mirror of http://git.whoc.org.uk/git/password-manager.git synced 2025-03-31 00:03:13 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
Giulio Cesare Solaroli 2015-11-27 14:03:17 +01:00
commit d49f7d1992
5 changed files with 996 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ Clipperz.PM.UI.AttachmentController = function(someParameters) {
this.downloadMessageCallback = someParameters['downloadMessageCallback'];
this.reloadServerStatusCallback = someParameters['reloadServerStatusCallback'];
this.cryptoObject = window.crypto || window.msCrypto;
// this.cryptoObject = window.crypto || window.msCrypto; // Not needed anymore because of polyfill
this.cryptoObject = window.crypto
return this;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
Copyright 2008-2015 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.
* Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
(function () {
global = this
var queueId = 1
var queue = {}
var isRunningTask = false
if (!global.setImmediate)
global.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
if (e.source == global){
if (isRunningTask)
else {
isRunningTask = true
try {
} catch (e) {}
delete queue[e.data]
isRunningTask = false
function nextTick(fn) {
if (global.setImmediate) setImmediate(fn)
// if inside of web worker
else if (global.importScripts) setTimeout(fn)
else {
queue[queueId] = fn
global.postMessage(queueId, '*')
Deferred.resolve = function (value) {
if (!(this._d == 1))
throw TypeError()
if (value instanceof Deferred)
return value
return new Deferred(function (resolve) {
Deferred.reject = function (value) {
if (!(this._d == 1))
throw TypeError()
return new Deferred(function (resolve, reject) {
Deferred.all = function (arr) {
if (!(this._d == 1))
throw TypeError()
if (!(arr instanceof Array))
return Deferred.reject(TypeError())
var d = new Deferred()
function done(e, v) {
if (v)
return d.resolve(v)
if (e)
return d.reject(e)
var unresolved = arr.reduce(function (cnt, v) {
if (v && v.then)
return cnt + 1
return cnt
}, 0)
if(unresolved == 0)
arr.map(function (v, i) {
if (v && v.then)
v.then(function (r) {
arr[i] = r
return r
}, done)
return d
Deferred.race = function (arr) {
if (!(this._d == 1))
throw TypeError()
if (!(arr instanceof Array))
return Deferred.reject(TypeError())
if (arr.length == 0)
return new Deferred()
var d = new Deferred()
function done(e, v) {
if (v)
return d.resolve(v)
if (e)
return d.reject(e)
var unresolved = arr.reduce(function (cnt, v) {
if (v && v.then)
return cnt + 1
return cnt
}, 0)
if(unresolved == 0)
arr.map(function (v, i) {
if (v && v.then)
v.then(function (r) {
done(null, r)
}, done)
return d
Deferred._d = 1
* @constructor
function Deferred(resolver) {
'use strict'
if (typeof resolver != 'function' && resolver != undefined)
throw TypeError()
if (typeof this != 'object' || (this && this.then))
throw TypeError()
// states
// 0: pending
// 1: resolving
// 2: rejecting
// 3: resolved
// 4: rejected
var self = this,
state = 0,
val = 0,
next = [],
fn, er;
self['promise'] = self
self['resolve'] = function (v) {
fn = self.fn
er = self.er
if (!state) {
val = v
state = 1
return self
self['reject'] = function (v) {
fn = self.fn
er = self.er
if (!state) {
val = v
state = 2
return self
self['_d'] = 1
self['then'] = function (_fn, _er) {
if (!(this._d == 1))
throw TypeError()
var d = new Deferred()
d.fn = _fn
d.er = _er
if (state == 3) {
else if (state == 4) {
else {
return d
self['catch'] = function (_er) {
return self['then'](null, _er)
var finish = function (type) {
state = type || 4
next.map(function (p) {
state == 3 && p.resolve(val) || p.reject(val)
try {
if (typeof resolver == 'function')
resolver(self['resolve'], self['reject'])
} catch (e) {
return self
// ref : reference to 'then' function
// cb, ec, cn : successCallback, failureCallback, notThennableCallback
function thennable (ref, cb, ec, cn) {
