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synced 2025-03-13 08:13:14 +01:00
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768 lines
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Copyright 2008-2011 Clipperz Srl
This file is part of Clipperz's Javascript Crypto Library.
Javascript Crypto Library provides web developers with an extensive
and efficient set of cryptographic functions. The library aims to
obtain maximum execution speed while preserving modularity and
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com
* Javascript Crypto Library is free software: you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Javascript Crypto Library is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Javascript Crypto Library. If not, see
clipperz_copiedContentToClipboard = false;
// Simple Set Clipboard System
// Author: Joseph Huckaby
var ZeroClipboard = {
version: "1.0.4",
clients: {}, // registered upload clients on page, indexed by id
// moviePath: 'ZeroClipboard.swf', // URL to movie
// moviePath: 'data:application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8;base64,Q1dTCYgGAAB4nH1V61LbRhTeXV2OJNsYczFgIEC4JCGABSRpSy+B2JDQQtWJocl0BqK1tUZqhOSRZAj/8ih9hz5AXsGZTl+ndHUhxU2nO56z3/l05uye7+wc6xr6DeUxqpcUhFCNXF9ffxjNcYhRo8U8NruO0IeRLTkm+BpEa4i8/+t3GRGUrRf5tktDe41dMC8Kpd14Q/DM911GPfHCd6zCLyzwa67Tafo0sAppuOWEHZdeyY1O4ERMbnajyPcKIYteUM+qdYPQD/It12m9jX2XBcSx5EYUON6ZwunOEXsXAY+O94HsAu8iFnjULe1mYN/je5u2WLnvAsnRNGrZ6rnfDZlxwQKxRV1XSd1ulPJ1/9KDBB13pDCiZ2ygEdsGj2WHvsXU3dc7taM3e/tHanjDZVqEV2HEzpUGa3V5dVd4Ocfz+5d1/5w6nnbgU4sF+17bFwPfjzT3k691aEDPGb92KBvNX1krmrOjqLNVrVLLb7K1ln9e3WlsVjd0/Um12XXcyPFy6ZHdyHHDkT5tt1JtF/rJerqn6Wu+F/ErsWCmPyiRjrYi54KlgZP/k2Tq9gPYSh5APZOYBVra2VicAtfyn+4qZwHt2E4rVJvszPH2HNcVD2lkS5eOxW3b9f1AtplzZkeKFdDLl/wkibodmyrUsmq241raYdye5ECpdrBf+2GQf0ncA4c3gJelHRrHjd03xs+7L9UMHh9lZN149aOSwuOfcnFO3qQmbb0V44aoSVEXlHeikXQzz1/bpzek8E50XN6o4r/KLfQpU/pMx/J/yz9cxmWhDOOyhMqD5SkJjQnKYnmpIlfuVe5XHlSWKw8rC6QoEayoWk7MFwaKg6Whx4AJEBGIBEQGQQFJBaKBlAMpD6QA0gCQIsglICNAxkGYAFIBMgkwDWQGhFkgc0DuApkHsqDmMZAVIKtA1oBUgejqOmc21E1uHwF5DOQJ4C+AfAnkKyBbQL4G8g2Qb4F8B+o2wA6QZ4DrIOyCsAfCcw0lUwR/ZvgiOP3IhwgWcDZIsCipIpJkPmskBBiBgpGiIqQJOJdYPqbiOaRiUcRIQ5hrIfT055ySiKYVzMLKkKmuDM8aAyInyW1yNCOF22Q5I8Xb5FhGSjLR8n/gnv5q+U+9t4/MojnYLtEhc3jljjGCGT4Z7bXL7bG9Udwefz9xjk9Vhl3crtjqqXwifS8hWzblJToZmylTbk+vYuMOjsECWjZnkuDZvTmcwbscGvOiKVcxXThZNGVjkQebS+17pmLcJwl8sI1v4PI2uYEPt4UbuLItxrCwoplgrMagaOZTENf2NK0NryE8gWRCVE3p6ae5j3aOFwyZb8of6RT3FYn7Y9yvmjlDx1mKGncSfVTC9Z/v6QyZE7q5rpsburmpm490U+K/12g6WXYc+nR4CKX/H31zGG1z5m9Pt5okCg==',
// moviePath: 'http://localhost:8000/tests/js/tests/Bookmarklet/ZeroClipboard.swf',
moviePath: 'http://www.clipperz.com/files/clipperz.com/bookmarklet/0.3.0/ZeroClipboard_1.0.4.swf',
nextId: 1, // ID of next movie
$: function(thingy) {
// simple DOM lookup utility function
if (typeof(thingy) == 'string') thingy = document.getElementById(thingy);
if (!thingy.addClass) {
// extend element with a few useful methods
thingy.hide = function() { this.style.display = 'none'; };
thingy.show = function() { this.style.display = ''; };
thingy.addClass = function(name) { this.removeClass(name); this.className += ' ' + name; };
thingy.removeClass = function(name) {
this.className = this.className.replace( new RegExp("\\s*" + name + "\\s*"), " ").replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
thingy.hasClass = function(name) {
return !!this.className.match( new RegExp("\\s*" + name + "\\s*") );
return thingy;
setMoviePath: function(path) {
// set path to ZeroClipboard.swf
this.moviePath = path;
dispatch: function(id, eventName, args) {
// receive event from flash movie, send to client
var client = this.clients[id];
if (client) {
client.receiveEvent(eventName, args);
register: function(id, client) {
// register new client to receive events
this.clients[id] = client;
getDOMObjectPosition: function(obj) {
// get absolute coordinates for dom element
var info = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: obj.width ? obj.width : obj.offsetWidth,
height: obj.height ? obj.height : obj.offsetHeight
while (obj) {
info.left += obj.offsetLeft;
