#!/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Replicating Data from one Zabbix server to another This script should run as a cronjob every minute or however you like. It uses flock to make sure that only one instance is running at a time, so it still works fine when it sometimes need a long time to replicate after adding hosts or connection outages. It replicates item+trigger configs and the item data from one zabbix server (the primary) to another one (the replica). It requests the config/data via the Zabbix API (so needs a user/login who has the necessary read rights etc) and writes the config also via API (needing a write user on that one), while using the Zabbix Sender Protocol for the data replication into the replica The hostnames to be replicated must be configured in a json config file, it then tries to replicate all items and triggers of it. Configuration replication is done if it was not possible to send all data successfully (thus assuming missing items on the replica as the cause). It adds a replication.timestamp item to keep track of when the replication was done successfully the last time. This script also provides a trigger for this item and makes all replicated triggers dependent on this. All replicated items are configured as "Zabbix Trapper Items" in the replica to make it possible to use the Zabbix Sender Protocol for them. """ import argparse import fcntl import json import pprint import os import sys import time from pyzabbix import ZabbixAPI from pyzabbix import ZabbixMetric from pyzabbix import ZabbixSender config_file = "/vagrant/replica/example-config.json" def get_timestamp(zbx, hostname, config): """ This method should get the timestamp of the last successful replication of the given host. It must be checked if it exists already, because if this is the first time a host shall be replicated, the host is not yet created. In that case, the timestamp is used as defined by the initial_time variable to start with data from a certain period """ now_time = int(time.time()) item = zbx.item.get(filter={ "host": hostname, "name": config["timestamp_item"]["name"]}) if len(item) == 0: # item is not yet existing, needs to be created and last time is 0 create_or_update_item(zbx, hostname, config["timestamp_item"], config) # we only want to replace hostname in the copy trigger = config["timestamp_trigger"].copy() trigger["expression"] = trigger["expression"].replace("HOSTNAME", hostname) create_or_update_trigger(zbx, hostname, trigger) last_time = now_time - config["initial_history"] else: itemid = item[0]['itemid'] history = zbx.history.get(itemids=itemid, sortorder="DESC", sortfield='clock', limit=1) if len(history) == 0: # first replication - item exists, but did never receive any data last_time = now_time - config["initial_history"] else: last_time = history[0]['value'] return last_time, now_time def send_timestamp(sender, hostname, itemname, timestamp): """ When the data was completely replicated, the timestamp of the replication is send to the Zabbix replica """ metrics = [] m = ZabbixMetric(hostname, itemname, timestamp) metrics.append(m) sender.send(metrics) def replicate_hostdata(primary, replica, sender, hostname, last_time, now_time, config): """ This method replicates all data for one host in a given timeframe. If it should not be possible to send all items, this method calls the config replication to make it possible the next time """ print "INFO: Replicating Data for " + hostname pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) try: with open(os.path.join(config["map_dir"], hostname + ".json"), "r") as f: item_map = json.loads(f.read()) except: # when no config exists for that host, create it new item_map = replicate_hostconfig(primary, replica, hostname, config) float_values = [key for key, val in item_map.items() if val["valtype"] == "0"] char_values = [key for key, val in item_map.items() if val["valtype"] == "1"] unsigned_values = [key for key, val in item_map.items() if val["valtype"] == "3"] text_values = [key for key, val in item_map.items() if val["valtype"] == "4"] metrics = [] if len(float_values) > 0: item_history = primary.history.get(itemids=float_values, time_from=last_time, time_till=now_time, history="0") for metric in item_history: m = ZabbixMetric(hostname, item_map[metric["itemid"]]['key'], metric['value'], int(metric['clock'])) metrics.append(m) if len(char_values) > 0: item_history = primary.history.get(itemids=char_values, time_from=last_time, time_till=now_time, history="1") for metric in item_history: m = ZabbixMetric(hostname, item_map[metric["itemid"]]['key'], metric['value'], int(metric['clock'])) metrics.append(m) if len(unsigned_values) > 0: item_history = primary.history.get(itemids=unsigned_values, time_from=last_time, time_till=now_time, history="3") for metric in item_history: m = ZabbixMetric(hostname, item_map[metric["itemid"]]['key'], metric['value'], int(metric['clock'])) metrics.append(m) if len(text_values) > 0: item_history = primary.history.get(itemids=text_values, time_from=last_time, time_till=now_time, history="4") for metric in item_history: m = ZabbixMetric(hostname, item_map[metric["itemid"]]['key'], metric['value'], int(metric['clock'])) metrics.append(m) response = sender.send(metrics) pp.pprint(response) if response.failed > 0: print "WARN: Replication of Data not successful" # sending of items failed # try to update the config and try to send again item_map = replicate_hostconfig(primary, replica, hostname, config) else: