a72f18817d Typos
2020-04-17 11:28:38 +02:00
2020-04-17 11:28:38 +02:00
2020-04-14 14:28:17 +02:00


This is a pure bash-script for syncing a Actice-Directory Group via LDAP with a Zabbix-Group

Changelog: 2020-04-14 V1.1 => first public version


  • Pure Bash Skript for Linux
  • LDAP and LDAPS Support (ignoring SSL possible)
  • Zabbix API via http / https (ignoring SLL per default)
  • Zabbix 3.x and 4.x tested
  • Multiple config-files possible for multiple groups and multiple domains
  • Create needed users in Zabbix as User, Admin or SuperAdmin, including Email-Address as media
  • Disable users in Zabbix which are removed from Group
  • user- or group names with spaces are no problem

How to Use

1. Prepare Active Directory

  • Check if LDAP or LDAPS will be used
  • Create a special User for the LDAP Access. User need no special rights but should be Domain-User
  • Avoid special chars in username and password like äöü!?>$% and spaces
  • After creating get the distinguished name of this user. You can query the name on a doamin controller with
dsquery user -samid name_of_the_user

Output should something like


where ldapSearch is the example-user

Create one or more Active Directory Groups and add Members. Empty Groups are allowed (then all members in Zabbix will be removed from Group and disabled). I suggest Groups for

  • Zabbix Super Admin
  • Zabbix Admin
  • Zabbix User as needed. The users must be direct members, do not use nested groups. In the examples i am using the groupname Zabbix-Super-Admin

2. Install Prerequisites on Linux

Yes, i am using pure bash to avoid any prerequisites but we need a program for accessing LDAP and some other tools. All of them should be available in the standard repositories: Debian/Ubuntu

apt install ldap-utils

Red Hat/CentOs/SuSe

yum install openldap-clients

The other needed programs are


which should be already installed

3. Create Zabbix-User for API Access

It should be a non LDAP user with Frontend acccess internal (defined by Group Membership)
The User must have the User type Zabbix Super Admin for creating new users and changing group memberships.
Also avoid special chars in username and password.
In the examples i am using the username zabbixapiuser

4. Create Zabbix Target Groups

At least 2 groups are required:

Target Group for Users:
This Group must have Frontend access LDAP
and should be enabled. In the examples i am using the groupnameZabbix-Super-Admin

Target Group for Disabled Users:
The build-in Group Disabled can be used.
Or create a new group which is not enabled (remove checkox) and Frontend access Disabled
In the examples i am using the groupnameLDAP-Disabled

5. Check Zabbix LDAP-Settings

Check the Settings for LDAP:

Administration => Authentication => LDAP settings

I suggest to uncheck the Case sensitive login checkbox. The script compares the Windows SAMAccountnames and the Zabbix Alias case insensitive. With this settings, the user can log in with manfred, Manfredand MaNfReDand the sync script will find and use the existing user.

6. Clone the script

I installed the script on the Zabbix-Server in a separate folder. Login to Zabbix-Server and move to the root path of the ExternalScripts and AlertScriptsPath folder, the default path is (Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS)

cd /usr/lib/zabbix/

Clone this repository, it will create a new folder named zabbix-ldap-sync-bash:

git clone

Change to the new directory:

cd zabbix-ldap-sync-bash

Make the two *.shscripts executeable:

chmod +x *.sh

7. Configure the Script

The script zabbix-ldap-sync.shis looking for the config.shin the same folder.
Just make a copy of the


Open the file config.shwith an editor and set the needed values:

nano config .sh



Should be ldapor ldaps, use name or IP-Address of a domain controller.



If set to truethe SSL-Certificate for LDAPS will be ignored. Set to falseto validate the certificates.

LDAP_Bind_User_DN + LDAP_Bind_User_Password


The distinguished name for the user which was created in Step 1. Prepare Active Directory



The domain name or organisation unit

LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync + ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync


Change Zabbix-Super-Adminto your Active Directory-Groupname and LDAP-SuperAdminto the target Zabbix-Groupname.



