mirror of https://github.com/Hutchy68/pivot.git synced 2025-03-10 06:57:19 +01:00

Merge pull request #5 from Hutchy68/codecleanup

Code fixes, cleanup, introduces unused $cache, but it is needed by MW for cached data
This commit is contained in:
Tom Hutchison 2015-11-04 12:54:37 -05:00
commit a98d04e3ac
12 changed files with 185 additions and 1279 deletions

View File

@ -1,70 +1,35 @@
* Internationalization file for skin Pivot.
* This is a backwards-compatibility shim, generated by:
* https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/mediawiki%2Fcore.git/HEAD/maintenance%2FgenerateJsonI18n.php
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
* Beginning with MediaWiki 1.23, translation strings are stored in json files,
* and the EXTENSION.i18n.php file only exists to provide compatibility with
* older releases of MediaWiki. For more information about this migration, see:
* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Localisation_format
* This shim maintains compatibility back to MediaWiki 1.17.
$messages = array();
if ( !function_exists( 'wfJsonI18nShimd9f8f6c360c3cca9' ) ) {
function wfJsonI18nShimd9f8f6c360c3cca9( $cache, $code, &$cachedData ) {
$codeSequence = array_merge( array( $code ), $cachedData['fallbackSequence'] );
foreach ( $codeSequence as $csCode ) {
$fileName = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/i18n/$csCode.json";
if ( is_readable( $fileName ) ) {
$data = FormatJson::decode( file_get_contents( $fileName ), true );
foreach ( array_keys( $data ) as $key ) {
if ( $key === '' || $key[0] === '@' ) {
unset( $data[$key] );
$cachedData['messages'] = array_merge( $data, $cachedData['messages'] );
/** English
* @author Garrick Van Buren
$messages['en'] = array(
'skinname-pivot' => 'Pivot',
'pivot-desc' => 'A mobile skin which "Pivots" seamlessly to any size display.',
'pivot-browsermsg' => 'may not look as expected in this version of Internet Explorer. We recommend you upgrade to a newer version of Internet Explorer or switch to a browser like Firefox or Chrome.',
'pivot-menutitle' => 'Menu'
$cachedData['deps'][] = new FileDependency( $fileName );
return true;
/** German (Deutsch)
* @author Kghbln
$messages['de'] = array(
'skinname-pivot' => 'Pivot',
'pivot-desc' => 'Stellt eine Benutzeroberfläche bereit, die die Inhalte des Wikis betont',
'pivot-browsermsg' => 'sieht in dieser Version des Internet Explorers nicht wie gewünscht aus. Es wird ein Upgrade des Internet Explorers oder der Umstieg auf einen Browser wie Firefox oder Chrome empfohlen.',
'pivot-menutitle' => 'Menü'
/** Spanish (español)
* @author Manuel Rubio
$messages['es'] = array(
'skinname-pivot' => 'Pivot',
'pivot-desc' => 'Provee una plantilla que se centra en resaltar en primer plano el contenido.',
'pivot-browsermsg' => 'puede verse diferente a lo esperado en esta versión de Internet Explorer le recomendamos que se actualice a una versión más reciente, o cambie a un navegador como Firefox o Chrome.',
'pivot-menutitle' => 'Menu'
/** Dutch (nederlands)
* @author Marijke Stuivenberg
$messages['nl'] = array(
'skinname-pivot' => 'Pivot',
'pivot-desc' => 'Biedt een uiterlijk dat er voor zorgt dat de inhoud op de voorgrond wordt weergegeven',
'pivot-browsermsg' => 'wordt mogelijk niet goed weergegeven in deze versie van Internet Explorer. Aanbevolen wordt te upgraden naar een nieuwere versie van Internet Explorer of om te schakelen naar een browser zoals Firefox of Chrome.',
'pivot-menutitle' => 'Menu'
/** Arabic
* @author النعيمي باشا
$messages['ar'] = array(
'skinname-pivot' => 'Pivot',
'pivot-desc' => 'نوفر مظهر يركز على وضع محتواك في المقدمة',
'pivot-browsermsg' => 'ربما يظهر بشكل غير مقبول في هذه النسخة من انترنت اكسبلورر. ننصحك بالترقية إلى إصدار أحدث لانترنت اكسبلورر أو التغير إلى متصفح مثل فايرفوكس أو كروم.',
'pivot-menutitle' => 'قائمة'
/** French
* @author MATsxm
$messages['fr'] = array(
'skinname-pivot' => 'Pivot',
'pivot-desc' => 'Un skin pour mobiles qui permet un affichage du contenu pour tous types d\'affichages.',
'pivot-browsermsg' => 'l\'affichage sur cette version d\'Internet Explorer peut être altéré. Nous vous recommandons de la mettre à jour niveau vers une version plus récente d\Internet Explorer ou de passer à un autre navigateur tel que Firefox ou Chrome.',
'pivot-menutitle' => 'Menu'
$GLOBALS['wgHooks']['LocalisationCacheRecache'][] = 'wfJsonI18nShimd9f8f6c360c3cca9';

