# zabbix-ldap-sync-bash This is a pure bash-script for syncing a Actice-Directory Group via LDAP with a Zabbix-Group **Changelog:**
- 2020-04-14 **V1.1** => first public version - 2020-04-17 **V1.1a** => Replace hard coded $2 with push-solution - 2020-05-05 **V1.1b** => add ldapsearch parameter `-o ldif-wrap=no` to prevent line breaks after 79 chars - 2020-08-06 **V1.1c** => add more debbuging for -v when a new user is created (show the full curl command) - 2021-01-10 **V1.2** => add support for Zabbix 5.2 or higher (breaking changes in API) with API-Version check bultin - 2021-02-06 **v1.3.1** => fixed error when user moved to disabled group
## Features - Pure Bash Skript for Linux - LDAP and LDAPS Support (ignoring SSL possible) - Zabbix API via http / https (ignoring SLL per default) - Zabbix 3.x, 4.x and 5.x tested (new User Roles since Version 5.2 are supported) - Multiple config-files possible for multiple groups and multiple domains - Create needed users in Zabbix including Email-Address as media - up to Zabbix 5.0.x as User, Admin or SuperAdmin - from Zabbix 5.2.x using the User Role (roleid) - Disable users in Zabbix which are removed from Group - user- or group names with spaces are no problem - verbose mode for debugging including curl commands ## How to Use ### 1. Prepare Active Directory - Check if LDAP or LDAPS will be used - Create a special User for the LDAP Access. User need no special rights but should be Domain-User - Avoid special chars in username and password like `äöü!?>$%` and spaces - After creating get the ***distinguished name*** of this user. You can query the name on a domain controller with
``` dsquery user -samid name_of_the_user ``` Output should something like CN=ldapSearch,OU=MyUsers,DC=exampledomain,DC=local where ***ldapSearch*** is the example-user

Create one or more Active Directory Groups and add Members. Empty Groups are allowed (then all members in Zabbix will be removed from Group and disabled). I suggest Groups for - Zabbix Super Admin - Zabbix Admin - Zabbix User
as needed. The users must be direct members, do not use nested groups.
In the examples i am using the groupname `Zabbix-Super-Admin`
### 2. Install Prerequisites on Linux Yes, i am using pure bash to avoid any prerequisites but we need a program for accessing LDAP and some other tools. All of them should be available in the standard repositories:
**Debian/Ubuntu** apt install ldap-utils **Red Hat/CentOs/SuSe** yum install openldap-clients The other needed programs are curl sed dirname readlink which should be already installed ### 3. Create Zabbix-User for API Access It should be a non LDAP user with **Frontend acccess** `internal` (defined by Group Membership)
The User must have the **User type** `Zabbix Super Admin` for creating new users and changing group memberships.
Also avoid special chars in username and password.
In the examples i am using the username `zabbixapiuser`
### 4. Create Zabbix Target Groups At least 2 groups are required:

**Target Group for Users:**
This Group must have **Frontend access** `LDAP`
and should be enabled. In the examples i am using the groupname `Zabbix-Super-Admin`

**Target Group for Disabled Users:**
The build-in Group **Disabled** can be used.
Or create a new group which is **not** enabled (remove checkox) and **Frontend access** `Disabled`
In the examples i am using the groupname`LDAP-Disabled`

### 5. Check Zabbix LDAP-Settings Check the Settings for LDAP: Administration => Authentication => LDAP settings I suggest to uncheck the **Case sensitive login** checkbox. The script compares the Windows `SAMAccountnames` and the Zabbix `Alias` case insensitive. With this settings, the user can log in with `manfred`, `Manfred`and `MaNfReD`and the sync script will find and use the existing user. ### 6. Clone the script I installed the script on the Zabbix-Server in a separate folder. Login to Zabbix-Server and move to the root path of the `ExternalScripts` and `AlertScriptsPath` folder, the default path is (Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS) cd /usr/lib/zabbix/ Clone this repository, it will create a new folder named `zabbix-ldap-sync-bash`: git clone https://github.com/BernhardLinz/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash.git Change to the new directory: cd zabbix-ldap-sync-bash Make the two `*.sh`scripts executeable: chmod +x *.sh ### 7. Configure the Script The script `zabbix-ldap-sync.sh`is looking for the `config.sh`in the same folder (if no config-file is specified).