info.top += obj.offsetTop;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
return info;
Client: function(elem) {
// constructor for new simple upload client
this.handlers = {};
// unique ID
this.id = ZeroClipboard.nextId++;
this.movieId = 'ZeroClipboardMovie_' + this.id;
// register client with singleton to receive flash events
ZeroClipboard.register(this.id, this);
// create movie
if (elem) this.glue(elem);
ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype = {
id: 0, // unique ID for us
ready: false, // whether movie is ready to receive events or not
movie: null, // reference to movie object
clipText: '', // text to copy to clipboard
handCursorEnabled: true, // whether to show hand cursor, or default pointer cursor
cssEffects: true, // enable CSS mouse effects on dom container
handlers: null, // user event handlers
glue: function(elem) {
// glue to DOM element
// elem can be ID or actual DOM element object
//console.log(">>> glue");
this.domElement = ZeroClipboard.$(elem);
// float just above object, or zIndex 99 if dom element isn't set
var zIndex = 99;
if (this.domElement.style.zIndex) {
zIndex = parseInt(this.domElement.style.zIndex) + 1;
// find X/Y position of domElement
var box = ZeroClipboard.getDOMObjectPosition(this.domElement);
// create floating DIV above element
this.div = document.createElement('div');
var style = this.div.style;
style.position = 'absolute';
style.left = '' + box.left + 'px';
style.top = '' + box.top + 'px';
style.width = '' + box.width + 'px';
style.height = '' + box.height + 'px';
style.zIndex = zIndex;
// style.backgroundColor = '#f00'; // debug
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
this.div.innerHTML = this.getHTML( box.width, box.height );
//console.log("<<< glue");
getHTML: function(width, height) {
// return HTML for movie
var html = '';
var flashvars = 'id=' + this.id +
'&width=' + width +
'&height=' + height;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/)) {
// IE gets an OBJECT tag
var protocol = location.href.match(/^https/i) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
html += '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="'+protocol+'download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" id="'+this.movieId+'" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" /><param name="movie" value="'+ZeroClipboard.moviePath+'" /><param name="loop" value="false" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="quality" value="best" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="flashvars" value="'+flashvars+'"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/></object>';
else {
// all other browsers get an EMBED tag
html += '<embed id="'+this.movieId+'" src="'+ZeroClipboard.moviePath+'" loop="false" menu="false" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" name="'+this.movieId+'" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="'+flashvars+'" wmode="transparent" />';
return html;
hide: function() {
// temporarily hide floater offscreen
if (this.div) {
this.div.style.left = '-2000px';
show: function() {
// show ourselves after a call to hide()
destroy: function() {
// destroy control and floater
if (this.domElement && this.div) {
this.div.innerHTML = '';
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
try { body.removeChild( this.div ); } catch(e) {;}
this.domElement = null;
this.div = null;
reposition: function(elem) {
// reposition our floating div, optionally to new container
// warning: container CANNOT change size, only position
if (elem) {
this.domElement = ZeroClipboard.$(elem);
if (!this.domElement) this.hide();
if (this.domElement && this.div) {
var box = ZeroClipboard.getDOMObjectPosition(this.domElement);
var style = this.div.style;
style.left = '' + box.left + 'px';
style.top = '' + box.top + 'px';
setText: function(newText) {
// set text to be copied to clipboard
this.clipText = newText;
if (this.ready) this.movie.setText(newText);
addEventListener: function(eventName, func) {
// add user event listener for event
// event types: load, queueStart, fileStart, fileComplete, queueComplete, progress, error, cancel
