761 298 429 346 Setup - ZabbixEasyTool clBtnFace DEFAULT_CHARSET clWindowText -13 Arial False poDesktopCenter True FormSetupClose -1798701056 256 1.04 Tabbed pages Dialog. FormSetupMinimize FormSetupRestore True True False True 0 1 0 0 96 16 8 8 396 256 Acknowledge 1409482752 DEFAULT_CHARSET clWindowText -13 Arial False 0 1409482752 0 DockWidth, DockHeight Zabbix API 92 36 289 24 0 https://zabbix.znil.net/api_jsonrpc.php 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 39 82 20 False URL clBtnHighlight False 1 False 1342308610 0 4 71 82 20 False Username clBtnHighlight False 2 False 1342308610 0 92 68 289 24 3 apiuser 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 103 82 20 False Password clBtnHighlight False 4 False 1342308610 0 92 100 289 24 5 dummy&6 1342374048 512 DockHeight 92 133 139 25 Test Credentials 6 clBtnFace 1342373888 0 DockWidth, DockHeight 242 134 139 23 False not tested clSilver False 7 False 1350697729 0 Maintenance 4 14 82 20 False Name Prefix clBtnHighlight False 0 False 1342308610 0 92 11 289 24 1 ZabbixEasyTool 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 46 82 20 False Description clBtnHighlight False 2 False 1342308610 0 92 43 289 24 3 %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% 1342374016 512 DockHeight 12 99 73 116 16
  • 0,5
  • 1
  • 12
  • 18
  • 2
  • 24
  • 4
  • 48
  • 72
  • 8
  • 4 1344471041 512
    92 131 75 24 Add 5 clBtnFace 1342373888 0 DockWidth, DockHeight 92 99 35 24 6 3600 1342382208 512 DockHeight 92 163 75 24 Delete 7 clBtnFace 1342373888 0 DockWidth, DockHeight 12 77 73 22 False Times cl3DLight ANSI_CHARSET clBlack -16 Arial False False 8 False 1342308609 0 132 99 33 24 16 9 m
  • s
  • m
  • h
  • d
  • 1342374466 0 DockHeight
    Trigger DEFAULT_CHARSET clWindowText -13 Arial False 4 23 82 20 False Not classified clBtnHighlight False 0 False 1342308610 0 FormSetupTriggerLabelNotclassified 92 20 185 24 1 Not classified 1342374016 512 DockHeight 284 20 24 24 False clDefault False 2 False 1342308608 0 316 20 65 25 ANSI_CHARSET clWindowText -15 Courier New False 3 97AAB3 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 55 82 20 False Infomation clBtnHighlight False 4 False 1342308610 0 92 52 185 24 5 Information 1342374016 512 DockHeight 284 52 24 24 False clGradientActiveCaption False 6 False 1342308608 0 316 52 65 25 ANSI_CHARSET clWindowText -15 Courier New False 7 7499FF 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 87 82 20 False Warning clBtnHighlight False 8 False 1342308610 0 92 84 185 24 9 Warning 1342374016 512 DockHeight 284 84 24 24 False clFuchsia False 10 False 1342308608 0 316 84 65 25 ANSI_CHARSET clWindowText -15 Courier New False 11 FFC859 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 119 82 20 False Average clBtnHighlight False 12 False 1342308610 0 92 116 185 24 13 Average 1342374016 512 DockHeight 284 116 24 24 False clYellow False 14 False 1342308608 0 316 116 65 25 ANSI_CHARSET clWindowText -15 Courier New False 15 FFA059 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 151 82 20 False High clBtnHighlight False 16 False 1342308610 0 92 148 185 24 17 High 1342374016 512 DockHeight 284 148 24 24 False clMaroon False 18 False 1342308608 0 316 148 65 25 ANSI_CHARSET clWindowText -15 Courier New False 19 E97659 1342374016 512 DockHeight 4 183 82 20 False Disaster clBtnHighlight False 20 False 1342308610 0 92 180 185 24 21 Disaster 1342374016 512 DockHeight 284 180 24 24 False clRed False 22 False 1342308608 0 316 180 65 25 ANSI_CHARSET clWindowText -15 Courier New False 23 E45959 1342374016 512 DockHeight Checks DEFAULT_CHARSET clWindowText -13 Arial False 28 35 50 20 False every clBtnHighlight False 0 False 1342308610 0 12 13 361 17 Check Maintenance Status True cbChecked 1 1342242819 0 DockHeight 84 33 97 25 16 2 1m
  • 30s
  • 1m
  • 2m
  • 3m
  • 5m
  • 10m
  • 15m
  • 30m
  • 1h
  • 1342374466 0 DockHeight
    12 75 361 17 Check unacknowledged Triggers True cbChecked 3 1342242819 0 DockHeight 28 97 50 20 False every clBtnHighlight False 4 False 1342308610 0 84 95 97 25 16 5 1m
  • 30s
  • 1m
  • 2m
  • 3m
  • 5m
  • 10m
  • 15m
  • 30m
  • 1h
  • 1342374466 0 DockHeight
    Acknowledge DEFAULT_CHARSET clWindowText -13 Arial -1 False 4 5 130 20 Default Message Text clBtnHighlight False 0 False 1342308608 0 4 29 377 137
  • This problem is ignored.
  • It is enough for the next occurrence of the problem to do something.
  • 1 1345523908 512
  • 4 197 201 17 Try to close Problems 2 1342242819 0 DockHeight 4 173 289 17 Never ask - always use default message True cbChecked 3 1342242819 0 DockHeight
    166 272 75 25 &OK 1342242816 1 FormSetupButtonOKClick clBtnFace 1342373888 0 DockWidth, DockHeight 246 272 75 25 &Cancel 1342242816 2 FormSetupButtonCancelClick clBtnFace 1342373888 0 DockWidth, DockHeight 328 272 75 25 &Help 1342242816 3 FormSetupButtonHelpClick clBtnFace 1342373888 0 DockWidth, DockHeight