#!/bin/bash ############################################################################################################# # Script Name ...: zabbix-ldap-sync.sh # Version .......: V1.1a # Date ..........: 17.04.2020 # Description....: Synchronise Members of a Actice Directory Group with Zabbix via API # User wich are removed will be deactivated # Args ..........: # Author ........: Bernhard Linz # Email Business : Bernhard.Linz@datagroup.de # Email Private : Bernhard@znil.de ############################################################################################################# # Variables Script_Version="V1.1a (2020-04-17)" # Colors for printf and echo DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=39 RED=31 GREEN=32 YELLOW=33 BLUE=34 MAGENTA=35 CYAN=36 LIGHTRED=91 LIGHTGREEN=92 LIGHTYELLOW=93 LIGHTBLUE=94 LIGHTMAGENTA=95 LIGHTCYAN=96 ############################################################################################################# # ______ _ _ # | ____| | | (_) # | |__ _ _ _ __ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ # | __| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| # | | | |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ # |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ # ############################################################################################################# # Print_Error ### START Function ##################################################################### Print_Error () { # $1 = Message echo echo -e "+- \e[91mERROR: \e[39m------------------------------------------------------------" printf "$1" echo echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------" } # Print_Error ### END Function ##################################################################### # Print_Status_Text ### START Function ##################################################################### Print_Status_Text () { if [ "$b_silent" = "false" ]; then printf "%-.70s" "${1} ......................................................................" fi } # Print_Status_Text ### ENDE Function ##################################################################### # Print_Status_Done ### START Function ##################################################################### Print_Status_Done () { # RED = 31 # GREEN = 32 if [ "$b_silent" = "false" ]; then local status_text="${1:-done}" local status_color="${2:-32}" printf " \x1b["$status_color"m%s\e[m" "$status_text" echo fi } # Print_Status_Done ### ENDE Function ##################################################################### # Print_Verbose_Text ### START Function ##################################################################### Print_Verbose_Text () { if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf "%-.69s: %s\n" "${1} ......................................................................" "${2}" fi } # Print_Verbose_Text ### ENDE Function ##################################################################### # Check_Prerequisites ### START Function ##################################################################### Check_Prerequisites () { # $1 = name of command # $2 = name of Package for Ubuntu/Debian # $3 = name of Package for CentOS/Red Hat if ! type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo echo -e "+- \e[91mERROR: Missing Command \e[39m--------------------------------------------" echo -e "| \e[36m$1\e[39m is not installed!" echo "| try:" echo "| apt install $2" echo "| yum install $3" echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------" exit 1 fi } # Check_Prerequisites ### END Function ##################################################################### # Translate_ldapsearch_exitcode ### START Function ##################################################################### Translate_ldapsearch_exitcode () { case $1 in 0) printf "0: SUCCESS";; 1) printf "1: LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR";; 2) printf "2: LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR";; 3) printf "3: LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED";; 4) printf "4: LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED";; 7) printf "7: LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED";; 8) printf "8: LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED";; 11) printf "11: LDAP_ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED";; 13) printf "13: LDAP_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED";; 16) printf "14: LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE";; 17) printf "18: LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING";; 32) printf "32: LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT";; 34) printf "34: LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX";; 48) printf "48: LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH";; 49) printf "49: LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS";; 50) printf "50: LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS";; 51) printf "51: LDAP_BUSY";; 52) printf "52: LDAP_UNAVAILABLE";; 255) printf "255: LDAP Can't contact LDAP server";; *) printf "$1: unkown error";; esac echo " (for more details: https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/LDAP%20Result%20Codes)" } # Translate_ldapsearch_exitcode ### END Function ##################################################################### # Zabbix_Logout ### START Function ##################################################################### Zabbix_Logout () { Print_Status_Text "Logout Zabbix API" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.logout","params":[],"id":42,"'"$ZABBIX_authentication_token"'"}' printf "'" echo " $ZABBIX_API_URL" fi myJSON=$(curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.logout","params":[],"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL) if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "Answer from API: $myJSON"; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "Logout Zabbix API"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN b_Zabbix_is_logged_in="false" } # Zabbix_Logout ### START Function ################################################################################################################################################################################## # _____ _ _ # / ____| | | | # | (___ | |_ __ _ _ __| |_ _ _ _ __ # \___ \| __/ _` | '__| __| | | | '_ \ # ____) | || (_| | | | |_| |_| | |_) | # |_____/ \__\__,_|_| \__|\__,_| .