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Skinpivot extends SkinTemplate {
public function initPage( OutputPage $out ) {
public function initPage(OutputPage $out) {
global $wgLocalStylePath;
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
$out = ob_get_contents();
$markers = array("&lt;a", "&lt;/a", "&gt;");
$tags = array("<a", "</a", ">");
$markers = array("&lt;a", "&lt;/a", "&gt;");
$tags = array("<a", "</a", ">");
$body = str_replace($markers, $tags, $out);
@ -79,14 +79,10 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
switch ($wgPivotFeatures['showFooterIcons']) {
case true:
$footerLeftClass = 'small-12 medium-8 large-9 columns';
$footerRightClass = 'small-12 medium-4 large-3 columns';
$poweredbyType = "icononly";
$poweredbyMakeType = 'withImage';
$footerLeftClass = 'small-12 medium-8 large-9 columns';
$footerRightClass = 'small-12 medium-4 large-3 columns';
$poweredbyType = "nocopyright";
$poweredbyMakeType = 'withoutImage';
@ -96,7 +92,7 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<div class="off-canvas-wrap docs-wrap" data-offcanvas="">
<div class="inner-wrap">
<?php if ($wgPivotFeatures['fixedNavBar'] != false) echo "<div class='fixed'>";?>
<?php if ($wgPivotFeatures['fixedNavBar'] != false) echo "<div class='fixed'>"; ?>
<nav class="tab-bar">
<section id="left-nav-aside" class="left-small show-for-small">
<a class="left-off-canvas-toggle"><span id="menu-user"><i class="fa fa-navicon fa-lg"></i></span></a>
@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<a class="right-off-canvas-toggle"><span id="menu-user"><i class="fa <?php if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()): ?>fa-user<?php else: ?>fa-navicon<?php endif; ?> fa-lg"></i></span></a>
<?php if ($wgPivotFeatures['fixedNavBar'] != false) echo "</div>";?>
<?php if ($wgPivotFeatures['fixedNavBar'] != false) echo "</div>"; ?>
<aside class="left-off-canvas-menu">
<ul class="off-canvas-list">
@ -138,7 +134,7 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<ul class="off-canvas-list">
<?php if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()): ?>
<li id="personal-tools"><label>Personal</label></li>
<?php foreach ( $this->getPersonalTools() as $key => $item ) { echo $this->makeListItem($key, $item); } ?>
<?php foreach ($this->getPersonalTools() as $key => $item) { echo $this->makeListItem($key, $item); } ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php if (isset($this->data['personal_urls']['anonlogin'])): ?>
<li><a href="<?php echo $this->data['personal_urls']['anonlogin']['href']; ?>"><?php echo wfMessage( 'login' )->text() ?></a></li>
@ -195,8 +191,8 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<?php if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn() || $wgPivotFeatures['showActionsForAnon']): ?>