eventName = eventName.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, '');
if (!this.handlers[eventName]) this.handlers[eventName] = [];
setHandCursor: function(enabled) {
// enable hand cursor (true), or default arrow cursor (false)
this.handCursorEnabled = enabled;
if (this.ready) this.movie.setHandCursor(enabled);
setCSSEffects: function(enabled) {
// enable or disable CSS effects on DOM container
this.cssEffects = !!enabled;
receiveEvent: function(eventName, args) {
// receive event from flash
eventName = eventName.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, '');
// special behavior for certain events
switch (eventName) {
case 'load':
// movie claims it is ready, but in IE this isn't always the case...
// bug fix: Cannot extend EMBED DOM elements in Firefox, must use traditional function
this.movie = document.getElementById(this.movieId);
if (!this.movie) {
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() { self.receiveEvent('load', null); }, 1 );
// firefox on pc needs a "kick" in order to set these in certain cases
if (!this.ready && navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox/) && navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows/)) {
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() { self.receiveEvent('load', null); }, 100 );
this.ready = true;
this.ready = true;
this.movie.setText( this.clipText );
this.movie.setHandCursor( this.handCursorEnabled );
case 'mouseover':
if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) {
if (this.recoverActive) this.domElement.addClass('active');
case 'mouseout':
if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) {
this.recoverActive = false;
if (this.domElement.hasClass('active')) {
this.recoverActive = true;
case 'mousedown':
if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) {
case 'mouseup':
if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) {
this.recoverActive = false;
} // switch eventName
if (this.handlers[eventName]) {
for (var idx = 0, len = this.handlers[eventName].length; idx < len; idx++) {
var func = this.handlers[eventName][idx];
if (typeof(func) == 'function') {
// actual function reference
func(this, args);
else if ((typeof(func) == 'object') && (func.length == 2)) {
// PHP style object + method, i.e. [myObject, 'myMethod']
func[0][ func[1] ](this, args);
else if (typeof(func) == 'string') {
// name of function
window[func](this, args);
} // foreach event handler defined
} // user defined handler for event
var clip = null;
function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
function initClip() {
//console.log(">>> initClip");
clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
clip.setHandCursor( true );
// clip.addEventListener('load', my_load);
// clip.addEventListener('mouseOver', my_mouse_over);
clip.addEventListener('complete', my_complete);
// clip.glue( 'd_clip_button' );
//console.log("<<< initClip");
//function my_load(client) {
// console.log("Flash movie loaded and ready.");
//function my_mouse_over(client) {
// // we can cheat a little here -- update the text on mouse over
// clip.setText( $('fe_text').value );
function my_complete(client, text) {
// console.log("Copied text to clipboard: ... ");
// console.log("Copied text to clipboard: " + text );
clipperz_copiedContentToClipboard = true;
//function debugstr(msg) {
// var p = document.createElement('p');
// p.innerHTML = msg;
// $('d_debug').appendChild(p);
_cble = null;
isLoginForm = function(aForm) {
var inputFields;
var passwordFieldsFound;
var i,c;
//console.log("is login form: " + aForm.name + " (" + aForm.id + ")");
passwordFieldsFound = 0;
inputFields = aForm.elements;
c = inputFields.length;
for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
if (inputFields[i].type == "password") {
passwordFieldsFound ++;
//console.log("number of password fields found: " + passwordFieldsFound);
return (passwordFieldsFound == 1);
findLoginForm = function(aDocument, aLevel) {
var result;
var documentForms;
var i,c;
result = null;
try {
documentForms = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('form');
c = documentForms.length;
for (i=0; (i<c) && (result == null); i++) {
