#!/bin/sh if ! [ "$(basename $0)" = "install.sh" ]; then # We are runing from stdin url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/limosek/zaf/master/" if ! which curl >/dev/null; then zaf_err "Curl not found. Cannot continue. Please install it." fi echo "Installing from url $url..." [ -z "$*" ] && auto=auto set -e mkdir -p /tmp/zaf-installer \ && cd /tmp/zaf-installer \ && (for i in lib/zaf.lib.sh lib/os.lib.sh lib/ctrl.lib.sh install.sh ; do echo curl -f -k -s -L -o - "$url/$i" >&2; curl -f -k -s -L -o - "$url/$i"; done) >install.sh \ && chmod +x install.sh \ && exec ./install.sh $auto "$@" exit fi # Read options as config for ZAF for pair in "$@"; do echo $pair | grep -q '^ZAF\_' || continue option=$(echo $pair|cut -d '=' -f 1) value=$(echo $pair|cut -d '=' -f 2-) eval "C_${option}='$value'" done [ -z "$ZAF_CFG_FILE" ] && ZAF_CFG_FILE=$INSTALL_PREFIX/etc/zaf.conf [ -n "$C_ZAF_DEBUG" ] && ZAF_DEBUG=$C_ZAF_DEBUG [ -z "$ZAF_DEBUG" ] && ZAF_DEBUG=1 if [ -f $(dirname $0)/lib/zaf.lib.sh ]; then . $(dirname $0)/lib/zaf.lib.sh . $(dirname $0)/lib/os.lib.sh . $(dirname $0)/lib/ctrl.lib.sh fi # Read option. If it is already set in zaf.conf, it is skipped. If env variable is set, it is used instead of default # It sets global variable name on result. # $1 - option name # $2 - option description # $3 - default # $4 - if $4="auto" , use autoconf. if $4="user", force asking. zaf_get_option(){ local opt eval opt=\$C_$1 if [ -n "$opt" ]; then eval "$1='$opt'" zaf_dbg "Got '$2' <$1> from CLI: $opt" return fi eval opt=\$$1 if [ -n "$opt" ] && ! [ "$4" = "user" ]; then eval "$1='$opt'" zaf_dbg "Got '$2' <$1> from ENV: $opt" return else opt="$3" fi if ! [ "$4" = "auto" ]; then echo -n "$2 <$1> [$opt]: " read opt else opt="" fi if [ -z "$opt" ]; then opt="$3" zaf_dbg "Got '$2' <$1> from Defaults: $opt" >&2 else zaf_dbg "Got '$2' <$1> from USER: $opt" fi eval "$1='$opt'" } # Sets option to zaf.conf # $1 option name # $2 option value zaf_set_option(){ local description if ! grep -q "^$1=" ${ZAF_CFG_FILE}; then echo "$1='$2'" >>${ZAF_CFG_FILE} zaf_dbg "Saving $1 to $2 in ${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" >&2 else zaf_wrn "Preserving $1 to $2 in ${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" >&2 fi } zaf_getrest(){ if [ -f "$(dirname $0)/$1" ]; then echo "$(dirname $0)/$1" else curl -f -k -s -L -o - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/limosek/zaf/master/$1 >${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$(basename $1) echo ${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$(basename $1) fi } # Set config option in zabbix agent # $1 option # $2 value # $3 if nonempty, do not remove opion from config, just add to the end zaf_set_agent_option() { local option="$1" local value="$2" if [ -n "$3" ]; then if ! grep -q "^$1=$2" $ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG; then zaf_dbg "Adding option $option to $ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG." echo "$option=$value" >>$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG fi return fi if grep ^$option\= $ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG; then zaf_wrn "Moving option $option to zaf config part." sed -i "s/$option=/#$option=/" $ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG fi [ -n "$2" ] && echo "$option=$value" >> "$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD/zaf_options.conf" } # Automaticaly configure agent if supported # Parameters are in format Z_zabbixconfvar=value zaf_configure_agent() { local pair local option local value zaf_install_dir "$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD" zaf_touch "$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD/zaf_options.conf" || zaf_err "Cannot access $ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD/zaf_options.conf" for pair in "$@"; do echo $pair | grep -q '^Z\_' || continue # Skip non Z_ vars option=$(echo $pair|cut -d '=' -f 1|cut -d '_' -f 2) value=$(echo $pair|cut -d '=' -f 2-) zaf_set_agent_option "$option" "$value" done } zaf_configure(){ zaf_detect_system zaf_os_specific zaf_configure_os if ! zaf_is_root; then [ -z "$INSTALL_PREFIX" ] && zaf_err "We are not root. Use INSTALL_PREFIX or become root." fi zaf_get_option ZAF_PKG "Packaging system to use" "$ZAF_PKG" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_OS "Operating system to use" "$ZAF_OS" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_OS_CODENAME "Operating system codename" "$ZAF_OS_CODENAME" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_AGENT_PKG "Zabbix agent package" "$ZAF_AGENT_PKG" "$1" if zaf_is_root && [ -n "$ZAF_AGENT_PKG" ]; then if ! zaf_os_specific zaf_check_deps "$ZAF_AGENT_PKG"; then if [ "$1" = "auto" ]; then zaf_os_specific zaf_install_agent fi fi fi if which git >/dev/null; then ZAF_GIT=1 else ZAF_GIT="" fi zaf_get_option ZAF_CURL_INSECURE "Insecure curl (accept all certificates)" "1" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_TMP_BASE "Tmp directory prefix (\$USER will be added)" "/tmp/zaf" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_LIB_DIR "Libraries directory" "/usr/lib/zaf" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_BIN_DIR "Directory to put binaries" "/usr/bin" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR "Plugins directory" "${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/plugins" "$1" [ "${ZAF_GIT}" = 1 ] && zaf_get_option ZAF_PLUGINS_GITURL "Git plugins repository" "https://github.com/limosek/zaf-plugins.git" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_PLUGINS_URL "Plugins http[s] repository" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/limosek/zaf-plugins/master/" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_REPO_DIR "Plugins directory" "${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/repo" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG "Zabbix agent config" "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf" "$1" ! [ -d "${ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD}" ] && [ -d "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d" ] && ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD="/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d" zaf_get_option ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD "Zabbix agent config.d" "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_AGENT_BIN "Zabbix agent binary" "/usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd" "$1" zaf_get_option ZAF_AGENT_RESTART "Zabbix agent restart cmd" "service zabbix-agent restart" "$1" if zaf_is_root && ! [ -x $ZAF_AGENT_BIN ]; then zaf_err "Zabbix agent ($ZAF_AGENT_BIN) not installed? Use ZAF_AGENT_BIN env variable to specify location. Exiting." fi [ -n "$INSTALL_PREFIX" ] && zaf_install_dir "/etc" if ! [ -f "${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" ]; then touch "${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" || zaf_err "No permissions to ${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" fi zaf_set_option ZAF_PKG "${ZAF_PKG}" zaf_set_option ZAF_OS "${ZAF_OS}" zaf_set_option ZAF_OS_CODENAME "${ZAF_OS_CODENAME}" zaf_set_option ZAF_AGENT_PKG "${ZAF_AGENT_PKG}" zaf_set_option ZAF_GIT "${ZAF_GIT}" zaf_set_option ZAF_CURL_INSECURE "${ZAF_CURL_INSECURE}" zaf_set_option ZAF_TMP_BASE "$ZAF_TMP_BASE" zaf_set_option ZAF_LIB_DIR "$ZAF_LIB_DIR" zaf_set_option ZAF_BIN_DIR "$ZAF_BIN_DIR" zaf_set_option ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR "$ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR" zaf_set_option ZAF_PLUGINS_URL "$ZAF_PLUGINS_URL" [ "${ZAF_GIT}" = 1 ] && zaf_set_option ZAF_PLUGINS_GITURL "$ZAF_PLUGINS_GITURL" zaf_set_option ZAF_REPO_DIR "$ZAF_REPO_DIR" zaf_set_option ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG "$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG" zaf_set_option ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD "$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD" zaf_set_option ZAF_AGENT_BIN "$ZAF_AGENT_BIN" zaf_set_option ZAF_AGENT_RESTART "$ZAF_AGENT_RESTART" ZAF_TMP_DIR="${ZAF_TMP_BASE}-${USER}-$$" } if [ -f "${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" ]; then . "${ZAF_CFG_FILE}" fi ZAF_TMP_DIR="${ZAF_TMP_BASE-/tmp/zaf}-${USER}-$$" case $1 in interactive) shift zaf_configure interactive $0 install "$@" ;; auto) shift zaf_configure auto $0 install "$@" ;; debug-auto) shift; ZAF_DEBUG=3 $0 auto "$@" ;; debug-interactive) shift; ZAF_DEBUG=3 $0 interactive "$@" ;; debug) shift; ZAF_DEBUG=3 $0 install "$@" ;; reconf) shift; rm -f $ZAF_CFG_FILE $0 install "$@" ;; install) zaf_configure auto zaf_configure_agent "$@" zaf_set_agent_option "Include" "$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD" append rm -rif ${ZAF_TMP_DIR} mkdir -p ${ZAF_TMP_DIR} zaf_install_dir ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} zaf_install_dir ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR} zaf_install $(zaf_getrest lib/zaf.lib.sh) ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} zaf_install $(zaf_getrest lib/os.lib.sh) ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} zaf_install $(zaf_getrest lib/ctrl.lib.sh) ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} zaf_install_bin $(zaf_getrest lib/zaflock) ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} zaf_install_bin $(zaf_getrest lib/preload.sh) ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} zaf_install_dir ${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/p/zaf zaf_install_dir ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR} zaf_install_dir ${ZAF_BIN_DIR} zaf_install_bin $(zaf_getrest zaf) ${ZAF_BIN_DIR} export INSTALL_PREFIX ZAF_CFG_FILE ZAF_DEBUG if zaf_is_root; then [ "${ZAF_GIT}" = 1 ] && ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ZAF_BIN_DIR}/zaf update ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/${ZAF_BIN_DIR}/zaf reinstall zaf || zaf_err "Error installing zaf plugin." if zaf_is_root && ! zaf_test_item zaf.framework_version; then echo "Something is wrong with zabbix agent config." echo "Ensure that zabbix_agentd reads ${ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG}" echo "and there is Include=${ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD} directive inside." echo "Does ${ZAF_AGENT_RESTART} work?" exit 1 fi fi rm -rif ${ZAF_TMP_DIR} echo "Install OK. Use 'zaf' without parameters to continue." ;; *) echo echo "Please specify how to install." echo "install.sh {auto|interactive|debug-auto|debug-interactive|reconf} [Agent-Options] [Zaf-Options]" echo "scratch means that config file will be created from scratch" echo " Agent-Options: A_Option=value [...]" echo " Zaf-Options: ZAF_OPT=value [...]" echo echo "Example 1 (default install): install.sh auto" echo 'Example 2 (preconfigure agent options): install.sh auto A_Server=zabbix.server A_ServerActive=zabbix.server A_Hostname=$(hostname)' echo "Example 3 (preconfigure zaf packaging system to use): install.sh auto ZAF_PKG=opkg" echo "Example 4 (interactive): install.sh interactive" echo exit 1 esac