<a href="#" data-options="align:left" data-dropdown="drop1" class="button secondary small radius pull-right" id="drop"><i class="fa fa-navicon fa-lg"><span id="page-actions" class="show-for-medium-up">&nbsp;<?php echo wfMessage( 'actions' )->text() ?></span></i></a>
<ul id="drop1" class="tiny content f-dropdown" data-dropdown-content>
<?php foreach( $this->data['content_actions'] as $key => $item ) { echo preg_replace(array('/\sprimary="1"/','/\scontext="[a-z]+"/','/\srel="archives"/'),'',$this->makeListItem($key, $item)); } ?>
<?php wfRunHooks( SkinTemplateToolboxEnd, array( &$this, true ) ); ?>
<?php foreach($this->data['content_actions'] as $key => $item) { echo preg_replace(array('/\sprimary="1"/', '/\scontext="[a-z]+"/', '/\srel="archives"/'),'',$this->makeListItem($key, $item)); } ?>
<?php wfRunHooks(SkinTemplateToolboxEnd, array(&$this, true)); ?>
<?php if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()): ?>
<div id="echo-notifications"></div>
@ -239,14 +235,14 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<footer class="row">
<div id="footer">
<div id="footer-left" class="<?php echo $footerLeftClass;?>">
<div id="footer-left" class="small-12 medium-8 large-9 columns">
<ul id="footer-left">
<?php foreach ( $this->getFooterLinks( "flat" ) as $key ) { ?>
<li id="footer-<?php echo $key ?>"><?php $this->html( $key ) ?></li>
<?php foreach ($this->getFooterLinks("flat") as $key) { ?>
<li id="footer-<?php echo $key ?>"><?php $this->html($key) ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<div id="footer-right-icons" class="<?php echo $footerRightClass;?>">
<div id="footer-right-icons" class="small-12 medium-4 large-3 columns">
<ul id="footer-right">
<li class="social-follow">
<?php if ($wgPivotFeatures['useAddThisFollow'] != false) { ?>
@ -256,9 +252,9 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ( $this->getFooterIcons( $poweredbyType ) as $blockName => $footerIcons ) { ?>
<li class="<?php echo $blockName ?>"><?php foreach ( $footerIcons as $icon ) { ?>
<?php echo $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon( $icon, $poweredbyMakeType ); ?>
<?php foreach ($this->getFooterIcons($poweredbyType) as $blockName => $footerIcons) { ?>
<li class="<?php echo $blockName ?>"><?php foreach ($footerIcons as $icon) { ?>
<?php echo $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon($icon, $poweredbyMakeType); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
@ -282,7 +278,7 @@ class pivotTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
<?php $this->printTrail(); ?>
<?php if ($wgPivotFeatures['addThisFollowPUBID'] != '') { ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=<?php echo $wgPivotFeatures['addThisPUBID'];?>" async="async">></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=<?php echo $wgPivotFeatures['addThisPUBID']; ?>" async="async">></script>
<?php } ?>