if (isLoginForm(documentForms[i])) {
result = documentForms[i];
if ((result == null) && (aLevel == 0)) {
var iFrames;
iFrames = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
c = iFrames.length;
for (i=0; (i<c) && (result == null); i++) {
result = findLoginForm(iFrames[i].contentDocument, (aLevel + 1));
} catch (e) {
_cble = e;
return result;
inputElementValues = function(anInputElement) {
var result;
// if ((anInputElement instanceof HTMLInputElement) && (anInputElement.getAttribute('name') != null)) {
if ((anInputElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") && (anInputElement.getAttribute('name') != null)) {
result = {};
result.type = anInputElement.getAttribute('type') || "text";
result.name = anInputElement.getAttribute('name');
// result.value = anInputElement.getAttribute('value');
result.value = anInputElement.value;
if (anInputElement.type.toLowerCase() == 'radio') {
result.checked = anInputElement.checked;
// } else if ((anInputElement instanceof HTMLSelectElement) && (anInputElement.getAttribute('name') != null)) {
} else if ((anInputElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select') && (anInputElement.getAttribute('name') != null)) {
var options;
var c,i;
//console.log("input element values: %o", anInputElement);
result = {};
result.type = "select";
result.name = anInputElement.getAttribute('name');
result.options = [];
options = anInputElement.options;
c = options.length;
for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
var option;
option = {};
option.selected = options[i].selected;
option.label = options[i].label || options[i].innerHTML;
option.value = options[i].value;
} else {
result = null;
return result;
formParameters = function(aLoginForm) {
var result;
var i, c;
var action;
if (aLoginForm == null) {
result = null;
} else {
var radioValues;
var radioValueName;
result = {};
radioValues = {};
action = aLoginForm.action;
if (action.constructor != String) {
action = aLoginForm.getAttribute('action');
if (/^https?\:\/\/.*/.test(action)) {
action = action;
} else if (/^\/.*/.test(action)) {
action = window.location.protocol + '/' + '/' + window.location.hostname + action;
} else {
action = window.location.href.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/' + action);
result.attributes = {};
result.attributes.action = action;
result.attributes.method = aLoginForm.getAttribute('method');
result.inputs = [];
c = aLoginForm.elements.length;
for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
var inputElement;
var elementValues;
inputElement = aLoginForm.elements[i];
elementValues = inputElementValues(inputElement);
if (elementValues != null) {
if (elementValues.type != "radio") {
} else {
var radioValue;
var values;
radioValue = radioValues[elementValues.name];
if (radioValue == null) {
radioValue = {};
radioValue.name = elementValues.name;
radioValue.type = "radio";
radioValue.options = [];
radioValues[elementValues.name] = radioValue;
values = {};
values.value = elementValues.value;
values.checked = elementValues.checked;
for (radioValueName in radioValues) {
if (typeof(radioValues[radioValueName]) != "function") {
return result;
pageParameters = function() {
var result;
result = {};
result['title'] = document.title;
//<link rel="icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
return result;
reprString = function (o) {
return ('"' + o.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"'
).replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f"
).replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b"
).replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n"
).replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t"
).replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r");
serializeJSON = function (o) {
var objtype = typeof(o);
if (objtype == "number" || objtype == "boolean") {
return o + "";
} else if (o === null) {
return "null";
// var m = MochiKit.Base;
// var reprString = m.reprString;
if (objtype == "string") {
return reprString(o);
// recurse
var me = arguments.callee;
// array
if (objtype != "function" && typeof(o.length) == "number") {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
