tag is in
public $page = null;
* @var Integer: total amount of comments by distinct commenters that the
* current page has
public $commentTotal = 0;
* @var String: text of the current comment
public $text = null;
/* START Anpassung znilwiki */
public $CommentUsernameKOK = null; /* 25.10.2013 von Kai-Ole Kirsten */
/* ENDE Anpassung znilwiki */
* Date when the comment was posted
* @var null
public $date = null;
* @var Integer: internal ID number (Comments.CommentID DB field) of the
* current comment that we're dealing with
public $id = 0;
* @var Integer: ID of the parent comment, if this is a child comment
public $parentID = 0;
* The current vote from this user on this comment
* @var int|boolean: false if no vote, otherwise -1, 0, or 1
public $currentVote = false;
* @var string: comment score (SUM() of all votes) of the current comment
public $currentScore = '0';
* Username of the user who posted the comment
* @var string
public $username = '';
* IP of the comment poster
* @var string
public $ip = '';
* ID of the user who posted the comment
* @var int
public $userID = 0;
* @TODO document
* @var int
public $userPoints = 0;
* Comment ID of the thread this comment is in
* this is the ID of the parent comment if there is one,
* or this comment if there is not
* Used for sorting
* @var null
public $thread = null;
* Unix timestamp when the comment was posted
* Used for sorting
* Processed from $date
* @var null
public $timestamp = null;
* Constructor - set the page ID
* @param $page CommentsPage: ID number of the current page
* @param IContextSource $context
* @param $data: straight from the DB about the comment
public function __construct( CommentsPage $page, $context = null, $data ) {
$this->page = $page;
$this->setContext( $context );
$this->username = $data['Comment_Username'];
$this->ip = $data['Comment_IP'];
$this->text = $data['Comment_Text'];
$this->date = $data['Comment_Date'];
$this->userID = $data['Comment_user_id'];
$this->userPoints = $data['Comment_user_points'];
$this->id = $data['CommentID'];
$this->parentID = $data['Comment_Parent_ID'];
$this->thread = $data['thread'];
$this->timestamp = $data['timestamp'];
if ( isset( $data['current_vote'] ) ) {
$vote = $data['current_vote'];
} else {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$row = $dbr->selectRow(
array( 'Comment_Vote_Score' ),
'Comment_Vote_ID' => $this->id,
'Comment_Vote_Username' => $this->getUser()->getName()
if ( $row !== false ) {
$vote = $row->Comment_Vote_Score;
} else {
$vote = false;
$this->currentVote = $vote;
$this->currentScore = isset( $data['total_vote'] )
? $data['total_vote'] : $this->getScore();
public static function newFromID( $id ) {
$context = RequestContext::getMain();
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
if ( !is_numeric( $id ) || $id == 0 ) {
return null;
$tables = array();
$params = array();
$joinConds = array();
// Defaults (for non-social wikis)
$tables[] = 'Comments';
$fields = array(
'Comment_Username', 'Comment_IP', 'Comment_Text',
'Comment_Date', 'Comment_Date AS timestamp',
'Comment_user_id', 'CommentID', 'Comment_Parent_ID',
'CommentID', 'Comment_Page_ID'
// If SocialProfile is installed, query the user_stats table too.
if (
class_exists( 'UserProfile' ) &&
$dbr->tableExists( 'user_stats' )
) {
$tables[] = 'user_stats';
$fields[] = 'stats_total_points';
$joinConds = array(
'Comments' => array(
'LEFT JOIN', 'Comment_user_id = stats_user_id'
// Perform the query
$res = $dbr->select(
array( 'CommentID' => $id ),
$row = $res->fetchObject();
if ( $row->Comment_Parent_ID == 0 ) {
$thread = $row->CommentID;
} else {
$thread = $row->Comment_Parent_ID;
$data = array(
'Comment_Username' => $row->Comment_Username,
'Comment_IP' => $row->Comment_IP,
'Comment_Text' => $row->Comment_Text,
'Comment_Date' => $row->Comment_Date,
'Comment_user_id' => $row->Comment_user_id,
'Comment_user_points' => ( isset( $row->stats_total_points ) ? number_format( $row->stats_total_points ) : 0 ),
'CommentID' => $row->CommentID,
'Comment_Parent_ID' => $row->Comment_Parent_ID,
'thread' => $thread,
'timestamp' => wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $row->timestamp )
$page = new CommentsPage( $row->Comment_Page_ID, $context );
return new Comment( $page, $context, $data );
* Parse and return the text for this comment
* @return mixed|string
* @throws MWException
function getText() {
global $wgParser;
$commentText = trim( str_replace( '"', "'", $this->text ) );
$comment_text_parts = explode( "\n", $commentText );
$comment_text_fix = '';
foreach ( $comment_text_parts as $part ) {
$comment_text_fix .= ( ( $comment_text_fix ) ? "\n" : '' ) . trim( $part );
if ( $this->getTitle()->getArticleID() > 0 ) {
$commentText = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse( $comment_text_fix );
} else {
$commentText = $this->getOutput()->parse( $comment_text_fix );
// really bad hack because we want to parse=firstline, but don't want wrapping
if ( substr( $commentText, 0 , 3 ) == '
' ) {
$commentText = substr( $commentText, 3 );
if ( substr( $commentText, strlen( $commentText ) -4 , 4 ) == '
' ) {
$commentText = substr( $commentText, 0, strlen( $commentText ) -4 );
// make sure link text is not too long (will overflow)
// this function changes too long links to http://www.abc....xyz.html
$commentText = preg_replace_callback(
array( 'CommentFunctions', 'cutCommentLinkText' ),
return $commentText;
* Adds the comment and all necessary info into the Comments table in the
* database.
