Routines can now be triggered by either name or utterance

Alex 2019-12-23 20:39:01 +01:00
parent 82b366b64f
commit d4d6c608bd
1 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
# (thanks to rich-gepp
# 2019-08-05: v0.14 added Volume setting via routine, and $SPEAKVOL
# 2019-11-18: v0.14a download 200 routines instead of only the first 20
# 2019-12-23: v0.14b Trigger routines by either utterance or routine name
@ -570,11 +571,14 @@ if [ -n "${SEQUENCECMD}" ] ; then
AUTOMATION=$(jq --arg utterance "${UTTERANCE}" -r '.[] | select( .triggers[].payload.utterance == $utterance) | .automationId' "${TMP}/.alexa.automation")
if [ -z "${AUTOMATION}" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: no such utterance '${UTTERANCE}' in Alexa routines"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.automation"
exit 1
AUTOMATION=$(jq --arg utterance "${UTTERANCE}" -r '.[] | select( .name == $utterance) | .automationId' "${TMP}/.alexa.automation")
if [ -z "${AUTOMATION}" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: no such utterance '${UTTERANCE}' in Alexa routines"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.automation"
exit 1
SEQUENCE=$(jq --arg utterance "${UTTERANCE}" -r -c '.[] | select( .triggers[].payload.utterance == $utterance) | .sequence' "${TMP}/.alexa.automation" | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed "s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DEVICE_TYPE/${DEVICETYPE}/g" | sed "s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DSN/${DEVICESERIALNUMBER}/g" | sed "s/ALEXA_CUSTOMER_ID/${MEDIAOWNERCUSTOMERID}/g")
SEQUENCE=$(jq --arg automation "${AUTOMATION}" -r -c '.[] | select( .automationId == $automation) | .sequence' "${TMP}/.alexa.automation" | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed "s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DEVICE_TYPE/${DEVICETYPE}/g" | sed "s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DSN/${DEVICESERIALNUMBER}/g" | sed "s/ALEXA_CUSTOMER_ID/${MEDIAOWNERCUSTOMERID}/g")
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.automation"