mirror of https://github.com/Hutchy68/pivot.git synced 2025-03-12 07:53:14 +01:00
2015-10-01 10:00:26 -04:00

360 lines
9.9 KiB

;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.interchange = {
name : 'interchange',
version : '5.5.2',
cache : {},
images_loaded : false,
nodes_loaded : false,
settings : {
load_attr : 'interchange',
named_queries : {
'default' : 'only screen',
'small' : Foundation.media_queries['small'],
'small-only' : Foundation.media_queries['small-only'],
'medium' : Foundation.media_queries['medium'],
'medium-only' : Foundation.media_queries['medium-only'],
'large' : Foundation.media_queries['large'],
'large-only' : Foundation.media_queries['large-only'],
'xlarge' : Foundation.media_queries['xlarge'],
'xlarge-only' : Foundation.media_queries['xlarge-only'],
'xxlarge' : Foundation.media_queries['xxlarge'],
'landscape' : 'only screen and (orientation: landscape)',
'portrait' : 'only screen and (orientation: portrait)',
'retina' : 'only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),' +
'only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi),' +
'only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx)'
directives : {
replace : function (el, path, trigger) {
// The trigger argument, if called within the directive, fires
// an event named after the directive on the element, passing
// any parameters along to the event that you pass to trigger.
// ex. trigger(), trigger([a, b, c]), or trigger(a, b, c)
// This allows you to bind a callback like so:
// $('#interchangeContainer').on('replace', function (e, a, b, c) {
// console.log($(this).html(), a, b, c);
// });
if (el !== null && /IMG/.test(el[0].nodeName)) {
var orig_path = el[0].src;
if (new RegExp(path, 'i').test(orig_path)) {
el.attr("src", path);
return trigger(el[0].src);
var last_path = el.data(this.data_attr + '-last-path'),
self = this;
if (last_path == path) {
if (/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)([?#].*)?/i.test(path)) {
$(el).css('background-image', 'url(' + path + ')');
el.data('interchange-last-path', path);
return trigger(path);
return $.get(path, function (response) {
el.data(self.data_attr + '-last-path', path);
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle random_str');
this.data_attr = this.set_data_attr();
$.extend(true, this.settings, method, options);
this.bindings(method, options);
get_media_hash : function () {
var mediaHash = '';
for (var queryName in this.settings.named_queries ) {
mediaHash += matchMedia(this.settings.named_queries[queryName]).matches.toString();
return mediaHash;
events : function () {
var self = this, prevMediaHash;
.on('resize.fndtn.interchange', self.throttle(function () {
var currMediaHash = self.get_media_hash();
if (currMediaHash !== prevMediaHash) {
prevMediaHash = currMediaHash;
}, 50));
return this;
resize : function () {
var cache = this.cache;
if (!this.images_loaded || !this.nodes_loaded) {
setTimeout($.proxy(this.resize, this), 50);
for (var uuid in cache) {
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
var passed = this.results(uuid, cache[uuid]);
if (passed) {
.scenario[1]].call(this, passed.el, passed.scenario[0], (function (passed) {
if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) {
var args = arguments[0];
} else {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
return function() {
passed.el.trigger(passed.scenario[1], args);
results : function (uuid, scenarios) {
var count = scenarios.length;
if (count > 0) {
var el = this.S('[' + this.add_namespace('data-uuid') + '="' + uuid + '"]');
while (count--) {
var mq, rule = scenarios[count][2];
if (this.settings.named_queries.hasOwnProperty(rule)) {
mq = matchMedia(this.settings.named_queries[rule]);
} else {
mq = matchMedia(rule);
if (mq.matches) {
return {el : el, scenario : scenarios[count]};
return false;
load : function (type, force_update) {
if (typeof this['cached_' + type] === 'undefined' || force_update) {
this['update_' + type]();
return this['cached_' + type];
update_images : function () {
var images = this.S('img[' + this.data_attr + ']'),
count = images.length,
i = count,
loaded_count = 0,
data_attr = this.data_attr;
this.cache = {};
this.cached_images = [];
this.images_loaded = (count === 0);
while (i--) {
if (images[i]) {
var str = images[i].getAttribute(data_attr) || '';
if (str.length > 0) {
if (loaded_count === count) {
this.images_loaded = true;
return this;
update_nodes : function () {
var nodes = this.S('[' + this.data_attr + ']').not('img'),
count = nodes.length,
i = count,
loaded_count = 0,
data_attr = this.data_attr;
this.cached_nodes = [];
this.nodes_loaded = (count === 0);
while (i--) {
var str = nodes[i].getAttribute(data_attr) || '';
if (str.length > 0) {
if (loaded_count === count) {
this.nodes_loaded = true;
return this;
enhance : function (type) {
var i = this['cached_' + type].length;
while (i--) {
this.object($(this['cached_' + type][i]));
return $(window).trigger('resize.fndtn.interchange');
convert_directive : function (directive) {
var trimmed = this.trim(directive);
if (trimmed.length > 0) {
return trimmed;
return 'replace';
parse_scenario : function (scenario) {
// This logic had to be made more complex since some users were using commas in the url path
// So we cannot simply just split on a comma
var directive_match = scenario[0].match(/(.+),\s*(\w+)\s*$/),
// getting the mq has gotten a bit complicated since we started accounting for several use cases
// of URLs. For now we'll continue to match these scenarios, but we may consider having these scenarios
// as nested objects or arrays in F6.
// regex: match everything before close parenthesis for mq
media_query = scenario[1].match(/(.*)\)/);
if (directive_match) {
var path = directive_match[1],
directive = directive_match[2];
} else {
var cached_split = scenario[0].split(/,\s*$/),
path = cached_split[0],
directive = '';
return [this.trim(path), this.convert_directive(directive), this.trim(media_query[1])];
object : function (el) {
var raw_arr = this.parse_data_attr(el),
scenarios = [],
i = raw_arr.length;
if (i > 0) {
while (i--) {
// split array between comma delimited content and mq
// regex: comma, optional space, open parenthesis
var scenario = raw_arr[i].split(/,\s?\(/);
if (scenario.length > 1) {
var params = this.parse_scenario(scenario);
return this.store(el, scenarios);
store : function (el, scenarios) {
var uuid = this.random_str(),
current_uuid = el.data(this.add_namespace('uuid', true));
if (this.cache[current_uuid]) {
return this.cache[current_uuid];
el.attr(this.add_namespace('data-uuid'), uuid);
return this.cache[uuid] = scenarios;
trim : function (str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
return $.trim(str);
return str;
set_data_attr : function (init) {
if (init) {
if (this.namespace.length > 0) {
return this.namespace + '-' + this.settings.load_attr;
return this.settings.load_attr;
if (this.namespace.length > 0) {
return 'data-' + this.namespace + '-' + this.settings.load_attr;
return 'data-' + this.settings.load_attr;
parse_data_attr : function (el) {
var raw = el.attr(this.attr_name()).split(/\[(.*?)\]/),
i = raw.length,
output = [];
while (i--) {
if (raw[i].replace(/[\W\d]+/, '').length > 4) {
return output;
reflow : function () {
this.load('images', true);
this.load('nodes', true);
}(jQuery, window, window.document));