#!/bin/bash ############################################################################################################# # _____ __ _ _ _ # / ____| / _(_) | | (_) # | | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ # | | / _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ # | |___| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | # \_____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ # Configuration LDAP-Connection (Tested LDAPS with Windows Server 2019) # URL of LDAP / LDAPS Server: # LDAP: # LDAP_Source_URL="ldap://IP_or_DNS_Name_Domain_Controller" # LDAPS LDAP_Source_URL="ldaps://" # If using LDAPS you can supress the check of the ssl certificate LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate="true" # Bind user for accessing, # to get the Distinguished Name of the User run the following command on a domain controller (replace ldapsearch with your Username): # dsquery user -samid ldapSearch LDAP_Bind_User_DN="CN=ldapSearch,OU=MyUsers,DC=mydomain,DC=local" # the passwort og the user (should be marked as never changed) # Please avoid special chars which were use in bash like $`ยด'"\/<>()[]^ LDAP_Bind_User_Password="9qA3XB1r.##Xr2+7c1HP--!pq" # Searchbase - your Domain name or specify OU LDAP_SearchBase="DC=znil,DC=local" # Name of Groups in LDAP (Active-Directory) and in Zabbix for Sync with Zabbix # Will be created as User Type "Zabbix Super Admin" LDAP_Groupname_ZabbixSuperAdmin_for_Sync="Zabbix-Super-Admin" ZABBIX_Groupname_ZabbixSuperAdmin_for_Sync="LDAP-SuperAdmin" # Will be created as User Type "Zabbix Admin" LDAP_Groupname_ZabbixAdmin_for_Sync="Zabbix-Admin" ZABBIX_Groupname_ZabbixAdmin_for_Sync="LDAP-Admin" # Will be created as User Type "Zabbix User" LDAP_Groupname_ZabbixUser_for_Sync="Zabbix-User" ZABBIX_Groupname_ZabbixUser_for_Sync="LDAP-User" # When you remove an user from the LDAP-Group, the user will moved in this group which is "Not enabled" = Disabled and Frontend access is "disabled" ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group="LDAP-Disabled" # Configuration Zabbix API Connection (Tested with Zabbix 4.4) # per default ssl checks will be ignored #ZABBIX_API_URL="http://localhost/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php" ZABBIX_API_URL="http://localhost/api_jsonrpc.php" ZABBIX_API_Username="zbxapi" ZABBIX_API_Password="2015zbxapi2015" # Zabbix User type for new created Users: # 1 - (default) Zabbix user; # 2 - Zabbix admin; # 3 - Zabbix super admin. ZABBIX_Default_User_Type=1 # Zabbix Media Type Id # At new Installation: # 1 - Email # 2 - Jabber # 3 - SMS ZABBIX_MediaTypeID="1" ZABBIX_MediaTypeID="4204200000000001"