var val = me(o[i]);
if (typeof(val) != "string") {
val = "undefined";
return "[" + res.join(",\n") + "]";
// undefined is outside of the spec
if (objtype == "undefined") {
// throw new TypeError("undefined can not be serialized as JSON");
throw new TypeError("error");
// generic object code path
res = [];
for (var k in o) {
if (typeof(o[k]) != "function") {
var useKey;
if (typeof(k) == "number") {
useKey = '"' + k + '"';
} else if (typeof(k) == "string") {
useKey = reprString(k);
} else {
// skip non-string or number keys
val = me(o[k]);
if (typeof(val) != "string") {
// skip non-serializable values
res.push(useKey + ":" + " " + val);
return "{" + res.join(",\n") + "}";
getLoginFormConfiguration = function() {
var parameters;
parameters = {};
parameters.page = pageParameters();
parameters.form = formParameters(findLoginForm(document, 0));
parameters.version = "0.3.0";
return parameters;
closeClick = function () {
var bookmarkletDiv;
bookmarkletDiv = document.getElementById("clipperzBookmarkletWrapper");
logFormParameters = function(someParameters, anException) {
var showException;
var message;
if ((someParameters != null) && (someParameters.form != null) && (anException == null)) {
showException = false;
message = "The direct login configuration has been collected.";
} else {
showException = true
message = "Sorry! There was an error while processing the page.";
var newCSS = document.createElement('link');
newCSS.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
newCSS.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
newCSS.setAttribute("media", "screen");
newCSS.setAttribute("href", "http://www.clipperz.com/files/clipperz.com/bookmarklet/0.3.0/Bookmarklet.css");
// newCSS.innerHTML = cssHTML;
var innerHTML;
innerHTML = "";
// innerHTML += "<div id='clipperzBookmarklet' style='" + reset_css + clipperzBookmarklet_style + "'>" +
// "<div id='clipperzBookmarkletClose' style='" + reset_css + clipperzBookmarkletClose_style + "'></div>" +
// "<div id='clipperzBookmarkletResult' style='" + reset_css + clipperzBookmarkletResult_style + "'>" +
// "<div id='clipperzBookmarkletResultIcon' style='" + reset_css + clipperzBookmarkletResultIcon_style + "'></div>" +
// "<p id='clipperzBookmarkletResultText' style='" + reset_css + clipperzBookmarkletResultText_style + "'>" + message + "</p>" +
// "</div>";
// if (showException == false) {
// innerHTML +="<div id='clipperzBookmarletButton' style='" + clipperzBookmarletButton_style + "'></div>" +
// "<div id='clipperzBookmarletAfterCopyHint' style='" + clipperzBookmarletAfterCopyHint_style + "'>" +
// "<p id='clipperzBookmarkletHintText' style='" + clipperzBookmarkletHintText_style + "'></p>" +
// "</div>";
// }
innerHTML += "<div id='clipperzBookmarklet'>" +
"<div id='clipperzBookmarkletClose'></div>" +
"<div id='clipperzBookmarkletResult'>" +
"<div id='clipperzBookmarkletResultIcon'></div>" +
"<p id='clipperzBookmarkletResultText'>" + message + "</p>" +
if (showException == false) {
innerHTML += "<div id='clipperzBookmarletButton'></div>" +
"<div id='clipperzBookmarletAfterCopyHint' class='hidden'>" +
"<p id='clipperzBookmarkletHintText'>Lorem ipsum</p>" +
innerHTML += "</div>";
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
newDiv.setAttribute("id", "clipperzBookmarkletWrapper");
newDiv.innerHTML = innerHTML;
$('clipperzBookmarkletClose').onclick = closeClick;
if (showException == false) {
$('clipperzBookmarletButton').onclick = showTooltip;
setTimeout("clip.glue('clipperzBookmarletButton');", 1000);
showTooltip = function () {
if (clipperz_copiedContentToClipboard == true) {
$('clipperzBookmarkletHintText').innerHTML = "DONE!";
$('clipperzBookmarletAfterCopyHint').className = 'visible';
} else {
$('clipperzBookmarkletHintText').innerHTML = "Failed! :(";
runBookmarklet = function () {
var parameters;
try {
parameters = getLoginFormConfiguration();
//console.log("configuration", serializeJSON(parameters))
// clip.glue('clipperzBookmarletButton');
logFormParameters(parameters, _cble);
} catch (e) {
logFormParameters(parameters, e);
if (document.body != null) {