if ((typeof val == 'object' || typeof val == 'function') && typeof ref == 'function') {
try {
// cnt protects against abuse calls from spec checker
var cnt = 0
ref.call(val, function (v) {
if (cnt++) return
val = v
}, function (v) {
if (cnt++) return
val = v
} catch (e) {
val = e
} else {
function fire() {
// check if it's a thenable
var ref;
try {
ref = val && val.then
} catch (e) {
val = e
state = 2
return fire()
thennable(ref, function () {
state = 1
}, function () {
state = 2
}, function () {
try {
if (state == 1 && typeof fn == 'function') {
val = fn(val)
else if (state == 2 && typeof er == 'function') {
val = er(val)
state = 1
} catch (e) {
val = e
return finish()
if (val == self) {
val = TypeError()
} else thennable(ref, function () {
}, finish, function () {
finish(state == 1 && 3)
// Export our library object, either for node.js or as a globally scoped variable
if (typeof module != 'undefined') {
module['exports'] = Deferred
} else {
global['Promise'] = global['Promise'] || Deferred

frontend/delta/js/Promiz/promiz.min.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Copyright 2008-2015 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.
* Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
!function(){function a(a){global.setImmediate?setImmediate(a):global.importScripts?setTimeout(a):(c++,d[c]=a,global.postMessage(c,"*"))}function b(c){"use strict";function d(a,b,c,d){if("object"!=typeof j&&"function"!=typeof j||"function"!=typeof a)d();else try{var e=0;a.call(j,function(a){e++||(j=a,b())},function(a){e++||(j=a,c())})}catch(f){j=f,c()}}function e(){var a;try{a=j&&j.then}catch(b){return j=b,i=2,e()}d(a,function(){i=1,e()},function(){i=2,e()},function(){try{1==i&&"function"==typeof f?j=f(j):2==i&&"function"==typeof g&&(j=g(j),i=1)}catch(b){return j=b,l()}j==h?(j=TypeError(),l()):d(a,function(){l(3)},l,function(){l(1==i&&3)})})}if("function"!=typeof c&&void 0!=c)throw TypeError();if("object"!=typeof this||this&&this.then)throw TypeError();var f,g,h=this,i=0,j=0,k=[];h.promise=h,h.resolve=function(b){return f=h.fn,g=h.er,i||(j=b,i=1,a(e)),h},h.reject=function(b){return f=h.fn,g=h.er,i||(j=b,i=2,a(e)),h},h._d=1,h.then=function(a,c){if(1!=this._d)throw TypeError();var d=new b;return d.fn=a,d.er=c,3==i?d.resolve(j):4==i?d.reject(j):k.push(d),d},h["catch"]=function(a){return h.then(null,a)};var l=function(a){i=a||4,k.map(function(a){3==i&&a.resolve(j)||a.reject(j)})};try{"function"==typeof c&&c(h.resolve,h.reject)}catch(m){h.reject(m)}return h}global=this;var c=1,d={},e=!1;global.setImmediate||global.addEventListener("message",function(b){if(b.source==global)if(e)a(d[b.data]);else{e=!0;try{d[b.data]()}catch(b){}delete d[b.data],e=!1}}),b.resolve=function(a){if(1!=this._d)throw TypeError();return a instanceof b?a:new b(function(b){b(a)})},b.reject=function(a){if(1!=this._d)throw TypeError();return new b(function(b,c){c(a)})},b.all=function(a){function c(b,e){if(e)return d.resolve(e);if(b)return d.reject(b);var f=a.reduce(function(a,b){return b&&b.then?a+1:a},0);0==f&&d.resolve(a),a.map(function(b,d){b&&b.then&&b.then(function(b){return a[d]=b,c(),b},c)})}if(1!=this._d)throw TypeError();if(!(a instanceof Array))return b.reject(TypeError());var d=new b;return c(),d},b.race=function(a){function c(b,e){if(e)return d.resolve(e);if(b)return d.reject(b);var f=a.reduce(function(a,b){return b&&b.then?a+1:a},0);0==f&&d.resolve(a),a.map(function(a,b){a&&a.then&&a.then(function(a){c(null,a)},c)})}if(1!=this._d)throw TypeError();if(!(a instanceof Array))return b.reject(TypeError());if(0==a.length)return new b;var d=new b;return c(),d},b._d=1,"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=b:global.Promise=global.Promise||b}();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
Copyright 2008-2015 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.
* Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* @file Web Cryptography API shim
* @author Artem S Vybornov <vybornov@gmail.com>
* @license MIT
!function ( global ) {
'use strict';
if ( typeof Promise !== 'function' )
throw "Promise support required";
var _crypto = global.crypto || global.msCrypto;
if ( !_crypto ) return;
var _subtle = _crypto.subtle || _crypto.webkitSubtle;
if ( !_subtle ) return;
var _Crypto = global.Crypto || _crypto.constructor || Object,
_SubtleCrypto = global.SubtleCrypto || _subtle.constructor || Object,
_CryptoKey = global.CryptoKey || global.Key || Object;
var isIE = !!global.msCrypto,
isWebkit = !!_crypto.webkitSubtle;
if ( !isIE && !isWebkit ) return;
function s2a ( s ) {
return btoa(s).replace(/\=+$/, '').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
function a2s ( s ) {
s += '===', s = s.slice( 0, -s.length % 4 );
return atob( s.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/') );
function s2b ( s ) {
var b = new Uint8Array(s.length);
for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ ) b[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);
return b;
function b2s ( b ) {
if ( b instanceof ArrayBuffer ) b = new Uint8Array(b);
return String.fromCharCode.apply( String, b );
function alg ( a ) {
var r = { 'name': (a.name || a || '').toUpperCase().replace('V','v') };
switch ( r.name ) {
case 'SHA-1':
case 'SHA-256':
case 'SHA-384':
case 'SHA-512':
case 'AES-CBC':
case 'AES-GCM':
case 'AES-KW':
if ( a.length ) r['length'] = a.length;
case 'HMAC':
if ( a.hash ) r['hash'] = alg(a.hash);
if ( a.length ) r['length'] = a.length;
case 'RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5':
if ( a.publicExponent ) r['publicExponent'] = new Uint8Array(a.publicExponent);
if ( a.modulusLength ) r['modulusLength'] = a.modulusLength;
case 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5':
case 'RSA-OAEP':
if ( a.hash ) r['hash'] = alg(a.hash);
if ( a.publicExponent ) r['publicExponent'] = new Uint8Array(a.publicExponent);
if ( a.modulusLength ) r['modulusLength'] = a.modulusLength;
throw new SyntaxError("Bad algorithm name");
return r;
function jwkAlg ( a ) {
return {
'HMAC': {
'SHA-1': 'HS1',
'SHA-256': 'HS256',
'SHA-384': 'HS384',
'SHA-512': 'HS512',
'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5': {
'SHA-1': 'RS1',
'SHA-256': 'RS256',
'SHA-384': 'RS384',
'SHA-512': 'RS512',
'RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5': {
'': 'RSA1_5',
'SHA-1': 'RSA-OAEP',
'SHA-256': 'RSA-OAEP-256',
'AES-KW': {
'128': 'A128KW',
'192': 'A192KW',
'256': 'A256KW',
'AES-GCM': {
'128': 'A128GCM',
'192': 'A192GCM',
'256': 'A256GCM',
'AES-CBC': {
'128': 'A128CBC',
'192': 'A192CBC',
'256': 'A256CBC',
}[a.name][ ( a.hash || {} ).name || a.length || '' ];
function b2jwk ( k ) {
if ( k instanceof ArrayBuffer || k instanceof Uint8Array ) k = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent( escape( b2s(k) ) ) );
var jwk = { 'kty': k.kty, 'alg': k.alg, 'ext': k.ext || k.extractable };
switch ( jwk.kty ) {
case 'oct':
jwk.k = k.k;
case 'RSA':