* @param string $text: text of the comment
* @param CommentsPage $page: container page
* @param User $user: user commenting
* @param int $parentID: ID of parent comment, if this is a reply
* @return Comment: the added comment
static function add( $text, CommentsPage $page, User $user, $parentID ) {
global $wgCommentsInRecentChanges;
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$context = RequestContext::getMain();
$commentDate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
/*if ( $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn() ) {
$kok_username = $user->getName();
} else {
$kok_username = $this->CommentUsernameKOK;
$kok_username = preg_replace('/<.*>/i', '', $kok_username);
$kok_username = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9. \-\@]/i', '', $kok_username);
$kok_username = str_replace("1'1", '', $kok_username);
$kok_username = str_replace('USER_NAME', '', $kok_username);
$kok_username = str_replace('DESC', '', $kok_username);
$kok_username = str_replace('(*)', '', $kok_username);
$kok_username = str_replace('EXEC', '', $kok_username);
'Comment_Page_ID' => $page->id,
'Comment_Username' => $user->getName(),
'Comment_user_id' => $user->getId(),
'Comment_Text' => $text,
'Comment_Date' => $commentDate,
'Comment_Parent_ID' => $parentID,
'Comment_IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
$commentId = $dbw->insertId();
$dbw->commit( __METHOD__ ); // misza: added this
$id = $commentId;
// Add a log entry.
self::log( 'add', $user, $page->id, $commentId, $text );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
if (
class_exists( 'UserProfile' ) &&
$dbr->tableExists( 'user_stats' )
) {
$res = $dbr->select( // need this data for seeding a Comment object
array( 'stats_user_id' => $user->getId() ),
$row = $res->fetchObject();
$userPoints = number_format( $row->stats_total_points );
} else {
$userPoints = 0;
if ( $parentID == 0 ) {
$thread = $id;
} else {
$thread = $parentID;
$data = array(
'Comment_Username' => $user->getName(),
'Comment_IP' => $context->getRequest()->getIP(),
'Comment_Text' => $text,
'Comment_Date' => $commentDate,
'Comment_user_id' => $user->getID(),
'Comment_user_points' => $userPoints,
'CommentID' => $id,
'Comment_Parent_ID' => $parentID,
'thread' => $thread,
'timestamp' => strtotime( $commentDate )
$page = new CommentsPage( $page->id, $context );
$comment = new Comment( $page, $context, $data );
Hooks::run( 'Comment::add', array( $comment, $commentId, $comment->page->id ) );
/* ## START Kommentar auch per Email versenden ## 11/2014 Bernhard Linz */
$znilpageTitle = "";
$comment_mailto = "root@linz.email";
$comment_mailsubject = "Neuer Kommentar von: " . $kok_username . " - IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " - DNS: " . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ;
$comment_mailfrom = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$comment_mailfrom .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
$comment_mailfrom .= "From: znil.net Kommentare \r\n";
$comment_url = "http://znil.net/index.php?title={$znilpageTitle}#comment-{$commentId}";
$comment_mailtext = $commentDate . "
" . $comment_url . "
" . "IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "
" . "DNS: " . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ."
" . $kok_username . "
" . $text;
$comment_mailtext = nl2br($comment_mailtext);
mail($comment_mailto, $comment_mailsubject, $comment_mailtext, $comment_mailfrom);
/* ## ENDE Bernhard Linz */
return $comment;
* Gets the score for this comment from the database table Comments_Vote
* @return string
function getScore() {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$row = $dbr->selectRow(
array( 'SUM(Comment_Vote_Score) AS CommentScore' ),
array( 'Comment_Vote_ID' => $this->id ),
$score = '0';
if ( $row !== false && $row->CommentScore ) {
$score = $row->CommentScore;
return $score;
/* START Anpassungen znilwiki */
/* ## START ## 25.10.2013 HinzugefĆ¼gt von Kai-Ole */
function setCommentUsernameKOK( $UsernameKOK ) {
$this->CommentUsernameKOK = $UsernameKOK;
/* ## ENDE ## 25.10.2013 Kai-Ole */
/* ENDE Anpassungen znilwiki */
* Adds a vote for a comment if the user hasn't voted for said comment yet.
