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synced 2025-02-05 14:51:34 +01:00
541 lines
17 KiB
541 lines
17 KiB
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
var openModals = [];
Foundation.libs.reveal = {
name : 'reveal',
version : '5.5.3master',
locked : false,
settings : {
animation : 'fadeAndPop',
animation_speed : 250,
close_on_background_click : true,
close_on_esc : true,
dismiss_modal_class : 'close-reveal-modal',
multiple_opened : false,
bg_class : 'reveal-modal-bg',
root_element : 'body',
no_scroll: false,
open : function(){},
opened : function(){},
close : function(){},
closed : function(){},
on_ajax_error: $.noop,
bg : $('.reveal-modal-bg'),
css : {
open : {
'opacity' : 0,
'visibility' : 'visible',
'display' : 'block'
close : {
'opacity' : 1,
'visibility' : 'hidden',
'display' : 'none'
init : function (scope, method, options) {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method, options);
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function (scope) {
var self = this,
S = self.S;
.on('click.fndtn.reveal', '[' + this.add_namespace('data-reveal-id') + ']:not([disabled])', function (e) {
if (!self.locked) {
var element = S(this),
ajax = element.data(self.data_attr('reveal-ajax')),
replaceContentSel = element.data(self.data_attr('reveal-replace-content'));
self.locked = true;
if (typeof ajax === 'undefined') {
self.open.call(self, element);
} else {
var url = ajax === true ? element.attr('href') : ajax;
self.open.call(self, element, {url : url}, { replaceContentSel : replaceContentSel });
.on('click.fndtn.reveal', this.close_targets(), function (e) {
if (!self.locked) {
var settings = S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open').data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init') || self.settings,
bg_clicked = S(e.target)[0] === S('.' + settings.bg_class)[0];
if (bg_clicked) {
if (settings.close_on_background_click) {
} else {
self.locked = true;
self.close.call(self, bg_clicked ? S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open:not(.toback)') : S(this).closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']'));
if (S('[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.scope).length > 0) {
// .off('.reveal')
.on('open.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.open)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.opened)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', this.open_video)
.on('close.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.close)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.closed)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', this.close_video);
} else {
// .off('.reveal')
.on('open.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.open)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.opened)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.open_video)
.on('close.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.close)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.closed)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.close_video);
return true;
// PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
key_up_on : function (scope) {
var self = this;
// PATCH #1: fixing multiple keyup event trigger from single key press
self.S('body').off('keyup.fndtn.reveal').on('keyup.fndtn.reveal', function ( event ) {
var open_modal = self.S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open'),
settings = open_modal.data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init') || self.settings ;
// PATCH #2: making sure that the close event can be called only while unlocked,
// so that multiple keyup.fndtn.reveal events don't prevent clean closing of the reveal window.
if ( settings && event.which === 27 && settings.close_on_esc && !self.locked) { // 27 is the keycode for the Escape key
self.close.call(self, open_modal);
return true;
// PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
key_up_off : function (scope) {
return true;
open : function (target, ajax_settings) {
var self = this,
if (target) {
if (typeof target.selector !== 'undefined') {
// Find the named node; only use the first one found, since the rest of the code assumes there's only one node
modal = self.S('#' + target.data(self.data_attr('reveal-id'))).first();
} else {
modal = self.S(this.scope);
ajax_settings = target;
} else {
modal = self.S(this.scope);
var settings = modal.data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init');
settings = settings || this.settings;
if (modal.hasClass('open') && target !== undefined && target.attr('data-reveal-id') == modal.attr('id')) {
return self.close(modal);
if (!modal.hasClass('open')) {
var open_modal = self.S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open');
if (typeof modal.data('css-top') === 'undefined') {
modal.data('css-top', parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10))
.data('offset', this.cache_offset(modal));
if(settings.no_scroll){//added 10/9/15, prevents annoying scroll positioning bug with position: absolute; reveals
var $body = $('body');
$body.on('open.fndtn.reveal', function(){
$body.css('overflow', 'hidden')
this.key_up_on(modal); // PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
// Prevent namespace event from triggering twice
modal.on('open.fndtn.reveal', function(e) {
if (e.namespace !== 'fndtn.reveal') return;
if (open_modal.length < 1) {
this.toggle_bg(modal, true);
if (typeof ajax_settings === 'string') {
ajax_settings = {
url : ajax_settings
var openModal = function() {
if(open_modal.length > 0) {
if(settings.multiple_opened) {
} else {
self.hide(open_modal, settings.css.close);
// bl: add the open_modal that isn't already in the background to the openModals array
if(settings.multiple_opened) {
self.show(modal, settings.css.open);
if (typeof ajax_settings === 'undefined' || !ajax_settings.url) {
} else {
var old_success = typeof ajax_settings.success !== 'undefined' ? ajax_settings.success : null;
$.extend(ajax_settings, {
success : function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if ( $.isFunction(old_success) ) {
