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MochiKit.Text 1.5
See <http://mochikit.com/> for documentation, downloads, license, etc.
(c) 2008 Per Cederberg. All rights Reserved.
MochiKit.Base._module('Text', '1.5', ['Base', 'Format']);
* Checks if a text string starts with the specified substring. If
* either of the two strings is null, false will be returned.
* @param {String} substr the substring to search for
* @param {String} str the string to search in
* @return {Boolean} true if the string starts with the substring, or
* false otherwise
MochiKit.Text.startsWith = function (substr, str) {
return str != null && substr != null && str.indexOf(substr) == 0;
* Checks if a text string ends with the specified substring. If
* either of the two strings is null, false will be returned.
* @param {String} substr the substring to search for
* @param {String} str the string to search in
* @return {Boolean} true if the string ends with the substring, or
* false otherwise
MochiKit.Text.endsWith = function (substr, str) {
return str != null && substr != null &&
str.lastIndexOf(substr) == Math.max(str.length - substr.length, 0);
* Checks if a text string contains the specified substring. If
* either of the two strings is null, false will be returned.
* @param {String} substr the substring to search for
* @param {String} str the string to search in
* @return {Boolean} true if the string contains the substring, or
* false otherwise
MochiKit.Text.contains = function (substr, str) {
return str != null && substr != null && str.indexOf(substr) >= 0;
* Adds a character to the left-hand side of a string until it
* reaches the specified minimum length.
* @param {String} str the string to process
* @param {Number} minLength the requested minimum length
* @param {String} fillChar the padding character to add, defaults
* to a space
* @return {String} the padded string
MochiKit.Text.padLeft = function (str, minLength, fillChar) {
str = str || "";
fillChar = fillChar || " ";
while (str.length < minLength) {
str = fillChar + str;
return str;
* Adds a character to the right-hand side of a string until it
* reaches the specified minimum length.
* @param {String} str the string to process
* @param {Number} minLength the requested minimum length
* @param {String} fillChar the padding character to add, defaults
* to a space
* @return {String} the padded string
MochiKit.Text.padRight = function (str, minLength, fillChar) {
str = str || "";
fillChar = fillChar || " ";
while (str.length < minLength) {
str += fillChar;
return str;
* Returns a truncated copy of a string. If the string is shorter
* than the specified maximum length, the object will be returned
* unmodified. If an optional tail string is specified, additional
* elements will be removed in order to accomodate the tail (that
* will be appended). This function also works on arrays.
* @param {String} str the string to truncate
* @param {Number} maxLength the maximum length
* @param {String} [tail] the tail to append on truncation
* @return {String} the truncated string
MochiKit.Text.truncate = function (str, maxLength, tail) {
if (str == null || str.length <= maxLength || maxLength < 0) {
return str;
} else if (tail != null) {
str = str.slice(0, Math.max(0, maxLength - tail.length));
if (typeof(str) == "string") {
return str + tail;
} else {
return MochiKit.Base.extend(str, tail);
} else {
return str.slice(0, maxLength);
* Splits a text string, applies a function and joins the results
* back together again. This is a convenience function for calling
* split(), map() and join() separately. It can be used to easily
* trim each line in a text string (using the strip function), or to
* translate a text word-by-word.
* @param {Function} func the function to apply
* @param {String} str the string to split
* @param {String} [separator] the separator character to use,
* defaults to newline
* @return {String} a string with the joined up results
MochiKit.Text.splitJoin = function (func, str, separator) {
if (str == null || str.length == 0) {
return str;
separator = separator || '\n'
return MochiKit.Base.map(func, str.split(separator)).join(separator);
* Creates a formatter function for the specified formatter pattern
* and locale. The returned function takes as many arguments as the
* formatter pattern requires. See separate documentation for
* information about the formatter pattern syntax.
* @param {String} pattern the formatter pattern string
* @param {Object} [locale] the locale to use, defaults to
* @return {Function} the formatter function created
* @throws FormatPatternError if the format pattern was invalid
MochiKit.Text.formatter = function (pattern, locale) {
if (typeof(locale) == "undefined") {
locale = MochiKit.Format.formatLocale();
} else if (typeof(locale) == "string") {
locale = MochiKit.Format.formatLocale(locale);
var parts = MochiKit.Text._parsePattern(pattern);
return function() {
var values = MochiKit.Base.extend([], arguments);
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (typeof(parts[i]) == "string") {
} else {
res.push(MochiKit.Text.formatValue(parts[i], values, locale));
return res.join("");
* Formats the specified arguments according to a formatter pattern.
* See separate documentation for information about the formatter
* pattern syntax.
* @param {String} pattern the formatter pattern string
* @param {Object} [...] the optional values to format
* @return {String} the formatted output string
* @throws FormatPatternError if the format pattern was invalid
MochiKit.Text.format = function (pattern/*, ...*/) {
var func = MochiKit.Text.formatter(pattern);
return func.apply(this, MochiKit.Base.extend([], arguments, 1));
* Format a value with the specified format specifier.
