root = $root; } $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; if (! isset ( $opts ['timeout'] ) || ! is_int ( $opts ['timeout'] )) { $opts ['timeout'] = 600; } $this->ch = curl_init (); if (isset ( $opts ['CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION'] ) && $opts ['CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION'] === true) { curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true ); } curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true ); //curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'TS_Booked-PHP/1.0.0' ); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false ); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30 ); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $opts ['timeout'] ); } /** * Class destuctor called atomatically when processing completes */ public function __destruct() { if (is_resource ( $this->ch )) { curl_close ( $this->ch ); } } /** * Call this function once with force set to true, after you call PHP's startsession() * * Returns true on success and false if call fails. * * @param boolean $force * Set this to true to force a new autherization. * @return boolean * */ public function authenticate($force = false) { if (self::isAuthenticated () && $force == false) { return true; } $endpoint = $this->root . AUTHENTICATE; $params ['username'] = $this->username; $params ['password'] = $this->password; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $params, 'post' ); if (! $result) { return false; } $_SESSION ['bookedapi_sessionToken'] = ( string ) $result ['sessionToken']; $_SESSION ['bookedapi_sessionExpires'] = ( string ) $result ['sessionExpires']; $_SESSION ['bookedapi_userId'] = ( string ) $result ['userId']; return true; } // Reservation Functions /** * Gets all reservations if $referenceNumber is not set, otherwise * returns only the reservation $referenceNumber refers to. * * @param string $referenceNumber * Reference Number of Reservation * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getReservation($referenceNumber = null, $userId = null, $resourceId = null, $scheduleId = null, $startDateTime = null, $endDateTime = null) { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } if ($referenceNumber != null) { $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESERVATIONS . $referenceNumber; } else { if ($userId != null || $resourceId != null || $scheduleId != null || $startDateTime != null || $endDateTime != null) { $filters = '?userId=' . $userId . '&resourceId=' . $resourceId . '&scheduleId=' . $scheduleId . '&startDateTime=' . $startDateTime . '&endDateTime=' . $endDateTime; $endpoint = $this->root . FILTERRESERVATION . $filters; } else { $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESERVATIONS; } } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } // Schedule Functions /** * Loads all schedules * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getAllSchedules(){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . SCHEDULES; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * Loads a specific schedule by id * @param integer $scheduleId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getSchedule($scheduleId){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . SCHEDULES . $scheduleId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * Loads slots for a specific schedule * * Optional query string parameters: resourceId, startDateTime, endDateTime. * If no dates are provided the default schedule dates will be returned. * If dates do not include the timezone offset, the timezone of the authenticated user will be assumed. * * @param integer $scheduleId * @param integer $resourceId * @param string $startDateTime * @param string $endDateTime * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getSlots($scheduleId, $resourceId = null, $startDateTime = null, $endDateTime = null){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . SCHEDULES . $scheduleId . SLOTS; if($resourceId || $startDateTime || $endDateTime){ $endpoint = $endpoint . "?resourceId=" . $resourceId; $endpoint = $endpoint . "&startDateTime=" . $startDateTime; $endpoint = $endpoint . "&endDateTime=" . $endDateTime; } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } // Resource Functions /** * if $resourceId is null, will return all resources * otherwise will return the resource with the id of $resourceId * @param integer $resourceId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getResource($resourceId = null) { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } if ($resourceId != null && is_int ( $resourceId )) { $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES . $resourceId; } else { $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES; } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getResourceStatuses(){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES . STATUS; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getResourceStatusReasons(){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES . STATUS . STATUSREASONS; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getResourceTypes(){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES . RESOURCETYPES; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function createResource($resourceObject){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $resourceObject, 'post', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function updateResource($resourceId, $resourceObject){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES. $resourceId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $resourceObject, 'post', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @param integer $resourceId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function