var result = old_success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
if (typeof result == 'string') {
data = result;
if (typeof options !== 'undefined' && typeof options.replaceContentSel !== 'undefined') {
} else {
self.S(modal).foundation('section', 'reflow');
// check for if user initalized with error callback
if (settings.on_ajax_error !== $.noop) {
$.extend(ajax_settings, {
error : settings.on_ajax_error
close : function (modal) {
var modal = modal && modal.length ? modal : this.S(this.scope),
open_modals = this.S('[' + this.attr_name() + '].open'),
settings = modal.data(this.attr_name(true) + '-init') || this.settings,
self = this;
if (open_modals.length > 0) {
if(settings.no_scroll){//added 10/9/15, prevents annoying scroll positioning bug with position: absolute; reveals
var $body = $('body');
$body.on('close.fndtn.reveal', function(){
$body.css('overflow', 'auto')
this.locked = true;
this.key_up_off(modal); // PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
if ((settings.multiple_opened && open_modals.length === 1) || !settings.multiple_opened || modal.length > 1) {
self.toggle_bg(modal, false);
if (settings.multiple_opened) {
var isCurrent = modal.is(':not(.toback)');
self.hide(modal, settings.css.close, settings);
if(isCurrent) {
// remove the last modal since it is now closed
} else {
// if this isn't the current modal, then find it in the array and remove it
openModals = $.grep(openModals, function(elt) {
var isThis = elt[0]===modal[0];
if(isThis) {
// since it's not currently in the front, put it in the front now that it is hidden
// so that if it's re-opened, it won't be .toback
return !isThis;
// finally, show the next modal in the stack, if there is one
if(openModals.length>0) {
self.to_front(openModals[openModals.length - 1]);
} else {
self.hide(open_modals, settings.css.close, settings);
close_targets : function () {
var base = '.' + this.settings.dismiss_modal_class;
if (this.settings.close_on_background_click) {
return base + ', .' + this.settings.bg_class;
return base;
toggle_bg : function (modal, state) {
if (this.S('.' + this.settings.bg_class).length === 0) {
this.settings.bg = $('<div />', {'class': this.settings.bg_class})
var visible = this.settings.bg.filter(':visible').length > 0;
if ( state != visible ) {
if ( state == undefined ? visible : !state ) {
} else {
show : function (el, css) {
// is modal
if (css) {
var settings = el.data(this.attr_name(true) + '-init') || this.settings,
root_element = settings.root_element,
context = this;
if (el.parent(root_element).length === 0) {
var placeholder = el.wrap('<div style="display: none;" />').parent();
el.on('closed.fndtn.reveal.wrapped', function () {
var animData = getAnimationData(settings.animation);
if (!animData.animate) {
this.locked = false;
if (animData.pop) {
css.top = $(window).scrollTop() - el.data('offset') + 'px';
var end_css = {
top: $(window).scrollTop() + el.data('css-top') + 'px',
opacity: 1
return setTimeout(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
context.locked = false;
}, settings.animation_speed / 2);
css.top = $(window).scrollTop() + el.data('css-top') + 'px';
if (animData.fade) {
var end_css = {opacity: 1};
return setTimeout(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
context.locked = false;
}, settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.css(css).show().css({opacity : 1}).addClass('open').trigger('opened.fndtn.reveal');
var settings = this.settings;
// should we animate the background?
if (getAnimationData(settings.animation).fade) {
return el.fadeIn(settings.animation_speed / 2);
this.locked = false;
return el.show();
to_back : function(el) {
to_front : function(el) {
hide : function (el, css) {
// is modal
if (css) {
var settings = el.data(this.attr_name(true) + '-init'),
context = this;
settings = settings || this.settings;
var animData = getAnimationData(settings.animation);
if (!animData.animate) {
this.locked = false;
if (animData.pop) {
var end_css = {
top: - $(window).scrollTop() - el.data('offset') + 'px',
opacity: 0
return setTimeout(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
context.locked = false;
}, settings.animation_speed / 2);
if (animData.fade) {
var end_css = {opacity : 0};
return setTimeout(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
context.locked = false;
}, settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.hide().css(css).removeClass('open').trigger('closed.fndtn.reveal');
var settings = this.settings;
// should we animate the background?
if (getAnimationData(settings.animation).fade) {
return el.fadeOut(settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.hide();
close_video : function (e) {
var video = $('.flex-video', e.target),
iframe = $('iframe', video);
if (iframe.length > 0) {
iframe.attr('data-src', iframe[0].src);
iframe.attr('src', iframe.attr('src'));
open_video : function (e) {
var video = $('.flex-video', e.target),
iframe = video.find('iframe');
if (iframe.length > 0) {
var data_src = iframe.attr('data-src');
if (typeof data_src === 'string') {
iframe[0].src = iframe.attr('data-src');
} else {
var src = iframe[0].src;
iframe[0].src = undefined;
iframe[0].src = src;
data_attr : function (str) {
if (this.namespace.length > 0) {
return this.namespace + '-' + str;
return str;
cache_offset : function (modal) {
var offset = modal.show().height() + parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10) + modal.scrollY;
return offset;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
* getAnimationData('popAndFade') // {animate: true, pop: true, fade: true}
* getAnimationData('fade') // {animate: true, pop: false, fade: true}
* getAnimationData('pop') // {animate: true, pop: true, fade: false}
* getAnimationData('foo') // {animate: false, pop: false, fade: false}
* getAnimationData(null) // {animate: false, pop: false, fade: false}
function getAnimationData(str) {
var fade = /fade/i.test(str);
var pop = /pop/i.test(str);
return {
animate : fade || pop,
pop : pop,
fade : fade
}(jQuery, window, window.document));