__/ # | | # |_| ############################################################################################################# # Check Commandline Arguments Config_File="" b_Unknown_Parameter="false" b_showpasswords="false" b_silent="false" b_verbose="false" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do current_parameter="$1" case $current_parameter in -c|-C|--config) shift # past -c / --config Config_File="$current_parameter" shift # past value ;; -p|-P|--ShowPassword) # Passwords will be displayed in Errors and in Verbose mode b_showpasswords="true" shift # past argument ;; -s|-S|--silent) # be quiet! only errors will be displayed b_silent="true" shift # past argument ;; -v|-V|--verbose) # show some extra information b_verbose="true" shift # past argument ;; *) # Catch all other echo -e "\e[91mUnknown Parameter:\e[39m $1" # next parameter will display help and exit script after the loop b_Unknown_Parameter="true" shift # past argument ;; esac done if [ "$b_Unknown_Parameter" = "true" ]; then # ToDo: Create Help text echo "Parameter error - print help" echo "In Future here will be some helping text" exit 1 fi ############################################################################################################# # Clear Screen clear ############################################################################################################# if [ "$b_silent" = "false" ]; then echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "zabbix-ldap-sync.sh (Version $Script_Version) startup" fi ############################################################################################################# # Testing for all needed commands (normaly only ldapsearch have to be installed manualy) Print_Status_Text "Checking prerequisites" Check_Prerequisites "ldapsearch" "ldap-utils" "openldap-clients" Check_Prerequisites "curl" "curl" "curl" Check_Prerequisites "sed" "sed" "sed" Check_Prerequisites "dirname" "coreutils" "coreutils" Check_Prerequisites "readlink" "coreutils" "coreutils" Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN ############################################################################################################# # _____ _ _____ __ _ _ _ # | __ \ | | / ____| / _(_) | | (_) # | |__) |___ __ _ __| | | | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ # | _ // _ \/ _` |/ _` | | | / _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ # | | \ \ __/ (_| | (_| | | |___| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | # |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_| \_____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ Print_Status_Text "Searching config file" if [ "$Config_File" = "" ]; then # Get the current path of this running script - long solution wich is also working with symlinks This_Script_Bash_Source="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$This_Script_Bash_Source" ]; do # resolve $This_Script_Bash_Source until the file is no longer a symlink This_Script_Path="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$This_Script_Bash_Source" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" This_Script_Bash_Source="$(readlink "$This_Script_Bash_Source")" [[ $This_Script_Bash_Source != /* ]] && This_Script_Bash_Source="$This_Script_Path/$This_Script_Bash_Source" # if $This_Script_Bash_Source was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done This_Script_Path="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$This_Script_Bash_Source" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" # Special case for programming - my own config file, excluded from .git if test -f "$This_Script_Path/config-znil.sh"; then Config_File="$This_Script_Path/config-znil.sh" else Config_File="$This_Script_Path/config.sh" fi fi # Normal test for the file now if ! test -f "$Config_File"; then Print_Status_Done "Error" $RED Print_Error "$Config_File not found" exit 1 else Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN fi # File exist, read it now Print_Status_Text 'Reading "'$Config_File'"' source $Config_File Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN Print_Status_Text "Check all needed Settings" # if [ -z ${var+x} ]; then echo "var is unset"; else echo "var is set to '$var'"; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${LDAP_Source_URL+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Source_URL" "${LDAP_Source_URL}"; else Print_Error "Missing LDAP_Source_URL"; fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate" "${LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate}" else LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate="true" Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate (using Default Value)" "${LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate}" fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${LDAP_Bind_User_DN+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Bind_User_DN" "${LDAP_Bind_User_DN}"; else Print_Error "Missing LDAP_Bind_User_DN"; fi #################################################################################################### if [ -z ${LDAP_Bind_User_Password+x} ]; then Print_Error "Missing LDAP_Bind_User_Password" else if [ "$b_showpasswords" = "true" ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Bind_User_Password" "${LDAP_Bind_User_Password}"; else Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Bind_User_Password" "${LDAP_Bind_User_Password:0:3}***************" fi fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${LDAP_SearchBase+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_SearchBase" "${LDAP_SearchBase}"; else Print_Error "Missing LDAP_SearchBase"; fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" "${LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync}" else LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync="skip" Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" "skip sync" fi if [ "$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" = "skip" ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" "skip sync"; fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" "${ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync}" else ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync="skip" Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" "skip sync" fi if [ "$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" = "skip" ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" "skip sync"; fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" "${ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group}" else ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group="Disabled" Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group (using Default Value)" "${ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group}" fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${ZABBIX_API_URL+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_API_URL" "${ZABBIX_API_URL}"; else Print_Error "Missing ZABBIX_API_URL"; fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${ZABBIX_API_User+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_API_User" "${ZABBIX_API_User}"; else Print_Error "Missing ZABBIX_API_User"; fi #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### if [ -z ${ZABBIX_API_Password+x} ]; then Print_Error "Missing ZABBIX_API_Password" else if [ "$b_showpasswords" = "true" ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_API_Password" "${ZABBIX_API_Password}"; else Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_API_Password" "${ZABBIX_API_Password:0:3}***************"; fi fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${ZABBIX_UserType_User+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_UserType_User" "${ZABBIX_UserType_User}" else ZABBIX_UserType_User=1 Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_UserType_User (using Default Value)" "${ZABBIX_UserType_User}" fi #################################################################################################### if ! [ -z ${ZABBIX_MediaTypeID+x} ]; then Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_MediaTypeID" "${ZABBIX_MediaTypeID}" else ZABBIX_MediaTypeID=1 Print_Verbose_Text "ZABBIX_MediaTypeID (using Default Value)" "${ZABBIX_MediaTypeID}" fi #################################################################################################### if [ "$b_verbose" = "false" ]; then Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN else Print_Status_Text "Check all needed Settings" Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN fi ############################################################################################################# # ____ _ _____ _____ # / __ \ | | | __ \ /\ | __ \ # | | | |_ _ ___ _ __ _ _ | | | | | | / \ | |__) | # | | | | | | |/ _ \ '__| | | | | | | | | |/ /\ \ | ___/ # | |__| | |_| | __/ | | |_| | | |____| |__| / ____ \| | # \___\_\\__,_|\___|_| \__, | |______|_____/_/ \_\_| # __/ | # |___/ # declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW # Raw Data from ldapsearch declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN # Distinguished names extracted from LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW Print_Status_Text "STEP 1: Getting all Members from Active Directory / LDAP Group" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo echo "STEP 1: Getting all Members from Active Directory / LDAP Group" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Group Name SuperAdmin : $LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" echo "LDAP Server ..........: $LDAP_Source_URL" echo "LDAP User ............: $LDAP_Bind_User_DN" echo "LDAP Search Base .....: $LDAP_SearchBase" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "running ldapsearch:" fi if [ LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate = "false" ]; then # normal ldapsearch call if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then if [ "$b_showpasswords" = "true" ]; then echo 'ldapsearch -x -H '$LDAP_Source_URL' -D "'$LDAP_Bind_User_DN'" -w "'$LDAP_Bind_User_Password'" -b "'$LDAP_SearchBase'" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn="'$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync'"))"' else echo 'ldapsearch -x -H '$LDAP_Source_URL' -D "'$LDAP_Bind_User_DN'" -w "***********" -b "'$LDAP_SearchBase'" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn="'$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync'"))"' fi fi # yes, ldapsearch is called twice - first time without grep to catch the exitcode, 2. time to catch the content tempvar=`ldapsearch -x -H $LDAP_Source_URL -D "$LDAP_Bind_User_DN" -w "$LDAP_Bind_User_Password" -b "$LDAP_SearchBase" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync))" o member` ldapsearch_exitcode="$?" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "ldapsearch_exitcode: $ldapsearch_exitcode"; fi tempvar=`ldapsearch -x -H $LDAP_Source_URL -D "$LDAP_Bind_User_DN" -w "$LDAP_Bind_User_Password" -b "$LDAP_SearchBase" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync))" o member | grep member:` else # ignore SSL ldapsearch if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then if [ "$b_showpasswords" = "true" ]; then echo 'LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -x -H '$LDAP_Source_URL' -D "'$LDAP_Bind_User_DN'" -w "'$LDAP_Bind_User_Password'" -b "'$LDAP_SearchBase'" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn='$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync'))" o member' else echo 'LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -x -H '$LDAP_Source_URL' -D "'$LDAP_Bind_User_DN'" -w "***********" -b "'$LDAP_SearchBase'" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn='$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync'))" o member' fi fi # yes, ldapsearch is called twice - first time without grep to catch the exitcode, 2. time to catch the content tempvar=`LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -x -H $LDAP_Source_URL -D "$LDAP_Bind_User_DN" -w "$LDAP_Bind_User_Password" -b "$LDAP_SearchBase" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync))" o member` ldapsearch_exitcode="$?" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "ldapsearch_exitcode: $ldapsearch_exitcode"; fi tempvar=`LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -x -H $LDAP_Source_URL -D "$LDAP_Bind_User_DN" -w "$LDAP_Bind_User_Password" -b "$LDAP_SearchBase" "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=$LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync))" o member | grep member:` fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo 'Result ldapsearch (with "grep member:" : '"$tempvar" echo "Exitcode ldapsearch: $(Translate_ldapsearch_exitcode $ldapsearch_exitcode)" fi # only continue if ldapsearch was succesfull if [ "$ldapsearch_exitcode" -eq 0 ];then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW=($tempvar) # Split the raw output into an array LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN=() for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[*]}; i++ )); do # Search for the word "member:" in Array - the next value is the DN of a Member if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$i]:0:7}" = "member:" ]; then i=$(($i + 1)) LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN+=("${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$i]}") # add new Item to the end of the array else # Ok, no "member:" found and the Item was not skipped by i=i+1 - must still belong to the previous Item, which was separated by a space last_item_of_array=${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[*]} # get the Number of Items in the array last_item_of_array=$(($last_item_of_array - 1)) # get the Index of the last one (0 is the first index but the number of Items would be 1) LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[$last_item_of_array]+=" ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$i]}" # without ( ) -> replace the Item-Value, add no new Item to the array fi done else Print_Error "Exitcode ldapsearch not zero: $(Translate_ldapsearch_exitcode $ldapsearch_exitcode)\nTry -v -p and test command by hand" exit 1 fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 1: Getting all Members from Active Directory / LDAP Group"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo 'Got "Distinguished Name" for '${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[*]}' members:' for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[*]}; i++ )); do echo "$i: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[$i]}" done echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" fi # Needed additional arrays declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName=() LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname=() LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname=() LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email=() # Only catch the rest if there members in the group if [ "${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[*]}" -gt 0 ]; then Print_Status_Text "Query sAMAccountName, sn, givenName and primary Email-Address" # Maybe a User have no Surname, Givenname and/or Email - but the will be always a sAMAccountName # the checks are used for testing this. Set to false for the first run of the loop b_check_sAMAccountName="false" b_check_Surname="false" b_check_Givenname="false" b_check_Email="false" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[*]}; i++ )); do # When the Loop start again we have to for all values. All arrays-size must be equal! # First run of loop will be skipped because b_check_sAMAccountName is false if [ "$b_check_sAMAccountName" = "true" ]; then if [ "$b_check_Surname" = "false" ]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname+=(" - ") fi if [ "$b_check_Givenname" = "false" ]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname+=(" - ") fi if [ "$b_check_Email" = "false" ]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email+=(" - ") fi fi if [ LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate = "false" ]; then # sed replace all ": " and "new line" to "|" tempvar=`ldapsearch -x -H $LDAP_Source_URL -D "$LDAP_Bind_User_DN" -w "$LDAP_Bind_User_Password" -b "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[$i]}" o sAMAccountName o sn o givenName o mail | grep "^sn: \|^givenName: \|^sAMAccountName: \|^mail:" | sed 's/$/|/' | sed 's/: /|/'` else # sed replace all ": " and "new line" to "|" tempvar=`LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -x -H $LDAP_Source_URL -D "$LDAP_Bind_User_DN" -w "$LDAP_Bind_User_Password" -b "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_DN[$i]}" o sAMAccountName o sn o givenName o mail | grep "^sn: \|^givenName: \|^sAMAccountName: \|^mail:" | sed 's/$/|/' | sed 's/: /|/'` fi # Remove all "New Line" (yes, again,) but keep all Spaces tempvar=$(echo "|${tempvar//[$'\t\r\n']}|") IFS=$'|' # | is set as delimiter LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter b_check_sAMAccountName="false" b_check_Surname="false" b_check_Givenname="false" b_check_Email="false" for (( k=0; k < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[*]}; k++ )); do # Check sAMAccountName if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" = "sAMAccountName" ]; then k=$(($k + 1)) # echo "add SAM: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName+=("${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}") b_check_sAMAccountName="true" fi if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" = "sn" ]; then k=$(($k + 1)) # echo "add SN: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname+=("${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}") b_check_Surname="true" fi if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" = "givenName" ]; then k=$(($k + 1)) # echo "add givenName: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname+=("${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}") b_check_Givenname="true" fi if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" = "mail" ]; then k=$(($k + 1)) # echo "add Email: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}" LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email+=("${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW[$k]}") b_check_Email="true" fi done done # If only one user is in group and some Values are missing ... we need a special treatment for this: if [ "$b_check_sAMAccountName" = "true" ]; then if [ "$b_check_Surname" = "false" ]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname+=(" - ") fi if [ "$b_check_Givenname" = "false" ]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname+=(" - ") fi if [ "$b_check_Email" = "false" ]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email+=(" - ") fi fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN fi unset LDAP_ARRAY_Members_RAW if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Result from STEP 1: Getting all Members from Active Directory / LDAP Group $LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------" printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s" "No." "sAMAccountName" "Surname" "Givenname" "Email" printf "\n" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s" "$i" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email[$i]}" printf "\n" done echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo fi ############################################################################################################# # ______ _ _ _ _ _ # |___ / | | | | (_) | | (_) # / / __ _| |__ | |__ ___ __ | | ___ __ _ _ _ __ # / / / _` | '_ \| '_ \| \ \/ / | | / _ \ / _` | | '_ \ # / /_| (_| | |_) | |_) | |> < | |___| (_) | (_| | | | | | # /_____\__,_|_.__/|_.__/|_/_/\_\ |______\___/ \__, |_|_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ # Login Zabbix API and catch the authentication token b_Zabbix_is_logged_in="false" Print_Status_Text "Login at Zabbix API" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" if [ "$b_showpasswords" = "true" ]; then printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.login","params":{"user":"'$ZABBIX_API_User'","password":"'$ZABBIX_API_Password'"},"id":42}' else printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.login","params":{"user":"'$ZABBIX_API_User'","password":"********"},"id":42}' fi printf "'" echo " $ZABBIX_API_URL" fi ZABBIX_authentication_token=$(curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.login","params":{"user":"'$ZABBIX_API_User'","password":"'$ZABBIX_API_Password'"},"id":42}' $ZABBIX_API_URL | cut -d'"' -f8) Print_Verbose_Text "Authentification token" "$ZABBIX_authentication_token" if [ "${#ZABBIX_authentication_token}" -ne 32 ]; then # Token must have 32 Chars - something went wrong Print_Status_Done "failed" $RED Print_Error "Login Zabbix API failed\nTry -v -p and test command by hand" exit 1 else b_Zabbix_is_logged_in="true" fi Print_Verbose_Text "b_Zabbix_is_logged_in" "$b_Zabbix_is_logged_in" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "Login at Zabbix API" fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN ############################################################################################################# # ____ ______ _ _ _ _____ # / __ \ |___ / | | | | (_) / ____| # | | | |_ _ ___ _ __ _ _ / / __ _| |__ | |__ ___ __ | | __ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ # | | | | | | |/ _ \ '__| | | | / / / _` | '_ \| '_ \| \ \/ / | | |_ | '__/ _ \| | | | '_ \ # | |__| | |_| | __/ | | |_| | / /_| (_| | |_) | |_) | |> < | |__| | | | (_) | |_| | |_) | # \___\_\\__,_|\___|_| \__, | /_____\__,_|_.__/|_.__/|_/_/\_\ \_____|_| \___/ \__,_| .