Giulio Cesare Solaroli f8da092f3d Interim synchronization with internal repository
This is an intermir commit to share what is going on with the development of the new /delta version.
2014-07-28 18:07:48 +02:00

149 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web import proxy, server, http, resource, static
from posixpath import basename, dirname
import copy
import sys
import os
import uuid
import pprint
import codecs
import time
import subprocess
#! sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
# > export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler
def scriptDir ():
return os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
def projectBaseDir ():
return os.path.abspath(scriptDir() + '/../..')
def projectTargetDir():
return projectBaseDir() + '/target/'
class ClipperzTestSite(server.Site):
def __init__(self, resource, logPath=None, timeout=60 * 60 * 12):
server.Site.__init__(self, resource, logPath, timeout)
def getResourceFor(self, request):
uri = request.uri
uri = uri.split("?", 1)[0]
uri = uri.split("#", 1)[0]
if uri.startswith('/json') or uri.startswith('/dump'):
resource.prepath = ['app']
result = resource.getChildForRequest(self.resource, request)
elif uri.startswith('/payment'):
resource.prepath = ['payment']
result = resource.getChildForRequest(self.resource, request)
elif uri == '/favicon.ico':
pathParts = uri.split('/')
version = pathParts[1]
if pathParts[2].startswith('index.'):
print("-> index")
contentType = 'text/html'
absoluteFilePath = os.path.join(projectTargetDir(), 'dev', version, pathParts[2])
# print("INDEX.HTML absolute path " + str(absoluteFilePath))
result = static.File(absoluteFilePath, contentType)
elif pathParts[2].endswith('.webapp'):
print("-> webapp")
contentType = 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json'
absoluteFilePath = os.path.join(projectBaseDir(), 'frontend', version, 'properties', pathParts[2])
result = static.File(absoluteFilePath, contentType)
elif pathParts[2].endswith('.appcache'):
print("-> appcache")
contentType = 'text/cache-manifest'
absoluteFilePath = os.path.join(projectBaseDir(), 'frontend', version, 'properties', pathParts[2])
fileContent =, 'r', 'utf-8').read()
# fileContent = fileContent.replace('@application.version@', str(uuid.uuid1()))
fileContent = fileContent.replace('@application.version@', str(round(time.time())))
result = static.Data(str(fileContent), contentType)
# http://homer.local:8888/beta/css/clipperz/images/loginInfoBackground.png
# pathParts: ['', 'beta', 'css', 'clipperz', 'images', 'loginInfoBackground.png']
imagePathIndex = pathParts.index('images')
resourceType = 'images'
for _ in range(2, imagePathIndex):
del pathParts[2]
resourceType = pathParts[2]
basePath = projectBaseDir() + '/frontend'
if resourceType == 'images':
fileExtension = os.path.splitext(uri)[1]
if fileExtension == '.png':
# print("-> image - png")
contentType = 'image/png'
elif fileExtension == '.jpg':
# print("-> image - jpg")
contentType = 'image/jpeg'
elif fileExtension == '.gif':
# print("-> image - gif")
contentType = 'image/gif'
print "ERROR - unknown image extension: " + fileExtension
absoluteFilePath = basePath + '/'.join(pathParts)
resourceType = pathParts[2]
if resourceType == 'css':
# print("-> css")
contentType = 'text/css'
elif resourceType == 'js':
# print("-> js")
contentType = 'text/javascript'
# print("-> text/html")
contentType = 'text/html'
absoluteFilePath = basePath + uri
result = static.File(absoluteFilePath, contentType)
# print("RESULT\n" + str(result))
return result
class BuildScriptRunner(FileSystemEventHandler):
def on_any_event(self, anEvent):
if (not anEvent.is_directory):
# if (anEvent.src_path.find() != -1 or anEvent.src_path.find('/properties/') != -1):
if (anEvent.src_path.find(item) != -1 for item in ['html', 'properties']):
print "Updating resource files ..."
os.system(projectBaseDir() + '/scripts/builder/ --frontends beta gamma delta --backends dev')'say done', shell=True)
print "DONE!"
def main ():
# site = ClipperzTestSite(proxy.ReverseProxyResource('localhost', 8080, '/java-backend'))
site = ClipperzTestSite(proxy.ReverseProxyResource('localhost', 8080, '/app'))
# site = ClipperzTestSite(proxy.ReverseProxyResource('', 443, '/'))
reactor.listenTCP(8888, site)
# event_handler = BuildScriptRunner()
# observer = Observer()
# observer.schedule(event_handler, path=projectBaseDir() + '/frontend', recursive=True)
# observer.start()
if __name__ == "__main__":