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ body { line-height: 1.6em; font-size: 16px; }
p, ul, ol, dl { font-size: 16px; }
h4,h5,h6 {color: 2e2e2e;}
#toc ul, .toc ul { font-size: 16px; }
@media only screen and (min-width: 40.0625em) {
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ p, ul, ol, dl { font-size: 14px; }
#toc ul, .toc ul { font-size: 13.3px; }
p, table { margin-bottom: 1em; max-width: 100%; }
p, table { border: none; margin-bottom: 1em; max-width: 100%; }
@ -72,15 +74,23 @@ body.action-formedit .row.hide-on-form-edit { display: none;}
#p-cactions #drop1 a:hover {
background-color: #eee;
color: darkslateblue;
color: darkslateblue;
#p-cactions > a.button {
float:right; }
/* Fix scaling issue for menu icon */
@media only screen and (min-width: 40.0625em) {
#drop .fa.fa-navicon.fa-lg {
font-size: 1.25em;
span#page-actions {
font-size: .75em;
font-size: 0.85em;
font-family: sans-serif;
vertical-align: top;
vertical-align: middle;
padding:0 0 0 10px;
/* Make sure top bar is even more z-indx! */
@ -98,11 +108,8 @@ color: #eee;
section.middle.tab-bar-section a {
color: #fff;
ul.off-canvas-list form#searchform {
margin: 1em;
ul.off-canvas-list form#searchform-offcanvas {
margin: 1em;
margin: 1em;
a.feedlink {
background: none;
@ -211,15 +218,12 @@ ul#drop1.f-dropdown {
color: #222;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
.mw-content-ltr ul {
margin: .5em 0 1em 2em;
ul.accordion {
margin: 0;
.columns ul.special li {
width: 100%;
@ -321,6 +325,22 @@ li.social-follow {
font-weight: bold;
/* Fix Tables on narrow pages for Special Pages and Category Pages */
@media screen and (max-width:782px) {
.ns-14 #mw-subcategories table td,
.ns-14 #mw-pages table td,
.ns--1 table.mw-specialpages-table td {
display: inline;
.ns-14 table,
.ns--1 table {
.ns-14 table ul,
.ns--1 table ul {
margin: 0 0 0 2em;
/* TABS */
@ -852,7 +872,7 @@ body.mw-special-Userlogin h2.title {
/* Aside CSS */
ul.off-canvas-list input#searchInput,
ul.off-canvas-list input#searchInput-offcanvas,
ul.off-canvas-list button.button.search {
height: 2rem;
margin: 0;
@ -875,7 +895,8 @@ ul.side-nav .button {
margin: 0;
ul.side-nav input[type="search"] {
height: 2.1em;
height: 1.9rem;
font-size: 0.9rem;
.side-nav li a:not(.button) {
padding: 0 0 0 .5em;
@ -898,8 +919,9 @@ ul.off-canvas-list li a:hover {
background: #f1f0ff;
.side-nav li a:not(.button):hover {
background: #eeffee;
.side-nav li a:not(.button):hover,
.side-nav li a:not(.button):focus {
background: transparent;
color: #0b0080;
@ -915,7 +937,6 @@ body {
li.name.logo {
margin-bottom: 1em;
display: table;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
@ -1145,4 +1166,15 @@ td.htmlform-tip {
.orbit-bullets {
margin: 0 auto 30px auto !important;
/* Block-Grid UL fixes */
ul[class*="block-grid"] {
margin: 0;
/* WikiEditor Label Fix */
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .label {
background: transparent;
color: #000;