__/ # __/ | | | # |___/ |_| # Get UserGrpIds and Members of existing LDAP-User Group in Zabbix Print_Status_Text "STEP 2: Get Members of Zabbix-LDAP Groups" Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo echo "STEP 2: Get Members of Zabbix-LDAP Group" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Zabbix LDAP Group Name .........: $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" echo "Zabbix Disabled User Group Name : $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" echo "Zabbix API URL .................: $ZABBIX_API_User" echo "Zabbix API User ................: $LDAP_Bind_User_DN" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" fi ############################################################################################################# # Get UsrGrpIds Print_Status_Text 'determine UsrGrpID of "'$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync'"' if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"usergroup.get","params":{"filter":{"name":"'$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync'"},"output":"extend","status":0},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' printf "'" printf " $ZABBIX_API_URL" fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"usergroup.get","params":{"filter":{"name":"'$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync'"},"output":"extend","status":0},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar; fi # The answer is an JSON - we split by the " into an array and search for the wanted values IFS='"' # " is set as delimiter ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[*]}; i++ )); do #echo "Wert $i: ${ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[$i]}" if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[$i]}" = "usrgrpid" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId="${ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[$i]}" # i=${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[*]} break fi done Print_Verbose_Text "$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" "$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text 'determine UsrGrpID of "'$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync'"'; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN tempvar="" Print_Status_Text 'determine UsrGrpID of "'$ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group'"' if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"usergroup.get","params":{"filter":{"name":"'$ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group'"},"output":"extend","status":1},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar; fi IFS='"' # " is set as delimiter ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[*]}; i++ )); do if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[$i]}" = "usrgrpid" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_Disabled_Group_UsrGrpId="${ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW[$i]}" break fi done Print_Verbose_Text "$ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" "$ZABBIX_Disabled_Group_UsrGrpId" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text 'determine UsrGrpID of "'$ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group'"'; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN tempvar="" unset ZABBIX_ARRAY_usrgrpid_RAW ############################################################################################################# # Get alias and userid of the Zabbix Group Members Print_Status_Text 'determine alias and userid for Members of "'$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync'"' if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias=() ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid=() if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.get","params":{"usrgrpids":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'","output":["alias","userid"]},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' printf "'" printf " $ZABBIX_API_URL" fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.get","params":{"usrgrpids":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'","output":["alias","userid"]},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar; fi IFS='"' # " is set as delimiter ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[*]}; i++ )); do #echo "Wert $i: ${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}" # Wir gehen davon aus das UserId und Alias immer - in beliebiger Reihenfolge - hintereinander kommen, der Index der beiden Arrays sollte also zueinander passen if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}" = "userid" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}") Print_Verbose_Text "Found UserId" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}" #printf "." fi if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}" = "alias" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}") Print_Verbose_Text "Found Alias" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW[$i]}" #printf "." fi done if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text 'determine alias and userid for Members of "'$ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync'"'; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN unset ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_RAW if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Result from STEP 2: Get Members of Zabbix-LDAP Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------" printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s" "No." "Alias" "UserId" " " " " printf "\n" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------" for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias[*]}; i++ )); do printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s" "$i" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias[$i]}" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid[$i]}" " " " " printf "\n" done echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo fi ############################################################################################################# # _____ _____ # / ____| / ____| # | | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ | | __ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ # | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | '__/ _ \ | | |_ | '__/ _ \| | | | '_ \/ __| # | |___| (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_| | | | __/ | |__| | | | (_) | |_| | |_) \__ \ # \_____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|_| \___| \_____|_| \___/ \__,_| .