#!/bin/sh readopt(){ echo -n "$1 [$2]: " read opt [ -z "$opt" ] && opt="$2" } getrest(){ if [ -f "$(dirname $0)/$1" ]; then echo "$(dirname $0)/$1" else wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/limosek/zaf/master/$1 -O- >${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$(basename $1) echo ${ZAF_TMP_DIR}/$(basename $1) fi } preconf(){ echo "Zabbix Agent Framework installer." if ! which zabbix_agentd >/dev/null; then echo "Zabbix agent not installed? Exiting." exit 3 fi if ! [ -f "/etc/zaf.conf" ] || [ -n "$1" ]; then readopt "Tmp directory" "/tmp/zaf" ZAF_TMP_DIR="$opt" readopt "Libraries directory" "/usr/lib/zaf" ZAF_LIB_DIR="$opt" readopt "Plugins directory" "${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/plugins" ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR="$opt" readopt "Git plugins directory" "${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/repo" ZAF_REPO_DIR="$opt" readopt "Plugins repository" "https://github.com/limosek/zaf.git/plugins" ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO="$opt" readopt "Default plugins to install" "process-info" ZAF_DEFAULT_PLUGINS="$opt" readopt "Zabbix agent config" "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf" ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG="$opt" readopt "Zabbix agent restart cmd" "service zabbix-agent restart" ZAF_AGENT_RESTART="$opt" if which sudo >/dev/null; then sudo=1 else sudo=0 fi readopt "Use sudo" "$sudo" ZAF_SUDO="$opt" else echo "Skipping configuration. Config file /etc/zaf.conf already exists." . /etc/zaf.conf fi if [ "$USERNAME" = "root" ]; then echo "We are root. That is OK." else if [ "$ZAF_SUDO" = 1 ] && ! which sudo >/dev/null; then echo "We are not root and sudo is not installed. Cannot continue." exit 2 fi echo "We are not root. Assuming we have enough privileges." fi echo "ZAF_LIB_DIR='$ZAF_LIB_DIR'" >/etc/zaf.conf || { echo "Not enough privileges. Please become root!"; exit 2; } echo "ZAF_TMP_DIR='$ZAF_TMP_DIR'" >>/etc/zaf.conf echo "ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR='$ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR'" >>/etc/zaf.conf echo "ZAF_REPO_DIR='$ZAF_REPO_DIR'" >>/etc/zaf.conf echo "ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO='$ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO'" >>/etc/zaf.conf echo "ZAF_AGENT_RESTART='$ZAF_AGENT_RESTART'" >>/etc/zaf.conf echo "ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG='$ZAF_AGENT_CONFIG'" >>/etc/zaf.conf echo "ZAF_SUDO='$ZAF_SUDO'" >>/etc/zaf.conf } case $1 in reconf) preconf force export ZAF_DEFAULT_PLUGINS $0 install ;; *) preconf rm -rif ${ZAF_TMP_DIR} install -d ${ZAF_TMP_DIR} install -d ${ZAF_LIB_DIR} install -d ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR} if [ -n "${ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO}" ]; then if ! [ -d "${ZAF_REPO_DIR}" ]; then git clone "${ZAF_PLUGINS_REPO}" "${ZAF_REPO_DIR}" else (cd "${ZAF_REPO_DIR}" && git pull) fi fi install $(getrest lib/zaf.lib.sh) ${ZAF_LIB_DIR}/ mkdir -p ${ZAF_PLUGINS_DIR} install $(getrest zaf) /usr/bin echo "Install OK. Installing plugins (${ZAF_DEFAULT_PLUGINS})." for plugin in ${ZAF_DEFAULT_PLUGINS}; do /usr/bin/zaf install $plugin || exit $? done echo "Done" ;; esac