YAHOO.ext.InlineEditor = function(config, existingEl){ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; this.wrap = dh.append(this.container || document.body, { tag:'div', cls:'yinline-editor-wrap' }, true); this.textSizeEl = dh.append(document.body, { tag: 'div', cls: 'yinline-editor-sizer ' + (this.cls || '') }); if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isSafari){ // extra padding for safari's textboxes = '4px'; YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.textSizeEl, 'padding-right', '10px'); } if(!YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko){ // no one else needs FireFox cursor fix this.wrap.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); } if(existingEl){ this.el = getEl(existingEl); } if(!this.el){ = || YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(); if(!this.multiline){ this.el = this.wrap.createChild({ tag: 'input', name: ||, id:, type: this.type || 'text', autocomplete: 'off', value: this.value || '', cls: 'yinline-editor ' + (this.cls || ''), maxlength: this.maxLength || '' }); }else{ this.el = this.wrap.createChild({ tag: 'textarea', name: ||, id:, html: this.value || '', cls: 'yinline-editor yinline-editor-multiline ' + (this.cls || ''), wrap: 'none' }); } }else{ this.wrap.dom.appendChild(this.el.dom); } this.el.addKeyMap([{ key: [10, 13], fn: this.onEnter, scope: this },{ key: 27, fn: this.onEsc, scope: this }]); this.el.mon('keyup', this.onKeyUp, this, true); this.el.on('blur', this.onBlur, this, true); this.el.swallowEvent('keydown'); = { 'startedit' : true, 'beforecomplete' : true, 'complete' : true }; this.editing = false; this.autoSizeTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this.autoSize, this); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.InlineEditor, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { onEnter : function(k, e){ if(this.multiline && (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey)){ return; }else{ this.completeEdit(); e.stopEvent(); } }, onEsc : function(){ if(this.ignoreNoChange){ this.revert(true); }else{ this.revert(false); this.completeEdit(); } }, onBlur : function(){ if(this.editing && this.completeOnBlur !== false){ this.completeEdit(); } }, startEdit : function(el, value){ this.boundEl = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); if(this.hideEl !== false){ = 'hidden'; } var v = value || this.boundEl.innerHTML; this.startValue = v; this.setValue(v); this.moveTo(YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(this.boundEl)); this.editing = true; if(YAHOO.ext.QuickTips){ YAHOO.ext.QuickTips.disable(); }, this); }, onKeyUp : function(e){ var k = e.getKey(); if(this.editing && (k < 33 || k > 40) && k != 27){ this.autoSizeTask.delay(50); } }, completeEdit : function(){ var v = this.getValue(); if(this.revertBlank !== false && v.length < 1){ v = this.startValue; this.revert(); } if(v == this.startValue && this.ignoreNoChange){ this.hide(); } if(this.fireEvent('beforecomplete', this, v, this.startValue) !== false){ if(this.updateEl !== false && this.boundEl){ this.boundEl.innerHTML = v; } this.hide(); this.fireEvent('complete', this, v, this.startValue); } }, revert : function(hide){ this.setValue(this.startValue); if(hide){ this.hide(); } }, show : function(){ this.autoSize();; this.el.focus(); if(this.selectOnEdit !== false){; } }, hide : function(){ this.editing = false; this.wrap.hide(); this.wrap.setLeftTop(-10000,-10000); this.el.blur(); if(this.hideEl !== false){ = 'visible'; } if(YAHOO.ext.QuickTips){ YAHOO.ext.QuickTips.enable(); } }, setValue : function(v){ this.el.dom.value = v; }, getValue : function(){ return this.el.dom.value; }, autoSize : function(){ var el = this.el; var wrap = this.wrap; var v = el.dom.value; var ts = this.textSizeEl; if(v.length < 1){ ts.innerHTML = "  "; }else{ v = v.replace(/[<> ]/g, ' '); if(this.multiline){ v = v.replace(/\n/g, '<br /> '); } ts.innerHTML = v; } var ww = wrap.dom.offsetWidth; var wh = wrap.dom.offsetHeight; var w = ts.offsetWidth; var h = ts.offsetHeight; // lots of magic numbers in this block - wtf? // the logic is to prevent the scrollbars from flashing // in firefox. Updates the right element first // so there's never overflow. if(ww > w+4){ el.setWidth(w+4); wrap.setWidth(w+8); }else{ wrap.setWidth(w+8); el.setWidth(w+4); } if(wh > h+4){ el.setHeight(h); wrap.setHeight(h+4); }else{ wrap.setHeight(h+4); el.setHeight(h); } }, moveTo : function(xy){ this.wrap.setXY(xy); } });