* @param $value int: upvote or downvote (1 or -1)
function vote( $value ) {
global $wgMemc;
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
if ( $value < -1 ) { // limit to range -1 -> 0 -> 1
$value = -1;
} elseif ( $value > 1 ) {
$value = 1;
if ( $value == $this->currentVote ) { // user toggling off a preexisting vote
$value = 0;
$commentDate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
if ( $this->currentVote === false ) { // no vote, insert
'Comment_Vote_id' => $this->id,
'Comment_Vote_Username' => $this->getUser()->getName(),
'Comment_Vote_user_id' => $this->getUser()->getId(),
'Comment_Vote_Score' => $value,
'Comment_Vote_Date' => $commentDate,
'Comment_Vote_IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
} else { // already a vote, update
'Comment_Vote_Score' => $value,
'Comment_Vote_Date' => $commentDate,
'Comment_Vote_IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
'Comment_Vote_id' => $this->id,
'Comment_Vote_Username' => $this->getUser()->getName(),
'Comment_Vote_user_id' => $this->getUser()->getId(),
$dbw->commit( __METHOD__ );
// update cache for comment list
// should perform better than deleting cache completely since Votes happen more frequently
$key = wfMemcKey( 'comment', 'pagethreadlist', $this->page->id );
$comments = $wgMemc->get( $key );
if ( $comments ) {
foreach ( $comments as &$comment ) {
if ( $comment->id == $this->id ) {
$comment->currentScore = $this->currentScore;
$wgMemc->set( $key, $comments );
$score = $this->getScore();
$this->currentVote = $value;
$this->currentScore = $score;
* Deletes entries from Comments and Comments_Vote tables and clears caches
function delete() {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
array( 'CommentID' => $this->id ),
array( 'Comment_Vote_ID' => $this->id ),
$dbw->commit( __METHOD__ );
// Log the deletion to Special:Log/comments.
self::log( 'delete', $this->getUser(), $this->page->id, $this->id );
// Clear memcache & Squid cache
// Ping other extensions that may have hooked into this point (i.e. LinkFilter)
Hooks::run( 'Comment::delete', array( $this, $this->id, $this->page->id ) );
* Log an action in the comment log.
* @param string $action Action to log, can be either 'add' or 'delete'
* @param User $user User who performed the action
* @param int $pageId Page ID of the page that contains the comment thread
* @param int $commentId Comment ID of the affected comment
* @param string $commentText Supplementary log comment, if any
static function log( $action, $user, $pageId, $commentId, $commentText = null ) {
global $wgCommentsInRecentChanges;
$logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'comments', $action );
$logEntry->setPerformer( $user );
$logEntry->setTarget( Title::newFromId( $pageId ) );
if ( $commentText !== null ) {
$logEntry->setComment( $commentText );
$logEntry->setParameters( array(
'4::commentid' => $commentId
) );
$logId = $logEntry->insert();
$logEntry->publish( $logId, ( $wgCommentsInRecentChanges ? 'rcandudp' : 'udp' ) );
* Return the HTML for the comment vote links
* @param int $voteType up (+1) vote or down (-1) vote
* @return string
function getVoteLink( $voteType ) {
global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
// Blocked users cannot vote, obviously
if ( $this->getUser()->isBlocked() ) {
return '';
if ( !$this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'comment' ) ) {
return '';
$voteLink = '';
if ( $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn() ) {
$voteLink .= 'getLocalURL( array( 'returnto' => $returnTo ) ) ) .