__/|___/ # | | | | # |_| |_| Print_Status_Text "STEP 3: Compare Groups for changes" Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo echo "STEP 3: Compare Groups for changes" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "AD / LDAP Group Name ...........: $LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync" echo "Zabbix LDAP Group Name .........: $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" fi b_Must_Sync_Users="false" # Check 1: Print_Status_Text "Check 1: Number of Users LDAP" Print_Status_Done "${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}" $DEFAULT_FOREGROUND Print_Status_Text "Check 1: Number of Users Zabbix" Print_Status_Done "${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias[*]}" $DEFAULT_FOREGROUND Print_Status_Text "Check 1: Number of Users" if [ "${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}" -eq "${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias[*]}" ]; then Print_Status_Done "equal" $GREEN else Print_Status_Done "not equal" $RED b_Must_Sync_Users="true" fi # Check 2: if [ "$b_Must_Sync_Users" = "false" ]; then # make Compare case insensitive, save original settings orig_nocasematch=$(shopt -p nocasematch) shopt -s nocasematch Print_Status_Text "Check 2: Compare Active Directory sAMAccountName with Zabbix Alias" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi # Check every sAMAccountName and find a alias for it for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do b_alias_was_found="false" for (( k=0; k < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias[*]}; k++ )); do if [[ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" == "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_alias[$k]}" ]]; then # printf "." Print_Verbose_Text "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "found" b_alias_was_found="true" # if user have found the loop can be finished break fi done if [ "$b_alias_was_found" = "false" ]; then b_Must_Sync_Users="true" Print_Verbose_Text "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "not found" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "Check 2: Compare Active Directory sAMAccountName with Zabbix Alias"; fi Print_Status_Done "mismatch" $RED # one user was not found, we can exit the test, we must sync break fi done # restore original case sensitive/insenstive settings $orig_nocasematch if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "Check 2: Compare Active Directory sAMAccountName with Zabbix Alias"; fi if [ "$b_Must_Sync_Users" = "false" ]; then Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN; fi fi ############################################################################################################# # _____ _ _ _ # / ____| | | (_) (_) # | (___ _ _ _ __ ___| |__ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _____ _ __ __ _ # \___ \| | | | '_ \ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ \| |_ / | '_ \ / _` | # ____) | |_| | | | | (__| | | | | | (_) | | | | |/ /| | | | | (_| | # |_____/ \__, |_| |_|\___|_| |_|_| \___/|_| |_|_/___|_|_| |_|\__, | # __/ | __/ | # |___/ |___/ if [ "$b_Must_Sync_Users" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 4: Get all Zabbix Users with alias and userid" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 4: Get all Zabbix Users with alias and userid" fi # get a List of all Zabbix Users to get the possible UserIds of new Users tempvar="" declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_userid declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias=() ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_userid=() if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.get","params":{"output":["alias","userid"]},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' printf "'" echo $ZABBIX_API_URL fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.get","params":{"output":["alias","userid"]},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar fi IFS='"' # " is set as delimiter ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW[*]}; i++ )); do # We assume that the UserId and Alias always come one after the other in any order, so the index of the two arrays should match if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW[$i]}" = "userid" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_userid+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW[$i]}") fi if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW[$i]}" = "alias" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW[$i]}") fi done unset ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_RAW if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 4: Get all Zabbix Users with alias and userid"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Result from STEP 4: Get all Zabbix Users with alias and userid" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------" printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s" "No." "Alias" "UserId" " " " " printf "\n" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------" for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias[*]}; i++ )); do printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s" "$i" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias[$i]}" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_userid[$i]}" " " " " printf "\n" done echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi Print_Status_Text "STEP 5: Compare LDAP user with existing Zabbix User" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 5: Compare LDAP user with existing Zabbix User" fi # additional Array for Zabbix-UserId declare -a LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId=() # Merker ob wir neue Benutzer anlegen müssen b_have_to_create_new_user="false" # Compare LDAP-User with Zabbix-User # make Compare case insensitive, save original settings orig_nocasematch=$(shopt -p nocasematch) shopt -s nocasematch i_CounterNewUsers=0 for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do b_we_have_a_winner="false" for (( k=0; k < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias[*]}; k++ )); do if [[ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" == "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias[$k]}" ]]; then LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_userid[$k]}") Print_Verbose_Text "Found existing User: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_AllUser_alias[$k]}" b_we_have_a_winner="true" break fi done # User was found? if [ "$b_we_have_a_winner" = "false" ]; then # User was not found - but we need an array item to have all array index identical and matched to each other # also mark this User to have to be created LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId+=("create-user") Print_Verbose_Text "No Zabbix user found: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "will be created" b_have_to_create_new_user="true" i_CounterNewUsers=$(($i_CounterNewUsers + 1)) fi done # restore original case sensitive/insenstive settings $orig_nocasematch if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 5: Compare LDAP user with existing Zabbix User"; fi if [ "$b_have_to_create_new_user" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "must create $i_CounterNewUsers new user" $RED else Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Result from STEP 5: Compare LDAP user with existing Zabbix User" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+-----------------" printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-24s | %-20s" "No." "sAMAccountName" "Surname" "Givenname" "Zabbix-UserId" "Email-Address" printf "\n" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+-----------------" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-24s | %-20s" "$i" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email[$i]}" printf "\n" done echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi ############################################################################################################# if [ "$b_have_to_create_new_user" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 6: Create needed $i_CounterNewUsers new Zabbix-User" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 6: Create needed $i_CounterNewUsers new Zabbix-User" fi declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_New_User_RAW # Search for all User with UserId "create-user" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]}" = "create-user" ]; then # printf "Create new user ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]} ... " tempSAM='"'"${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}"'"' # Check the things we have create_combination="" if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname[$i]}" != " - " ]; then create_combination+="X" tempSURNAME='"'"${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname[$i]}"'"' Print_Verbose_Text "tempSURNAME" "$tempSURNAME" else create_combination+="O" fi if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname[$i]}" != " - " ]; then create_combination+="X" tempNAME='"'"${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname[$i]}"'"' Print_Verbose_Text "tempNAME" "$tempNAME" else create_combination+="O" fi if [ "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email[$i]}" != " - " ]; then create_combination+="X" tempEmail='"'"${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email[$i]}"'"' Print_Verbose_Text "tempEmail" "$tempEmail" else create_combination+="O" fi Print_Verbose_Text "Create Combination" "$create_combination" # create_combination should be OOO, OOX, OXO, OXX, XOO, XOX, XXO or XXX tempvar="" case "$create_combination" in "OOO") # No Surname, Givenname or Email tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "OOX") # Email, but no Surname or Givenname tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"user_medias":[{"mediatypeid": "'$ZABBIX_MediaTypeID'","sendto":['"$tempEmail"']}],"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "OXO") # Givenname, but no Surname or Email tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"name":'"$tempNAME"',"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "OXX") # Givenname and Email, no Surname tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"user_medias":[{"mediatypeid": "'$ZABBIX_MediaTypeID'","sendto":['"$tempEmail"']}],"name":'"$tempNAME"',"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "XOO") # Surname, but no Givenname or Email tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"surname":'"$tempSURNAME"',"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "XOX") # Surname and Email, but no Givenname tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"surname":'"$tempSURNAME"',"user_medias":[{"mediatypeid": "'$ZABBIX_MediaTypeID'","sendto":['"$tempEmail"']}],"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "XXO") # Surname and Givenname, but no Email tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"name":'"$tempNAME"',"surname":'"$tempSURNAME"',"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; "XXX") # Surname, Givenname and Email tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.create","params":{"alias":'"$tempSAM"',"name":'"$tempNAME"',"surname":'"$tempSURNAME"',"user_medias":[{"mediatypeid": "'$ZABBIX_MediaTypeID'","sendto":['"$tempEmail"']}],"usrgrps":[{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'"}],"type":'$ZABBIX_UserType_User'},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` ;; esac if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "$tempvar"; fi # Catch the new UserId from the answer IFS='"' # " is set as delimiter ZABBIX_ARRAY_New_User_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter for (( k=0; k < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_New_User_RAW[*]}; k++ )); do if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_New_User_RAW[$k]}" = "userids" ]; then k=$(($k + 2)) LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]="${ZABBIX_ARRAY_New_User_RAW[$k]}" fi done Print_Verbose_Text "Created: ${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]" fi done if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 6: Create needed $i_CounterNewUsers new Zabbix-User"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Result from STEP 6: Create needed new Zabbix-User" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+-----------------" printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-24s | %-20s" "No." "sAMAccountName" "Surname" "Givenname" "Zabbix-UserId" "Email-Address" printf "\n" echo "----+----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+-----------------" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do printf "%-3s | %-20s | %-20s | %-20s | %-24s | %-20s" "$i" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Surname[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Givenname[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]}" "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_Email[$i]}" printf "\n" done echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi else Print_Status_Text "STEP 6: Create needed $i_CounterNewUsers new Zabbix-User" Print_Status_Done "skipped" $GREEN fi ############################################################################################################# Print_Status_Text "STEP 7: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 7: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync" fi tempvar="" list_of_userids="" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do list_of_userids+='"'${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]}'"' list_of_userids+="," done # maybe the list is empty! So we have to check if [ "$list_of_userids" != "" ]; then list_of_userids=${list_of_userids::-1}; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf "Update Zabbix Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync via API (Replace)"; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"usergroup.update","params":{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'","userids":['$list_of_userids']},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' printf "' " echo $ZABBIX_API_URL fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"usergroup.update","params":{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'","userids":['$list_of_userids']},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 7: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN ############################################################################################################# # 1. get