[ 'n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi', 'oth' ].forEach( function ( x ) { if ( x in k ) jwk[x] = k[x] } );
throw new TypeError("Unsupported key type");
return jwk;
function jwk2b ( k ) {
var jwk = b2jwk(k);
if ( isIE ) jwk['extractable'] = jwk.ext, delete jwk.ext;
return s2b( unescape( encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify(jwk) ) ) ).buffer;
function pkcs2jwk ( k ) {
var info = b2der(k), prv = false;
if ( info.length > 2 ) prv = true, info.shift(); // remove version from PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo structure
var jwk = { 'ext': true };
switch ( info[0][0] ) {
case '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1':
var rsaComp = [ 'n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi' ],
rsaKey = b2der( info[1] );
if ( prv ) rsaKey.shift(); // remove version from PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey structure
for ( var i = 0; i < rsaKey.length; i++ ) {
if ( !rsaKey[i][0] ) rsaKey[i] = rsaKey[i].subarray(1);
jwk[ rsaComp[i] ] = s2a( b2s( rsaKey[i] ) );
jwk['kty'] = 'RSA';
throw new TypeError("Unsupported key type");
return jwk;
function jwk2pkcs ( k ) {
var key, info = [ [ '', null ] ], prv = false;
switch ( k.kty ) {
case 'RSA':
var rsaComp = [ 'n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi' ],
rsaKey = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < rsaComp.length; i++ ) {
if ( !( rsaComp[i] in k ) ) break;
var b = rsaKey[i] = s2b( a2s( k[ rsaComp[i] ] ) );
if ( b[0] & 0x80 ) rsaKey[i] = new Uint8Array(b.length + 1), rsaKey[i].set( b, 1 );
if ( rsaKey.length > 2 ) prv = true, rsaKey.unshift( new Uint8Array([0]) ); // add version to PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey structure
info[0][0] = '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1';
key = rsaKey;
throw new TypeError("Unsupported key type");
info.push( new Uint8Array( der2b(key) ).buffer );
if ( !prv ) info[1] = { 'tag': 0x03, 'value': info[1] };
else info.unshift( new Uint8Array([0]) ); // add version to PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo structure
return new Uint8Array( der2b(info) ).buffer;
var oid2str = { 'KoZIhvcNAQEB': '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1' },
str2oid = { '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1': 'KoZIhvcNAQEB' };
function b2der ( buf, ctx ) {
if ( buf instanceof ArrayBuffer ) buf = new Uint8Array(buf);
if ( !ctx ) ctx = { pos: 0, end: buf.length };
if ( ctx.end - ctx.pos < 2 || ctx.end > buf.length ) throw new RangeError("Malformed DER");
var tag = buf[ctx.pos++],
len = buf[ctx.pos++];
if ( len >= 0x80 ) {
len &= 0x7f;
if ( ctx.end - ctx.pos < len ) throw new RangeError("Malformed DER");
for ( var xlen = 0; len--; ) xlen <<= 8, xlen |= buf[ctx.pos++];
len = xlen;
if ( ctx.end - ctx.pos < len ) throw new RangeError("Malformed DER");
var rv;
switch ( tag ) {
case 0x02: // Universal Primitive INTEGER
rv = buf.subarray( ctx.pos, ctx.pos += len );
case 0x03: // Universal Primitive BIT STRING
if ( buf[ctx.pos++] ) throw new Error( "Unsupported bit string" );
case 0x04: // Universal Primitive OCTET STRING
