Implemented refresh_token cookie exchange

Alex 2021-09-13 23:14:24 +02:00
parent d6a8b57531
commit 8309a07a16
1 changed files with 60 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
# 2021-09-02: v0.19 Playing TuneIn works again using new entertainment API endpoint
# Added playmusic (Alexa.Music.PlaySearchPhrase) as command, for available channels use "-c"
# Note: playmusic is not multi-room capable, doing so might lead to unexpected results
# 2021-09-13: v0.20 implemented device registration refresh_token cookie exchange flow as an alternative
# to logging in
@ -88,6 +90,10 @@ SET_MFA_SECRET=''
# something like:
# 1234 5678 9ABC DEFG HIJK LMNO PQRS TUVW XYZ0 1234 5678 9ABC DEFG
# this can be obtained by doing the device registration login flow
# e.g. from here:
@ -143,6 +149,7 @@ SET_VOLMAXAGE="1"
@ -231,7 +238,7 @@ usage()
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] ; do
case "$1" in
echo "v0.19"
echo "v0.20"
exit 0
@ -500,52 +507,67 @@ rm -f ${DEVLIST}
rm -f ${COOKIE}
rm -f ${TMP}/.alexa.*.list
# get first cookie and write redirection target into referer
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -D "${TMP}/.alexa.header" -c ${COOKIE} -b ${COOKIE} -A "${BROWSER}" -H "Accept-Language: ${LANGUAGE}" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -L\
https://alexa.${AMAZON} | grep "hidden" | sed 's/hidden/\n/g' | grep "value=\"" | sed -r 's/^.*name="([^"]+)".*value="([^"]+)".*/\1=\2\&/g' > "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata"
if [ -z "${REFRESH_TOKEN}" ] ; then
# get first cookie and write redirection target into referer
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -D "${TMP}/.alexa.header" -c ${COOKIE} -b ${COOKIE} -A "${BROWSER}" -H "Accept-Language: ${LANGUAGE}" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -L\
https://alexa.${AMAZON} | grep "hidden" | sed 's/hidden/\n/g' | grep "value=\"" | sed -r 's/^.*name="([^"]+)".*value="([^"]+)".*/\1=\2\&/g' > "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata"
# login empty to generate session
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -c ${COOKIE} -b ${COOKIE} -A "${BROWSER}" -H "Accept-Language: ${LANGUAGE}" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -L\
-H "$(grep 'Location: ' ${TMP}/.alexa.header | sed 's/Location: /Referer: /')" -d "@${TMP}/.alexa.postdata" https://www.${AMAZON}/ap/signin | grep "hidden" | sed 's/hidden/\n/g' | grep "value=\"" | sed -r 's/^.*name="([^"]+)".*value="([^"]+)".*/\1=\2\&/g' > "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2"
# login empty to generate session
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -c ${COOKIE} -b ${COOKIE} -A "${BROWSER}" -H "Accept-Language: ${LANGUAGE}" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -L\
-H "$(grep 'Location: ' ${TMP}/.alexa.header | sed 's/Location: /Referer: /')" -d "@${TMP}/.alexa.postdata" https://www.${AMAZON}/ap/signin | grep "hidden" | sed 's/hidden/\n/g' | grep "value=\"" | sed -r 's/^.*name="([^"]+)".*value="([^"]+)".*/\1=\2\&/g' > "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2"
# add OTP if using MFA
if [ -n "${MFA_SECRET}" ] ; then
OTP=$(${OATHTOOL} -b --totp "${MFA_SECRET}")
# add OTP if using MFA
if [ -n "${MFA_SECRET}" ] ; then
OTP=$(${OATHTOOL} -b --totp "${MFA_SECRET}")
# login with filled out form
# !!! referer now contains session in URL
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -D "${TMP}/.alexa.header2" -c ${COOKIE} -b ${COOKIE} -A "${BROWSER}" -H "Accept-Language: ${LANGUAGE}" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -L\
-H "Referer: https://www.${AMAZON}/ap/signin/$(awk "\$0 ~/.${AMAZON}.*session-id[ \\s\\t]+/ {print \$7}" ${COOKIE})" --data-urlencode "email=${EMAIL}" --data-urlencode "password=${PASSWORD}" -d "@${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2" https://www.${AMAZON}/ap/signin > "${TMP}/.alexa.login"
# login with filled out form
# !!! referer now contains session in URL
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -D "${TMP}/.alexa.header2" -c ${COOKIE} -b ${COOKIE} -A "${BROWSER}" -H "Accept-Language: ${LANGUAGE}" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -L\
-H "Referer: https://www.${AMAZON}/ap/signin/$(awk "\$0 ~/.${AMAZON}.*session-id[ \\s\\t]+/ {print \$7}" ${COOKIE})" --data-urlencode "email=${EMAIL}" --data-urlencode "password=${PASSWORD}" -d "@${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2" https://www.${AMAZON}/ap/signin > "${TMP}/.alexa.login"
# check whether the login has been successful or exit otherwise
if [ -z "$(grep 'Location: https://alexa.*html' ${TMP}/.alexa.header2)" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Amazon Login was unsuccessful. Possibly you get a captcha login screen."