i18n/ar.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"النعيمي باشا"
"skinname-pivot": "Pivot",
"pivot-desc": "نوفر مظهر يركز على وضع محتواك في المقدمة",
"pivot-browsermsg": "ربما يظهر بشكل غير مقبول في هذه النسخة من انترنت اكسبلورر. ننصحك بالترقية إلى إصدار أحدث لانترنت اكسبلورر أو التغير إلى متصفح مثل فايرفوكس أو كروم.",
"pivot-menutitle": "قائمة"

i18n/de.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"skinname-pivot": "Pivot",
"pivot-desc": "Stellt eine Benutzeroberfläche bereit, die die Inhalte des Wikis betont",
"pivot-browsermsg": "sieht in dieser Version des Internet Explorers nicht wie gewünscht aus. Es wird ein Upgrade des Internet Explorers oder der Umstieg auf einen Browser wie Firefox oder Chrome empfohlen.",
"pivot-menutitle": "Menü"

i18n/en.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Garrick Van Buren"
"skinname-pivot": "Pivot",
"pivot-desc": "A mobile skin which \"Pivots\" seamlessly to any size display.",
"pivot-browsermsg": "may not look as expected in this version of Internet Explorer. We recommend you upgrade to a newer version of Internet Explorer or switch to a browser like Firefox or Chrome.",
"pivot-menutitle": "Menu"

i18n/es.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Manuel Rubio "
"skinname-pivot": "Pivot",
"pivot-desc": "Provee una plantilla que se centra en resaltar en primer plano el contenido.",
"pivot-browsermsg": "puede verse diferente a lo esperado en esta versión de Internet Explorer le recomendamos que se actualice a una versión más reciente, o cambie a un navegador como Firefox o Chrome.",
"pivot-menutitle": "Menu"

i18n/fr.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"skinname-pivot": "Pivot",
"pivot-desc": "Un skin pour mobiles qui permet un affichage du contenu pour tous types d'affichages.",
"pivot-browsermsg": "l'affichage sur cette version d'Internet Explorer peut être altéré. Nous vous recommandons de la mettre à jour niveau vers une version plus récente d\\Internet Explorer ou de passer à un autre navigateur tel que Firefox ou Chrome.",
"pivot-menutitle": "Menu"

i18n/nl.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Marijke Stuivenberg"
"skinname-pivot": "Pivot",
"pivot-desc": "Biedt een uiterlijk dat er voor zorgt dat de inhoud op de voorgrond wordt weergegeven",
"pivot-browsermsg": "wordt mogelijk niet goed weergegeven in deze versie van Internet Explorer. Aanbevolen wordt te upgraden naar een nieuwere versie van Internet Explorer of om te schakelen naar een browser zoals Firefox of Chrome.",
"pivot-menutitle": "Menu"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
* Pivot Skin
* @file
* @file Since Version 1.0
* @ingroup Skins
* @author Garrick Van Buren, Jamie Thingelstad
* @author Tom Hutchison
* @license 2-clause BSD
if ( ! defined('MEDIAWIKI'))
die("Wiki Wonders What You're Doing");
die("Not Directly Called So What Are You Doing");
@ -31,16 +32,18 @@ $wgValidSkinNames['pivot'] = 'Pivot';
$wgAutoloadClasses['SkinPivot'] = __DIR__.'/Pivot.skin.php';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SkinPivot'] = __DIR__.'/Pivot.i18n.php';
$wgMessagesDirs['SkinPivot'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SkinPivot'] = __DIR__ . '/Pivot.i18n.php';
$wgResourceModules['skins.pivot'] = array(
'styles' => array(
'scripts' => array(

View File

@ -1,16 +1,26 @@
* Pivot Skin
* @file Builds the Sidebar reducing code duplication
* @since Version 1.0
* @ingroup Skins
* @author Tom Hutchison
* @license 2-clause BSD
if ( ! defined('MEDIAWIKI'))
die("Wiki Wonders What You're Doing");
die("Not Directly Called So What Are You Doing?");
foreach ( $this->getSidebar() as $boxName => $box ) { if ( ($box['header'] != wfMessage( 'toolbox' )->text()) ) { ?>
foreach ($this->getSidebar() as $boxName => $box) { if ( ($box['header'] != wfMessage( 'toolbox' )->text()) ) { ?>
<li id='<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( $box['id'] ) ?>'<?php echo Linker::tooltip( $box['id'] ) ?>>
<li><label><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $box['header'] ); ?></label></li>
<?php if ( is_array( $box['content'] ) ) { ?>
<?php foreach ( $box['content'] as $key => $item ) { echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item ); } ?>
<?php foreach ($box['content'] as $key => $item) { echo $this->makeListItem($key, $item); } ?>
<?php } } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ( $this->getToolbox() as $key => $item ) { echo $this->makeListItem($key, $item); } ?>
<?php foreach ($this->getToolbox() as $key => $item) { echo $this->makeListItem($key, $item); } ?>