rv = new Uint8Array( buf.subarray( ctx.pos, ctx.pos += len ) ).buffer;
case 0x05: // Universal Primitive NULL
rv = null;
case 0x06: // Universal Primitive OBJECT IDENTIFIER
var oid = btoa( b2s( buf.subarray( ctx.pos, ctx.pos += len ) ) );
if ( !( oid in oid2str ) ) throw new Error( "Unsupported OBJECT ID " + oid );
rv = oid2str[oid];
case 0x30: // Universal Constructed SEQUENCE
rv = [];
for ( var end = ctx.pos + len; ctx.pos < end; ) rv.push( b2der( buf, ctx ) );
throw new Error( "Unsupported DER tag 0x" + tag.toString(16) );
return rv;
function der2b ( val, buf ) {
if ( !buf ) buf = [];
var tag = 0, len = 0,
pos = buf.length + 2;
buf.push( 0, 0 ); // placeholder
if ( val instanceof Uint8Array ) { // Universal Primitive INTEGER
tag = 0x02, len = val.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) buf.push( val[i] );
else if ( val instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { // Universal Primitive OCTET STRING
tag = 0x04, len = val.byteLength, val = new Uint8Array(val);
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) buf.push( val[i] );
else if ( val === null ) { // Universal Primitive NULL
tag = 0x05, len = 0;
else if ( typeof val === 'string' && val in str2oid ) { // Universal Primitive OBJECT IDENTIFIER
var oid = s2b( atob( str2oid[val] ) );
tag = 0x06, len = oid.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) buf.push( oid[i] );
else if ( val instanceof Array ) { // Universal Constructed SEQUENCE
for ( var i = 0; i < val.length; i++ ) der2b( val[i], buf );
tag = 0x30, len = buf.length - pos;
else if ( typeof val === 'object' && val.tag === 0x03 && val.value instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { // Tag hint
val = new Uint8Array(val.value), tag = 0x03, len = val.byteLength;
buf.push(0); for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) buf.push( val[i] );
else {
throw new Error( "Unsupported DER value " + val );
if ( len >= 0x80 ) {
var xlen = len, len = 4;
buf.splice( pos, 0, (xlen >> 24) & 0xff, (xlen >> 16) & 0xff, (xlen >> 8) & 0xff, xlen & 0xff );
while ( len > 1 && !(xlen >> 24) ) xlen <<= 8, len--;
if ( len < 4 ) buf.splice( pos, 4 - len );
len |= 0x80;
buf.splice( pos - 2, 2, tag, len );
return buf;
function CryptoKey ( key, alg, ext, use ) {
Object.defineProperties( this, {
_key: {
value: key
type: {
value: key.type,
enumerable: true,
extractable: {
value: (ext === undefined) ? key.extractable : ext,
enumerable: true,
algorithm: {
value: (alg === undefined) ? key.algorithm : alg,
enumerable: true,
usages: {
value: (use === undefined) ? key.usages : use,
enumerable: true,
function isPubKeyUse ( u ) {
return u === 'verify' || u === 'encrypt' || u === 'wrapKey';
function isPrvKeyUse ( u ) {
return u === 'sign' || u === 'decrypt' || u === 'unwrapKey';
[ 'generateKey', 'importKey', 'unwrapKey' ]
.forEach( function ( m ) {
var _fn = _subtle[m];
_subtle[m] = function ( a, b, c ) {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments),
ka, kx, ku;
switch ( m ) {
case 'generateKey':
ka = alg(a), kx = b, ku = c;
case 'importKey':
ka = alg(c), kx = args[3], ku = args[4];
if ( a === 'jwk' ) {
b = b2jwk(b);