"\" rel=\"nofollow\">";
$imagePath = $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/Comments/resources/images';
if ( $voteType == 1 ) {
if ( $this->currentVote == 1 ) {
$voteLink .= "
} else {
$voteLink .= "
} else {
if ( $this->currentVote == -1 ) {
$voteLink .= "
} else {
$voteLink .= "
return $voteLink;
* Show the HTML for this comment and ignore section
* @param array $blockList list of users the current user has blocked
* @param array $anonList map of ip addresses to names like anon#1, anon#2
* @return string html
function display( $blockList, $anonList ) {
if ( $this->parentID == 0 ) {
$container_class = 'full';
} else {
$container_class = 'reply';
$output = '';
if ( in_array( $this->username, $blockList ) ) {
$output .= $this->showIgnore( false, $container_class );
$output .= $this->showComment( true, $container_class, $blockList, $anonList );
} else {
$output .= $this->showIgnore( true, $container_class );
$output .= $this->showComment( false, $container_class, $blockList, $anonList );
return $output;
function displayForCommentOfTheDay() {
$output = '';
$title2 = $this->page->getTitle();
if ( $this->userID != 0 ) {
$title = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->username );
$commentPoster_Display = $this->username;
$commentPoster = '' . $this->username . '';
if ( class_exists( 'wAvatar' ) ) {
$avatar = new wAvatar( $this->userID, 's' );
$commentIcon = $avatar->getAvatarImage();
} else {
$commentIcon = '';
} else {
$commentPoster_Display = wfMessage( 'comments-anon-name' )->plain();
$commentPoster = wfMessage( 'comments-anon-name' )->plain();
$commentIcon = 'default_s.gif';
$avatarHTML = '';
if ( class_exists( 'wAvatar' ) ) {
global $wgUploadPath;
$avatarHTML = '
$comment_text = substr( $this->text, 0, 50 - strlen( $commentPoster_Display ) );
if ( $comment_text != $this->text ) {
$comment_text .= wfMessage( 'ellipsis' )->plain();
$output .= '';
$sign = '';
if ( $this->currentScore > 0 ) {
$sign = '+';
} elseif ( $this->currentScore < 0 ) {
$sign = '-'; // this *really* shouldn't be happening...
$output .= '' . $sign . $this->currentScore .
' ' . $avatarHTML .
'' . $commentPoster . '';
$output .= '';
$output .= '
return $output;
* Show the box for if this comment has been ignored
* @param bool $hide
* @param $containerClass
* @return string
function showIgnore( $hide = false, $containerClass ) {
$blockListTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'CommentIgnoreList' );
$style = '';
if ( $hide ) {
$style = " style='display:none;'";
$output = "\n";
$output .= wfMessage( 'comments-ignore-message' )->parse();
$output .= '
' . "\n";
$output .= '
' . "\n";
return $output;
* Show the comment
* @param bool $hide: if true, comment is returned but hidden (display:none)
* @param $containerClass
* @param $blockList
* @param $anonList
* @return string
function showComment( $hide = false, $containerClass, $blockList, $anonList ) {
global $wgUserLevels, $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
$style = '';
if ( $hide ) {
$style = " style='display:none;'";
$commentPosterLevel = '';
if ( $this->userID != 0 ) {
$title = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->username );
$commentPoster = '' . $this->username . '';
$CommentReplyTo = $this->username;
if ( $wgUserLevels && class_exists( 'UserLevel' ) ) {
$user_level = new UserLevel( $this->userPoints );
$commentPosterLevel = "{$user_level->getLevelName()}";
$user = User::newFromId( $this->userID );
$CommentReplyToGender = $user->getOption( 'gender', 'unknown' );
} else {
$anonMsg = $this->msg( 'comments-anon-name' )->inContentLanguage()->plain();
$commentPoster = $anonMsg . ' #' . $anonList[$this->username];
$CommentReplyTo = $anonMsg;
$CommentReplyToGender = 'unknown'; // Undisclosed gender as anon user
// Comment delete button for privileged users
$dlt = '';
if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'commentadmin' ) ) {
$dlt = ' | ' .
// Reply Link (does not appear on child comments)
$replyRow = '';
if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'comment' ) ) {
if ( $this->parentID == 0 ) {
if ( $replyRow ) {
$replyRow .= wfMessage( 'pipe-separator' )->plain();
$replyRow .= " | ';
if ( $this->parentID == 0 ) {
$comment_class = 'f-message';
} else {
$comment_class = 'r-message';
// Display Block icon for logged in users for comments of users
// that are already not in your block list
$blockLink = '';
if (
$this->getUser()->getID() != 0 && $this->getUser()->getID() != $this->userID &&
!( in_array( $this->userID, $blockList ) )
) {
$blockLink = '";
// Default avatar image, if SocialProfile extension isn't enabled
global $wgCommentsDefaultAvatar;
$avatarImg = '
// If SocialProfile *is* enabled, then use its wAvatar class to get the avatars for each commenter
if ( class_exists( 'wAvatar' ) ) {
$avatar = new wAvatar( $this->userID, 'ml' );
$avatarImg = $avatar->getAvatarURL() . "\n";
$output = "' . "\n";
return $output;
* Get the HTML for the comment score section of the comment
* @return string
function getScoreHTML() {
$output = '';
if ( $this->page->allowMinus == true || $this->page->allowPlus == true ) {
$output .= '' .
wfMessage( 'comments-score-text' )->plain() .
" ";
// Voting is possible only when database is unlocked
if ( !wfReadOnly() ) {
// You can only vote for other people's comments, not for your own
if ( $this->getUser()->getName() != $this->username ) {
$output .= "';
} else {
$output .= wfMessage( 'word-separator' )->plain() . wfMessage( 'comments-you' )->plain();
return $output;