* @param {String/Object} spec the format specifier string or parsed
* format specifier object
* @param {Object} value the value to format
* @param {Object} [locale] the locale to use, defaults to
* @return {String} the formatted output string
MochiKit.Text.formatValue = function (spec, value, locale) {
var self = MochiKit.Text;
if (typeof(spec) === "string") {
spec = self._parseFormatFlags(spec, 0, spec.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; spec.path != null && i < spec.path.length; i++) {
if (value != null) {
value = value[spec.path[i]];
if (typeof(locale) == "undefined") {
locale = MochiKit.Format.formatLocale();
} else if (typeof(locale) == "string") {
locale = MochiKit.Format.formatLocale(locale);
var str = "";
if (spec.numeric) {
if (typeof(value) != "number" || isNaN(value)) {
str = "";
} else if (value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
str = "\u221e";
} else if (value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
str = "-\u221e";
} else {
var sign = (spec.sign === "-") ? "" : spec.sign;
sign = (value < 0) ? "-" : sign;
value = Math.abs(value);
if (spec.format === "%") {
str = self._truncToPercent(value, spec.precision);
} else if (spec.format === "d") {
str = MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed(value, 0);
} else if (spec.radix != 10) {
str = Math.floor(value).toString(spec.radix);
if (spec.format === "x") {
str = str.toLowerCase();
} else if (spec.format === "X") {
str = str.toUpperCase();
} else if (spec.precision >= 0) {
str = MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed(value, spec.precision);
} else {
str = value.toString();
if (spec.padding === "0" && spec.format === "%") {
str = self.padLeft(str, spec.width - sign.length - 1, "0");
} else if (spec.padding == "0") {
str = self.padLeft(str, spec.width - sign.length, "0");
str = self._localizeNumber(str, locale, spec.grouping);
str = sign + str;
if (str !== "" && spec.format === "%") {
str = str + locale.percent;
} else {
if (spec.format == "r") {
str = MochiKit.Base.repr(value);
} else {
str = (value == null) ? "null" : value.toString();
str = self.truncate(str, spec.precision);
if (spec.align == "<") {
str = self.padRight(str, spec.width);
} else {
str = self.padLeft(str, spec.width);
return str;
* Adjust an already formatted numeric string for locale-specific
* grouping and decimal separators. The grouping is optional and
* will attempt to keep the number string length intact by removing
* padded zeros (if possible).
* @param {String} num the formatted number string
* @param {Object} locale the formatting locale to use
* @param {Boolean} grouping the grouping flag
* @return {String} the localized number string
MochiKit.Text._localizeNumber = function (num, locale, grouping) {
var parts = num.split(/\./);
var whole = parts[0];
var frac = (parts.length == 1) ? "" : parts[1];
var res = (frac.length > 0) ? locale.decimal : "";
while (grouping && frac.length > 3) {
res = res + frac.substring(0, 3) + locale.separator;
frac = frac.substring(3);
if (whole.charAt(0) == "0") {
whole = whole.substring(1);
if (frac.length > 0) {
res += frac;
while (grouping && whole.length > 3) {
var pos = whole.length - 3;
res = locale.separator + whole.substring(pos) + res;
whole = whole.substring((whole.charAt(0) == "0") ? 1 : 0, pos);
return whole + res;
* Parses a format pattern and returns an array of constant strings
* and format info objects.
* @param {String} pattern the format pattern to analyze
* @return {Array} an array of strings and format info objects
* @throws FormatPatternError if the format pattern was invalid
MochiKit.Text._parsePattern = function (pattern) {
var self = MochiKit.Text;
var parts = [];
var start = 0;
var pos = 0;
for (pos = 0; pos < pattern.length; pos++) {
if (pattern.charAt(pos) == "{") {
if (pos + 1 >= pattern.length) {
var msg = "unescaped { char, should be escaped as {{";
throw new self.FormatPatternError(pattern, pos, msg);
} else if (pattern.charAt(pos + 1) == "{") {
parts.push(pattern.substring(start, pos + 1));
start = pos + 2;
} else {
if (start < pos) {
parts.push(pattern.substring(start, pos));
start = pattern.indexOf("}", pos) + 1;
if (start <= 0) {
var msg = "unmatched { char, not followed by a } char";
throw new self.FormatPatternError(pattern, pos, msg);
parts.push(self._parseFormat(pattern, pos + 1, start - 1));
pos = start - 1;
} else if (pattern.charAt(pos) == "}") {
if (pos + 1 >= pattern.length || pattern.charAt(pos + 1) != "}") {
var msg = "unescaped } char, should be escaped as }}";
throw new self.FormatPatternError(pattern, pos, msg);
parts.push(pattern.substring(start, pos + 1));
start = pos + 2;
if (start < pos) {
parts.push(pattern.substring(start, pos));
return parts;
* Parses a format instruction and returns a format info object.