if ( !b.alg ) b.alg = jwkAlg(ka);
if ( !b.key_ops ) b.key_ops = ( b.kty !== 'oct' ) ? ( 'd' in b ) ? ku.filter(isPrvKeyUse) : ku.filter(isPubKeyUse) : ku.slice();
args[1] = jwk2b(b);
case 'unwrapKey':
ka = args[4], kx = args[5], ku = args[6];
args[2] = c._key;
if ( m === 'generateKey' && ka.name === 'HMAC' && ka.hash ) {
ka.length = ka.length || { 'SHA-1': 512, 'SHA-256': 512, 'SHA-384': 1024, 'SHA-512': 1024 }[ka.hash.name];
return _subtle.importKey( 'raw', _crypto.getRandomValues( new Uint8Array( (ka.length+7)>>3 ) ), ka, kx, ku );
if ( isWebkit && m === 'generateKey' && ka.name === 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5' && ( !ka.modulusLength || ka.modulusLength >= 2048 ) ) {
a = alg(a), a.name = 'RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5', delete a.hash;
return _subtle.generateKey( a, true, [ 'encrypt', 'decrypt' ] )
.then( function ( k ) {
return Promise.all([
_subtle.exportKey( 'jwk', k.publicKey ),
_subtle.exportKey( 'jwk', k.privateKey ),
.then( function ( keys ) {
keys[0].alg = keys[1].alg = jwkAlg(ka);
keys[0].key_ops = ku.filter(isPubKeyUse), keys[1].key_ops = ku.filter(isPrvKeyUse);
return Promise.all([
_subtle.importKey( 'jwk', keys[0], ka, kx, keys[0].key_ops ),
_subtle.importKey( 'jwk', keys[1], ka, kx, keys[1].key_ops ),
.then( function ( keys ) {
return {
publicKey: keys[0],
privateKey: keys[1],
if ( ( isWebkit || ( isIE && ( ka.hash || {} ).name === 'SHA-1' ) )
&& m === 'importKey' && a === 'jwk' && ka.name === 'HMAC' && b.kty === 'oct' ) {
return _subtle.importKey( 'raw', s2b( a2s(b.k) ), c, args[3], args[4] );
if ( isWebkit && m === 'importKey' && ( a === 'spki' || a === 'pkcs8' ) ) {
return _subtle.importKey( 'jwk', pkcs2jwk(b), c, args[3], args[4] );
if ( isIE && m === 'unwrapKey' ) {
return _subtle.decrypt( args[3], c, b )
.then( function ( k ) {
return _subtle.importKey( a, k, args[4], args[5], args[6] );
var op;
try {
op = _fn.apply( _subtle, args );
catch ( e ) {
return Promise.reject(e);
if ( isIE ) {
op = new Promise( function ( res, rej ) {
op.onabort =
op.onerror = function ( e ) { rej(e) };
op.oncomplete = function ( r ) { res(r.target.result) };
op = op.then( function ( k ) {
if ( ka.name === 'HMAC' ) {
if ( !ka.length ) ka.length = 8 * k.algorithm.length;
if ( ka.name.search('RSA') == 0 ) {
if ( !ka.modulusLength ) ka.modulusLength = (k.publicKey || k).algorithm.modulusLength;
if ( !ka.publicExponent ) ka.publicExponent = (k.publicKey || k).algorithm.publicExponent;
if ( k.publicKey && k.privateKey ) {
k = {
publicKey: new CryptoKey( k.publicKey, ka, kx, ku.filter(isPubKeyUse) ),
privateKey: new CryptoKey( k.privateKey, ka, kx, ku.filter(isPrvKeyUse) ),
else {
k = new CryptoKey( k, ka, kx, ku );
return k;
return op;
[ 'exportKey', 'wrapKey' ]
.forEach( function ( m ) {
var _fn = _subtle[m];
_subtle[m] = function ( a, b, c ) {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
switch ( m ) {
case 'exportKey':
args[1] = b._key;
case 'wrapKey':
args[1] = b._key, args[2] = c._key;
if ( ( isWebkit || ( isIE && ( b.algorithm.hash || {} ).name === 'SHA-1' ) )
&& m === 'exportKey' && a === 'jwk' && b.algorithm.name === 'HMAC' ) {