a List of all User in the "Disabled User" group # 2. Remove all active user from this List # 3. Add all user wich was removed from LDAP-Group but was in the Zabbix-LDAP-Group found # 4. Update Members of Group "Disabled User" via Zabbix API Print_Status_Text "STEP 8: Get List of all disabled user in Group $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 8: Get List of all disabled user in Group $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" fi # 1. get a List of all User in the "Disabled User" group declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid declare -a ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_RAW ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid=() if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.get","params":{"usrgrpids":"'$ZABBIX_Disabled_Group_UsrGrpId'","output":["userid"],"status":1},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' printf "'" echo $ZABBIX_API_URL fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"user.get","params":{"usrgrpids":"'$ZABBIX_Disabled_Group_UsrGrpId'","output":["userid"],"status":1},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar; fi IFS='"' # " is set as delimiter ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_RAW=($tempvar) IFS=' ' # space is set as delimiter for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_RAW[*]}; i++ )); do if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_RAW[$i]}" = "userid" ]; then i=$(($i + 2)) ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_RAW[$i]}") fi done unset ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_RAW if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 8: Get List of all disabled user in Group $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN Print_Status_Text "STEP 9: Remove active user, add inactive user" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 9: Remove active user, add inactive user" fi # 2. Remove all active user from this List # 3. Add all user wich was removed from LDAP-Group but was in the Zabbix-LDAP-Group found declare -a new_ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid new_ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid=() if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "Removing active Users from List"; fi for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid[*]}; i++ )); do b_skip_this_user="false" for (( k=0; k < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[*]}; k++ )); do if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid[$i]}" = "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$k]}" ]; then b_skip_this_user="true" fi done if [ "$b_skip_this_user" = "false" ]; then new_ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid[$i]}") fi done if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "Adding inactive Users"; fi for (( i=0; i < ${#ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid[*]}; i++ )); do b_skip_this_user="false" for (( k=0; k < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[*]}; k++ )); do if [ "${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid[$i]}" = "${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$k]}" ]; then b_skip_this_user="true" fi done if [ "$b_skip_this_user" = "false" ]; then new_ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid+=("${ZABBIX_ARRAY_LDAP_GroupMember_userid[$i]}") fi done if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 9: Remove active user, add inactive user"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN Print_Status_Text "STEP 10: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 10: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group" fi tempvar="" # maybe the list is empty! So we have to check if [ "$list_of_userids" != "" ]; then list_of_userids=${list_of_userids::-1}; fi for (( i=0; i < ${#new_ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid[*]}; i++ )); do list_of_userids+='"'${new_ZABBIX_ARRAY_disabled_User_userid[$i]}'"' list_of_userids+="," done list_of_userids=${list_of_userids::-1} if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then printf 'curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d ' printf "'" printf '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"usergroup.update","params":{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_Disabled_Group_UsrGrpId'","userids":['$list_of_userids']},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' printf "' " echo $ZABBIX_API_URL fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"usergroup.update","params":{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_Disabled_Group_UsrGrpId'","userids":['$list_of_userids']},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo $tempvar; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 10: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN ############################################################################################################# Print_Status_Text "STEP 11: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync (2. Time)" if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Done "checking" $LIGHTCYAN; fi if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "STEP 11: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync (2. Time)" fi # we have to do this twice if we move user between enabled and disabled and they are only in the Zabbix-LDAP-Group - they must be in one Group!" # If a user is a now a member of the deactivated user group we can now remove the user from the Zabbix-LDAP-Group tempvar="" list_of_userids="" for (( i=0; i < ${#LDAP_ARRAY_Members_sAMAccountName[*]}; i++ )); do list_of_userids+='"'${LDAP_ARRAY_Members_UserId[$i]}'"' list_of_userids+="," done # maybe the list is empty! So we have to check if [ "$list_of_userids" != "" ]; then list_of_userids=${list_of_userids::-1}; fi tempvar=`curl -k -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"usergroup.update","params":{"usrgrpid":"'$ZABBIX_LDAP_Group_UsrGrpId'","userids":['$list_of_userids']},"id":42,"auth":"'$ZABBIX_authentication_token'"}' $ZABBIX_API_URL` if [ "$b_verbose" = "true" ]; then Print_Status_Text "STEP 11: Replace Members of Group $ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync (2. Time)"; fi Print_Status_Done "done" $GREEN else Print_Status_Text "STEP 3: Compare Groups for changes" Print_Status_Done "no changes" $GREEN fi ############################################################################################################# # ______ _ _ _ _ _ # |___ / | | | | (_) | | | | # / / __ _| |__ | |__ ___ __ | | ___ __ _ ___ _ _| |_ # / / / _` | '_ \| '_ \| \ \/ / | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \| | | | __| # / /_| (_| | |_) | |_) | |> < | |___| (_) | (_| | (_) | |_| | |_ # /_____\__,_|_.__/|_.__/|_/_/\_\ |______\___/ \__, |\___/ \__,_|\__| # __/ | # |___/ # Logout before exit if [ "$b_Zabbix_is_logged_in" = "true" ]; then Zabbix_Logout fi ############################################################################################################# exit 0