# BETA! This skin is based on a fork of and complete rework of the layout of the Foreground skin. Added classes available in Foundation 5, 100% width like Vector, but is totally mobile responsive. # MediaWiki Pivot Skin A [MediaWiki](http://www.mediawiki.org) skin that focuses on mobile first but will pivot to all viewports with elegance. Supports responsive layouts and has classes predefined for [Semantic MediaWiki](http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki). Built on the [Zurb Foundation 5](http://foundation.zurb.com) CSS framework. ## Download First, copy the Pivot source files into your MediaWiki skins directory (see [skinning](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skinning) for general information on MediaWiki skins). You can either download the files and extract them from: https://github.com/hutchy68/pivot/archive/master.zip You should extract that into a folder named `pivot` in your `skins` directory. Alternatively, you can use git to clone the repository, which makes it very easy to update the code, using: git clone https://github.com/hutchy68/pivot.git After that, you can issue `git pull` to update the code at anytime. ## Setup Once the skin is in place add the following line to your `LocalSettings.php` file. require_once "$IP/skins/pivot/pivot.php"; This will activate Pivot in your installation. At this point you can select it as a user skin in your user preferences. To activate Pivot for all users and anonymous visitors, you need to set the `$wgDefaultSkin` variable and set it to `pivot`. $wgDefaultSkin = "pivot"; ## Configurations Use following features in `LocalSettings.php` to change the behavior. - `'showActionsForAnon' => true` displays page actions for non-logged-in visitors. - `'showHelpUnderTools' => true` a Link to "Help" will be created under "Tools". - `'showRecentChangesUnderTool's => true` a Link to "recent changes" will be created under "Tools". - `'IeEdgeCode' => 1` will produce a meta tag with "X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge", `2` will sent a header, `0` nothing will be done - `'fixedNavBar' => false` will allow the NavBar to scroll with the content, `true` will lock the NavBar. - `'navbarIcon' => false` no icon in mobile view, `true` to use the global set logopath image of the wiki. - `'showFooterIcons' => false` will show text in place of footer icons, `true` will output the icons as globally set. - `'addThisPUBID' => ''` empty string will not fire the AddThis script, `'ra-##-#######'` publisher ID will allow the run the AddThis script in async. - `'useAddThisShare' => false` default, do not use AddThis share, `true` will insert the share toolbox div directly under page title, but before the tagline. - `'useAddThisFollow' => false` default, do not use AddThis follow, `true` will insert the follow toolbox div in the `right-footer` area before icon or text output. These are the default values: $wgPivotFeatures = array( 'showActionsForAnon' => true, 'fixedNavBar' => false, 'showHelpUnderTools' => true, 'showRecentChangesUnderTools' => true, 'wikiName' => &$GLOBALS['wgSitename'], 'wikiNameDesktop' => &$GLOBALS['wgSitename'], 'navbarIcon' => false, 'IeEdgeCode' => 1, 'showFooterIcons' => false, 'addThisPUBID' => '', 'useAddThisShare' => false, 'useAddThisFollow' => false ); ### Notes on other skins As you build a wiki out with Pivot you will likely use the responsive grid from Foundation. This is key to making a responsive wiki, and is one of the largest _migration_ requirements when you want to move a wiki that previously used Vector (and likely a lot of tables for layout) to Pivot. Once you do this, the ability of a user to select whatever skin will be removed. If you take full advantage of Pivot in your templates the lack of the Foundation grid will make viewing the wiki using [Vector](http://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Skin:Vector) or [MonoBook](http://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Skin:MonoBook) very difficult. Because of this, it is suggested that you set the `$wgSkipSkins` variable to make sure that everyone sees the site as you intended it. This removes other skins from being user selectable options. # Pivot is specific, so lets disable other skins $wgSkipSkins = array( 'chick', 'cologneblue', 'modern', 'myskin', 'nostalgia', 'simple', 'standard', 'filament', 'monobook', 'vector' ); You may also want to allow users to set a User CSS if they want to tweak things inside of Pivot. This is entirely optional. # Allow User CSS, mostly for skin testing $wgAllowUserCss = true; ## Using Pivot Questions, open an issue in this repo on Github.