Just make a copy of the `config-example.sh`
cp config-example.sh config.sh Open the file `config.sh`with an editor and set the needed values: nano config .sh #### LDAP_Source_URL LDAP_Source_URL="ldaps://" Should be `ldap`or `ldaps`, use name or IP-Address of a domain controller. #### LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate LDAP_Ignore_SSL_Certificate="true" If set to `true`the SSL-Certificate for LDAPS will be ignored. Set to `false`to validate the certificates. #### LDAP_Bind_User_DN + LDAP_Bind_User_Password LDAP_Bind_User_DN="CN=ldapSearch,OU=MyUsers,DC=exampledomain,DC=local" LDAP_Bind_User_Password="9qA3XB1r##Xr27c1HPpq" The distinguished name for the user which was created in Step *1. Prepare Active Directory* #### LDAP_SearchBase LDAP_SearchBase="DC=exampledomain,DC=local" The domain name or organisation unit #### LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync + ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync LDAP_Groupname_for_Sync="Zabbix-Super-Admin" ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync="LDAP-SuperAdmin" Change `Zabbix-Super-Admin`to your Active Directory-Groupname and `LDAP-SuperAdmin`to the target Zabbix-Groupname. #### ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group ZABBIX_Disabled_User_Group="LDAP-Disabled" Name of the Group for Disabled Users. The Group must have the ***Enabled*** checkbox unchecked or the group will not found. Every user who is removed from the group ***ZABBIX_Groupname_for_Sync*** becomes a member of this group. The reason is that a user must always be a member of at least one group in Zabbix. #### ZABBIX_API_URL + ZABBIX_API_User + ZABBIX_API_Password ZABBIX_API_URL="http://localhost/api_jsonrpc.php" ZABBIX_API_User="zabbixapiuser" ZABBIX_API_Password="strongpassword73#" The **ZABBIX_API_URL** is path to the Zabbix webinterface. Can be `http://` or `https://`, the certificate validation will be ignored. Depending on the Zabbix installation, `/api_jsonrpc.php` or `/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php` must be used. #### ZABBIX_UserType_User ZABBIX_UserType_User=3 up to Zabbix 5.0.x there are 3 bultin Types, 1,2 or 3 from Zabbix 5.2.x there are User Rules. There are 3 predefined user roles which correspond to the pevious user types. but you can define additional user roles in Zabbix and use here The bultin Types (<=5.0.x) or predefined Roles (>=5.2.x) are 1 = Zabbix User 2 = Zabbix Admin 3 = Zabbix Super Admin The script will not update existing zabbix-users. You can check the ID of the RoleId in the webinterface Administration => User roles => click the name of the role At the end of the URL you see `roleid=1` with the needed ID #### ZABBIX_MediaTypeID ZABBIX_MediaTypeID="1" 1 is Email at new installations. Will be used for new created users if the **mail** property is not empty (Microsoft Exchange will fill theses property automatically with the sender-address). You can check the ID of the MediaType in the webinterface Administration => Media types => click the name of the Media At the end of the URL you see `mediatypeid=1` with the needed ID ### 8. Test the script ./zabbix-ldap-sync.sh You should get some output like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- zabbix-ldap-sync.sh (Version V1.2 (2021-01-10)) startup Checking prerequisites ............................................... done Searching config file ................................................ done Reading "/usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/config-znil.sh" ....... done Check all needed Settings ............................................ done STEP 1: Getting all Members from Active Directory / LDAP Group ....... done Query sAMAccountName, sn, givenName and primary Email-Address ........ done Check Zabbix API Version ............................................. done Using User mode ...................................................... roleid Login at Zabbix API .................................................. done STEP 2: Get Members of Zabbix-LDAP Groups ............................ checking determine UsrGrpID of "LDAP-SuperAdmin" .............................. done determine UsrGrpID of "LDAP-Disabled" ................................ done determine alias and userid for Members of "LDAP-SuperAdmin" .......... done STEP 3: Compare Groups for changes ................................... checking Check 1: Number of Users LDAP ........................................ 4 Check 1: Number of Users Zabbix ...................................... 1 Check 1: Number of Users ............................................. not equal STEP 4: Get all Zabbix Users with alias and userid ................... done STEP 5: Compare LDAP user with existing Zabbix User .................. must create 3 new user STEP 6: Create needed 3 new Zabbix-User .............................. done STEP 7: Replace Members of Group LDAP-SuperAdmin ..................... done STEP 8: Get List of all disabled user in Group LDAP-Disabled ......... done STEP 9: Remove active user, add inactive user ........................ done STEP 10: Replace Members of Group LDAP-Disabled ...................... done STEP 11: Replace Members of Group LDAP-SuperAdmin (2. Time) .......... done Logout Zabbix API .................................................... done If there is an error with Login to LDAP or Zabbix an Error Message will be displayed. Check Output for more. ## Advanced Debugging Try ./zabbix-ldap-sync.sh -v for verbose mode with a lot of Output. You will see all `ldapsearch` and `curl` calls with parameter. Passwords are hidden with Stars. If you want to see the passwords also try ./zabbix-ldap-sync.sh -v -p ## Possible commandline parameter -c | -C | --config use a specific configuration file instead config.sh -v | -V | --verbose Display debugging information, include all commands -p | -P | --ShowPassword Show the passwords in the verbose output -s | -S | --silent Hide all Output except errors. Usefull with crontab ## Syncing Multiple Groups Just create a separate config file for each group combination: - copy the working `config.sh`to a new name like `zabbix-readonly.conf`(the extension doesn't matter) - change the groupnames in the new file and the ZABBIX_UserType_User value - run the script like this ./zabbix-ldap-sync.sh -c zabbix-readonly.conf Do not sync different LDAP-Groups with the same Zabbix-Group! The last sync will win! Make the users only to a member of one of these groups. If the user is removed from one of the groups, the user will be disabled. ## Sync automatically Test the sync in the shell with full paths like /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/zabbix-ldap-sync.sh -c /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/zabbix-readonly.conf Just add the line to crontab like */10 * * * * /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/zabbix-ldap-sync.sh -c /usr/lib/zabbix/zabbix-ldap-sync-bash/zabbix-readonly.conf -s for syncing every 10 minutes Add a line to crontab for each group/configuration you want to sync ## Update the Script to latest Version Change to the Script folder and just type
git pull The `zabbix-ldap-sync.sh` and the ´config-example.sh´ maybe overwritten with the new versions.
Your existing files will not be touched or deleted.