############################################ Common routines zaf_msg() { echo $@ } zaf_dbg() { [ "$ZAF_DEBUG" -ge "2" ] && logger -s -t zaf $@ } zaf_wrn() { [ "$ZAF_DEBUG" -ge "1" ] && logger -s -t zaf $@ } zaf_err() { logger -s -t zaf $@ logger -s -t zaf "Exiting with error!" exit 1 } # Fetch url to stdout # $1 url # It supports real file, file:// and other schemes known by curl zaf_fetch_url() { local scheme local uri local insecure scheme=$(echo $1|cut -d ':' -f 1) uri=$(echo $1|cut -d '/' -f 3-) if [ "$1" = "$scheme" ]; then cat "$1" fi case $scheme in http|https|ftp|file) [ "${ZAF_CURL_INSECURE}" = "1" ] && insecure="-k" zaf_msg curl $insecure -f -s -L -o - "$1" curl $insecure -f -s -L -o - "$1" ;; esac } # Find and replace string zaf_far(){ local f local t local sedcmd="sed" i=1 while [ "$i" -lt "$#" ]; do eval f=\$${i} i=$(expr $i + 1) eval t=\$${i} i=$(expr $i + 1) sedcmd="$sedcmd -e 's~$f~$t~g'" done eval $sedcmd } # Initialises discovery function zaf_discovery_begin(){ cat <$tmpfile rows=$(wc -l <$tmpfile) local a b c d e f g h i j; zaf_discovery_begin row=1 while read a b c d e f g h i j; do zaf_discovery_add_row "$rows" "$row" "$1" "${1:+${a}}" "$2" "${2:+${b}}" "$3" "${3:+${c}}" "$4" "${4:+${d}}" "$5" "${5:+${e}}" "$6" "${6:+${f}}" "$7" "${7:+${g}}" "$8" "${8:+${h}}" "$9" "${9:+${i}}" row=$(expr $row + 1) done <$tmpfile zaf_discovery_end rm -f $tmpfile } ############################################ Zaf internal routines # Restart zabbix agent zaf_restart_agent() { zaf_wrn "Restarting agent (${ZAF_AGENT_RESTART})" ${ZAF_AGENT_RESTART} || zaf_err "Cannot restart Zabbix agent (${ZAF_AGENT_RESTART})!" } # Check if zaf.version item is populated zaf_check_agent_config() { zaf_restart_agent ${ZAF_AGENT_BIN} -t zaf.version } # Update repo zaf_update_repo() { [ "$ZAF_GIT" != 1 ] && { zaf_err "Git is not installed. Exiting."; } ! [ -d ${ZAF_REPO_DIR} ] && git clone "${ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO}" "${ZAF_REPO_DIR}" [ -n "${ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO}" ] && cd ${ZAF_REPO_DIR} && git pull } # Construct url from plugin name # It can be http[s]://url # /path (from file) # name (to try from repo) zaf_get_plugin_url() { local url if echo "$1" | grep -q '/'; then url="$1" # plugin with path - from directory else if echo "$1" | grep -q ^http; then url="$1" # plugin with http[s] url else if [ -d "${ZAF_REPO_DIR}/$1" ]; then url="${ZAF_REPO_DIR}/$1" else url="${ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO}/$1"; fi fi fi echo $url } # $1 - control zaf_plugin_info() { local control="$1" plugin=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${control}" | zaf_block_get_option Plugin) pdescription=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${control}" | zaf_block_get_moption Description) pmaintainer=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${control}" | zaf_block_get_option Maintainer) pversion=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${control}" | zaf_block_get_option Version) purl=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${control}" | zaf_block_get_option Url) phome=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${control}" | zaf_block_get_option Home) pitems=$(zaf_ctrl_get_items <"${control}") echo echo -n "Plugin '$plugin' "; [ -n "$pversion" ] && echo -n "version ${pversion}"; echo ":" echo "$pdescription"; echo [ -n "$pmaintainer" ] && echo "Maintainer: $pmaintainer" [ -n "$purl" ] && echo "Url: $purl" [ -n "$phome" ] && echo "Home: $phome" echo echo "Items: $pitems" echo } # Prepare plugin into dir # $1 is url, directory or plugin name (will be searched in default plugin dir). # $2 is directory to prepare. zaf_prepare_plugin() { url=$(zaf_get_plugin_url "$1")/control.zaf plugindir="$2" control=${plugindir}/control.zaf zaf_install_dir "$plugindir" zaf_dbg "Fetching control file from $url ..." if zaf_fetch_url "$url" >"${control}"; then zaf_ctrl_check_deps "${control}" else zaf_err "Cannot fetch or write control file!" fi } zaf_install_plugin() { if zaf_prepare_plugin "$1" "${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/plugin"; then plugin=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <"${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/plugin/control.zaf" | zaf_block_get_option Plugin) plugindir="${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}"/$plugin if zaf_prepare_plugin "$1" $plugindir; then [ "$ZAF_DEBUG" -gt 0 ] && zaf_plugin_info "${control}" zaf_ctrl_check_deps "${control}" zaf_ctrl_install "${control}" "${plugin}" zaf_ctrl_generate_cfg "${control}" "${plugin}" >${ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD}/zaf_${plugin}.conf zaf_dbg "Generated ${ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD}/zaf_${plugin}.conf" else zaf_err "Cannot install plugin $plugin to $plugindir!" fi else zaf_err "Cannot prepare plugin $1" fi } # List installed plugins # $1 - plugin zaf_list_plugins() { local cfile local plugin ls -1 ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR} | while read p; do zaf_is_plugin "$(basename $p)" && echo $p done } zaf_is_plugin() { [ -d "$1" ] && [ -f "$1/control.zaf" ] && return [ -d "$ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR/$1" ] && [ -f "$ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR/$1/control.zaf" ] && return false } zaf_discovery_plugins() { zaf_list_plugins | zaf_discovery '{#PLUGIN}' } zaf_plugin_version() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Missing plugin name"; exit 1 fi plugindir="${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}/$1" cfile="$plugindir/control" if [ -d "$plugindir" ] ; then zaf_ctrl_get_option "$cfile" Version else echo "Plugin $1 not installed" fi } zaf_list_plugin_items() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Missing plugin name"; exit 1 fi plugindir="${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}/$1" cfile="$plugindir/control" if [ -d "$plugindir" ] ; then zaf_ctrl_get_option "$cfile" Item else echo "Plugin $1 not installed" fi } zaf_list_items() { for p in $(zaf_list_plugins); do zaf_list_plugin_items $p done } zaf_remove_plugin() { ! [ -d ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}/$1 ] && { zaf_err "Plugin $1 not installed!"; } zaf_wrn "Removing plugin $1" rm -rf ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}/$1 rm -f ${ZAF_AGENT_CONFIGD}/zaf_${plugin}.conf }