echo " Try logging in to https://alexa.${AMAZON} with your browser. In your browser"
echo " make sure to have all Amazon related cookies deleted and Javascript disabled!"
echo " (For more information have a look at ${TMP}/.alexa.login)"
echo " To avoid issues with captcha, try using Multi-Factor Authentication."
echo " To do so, first set up Two-Step Verification on your Amazon account, then"
echo " configure this script (or the environment) with your MFA secret."
echo " Support for Multi-Factor Authentication requires 'oathtool' to be installed."
# check whether the login has been successful or exit otherwise
if [ -z "$(grep 'Location: https://alexa.*html' ${TMP}/.alexa.header2)" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Amazon Login was unsuccessful. Possibly you get a captcha login screen."
echo " Try logging in to https://alexa.${AMAZON} with your browser. In your browser"
echo " make sure to have all Amazon related cookies deleted and Javascript disabled!"
echo " (For more information have a look at ${TMP}/.alexa.login)"
echo " To avoid issues with captcha, try using Multi-Factor Authentication."
echo " To do so, first set up Two-Step Verification on your Amazon account, then"
echo " configure this script (or the environment) with your MFA secret."
echo " Support for Multi-Factor Authentication requires 'oathtool' to be installed."
rm -f ${COOKIE}
rm -f ${COOKIE}
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.header"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.header2"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2"
exit 1
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.login"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.header"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.header2"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2"
exit 1
${CURL} ${OPTS} -s -X POST --data "app_name=Amazon%20Alexa&requested_token_type=auth_cookies&domain=www.${AMAZON}&source_token_type=refresh_token" --data-urlencode "source_token=${REFRESH_TOKEN}" -H "x-amzn-identity-auth-domain: api.${AMAZON}" https://api.${AMAZON}/ap/exchangetoken/cookies | jq -r '.response.tokens.cookies | to_entries[] | .key as $domain | .value[] | map_values(if . == true then "TRUE" else . end) | .Expires |= ( strptime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") | mktime | strftime("%s") ) | [(if .HttpOnly=="TRUE" then ("#HttpOnly_" + $domain) else $domain end), "TRUE", .Path, .Secure, .Expires, .Name, .Value] | @tsv' > ${COOKIE}
if [ -z "$(grep ".${AMAZON}.*at-acbde" ${COOKIE})" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: cookie retrieval with refresh_token didn't work"
exit 1
@ -569,12 +591,6 @@ if [ -z "$(grep ".${AMAZON}.*csrf" ${COOKIE})" ] ; then
https://${ALEXA}/api/devices-v2/device?cached=false > /dev/null
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.login"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.header"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.header2"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata"
rm -f "${TMP}/.alexa.postdata2"
if [ -z "$(grep ".${AMAZON}.*csrf" ${COOKIE})" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: no CSRF cookie received"
exit 1