# Control file related functions # Get item list from control on stdin zaf_ctrl_get_items() { grep '^Item ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d ':' -f 1 | tr '\r\n' ' ' } # Get item body from stdin # $1 itemname zaf_ctrl_get_item_block() { grep -vE '^#[a-zA-Z ]' | awk '/^Item '$1'/ { i=0; while (i==0) { getline; if (/^\/Item/) exit; print $0; }}; END { exit i==0; }' } # Get global plugin block body from stdin # $1 itemname zaf_ctrl_get_global_block() { grep -vE '^#[a-zA-Z ]' | awk '{ i=0; print $0; while (i==0) { getline; if (/^Item /) exit; print $0; }}' } # Get item multiline option # $1 optionname zaf_block_get_moption() { awk '/^'$1'::$/ { i=0; while (i==0) { getline; if (/^::$/) {i=1; continue;}; print $0; }}; END { exit i==0; } ' } # Get item singleline option from config block on stdin # $1 optionname zaf_block_get_option() { grep "^$1:" | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | tr -d '\r\n' } # Get global option (single or multiline) # $1 - control file # $2 - option name zaf_ctrl_get_global_option() { local ctrlvar local ctrlopt ctrlopt="ZAF_CTRL_$(zaf_stripctrl $2)" eval ctrlvar=\$$ctrlopt if [ -n "$ctrlvar" ]; then zaf_dbg "Overriding control field $2 from env $ctrlopt($ctrlvar)" echo $ctrlopt else zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <$1 | zaf_block_get_moption "$2" \ || zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <$1 | zaf_block_get_option "$2" fi } # Get item specific option (single or multiline) # $1 - control file # $2 - item name # $3 - option name zaf_ctrl_get_item_option() { local ctrlvar local ctrlopt ctrlopt="ZAF_CTRLI_$(zaf_stripctrl $2)_$(zaf_stripctrl $3)" eval ctrlvar=\$$ctrlopt if [ -n "$ctrlvar" ]; then zaf_dbg "Overriding item control field $2/$3 from env $ctrlopt($ctrlvar)" echo $ctrlopt else zaf_ctrl_get_item_block <$1 "$2" | zaf_block_get_moption "$3" \ || zaf_ctrl_get_item_block <$1 "$2" | zaf_block_get_option "$3" fi } # Check dependencies based on control file zaf_ctrl_check_deps() { local deps deps=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <$1 | zaf_block_get_option "Depends-${ZAF_PKG}" ) if ! zaf_os_specific zaf_check_deps $deps; then zaf_err "Missing one of dependend system packages: $deps" fi deps=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_block <$1 | zaf_block_get_option "Depends-bin" ) for cmd in $deps; do if ! which $cmd >/dev/null; then zaf_err "Missing binary dependency $cmd. Please install it first." fi done } # Install sudo config from control # $1 plugin # $2 control # $3 plugindir zaf_ctrl_sudo() { local pdir local plugin local sudo local cmd local parms pdir="$3" plugin=$1 ! [ -d "$ZAF_SUDOERSD" ] && { zaf_wrn "$ZAF_SUDOERSD nonexistent! Skipping sudo install!"; return 1; } zaf_dbg "Installing sudoers entry $ZAF_SUDOERSD/zaf_$plugin" sudo=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_option $2 "Sudo" | zaf_far '{PLUGINDIR}' "${plugindir}") [ -z "$sudo" ] && return # Nothing to install if ! which sudo >/dev/null; then zaf_wrn "Sudo needed bud not installed?" fi cmd=$(echo $sudo | cut -d ' ' -f 1) parms=$(echo $sudo | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) if which $cmd >/dev/null ; then (echo "zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD:SETENV: $(which $cmd) $(echo $parms | tr '%' '*')";echo) >$ZAF_SUDOERSD/zaf_$plugin || zaf_err "Error during zaf_ctrl_sudo" chmod 0440 $ZAF_SUDOERSD/zaf_$plugin else zaf_err "Cannot find binary '$cmd' to put into sudoers." fi } # Install crontab config from control # $1 plugin # $2 control # $3 plugindir zaf_ctrl_cron() { local pdir local plugin local cron pdir="$3" plugin=$1 ! [ -d "$ZAF_CROND" ] && { zaf_wrn "$ZAF_CROND nonexistent! Skipping cron install!"; return 1; } zaf_dbg "Installing cron entry $ZAF_CROND/zaf_$plugin" cron=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_option $2 "Cron") [ -z "$cron" ] && return # Nothing to install zaf_ctrl_get_global_option $2 "Cron" | zaf_far '{PLUGINDIR}' "${plugindir}" >$ZAF_CROND/zaf_$plugin || zaf_err "Error during zaf_ctrl_cron" } # Install files defined to be installed in control to plugun directory # $1 pluginurl # $2 control # $3 plugindir zaf_ctrl_install() { local binaries local pdir local script local files local f local b pdir="$3" (set -e binaries=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_option $2 "Install-bin") for b in $binaries; do zaf_fetch_url "$1/$b" >"${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$b" zaf_install_bin "${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$b" "$pdir" done files=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_option $2 "Install-files") for f in $files; do zaf_fetch_url "$1/$b" >"${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$b" zaf_install "${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$b" "$pdir" done script=$(zaf_ctrl_get_global_option $2 "Install-script") [ -n "$script" ] && eval "$script" true ) || zaf_err "Error during zaf_ctrl_install" } # Generates zabbix cfg from control file # $1 control # $2 pluginname # $3 if nonempty, only return cfg, do not generate scripts zaf_ctrl_generate_cfg() { local items local cmd local iscript local ikey local lock local cache items=$(zaf_ctrl_get_items <"$1") (set -e for i in $items; do iscript=$(zaf_stripctrl $i) params=$(zaf_ctrl_get_item_option $1 $i "Parameters") if [ -n "$params" ]; then ikey="$2.$i[*]" args="" apos=1; for p in $params; do args="$args \$$apos" apos=$(expr $apos + 1) done else ikey="$2.$i" fi lock=$(zaf_ctrl_get_item_option $1 $i "Lock") if [ -n "$lock" ]; then lock="${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/zaflock $lock " fi cache=$(zaf_ctrl_get_item_option $1 $i "Cache") if [ -n "$cache" ]; then cache="${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/zafcache '$cache' " fi cmd=$(zaf_ctrl_get_item_option $1 $i "Cmd") if [ -z "$cache" ] && [ -z "$lock" ]; then preload="${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/preload.sh " else preload="" fi if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then printf "%s" "UserParameter=$ikey,${preload}${cache}${lock}${cmd}"; echo continue fi cmd=$(zaf_ctrl_get_item_option $1 $i "Script") if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then zaf_ctrl_get_item_option $1 $i "Script" | \ zaf_far '{INCLUDES}' ". $ZAF_LIB_DIR/preload.sh; " \ >${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/${iscript}.sh; [ -z "$3" ] && zaf_install_bin ${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/${iscript}.sh ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}/$2/ printf "%s" "UserParameter=$ikey,${preload}${cache}${lock}${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR}/$2/${iscript}.sh $args"; echo continue; fi zaf_err "Item $i declared in control file but has no Cmd, Function or Script!" done ) || zaf_err "Error during zaf_ctrl_generate_cfg" }