args[0] = 'raw';
if ( isWebkit && m === 'exportKey' && ( a === 'spki' || a === 'pkcs8' ) ) {
args[0] = 'jwk';
if ( isIE && m === 'wrapKey' ) {
return _subtle.exportKey( a, b )
.then( function ( k ) {
if ( a === 'jwk' ) k = s2b( unescape( encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( b2jwk(k) ) ) ) );
return _subtle.encrypt( args[3], c, k );
var op;
try {
op = _fn.apply( _subtle, args );
catch ( e ) {
return Promise.reject(e);
if ( isIE ) {
op = new Promise( function ( res, rej ) {
op.onabort =
op.onerror = function ( e ) { rej(e) };
op.oncomplete = function ( r ) { res(r.target.result) };
if ( m === 'exportKey' && a === 'jwk' ) {
op = op.then( function ( k ) {
if ( ( isWebkit || ( isIE && ( b.algorithm.hash || {} ).name === 'SHA-1' ) )
&& b.algorithm.name === 'HMAC') {
return { 'kty': 'oct', 'alg': jwkAlg(b.algorithm), 'key_ops': b.usages.slice(), 'ext': true, 'k': s2a( b2s(k) ) };
k = b2jwk(k);
if ( !k.alg ) k['alg'] = jwkAlg(b.algorithm);
if ( !k.key_ops ) k['key_ops'] = ( b.type === 'public' ) ? b.usages.filter(isPubKeyUse) : ( b.type === 'private' ) ? b.usages.filter(isPrvKeyUse) : b.usages.slice();
return k;
if ( isWebkit && m === 'exportKey' && ( a === 'spki' || a === 'pkcs8' ) ) {
op = op.then( function ( k ) {
k = jwk2pkcs( b2jwk(k) );
return k;
return op;
[ 'encrypt', 'decrypt', 'sign', 'verify' ]
.forEach( function ( m ) {
var _fn = _subtle[m];
_subtle[m] = function ( a, b, c, d ) {
if ( isIE && ( !c.byteLength || ( d && !d.byteLength ) ) )
throw new Error("Empy input is not allowed");
var args = [].slice.call(arguments),
ka = alg(a);
if ( isIE && m === 'decrypt' && ka.name === 'AES-GCM' ) {
var tl = a.tagLength >> 3;
args[2] = (c.buffer || c).slice( 0, c.byteLength - tl ),
a.tag = (c.buffer || c).slice( c.byteLength - tl );
args[1] = b._key;
var op;
try {
op = _fn.apply( _subtle, args );
catch ( e ) {
return Promise.reject(e);
if ( isIE ) {
op = new Promise( function ( res, rej ) {
op.onabort =
op.onerror = function ( e ) {
op.oncomplete = function ( r ) {
var r = r.target.result;
if ( m === 'encrypt' && r instanceof AesGcmEncryptResult ) {
var c = r.ciphertext, t = r.tag;
r = new Uint8Array( c.byteLength + t.byteLength );
r.set( new Uint8Array(c), 0 );
r.set( new Uint8Array(t), c.byteLength );
r = r.buffer;
return op;
if ( isIE ) {
var _digest = _subtle.digest;
_subtle['digest'] = function ( a, b ) {
if ( !b.byteLength )
throw new Error("Empy input is not allowed");
var op;
try {
op = _digest.call( _subtle, a, b );
catch ( e ) {
return Promise.reject(e);
op = new Promise( function ( res, rej ) {
op.onabort =
op.onerror = function ( e ) { rej(e) };
op.oncomplete = function ( r ) { res(r.target.result) };
return op;
global.crypto = Object.create( _crypto, {
getRandomValues: { value: function ( a ) { return _crypto.getRandomValues(a) } },
subtle: { value: _subtle },
global.CryptoKey = CryptoKey;
if ( isWebkit ) {
_crypto.subtle = _subtle;
global.Crypto = _Crypto;
global.SubtleCrypto = _SubtleCrypto;
global.CryptoKey = CryptoKey;

View File

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