 'ss' : return zeroPad(getField(SECONDS));
case 'm' : return getField(MINUTES);
case 'mm' : return zeroPad(getField(MINUTES));
case 'h' : return getField(HOURS) % 12 || 12;
case 'hh' : return zeroPad(getField(HOURS) % 12 || 12);
case 'H' : return getField(HOURS);
case 'HH' : return zeroPad(getField(HOURS));
case 'd' : return getField(DATE);
case 'dd' : return zeroPad(getField(DATE));
case 'ddd' : return getSetting('dayNamesShort')[getField(DAY)] || '';
case 'dddd' : return getSetting('dayNames')[getField(DAY)] || '';
case 'M' : return getField(MONTH) + 1;
case 'MM' : return zeroPad(getField(MONTH) + 1);
case 'MMM' : return getSetting('monthNamesShort')[getField(MONTH)] || '';
case 'MMMM' : return getSetting('monthNames')[getField(MONTH)] || '';
case 'yy' : return (getField(FULLYEAR)+'').substring(2);
case 'yyyy' : return getField(FULLYEAR);
case 't' : return _getDesignator(getField, getSetting).substr(0, 1).toLowerCase();
case 'tt' : return _getDesignator(getField, getSetting).toLowerCase();
case 'T' : return _getDesignator(getField, getSetting).substr(0, 1);
case 'TT' : return _getDesignator(getField, getSetting);
case 'z' :
case 'zz' :
case 'zzz' : return useUTC ? 'Z' : _getTZString(xdate, token);
case 'w' : return _getWeek(getField);
case 'ww' : return zeroPad(_getWeek(getField));
case 'S' :
var d = getField(DATE);
if (d > 10 && d < 20) return 'th';
return ['st', 'nd', 'rd'][d % 10 - 1] || 'th';
function _getTZString(xdate, token) {
var tzo = xdate.getTimezoneOffset();
var sign = tzo < 0 ? '+' : '-';
var hours = Math.floor(Math.abs(tzo) / 60);
var minutes = Math.abs(tzo) % 60;
var out = hours;
if (token == 'zz') {
out = zeroPad(hours);
else if (token == 'zzz') {
out = zeroPad(hours) + ':' + zeroPad(minutes);
return sign + out;
function _getDesignator(getField, getSetting) {
return getField(HOURS) < 12 ? getSetting('amDesignator') : getSetting('pmDesignator');
/* Misc Methods
[ // other getters
function(methodName) {
proto[methodName] = function() {
return this[0][methodName]();
proto.setTime = function(t) {
return this; // for chaining
proto.valid = methodize(valid);
function valid(xdate) {
return !isNaN(+xdate[0]);
proto.clone = function() {
return new XDate(this);
proto.clearTime = function() {
return this.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // will return an XDate for chaining
proto.toDate = function() {
return new Date(+this[0]);
/* Misc Class Methods
XDate.now = function() {
return +new Date();
XDate.today = function() {
return new XDate().clearTime();
XDate.UTC = UTC;
XDate.getDaysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;
/* Internal Utilities
function _clone(xdate) { // returns the internal Date object that should be used
var d = new Date(+xdate[0]);
if (getUTCMode(xdate)) {
d.toString = toUTCString;
return d;
function _getField(d, useUTC, fieldIndex) {
return d['get' + (useUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + methodSubjects[fieldIndex]]();
function _setField(d, useUTC, fieldIndex, args) {
d['set' + (useUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + methodSubjects[fieldIndex]].apply(d, args);
/* Date Math Utilities
function coerceToUTC(date) {
return new Date(UTC(
function coerceToLocal(date) {
return new Date(
function getDaysInMonth(year, month) {
return 32 - new Date(UTC(year, month, 32)).getUTCDate();
/* General Utilities
function methodize(f) {
return function() {
return f.apply(undefined, [this].concat(slice(arguments)));
function curry(f) {
var firstArgs = slice(arguments, 1);
return function() {
return f.apply(undefined, firstArgs.concat(slice(arguments)));
function slice(a, start, end) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(
start || 0, // start and end cannot be undefined for IE
end===undefined ? a.length : end
function each(a, f) {
for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
f(a[i], i);
function isString(arg) {
return typeof arg == 'string';
function isNumber(arg) {
return typeof arg == 'number';
function isBoolean(arg) {
return typeof arg == 'boolean';
function isFunction(arg) {
return typeof arg == 'function';
function zeroPad(n, len) {
len = len || 2;
n += '';
while (n.length < len) {
n = '0' + n;
return n;
// Export for Node.js
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = XDate;
// AMD
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], function() {
return XDate;
return XDate;
})(Date, Math, Array); |