* @param {String} pattern the format pattern string
* @param {Number} startPos the first index of the format instruction
* @param {Number} endPos the last index of the format instruction
* @return {Object} the format info object
* @throws FormatPatternError if the format pattern was invalid
MochiKit.Text._parseFormat = function (pattern, startPos, endPos) {
var self = MochiKit.Text;
var text = pattern.substring(startPos, endPos);
var info;
var pos = text.indexOf(":");
if (pos == 0) {
info = self._parseFormatFlags(pattern, startPos + 1, endPos);
info.path = [0];
} else if (pos > 0) {
info = self._parseFormatFlags(pattern, startPos + pos + 1, endPos);
info.path = text.substring(0, pos).split(".");
} else {
info = self._parseFormatFlags(pattern, endPos, endPos);
info.path = text.split(".");
var DIGITS = /^\d+$/;
for (var i = 0; i < info.path.length; i++) {
var e = info.path[i];
if (typeof(e) == "string") {
// TODO: replace with MochiKit.Format.strip?
e = e.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
if (e == "" && info.path.length == 1) {
e = 0;
} else if (e == "") {
var msg = "format value path contains blanks";
throw new self.FormatPatternError(pattern, startPos, msg);
} else if (DIGITS.test(e)) {
e = parseInt(e);
info.path[i] = e;
if (info.path.length < 0 || typeof(info.path[0]) != "number") {
return info;
* Parses a string with format flags and returns a format info object.
* @param {String} pattern the format pattern string
* @param {Number} startPos the first index of the format instruction
* @param {Number} endPos the last index of the format instruction
* @return {Object} the format info object
* @throws FormatPatternError if the format pattern was invalid
MochiKit.Text._parseFormatFlags = function (pattern, startPos, endPos) {
var self = MochiKit.Text;
var info = { numeric: false, format: "s", width: 0, precision: -1,
align: ">", sign: "-", padding: " ", grouping: false };
// TODO: replace with MochiKit.Format.rstrip?
var flags = pattern.substring(startPos, endPos).replace(/\s+$/, "");
while (flags.length > 0) {
switch (flags.charAt(0)) {
case ">":
case "<":
info.align = flags.charAt(0);
flags = flags.substring(1);
case "+":
case "-":
case " ":
info.sign = flags.charAt(0);
flags = flags.substring(1);
case ",":
info.grouping = true;
flags = flags.substring(1);
case ".":
var chars = /^\d*/.exec(flags.substring(1))[0];
info.precision = parseInt(chars);
flags = flags.substring(1 + chars.length);
case "0":
info.padding = flags.charAt(0);
flags = flags.substring(1);
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
case "4":
case "5":
case "6":
case "7":
case "8":
case "9":
var chars = /^\d*/.exec(flags)[0];
info.width = parseInt(chars);
flags = flags.substring(chars.length);
case "s":
case "r":
info.format = flags.charAt(0);
flags = flags.substring(1);
case "b":
case "d":
case "o":
case "x":
case "X":
case "f":
case "%":
info.numeric = true;
info.format = flags.charAt(0);
info.radix = 10;
if (info.format === "b") {
info.radix = 2;
} else if (info.format === "o") {
info.radix = 8;
} else if (info.format === "x" || info.format === "X") {
info.radix = 16;
flags = flags.substring(1);
var msg = "unsupported format flag: " + flags.charAt(0);
throw new self.FormatPatternError(pattern, startPos, msg);
return info;
* Formats a value as a percentage. This method avoids multiplication
* by 100 since it leads to weird numeric rounding errors. Instead it
* just move the decimal separator in the text string. It is ugly,
* but works...
* @param {Number} value the value to format
* @param {Number} precision the number of precision digits
MochiKit.Text._truncToPercent = function (value, precision) {
// TODO: This can be simplified by using the same helper function
// as roundToFixed now does.
var str;
if (precision >= 0) {
str = MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed(value, precision + 2);
} else {
str = (value == null) ? "0" : value.toString();
var fracPos = str.indexOf(".");
if (fracPos < 0) {
str = str + "00";
} else if (fracPos + 3 >= str.length) {
var fraction = str.substring(fracPos + 1);
while (fraction.length < 2) {
fraction = fraction + "0";
str = str.substring(0, fracPos) + fraction;
} else {
var fraction = str.substring(fracPos + 1);
str = str.substring(0, fracPos) + fraction.substring(0, 2) +
"." + fraction.substring(2);
while (str.length > 1 && str.charAt(0) == "0" && str.charAt(1) != ".") {
str = str.substring(1);
return str;
* Creates a new format pattern error.
* @param {String} pattern the format pattern string
* @param {Number} pos the position of the error
* @param {String} message the error message text
* @return {Error} the format pattern error
* @class The format pattern error class. This error is thrown when
* a syntax error is encountered inside a format string.
* @property {String} pattern The format pattern string.
* @property {Number} pos The position of the error.
* @property {String} message The error message text.
* @extends MochiKit.Base.NamedError
MochiKit.Text.FormatPatternError = function (pattern, pos, message) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.pos = pos;
this.message = message;
MochiKit.Text.FormatPatternError.prototype =
new MochiKit.Base.NamedError("MochiKit.Text.FormatPatternError");
//XXX: Internet Explorer exception handling blows
if (MochiKit.__export__) {
formatter = MochiKit.Text.formatter;
format = MochiKit.Text.format;
formatValue = MochiKit.Text.formatValue;
MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, MochiKit.Text);