**Q:** The script has been updated since I installed OpenVPN. How do I update?
**A:** You can't. Managing updates and new features from the script would require way too much work. Your only solution is to uninstall OpenVPN and reinstall with the updated script.
You can, of course, it's even recommended, update the `openvpn` package with your package manager.
**Q:** How do I check for DNS leaks?
**A:** Go to [dnsleaktest.com](https://dnsleaktest.com/) or [ipleak.net](https://ipleak.net/) with your browser. Only your server's IP should show up.
**Q:** What syctl and iptables changes are made by the script?
**A:** Iptables rules are saved at `/etc/iptables/add-openvpn-rules.sh` and `/etc/iptables/rm-openvpn-rules.sh`. They are managed by the service `/etc/systemd/system/iptables-openvpn.service`
Sysctl options are at `/etc/sysctl.d/20-openvpn.conf`
**A:** Add a route with the subnet of the remote network to `/etc/openvpn/server/server.conf` and restart openvpn. Example: `push "route"` if the server's LAN is ``