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* splitbar.js, version .7
* Copyright(c) 2006, Jack Slocum.
* Code licensed under the BSD License
YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr.clickTimeThresh = 350;
* @class YAHOO.ext.SplitBar
* @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable
* Creates draggable splitter bar functionality from two elements.
* <br><br>
* Usage:
* <pre><code>
var split = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar('elementToDrag', 'elementToSize',
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL, YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT);
split.setAdapter(new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter("container"));
split.minSize = 100;
split.maxSize = 600;
split.animate = true;
* @requires YAHOO.ext.Element
* @requires YAHOO.util.Dom
* @requires YAHOO.util.Event
* @requires YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @requires YAHOO.util.DDProxy
* @requires YAHOO.util.Anim (optional) to support animation
* @requires YAHOO.util.Easing (optional) to support animation
* @constructor
* Create a new SplitBar
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} dragElement The element to be dragged and act as the SplitBar.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} resizingElement The element to be resized based on where the SplitBar element is dragged
* @param {Number} orientation (optional) Either YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL or YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL. (Defaults to HORIZONTAL)
* @param {Number} placement (optional) Either YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT or YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.RIGHT for horizontal or
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP or YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM for vertical. (By default, this is determined automatically by the intial position
position of the SplitBar).
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar = function(dragElement, resizingElement, orientation, placement, existingProxy){
/** @private */
this.el = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(dragElement, true);
this.el.dom.unselectable = 'on';
/** @private */
this.resizingEl = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(resizingElement, true);
* @private
* The orientation of the split. Either YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL or YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL. (Defaults to HORIZONTAL)
* Note: If this is changed after creating the SplitBar, the placement property must be manually updated
* @type Number
this.orientation = orientation || YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL;
* The minimum size of the resizing element. (Defaults to 0)
* @type Number
this.minSize = 0;
* The maximum size of the resizing element. (Defaults to 2000)
* @type Number
this.maxSize = 2000;
this.onMoved = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("SplitBarMoved", this);
* Whether to animate the transition to the new size
* @type Boolean
this.animate = false;
* Whether to create a transparent shim that overlays the page when dragging, enables dragging across iframes.
* @type Boolean
this.useShim = false;
/** @private */
this.shim = null;
/** @private */
this.proxy = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createProxy(this.orientation);
this.proxy = getEl(existingProxy).dom;
/** @private */
this.dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(this.el.dom.id, "SplitBars", {dragElId : this.proxy.id});
/** @private */
this.dd.b4StartDrag = this.onStartProxyDrag.createDelegate(this);
/** @private */
this.dd.endDrag = this.onEndProxyDrag.createDelegate(this);
/** @private */
this.dragSpecs = {};
* @private The adapter to use to positon and resize elements
this.adapter = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter();
if(this.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){
/** @private */
this.placement = placement || (this.el.getX() > this.resizingEl.getX() ? YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT : YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.RIGHT);
this.el.setStyle('cursor', 'e-resize');
/** @private */
this.placement = placement || (this.el.getY() > this.resizingEl.getY() ? YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP : YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM);
this.el.setStyle('cursor', 'n-resize');
this.events = {
* @event resize
* Fires when the splitter is moved (alias for moved)
* @param {YAHOO.ext.SplitBar} this
* @param {Number} newSize the new width or height
'resize' : this.onMoved,
* @event moved
* Fires when the splitter is moved
* @param {YAHOO.ext.SplitBar} this
* @param {Number} newSize the new width or height
'moved' : this.onMoved,
* @event beforeresize
* Fires before the splitter is dragged
* @param {YAHOO.ext.SplitBar} this
'beforeresize' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforeresize')
YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.SplitBar, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, {
onStartProxyDrag : function(x, y){
this.fireEvent('beforeresize', this);
this.shim = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createShim();
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.proxy, 'display', 'block');
var size = this.adapter.getElementSize(this);
this.activeMinSize = this.getMinimumSize();;
this.activeMaxSize = this.getMaximumSize();;
var c1 = size - this.activeMinSize;
var c2 = Math.max(this.activeMaxSize - size, 0);
if(this.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){
this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? c1 : c2,
this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? c2 : c1
this.dd.setYConstraint(0, 0);
this.dd.setXConstraint(0, 0);
this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP ? c1 : c2,
this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP ? c2 : c1
this.dragSpecs.startSize = size;
this.dragSpecs.startPoint = [x, y];
YAHOO.util.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this.dd, x, y);
* @private Called after the drag operation by the DDProxy
onEndProxyDrag : function(e){
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.proxy, 'display', 'none');
var endPoint = YAHOO.util.Event.getXY(e);
var newSize;
if(this.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){
newSize = this.dragSpecs.startSize +
(this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT ?
endPoint[0] - this.dragSpecs.startPoint[0] :
this.dragSpecs.startPoint[0] - endPoint[0]
newSize = this.dragSpecs.startSize +
(this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP ?