send_timestamp(sender, hostname, config["timestamp_item"]["name"], now_time) print "INFO: Replication of Data successful" def replicate_hostconfig(primary, replica, hostname, config): """ This method replicates item and trigger configs for the given hostname from primary to replica server. It converts all items to "Zabbix Trapper" type and additionally adds a dependency to the replication trigger to all triggers""" print "INFO: Replicating Config for " + hostname items_raw = primary.item.get(filter={"host": hostname}) items = [] item_map = {} for raw in items_raw: clean = { "key_": raw["key_"], "name": raw["name"], "type": 2, "value_type": raw["value_type"], "description": raw["description"], "history": raw["history"], "status": raw["status"], "trends": raw["trends"] } items.append(clean) item_map[raw["itemid"]] = {"key": raw["key_"], "valtype": raw["value_type"]} for item in items: create_or_update_item(replica, hostname, item, config) # replicate trigger configs triggers_raw = primary.trigger.get(filter={"host": hostname}, expandExpression=True, sortfield="triggerid", selectDependencies="extend") triggers = [] for raw in triggers_raw: clean = { "comments": raw["comments"], "description": raw["description"], "expression": raw["expression"], "priority": raw["priority"], "status": raw["status"], "type": raw["type"], "recovery_mode": raw["recovery_mode"], "recovery_expression": raw["recovery_expression"], "correlation_mode": raw["correlation_mode"], "manual_close": raw["manual_close"] } clean["dep_names"] = [config["timestamp_trigger"]["description"]] for dep in raw["dependencies"]: clean["dep_names"].append(dep["description"]) triggers.append(clean) for trigger in triggers: r = create_or_update_trigger(replica, hostname, trigger) with open(os.path.join(config["map_dir"], hostname + ".json"), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(item_map)) return item_map def create_host(replica, hostname, config): """ This method simply creates a new host on the replica server """ host = { "host": hostname, "groups": config["groups"], "interfaces": config["interfaces"] } replica.host.create(host) def create_or_update_item(replica, hostname, item, config): """ This method checks if an item already exists on the replica and either creates or updates it as it is defined on the primary """ hostid = replica.get_id("host", hostname) if hostid is None: create_host(replica, hostname, config) hostid = replica.get_id("host", hostname) item["hostid"] = hostid items_raw = replica.item.get(filter={"host": hostname, "key_": item["key_"]}) if len(items_raw) == 0: itemid = None else: itemid = items_raw[0]["itemid"] pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) if itemid is None: print "Creating: " + item["key_"] result = replica.item.create(item) else: print "Updating: " + item["key_"] item["itemid"] = itemid result = replica.item.update(item) def create_or_update_trigger(replica, hostname, trigger): """ This method checks if a trigger already exists on the replica and either creates or updates it as it is defined on the primary """ result = replica.trigger.get( filter={"host": hostname, "description": trigger["description"]}) dep_ids = [] dependencies = trigger.pop("dep_names", []) for dep in dependencies: r = replica.trigger.get(filter={"host": hostname, "description": dep}) if len(r) == 1: dep_ids.append({"triggerid": r[0]["triggerid"]}) trigger["dependencies"] = dep_ids pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) if len(result) == 1: trigger["triggerid"] = result[0]["triggerid"] print "Updating: " + trigger["description"] pp.pprint(replica.trigger.update(trigger)) else: print "Creating: " + trigger["description"] pp.pprint(replica.trigger.create(trigger)) def zabbix_login(zabbixurl, user, password): """ This method is reponsible for the login to zabbix """ zbx = ZabbixAPI(zabbixurl, user=user, password=password) return zbx def main(): # parse parameters # create zabbix communication objects parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("config_file", help="replica configuration file") parser.add_argument("-r", "--replicate-config", help=("Force a replication of the full item/trigger" "configuration from one server to another"), action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() # load config from file with open(args.config_file, "r") as f: config = json.loads(f.read()) # make sure only one instance is running per config file fh = open(os.path.realpath(__file__), 'r') try: fcntl.flock(fh, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: print "Already one instance running" os._exit(0) # get important values from config primary = zabbix_login(config["primary"]["url"], config["primary"]["user"], config["primary"]["password"]) replica = zabbix_login(config["replica"]["url"], config["replica"]["user"], config["replica"]["password"]) sender = ZabbixSender(config["replica"]["ip"], int(config["replica"]["port"])) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # explicitly perform config replication if args.replicate_config: for hostname in config["replication_hosts"]: item_map = replicate_hostconfig(primary, replica, hostname, config) pp.pprint(item_map) # perform data replication and if necessary config replication for hostname in config["replication_hosts"]: last_time, now_time = get_timestamp(replica, hostname, config) replicate_hostdata(primary, replica, sender, hostname, last_time, now_time, config) if __name__ == "__main__": main()