Name of the Group for Disabled Users. The Group must have the Enabled checkbox unchecked or the group will not found. Every user who is removed from the group ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync becomes a member of this group. The reason is that a user must always be a member of at least one group in Zabbix.



The ZABBIX_API_URL is path to the Zabbix webinterface. Can be http:// or https://, the certificate validation will be ignored. Depending on the Zabbix installation, /api_jsonrpc.php or /zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php must be used.



Type of user if new one must created. 1 = Zabbix User 2 = Zabbix Admin 3 = Zabbix Super Admin The script will not update existing users.



1 is Email at new installations. Will be used for new created users if the mail property is not empty (Microsoft Exchange will fill theses property automatically with the sender-address). You can check the ID of the MediaType in the webinterface

Administration => Media types => click the name of the Media

At the end of the URL you see mediatypeid=1 with the needed ID

8. Test the script


You should get some output like this:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Version V1.1 (2020-04-14)) startup
Checking prerequisites ............................................... done
Searching config file ................................................ done
Reading "/usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync/" ............ done
Check all needed Settings ............................................ done
STEP 1: Getting all Members from Active Directory / LDAP Group ....... done
Query sAMAccountName, sn, givenName and primary Email-Address ........ done
Login at Zabbix API .................................................. done
STEP 2: Get Members of Zabbix-LDAP Groups ............................ checking
determine UsrGrpID of "LDAP-SuperAdmin" .............................. done
determine UsrGrpID of "LDAP-Disabled" ................................ done
determine alias and userid for Members of "LDAP-SuperAdmin" .......... done
STEP 3: Compare Groups for changes ................................... checking
Check 1: Number of Users LDAP ........................................ 4
Check 1: Number of Users Zabbix ...................................... 2
Check 1: Number of Users ............................................. not equal
STEP 4: Get all Zabbix Users with alias and userid ................... done
STEP 5: Compare LDAP user with existing Zabbix User .................. must create 1 new user
STEP 6: Create needed 1 new Zabbix-User .............................. done
STEP 7: Replace Members of Group LDAP-SuperAdmin ..................... done
STEP 8: Get List of all disabled user in Group LDAP-Disabled ......... done
STEP 9: Remove active user, add inactive user ........................ done
STEP 10: Replace Members of Group LDAP-Disabled ...................... done
STEP 11: Replace Members of Group LDAP-SuperAdmin (2. Time) .......... done
Logout Zabbix API .................................................... done

If there is an error with Login to LDAP or Zabbix an Error Message will be displayed. Check Output for more.

Advanced Debugging


./ -v

for verbose mode with a lot of Output. You will see all ldapsearch and curl calls with parameter. Passwords are hidden with Stars. If you want to see the passwords also try

./ -v -p

Possible commandline parameter

-c | -C | --config			use a specific configuration file instead
-v | -V | --verbose 		Display debugging information, include all commands
-p | -P | --ShowPassword	Show the passwords in the verbose output
-s | -S | --silent			Hide all Output except errors. Usefull with crontab

Syncing Multiple Groups

Just create a separate config file for each group combination:

  • copy the working config.shto a new name like zabbix-readonly.conf(the extension doesn't matter)

  • change the groupnames in the new file and the ZABBIX_UserType_User value

  • run the script like this

    ./ -c zabbix-readonly.conf

Do not sync different LDAP-Groups with the same Zabbix-Group! The last sync will win! Make the users only to a member of one of these groups. If the user is removed from one of the groups, the user will be disabled.

Sync automatically

Test the sync in the shell with full paths like

 /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/ -c /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/zabbix-readonly.conf

Just add the line to crontab like

 */10 * * * * /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/ -c /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/zabbix-readonly.conf -s

for syncing every 10 minutes

Update the Script to latest Version

Change to the Script folder and just type

git pull

The and the ´´ maybe overwritten with the new versions.

Shell (Bash) Script for syncing a Active Directory Group via LDAP with a Zabbix Group
Readme 393 KiB
Shell 100%