deleteResource($resourceId){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETRESOURCES. $resourceId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, null, 'delete', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } // Accessory Functions /** * Gets all accessories if $accessoryId is null * otherwise if $accessoryId is a valid integer * the function will return just that accessory. * Will return false if accessory id or accessories don't exist. * * @param integer $accessoryId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getAccessory($accessoryId = null) { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } if (is_int ( $accessoryId )) { $endpoint = $this->root . GETACCESSORY . $accessoryId; } else { $endpoint = $this->root . GETACCESSORY; } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } // Attribute Functions /** * @param array $attibuteObject * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function createCustomAttribute($attibuteObject){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETATTRIBUTE; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $attibuteObject, 'post', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @param integer $attributeId * @param array $attibuteObject * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function updateCustomAttribute($attributeId, $attibuteObject){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETATTRIBUTE . $attributeId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $attibuteObject, 'post', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @param integer $attributeId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function deleteCustomAttribute($attributeId){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETATTRIBUTE . $attributeId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, null, 'delete', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * * @param integer $categoryId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getCategoryAttributes($categoryId) { if (! is_int ( $categoryId )) { return false; } if ($categoryId != ATT_CAT_RESERVATION || $categoryId != ATT_CAT_USER || $categoryId != ATT_CAT_RESOURCE) { return false; } if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETCATATTRIBUTE . $categoryId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * * @param integer $attributeId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getAttribute($attributeId) { if (! is_int ( $attributeId )) { return false; } if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . GETATTRIBUTE . $attributeId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * * @param string $dateTime * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getAvailability($dateTime = null) { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } if ($dateTime == null) { $endpoint = $this->root . GETAVAILABILITY; } else { $endpoint = $this->root . GETAVAILABILITY . '?dateTime=' . urlencode($dateTime); } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * * @param integer $groupId * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function getGroups($groupId = null) { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } if ($groupId != null && is_int ( $groupId )) { $endpoint = $this->root . GETGROUPS . $groupId; } else { $endpoint = $this->root . GETGROUPS; } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * * @param array $reservationObject * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function createReservation($reservationObject) { $endpoint = $this->root . RESERVATIONS; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $reservationObject, 'post', true ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function approveReservation($referenceNumber){ $endpoint = $this->root . RESERVATIONS . $referenceNumber . '/Approval'; $result = $this->call( $endpoint, null, 'post', true ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } /** * @param string $referenceNumber * @param array $updatedReservationObject * @param string $updateScope * @return boolean|Ambigous */ public function updateReservation($referenceNumber, $updatedReservationObject, $updateScope = null) { // updateScope are this|full|future if (checkScope($updateScope)){ $endpoint = $this->root . RESERVATIONS . $referenceNumber . '?updateScope=' . $updateScope; }else{ $endpoint = $this->root . RESERVATIONS . $referenceNumber; } $result = $this->call( $endpoint, $reservationObject, 'post', true ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function deleteReservation($referenceNumber, $updateScope = null){ //this|full|future if (checkScope($updateScope)){ $endpoint = $this->root . RESERVATIONS . $referenceNumber . '?updateScope=' . $updateScope; }else{ $endpoint = $this->root . RESERVATIONS . $referenceNumber; } $result = $this->call( $endpoint, null, 'delete', true ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function createUser($userObject){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . USERS; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $userObject, 'post', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function updateUser($userId, $userObject){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . USERS . $userId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, $userObject, 'post', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function getAllUsers($username = null, $email = null, $firstName = null, $lastName = null, $phone = null, $organization = null){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } if ($username || $email || $firstName || $lastName || $phone || $organization){ $username = urlencode($username); $email = urlencode($email); $firstName = urlencode($firstName); $lastName = urlencode($lastName); $phone = urlencode($phone); $organization = urlencode($organization); $endpoint = $this->root . USERS . '?username=' . $username . '&email=' . $email . '&firstName=' . $firstName . '&lastName=' . $lastName . '&phone=' . $phone . '&organization=' . $organization; }else{ $endpoint = $this->root . USERS; } $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function getUser($userId){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . USERS . $userId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, self::buildAuthParams (), 'get' ); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } public function deleteUser($userId){ if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $endpoint = $this->root . USERS . $userId; $result = $this->call ( $endpoint, null, 'delete', true); if (! $result) { return false; } return $result; } private function checkScope($scope){ if ($updateScope == 'this' || $updateScope == 'full' || $updateScope == 'future'){ return true; } return false; } /** * @return boolean|number */ public function getCurrentUserId() { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } return ( int ) $_SESSION ['bookedapi_userId']; } public function signOut(){ //TODO: Create signOut API CALL } /** * * @param string $endpoint * @param array $params * @param string $method * @return boolean|mixed */ private function call($endpoint, $params = array(), $method, $postAuth = false) { $ch = $this->ch; curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $endpoint ); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); if ($method == 'post') { curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( 'Content-Type: application/json' ) ); if ($params != null){ $params = json_encode ( $params ); curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params ); } } if ($method == 'delete') { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, false ); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, false ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE"); if (isset($params)){ $json = json_encode($params); }else{ $json = ''; } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json); } if ($method == 'get') { curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, false ); curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true ); $this->buildAuthHttpHeader ( $params ['SessionToken'], $params ['UserId'] ); } if ($postAuth) { if (! self::isAuthenticated ()) { if (! $this->authenticate ( true )) { return false; } } $this->buildAuthHttpHeader ( $_SESSION ['bookedapi_sessionToken'], $_SESSION ['bookedapi_userId'] ); } $response_body = curl_exec ( $ch ); $info = curl_getinfo ( $ch ); if (curl_error ( $ch )) { return json_decode ( $info, true ); } if (floor ( $info ['http_code'] / 100 ) >= 4) { return false; } return json_decode ( $response_body, true ); } /** * * @param string $SessionToken * @param integer $UserId */ private function buildAuthHttpHeader($SessionToken, $UserId) { $XBookedSessionToken = 'X-Booked-SessionToken: ' . $SessionToken; $XBookedUserId = 'X-Booked-UserId: ' . $UserId; curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ( $XBookedSessionToken, $XBookedUserId ) ); } /** * * @return boolean */ private static function isAuthenticated() { $date1 = new DateTime ( $_SESSION ['bookedapi_sessionExpires'], new DateTimeZone ( YOURTIMEZONE ) ); $date2 = new DateTime ( date ( DATE_ISO8601, time () ), new DateTimeZone ( YOURTIMEZONE ) ); $minutesInterval = date_interval_create_from_date_string ( '1 minute' ); $date1->sub ( $minutesInterval ); if ((! $_SESSION ['bookedapi_sessionToken'] == null) && ($date2 <= $date1)) { return true; } return false; } /** * * @return array */ private static function buildAuthParams() { $params ['SessionToken'] = $_SESSION ['bookedapi_sessionToken']; $params ['UserId'] = $_SESSION ['bookedapi_userId']; return $params; } /** * * @param integer $userId * @param string $title * @param integer $resourceId * @param array $resourcesObject * @param array $accessoriesObject * @param array $customAttributesObject * @param string $description * @param string $startDateTime * @param string $endDateTime * @param array $recurrenceRuleObject * @param array $inviteesObject * @param array $participantsObject * @param array $startReminderObject * @param array $endReminderObject * @return array */ public static function buildReservationObject($userId, $title, $resourceId, $resourcesObject = array (), $accessoriesObject = array (), $customAttributesObject = array (), $description = null, $startDateTime, $endDateTime, $recurrenceRuleObject = array (), $inviteesObject = array (), $participantsObject = array (), $startReminderObject = array (), $endReminderObject = array ()) { $reservationObject = array ( 'accessories' => $accessoriesObject, 'customAttributes' => $customAttributesObject, 'description' => ( string ) $description, 'endDateTime' => $endDateTime, 'startDateTime' => $startDateTime, 'invitees' => $inviteesObject, 'participants' => $participantsObject, 'resourceId' => ( int ) $resourceId, 'resources' => $resourcesObject, 'recurrenceRule' => $recurrenceRuleObject, 'title' => ( string ) $title, 'userId' => ( int ) $userId, 'startReminder' => $startReminderObject, 'endReminder' => $endReminderObject ); return $reservationObject; } public static function buildAccessoryObject($accessoryId, $quantityRequested) { $ao = array ( 'accessoryId' => ( int ) $accessoryId, 'quantityRequested' => ( int ) $quantityRequested ); return $ao; } public static function buildAccessoriesObject($accessories = array()) { return $accessories; } public static function buildAttributeObject($attributeId, $attributeValue) { $atto = array ( 'attributeId' => ( int ) $attributeId, 'attributeValue' => ( string ) $attributeValue ); return $atto; } public static function buildAttributesObject($attributes = array()) { return $attributes; } public static function buildInviteeObject($inviteeId) { $i = ( int ) $inviteeId; return $i; } public static function buildInviteesObject($invitees = array()) { return $invitees; } public static function buildParticipantObject($participantId) { $i = ( int ) $participantId; return $i; } public static function buildParticipantsObject($participants = array()) { return $participants; } /* public static function buildResourceObject($resourceId) { $r = ( int ) $resourceId; return $r; } */ public static function buildResourcesObject($resources = array()) { $resources; return $resources; } public static function buildReminderObject($value, $interval) { // interval = hours or minutes or days $ro = array ( 'value' => ( int ) $value, 'interval' => ( string ) $interval ); return $ro; } // recurrenceRule // {"type":"daily|monthly|none|weekly|yearly","interval":3,"monthlyType":"dayOfMonth|dayOfWeek|null","weekdays":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6],"repeatTerminationDate":"2015-09-16T20:51:36-0700"} public static function buildRecurrenceRuleObject($type, $interval, $monthlyType, $weekdays = array(), $repeatTerminationDate) { $rule = array ( 'type' => ( string ) $type, 'interval' => ( int ) $interval, 'monthlyType' => ( string ) $monthlyType, 'weekdays' => $weekdays, 'repeatTerminationDate' => $repeatTerminationDate ); return $rule; } //{"label":"attribute name","type":"Allowed values for type: 4 (checkbox), 2 (multi line), 3 (select list), 1 (single line)","categoryId":"Allowed values for category: 1 (reservation), 4 (resource), 5 (resource type), 2 (user)","regex":"validation regex","required":true,"possibleValues":["possible","values","only valid for select list"],"sortOrder":100,"appliesToId":10} /** * @param string $label * @param integer $type * @param integer $categoryId * @param integer $appliesToId * @param integer $sortOrder * @param string $regex * @param boolean $required * @param array $possibleValues * @return array */ public static function buildAttibuteObject( $label, $type, $categoryId, $appliesToId, $sortOrder = 0, $regex = null, $required = false, $possibleValues = array()){ $attributeObject = array ( 'label' => (string) $label, 'type' => (int) $type, 'categoryId' => (int) $categoryId, 'appliesToId' => (int) $appliesToId, 'sortOrder' => (int) $sortOrder, 'regex' => (string) $regex, 'required' => (boolean) $required, 'possibleValues' => $possibleValues); return $attributeObject; } // {"name":"resource name","location":"location","contact":"contact information","notes":"notes","minLength":"1d0h0m","maxLength":"3600","requiresApproval":true,"allowMultiday":true,"maxParticipants":100,"minNotice":"86400","maxNotice":"0d12h30m","description":"description","scheduleId":10,"autoAssignPermissions":true,"customAttributes":[{"attributeId":1,"attributeValue":"attribute value"}],"sortOrder":1,"statusId":1,"statusReasonId":2,"resourceTypeId":1} public static function buildResourceObject( $name, $location = null, $contact = null, $notes = null, $minLength, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format $maxLength, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format $requiresApproval = false, $allowMultiday = false, $maxParticipants, $minNotice, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format $maxNotice, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format $description = null, $scheduleId, $autoAssignPermissions = true, $customAttributesObject = array (), // {"attributeId":1,"attributeValue":"attribute value"} $sortOrder = 0, $statusId = null, $statusReasonId = null, $resourceTypeId = null){ $resourceObject = array ( 'name' => (string) $name, 'location' => (string) $location, 'contact' => (string) $contact, 'notes' => (string) $notes, 'minLength' => (string) $minLength, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format 'maxLength' => (string) $maxLength, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format 'requiresApproval' => (boolean) $requiresApproval, 'allowMultiday' => (boolean) $allowMultiday, 'maxParticipants' => (int) $maxParticipants, 'minNotice' => (string) $minNotice, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format 'maxNotice' => (string) $maxNotice, // in "seconds" or "1d2h3m" format 'description' => (string) $description, 'scheduleId' => (int) $scheduleId, 'autoAssignPermissions' => (boolean) $autoAssignPermissions, 'customAttributes' => $customAttributesObject, 'sortOrder' => (int) $sortOrder, 'statusId' => (int) $statusId, 'statusReasonId' => (int) $statusReasonId, 'resourceTypeId' => (int) $resourceTypeId); return $resourceObject; } // {"attributeId":1,"attributeValue":"attribute value"} public static function buildCustomAttributeObject($attributeId,$attributeValue){ $customAttributeObject = array ( 'attributeId' => (int) $attributeId, 'attributeValue' => (string) $attributeValue); return $customAttributeObject; } //{"password":"unencrypted password","language":"en_us","firstName":"first","lastName":"last","emailAddress":"","userName":"username","timezone":"America\/Chicago","phone":"123-456-7989","organization":"organization","position":"position","customAttributes":[{"attributeId":99,"attributeValue":"attribute value"}],"groups":[1,2,4]} public static function buildUserobject( $password, $language = 'en_us', $firstName = null, $lastName = null, $emailAddress = null, $userName, $timezone = YOURTIMEZONE, $phone = null, $organization = null, $position = null, $customAttributesObject = array(), $groupsObject = array ()) { $userobject = array ( 'password' => (string) $password, 'language' => (string) $language, 'firstName'=> (string) $firstName, 'lastName' => (string) $lastName, 'emailAddress' => (string) $emailAddress, 'userName' => (string) $userName, 'timezone' => (string) $timezone, 'phone' => (string) $phone, 'organization' => (string) $organization, 'position' => (string) $position, 'customAttributes' => $customAttributesObject, 'groups' => $groupsObject); return $userobject; } } ?>