@echo off REM *** Configure the Agent ************************************************** REM DNS-Name or IP of the Zabbix-Server or Zabbix Proxy, separate more than one server with , Set ZABBIXSERVER= REM the same before, only for active checks. If Empty, ZABBIXSERVER will be used Set ZABBIXSERVERACTIVE= REM Port of Zabbix Server, Default = 10051 Set ZABBIXSERVERPORT=10051 REM Hostname to use REM Set ZABBIXHOSTNAME=%COMPUTERNAME% REM Next Line works also with Hostnames longer than 15 Chars For /f %%i in ('hostname') do Set ZABBIXHOSTNAME=%%i REM Set next Entry to YES or NO. YES = add Computerdomain like .domain.local to Hostname Set USEDOMAINSUFFIX=YES REM If the Computer is in no domain, or the domain can not be determined, use the following suffix Set FALLBACKDOMAIN=AEZ REM Zabbix Host ListenPort, Default = 10050 ********************************** Set ZABBIXHOSTLISTENPORT=10050 REM HostMetadata for Autodiscovery ******************************************* REM Set a REM in front of the line if you did not use REM Only use at Version 2.2 or higher, not for 2.0.x Set ZABBIXHOSTMETADATA=AEZ-Windows REM ## Try some alternativ Tests for different Metadata ********************** REM Set METADATATEST to YES if you want the following additional Tests Set METADATATEST=NO REM Alternativ Metadata if if this Server is a Citrix Terminalserver with XenApp 6.x or 7.x Set ZABBIXHOSTMETADATACITRIX=CitrixServer REM Alternativ Metadata if this Server is an Active Directory Domain Controller Set ZABBIXHOSTMETADATADC=DomainController REM Alternativ Metadata if this Server is an Exchange Mail Server Set ZABBIXHOSTMETADATAEXCHANGE=ExchangeServer REM Alternativ Metadata if this Server is an Microsoft SQL Server Set ZABBIXHOSTMETADATAMSSQL=MSSQLServer REM ************************************************************************* REM Name of Config-File - Default zabbix_agentd.win.conf Set ZABBIXHOSTCONFIGFILE=zabbix_agentd.win.conf REM CleanUp Directory before Installing - delete ALL Files in the Installation REM Directory before installing new Version Set ZABBIXCLEANUP=YES REM Unregister "Zabbix Agent" Service - set to "NO" if you use some Hosts where Zabbix Agent is running REM as an Windows User instead of SYSTEM (Changed some Host manually) Set ZABBIXUNREGISTERSERVICE=YES REM *********************************************************** REM ** ** REM ** Next Lines are for the ZabbixAutoUpdater only ** REM ** http://znil.net/index.php?title=Agent_Auto_Updater ** REM ** ** REM *********************************************************** REM Use ZabbixAutoUpdater? YES or NO Set ZABBIXAGENTUPDATER=NO REM Set Path to the Agent-Files in Network and to the Installation-Script or Program Set UPDATEFILESHARE=\\\Zabbix-Agent$\3.4.1\UpdateCheck Set UPDATEINSTALLER=\\\Zabbix-Agent$\3.4.1\InstallZabbixAgent.bat REM Update Frequency in Minutes Set UPDATEFREQUENCY=120 REM Set Username and Password for Update-Task. Use DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain.local REM Thsi will not work with Password with an %. Use if possible a long Passwort with chars and Numbers REM Or you can run the job as SYSTEM. SYSTEM need no Password. But SYSTEM need anonymous access to the Network-Share Set UPDATEUSER=SYSTEM Set UPDATEPASSWORD= REM Set UPDATEUSER=DOMAIN\Administrator REM Set UPDATEPASSWORD=passw0rd