endPoint[1] - this.dragSpecs.startPoint[1] :
this.dragSpecs.startPoint[1] - endPoint[1]
newSize = Math.min(Math.max(newSize, this.activeMinSize), this.activeMaxSize);
if(newSize != this.dragSpecs.startSize){
this.adapter.setElementSize(this, newSize);
this.onMoved.fireDirect(this, newSize);
* Get the adapter this SplitBar uses
* @return The adapter object
getAdapter : function(){
return this.adapter;
* Set the adapter this SplitBar uses
* @param {Object} adapter A SplitBar adapter object
setAdapter : function(adapter){
this.adapter = adapter;
* Gets the minimum size for the resizing element
* @return {Number} The minimum size
getMinimumSize : function(){
return this.minSize;
* Sets the minimum size for the resizing element
* @param {Number} minSize The minimum size
setMinimumSize : function(minSize){
this.minSize = minSize;
* Gets the maximum size for the resizing element
* @return {Number} The maximum size
getMaximumSize : function(){
return this.maxSize;
* Sets the maximum size for the resizing element
* @param {Number} maxSize The maximum size
setMaximumSize : function(maxSize){
this.maxSize = maxSize;
* Sets the initialize size for the resizing element
* @param {Number} size The initial size
setCurrentSize : function(size){
var oldAnimate = this.animate;
this.animate = false;
this.adapter.setElementSize(this, size);
this.animate = oldAnimate;
* Destroy this splitbar.
* @param {Boolean} removeEl True to remove the element
destroy : function(removeEl){
* @private static Create the shim to drag over iframes
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createShim = function(){
var shim = document.createElement('div');
shim.unselectable = 'on';
YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(shim, 'split-shim');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'width', '100%');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'height', '100%');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'position', 'absolute');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'background', 'white');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'z-index', 11000);
var shimEl = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(shim);
shimEl.setXY([0, 0]);
return shimEl;
* @private static Create our own proxy element element. So it will be the same same size on all browsers, we won't use borders. Instead we use a background color.
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createProxy = function(orientation){
var proxy = document.createElement('div');
proxy.unselectable = 'on';
YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(proxy, 'split-proxy');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'position', 'absolute');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'visibility', 'hidden');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'z-index', 11001);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'background-color', "#aaa");
if(orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'cursor', 'e-resize');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'cursor', 'n-resize');
// the next 2 fix IE abs position div height problem
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'line-height', '0px');
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'font-size', '0px');
return proxy;
* @class YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter
* Default Adapter. It assumes the splitter and resizing element are not positioned
* elements and only gets/sets the width of the element. Generally used for table based layouts.
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter = function(){
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.prototype = {
// do nothing for now
init : function(s){
* Called before drag operations to get the current size of the resizing element.
* @param {YAHOO.ext.SplitBar} s The SplitBar using this adapter
getElementSize : function(s){
if(s.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){
return s.resizingEl.getWidth();
return s.resizingEl.getHeight();
* Called after drag operations to set the size of the resizing element.
* @param {YAHOO.ext.SplitBar} s The SplitBar using this adapter
* @param {Number} newSize The new size to set
* @param {Function} onComplete A function to be invoke when resizing is complete
setElementSize : function(s, newSize, onComplete){
if(s.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){
if(!YAHOO.util.Anim || !s.animate){
onComplete(s, newSize);
s.resizingEl.setWidth(newSize, true, .1, onComplete, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);
if(!YAHOO.util.Anim || !s.animate){
onComplete(s, newSize);
s.resizingEl.setHeight(newSize, true, .1, onComplete, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);
*@class YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter
* @extends YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter
* Adapter that moves the splitter element to align with the resized sizing element.
* Used with an absolute positioned SplitBar.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} container The container that wraps around the absolute positioned content. If it's
* document.body, make sure you assign an id to the body element.
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter = function(container){
this.basic = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter();
this.container = getEl(container);
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.prototype = {
init : function(s){
//YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, 'resize', this.moveSplitter.createDelegate(this, [s]));
getElementSize : function(s){
return this.basic.getElementSize(s);
setElementSize : function(s, newSize, onComplete){
this.basic.setElementSize(s, newSize, this.moveSplitter.createDelegate(this, [s]));
moveSplitter : function(s){
var yes = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar;
case yes.LEFT:
case yes.RIGHT:
s.el.setStyle('right', (this.container.getWidth() - s.resizingEl.getLeft()) + 'px');
case yes.TOP:
case yes.BOTTOM:
s.el.setY(s.resizingEl.getTop() - s.el.getHeight());
* Orientation constant - Create a vertical SplitBar
* @static
* @type Number
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL = 1;
* Orientation constant - Create a horizontal SplitBar
* @static
* @type Number
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL = 2;
* Placement constant - The resizing element is to the left of the splitter element
* @static
* @type Number
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT = 1;
* Placement constant - The resizing element is to the right of the splitter element
* @static
* @type Number
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.RIGHT = 2;
* Placement constant - The resizing element is positioned above the splitter element
* @static
* @type Number
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP = 3;
* Placement constant - The resizing element is positioned under splitter element
* @static
* @type Number
YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM = 4;