/** * @class YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel * @extends YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractColumnModel * This is the default implementation of a ColumnModel used by the Grid. It defines * the columns in the grid. * <br>Usage:<br> <pre><code> var sort = YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes; var myColumns = [ {header: "Ticker", width: 60, sortable: true, sortType: sort.asUCString}, {header: "Company Name", width: 150, sortable: true, sortType: sort.asUCString}, {header: "Market Cap.", width: 100, sortable: true, sortType: sort.asFloat}, {header: "$ Sales", width: 100, sortable: true, sortType: sort.asFloat, renderer: money}, {header: "Employees", width: 100, sortable: true, sortType: sort.asFloat} ]; var colModel = new YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel(myColumns); </code></pre> * @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel = function(config){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); /** * The config passed into the constructor */ this.config = config; /** * The width of columns which have no width specified (defaults to 100) * @type Number */ this.defaultWidth = 100; /** * Default sortable of columns which have no sortable specified (defaults to false) * @type Boolean */ this.defaultSortable = false; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractColumnModel, { /** * Returns the number of columns. * @return {Number} */ getColumnCount : function(){ return this.config.length; }, /** * Returns true if the specified column is sortable. * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {Boolean} */ isSortable : function(col){ if(typeof this.config[col].sortable == 'undefined'){ return this.defaultSortable; } return this.config[col].sortable; }, /** * Returns the sorting comparison function defined for the column (defaults to sortTypes.none). * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {Function} */ getSortType : function(col){ if(!this.dataMap){ // build a lookup so we don't search every time var map = []; for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){ map[this.getDataIndex(i)] = i; } this.dataMap = map; } col = this.dataMap[col]; if(!this.config[col].sortType){ return YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes.none; } return this.config[col].sortType; }, /** * Sets the sorting comparison function for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Function} fn */ setSortType : function(col, fn){ this.config[col].sortType = fn; }, /** * Returns the rendering (formatting) function defined for the column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {Function} */ getRenderer : function(col){ if(!this.config[col].renderer){ return YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.defaultRenderer; } return this.config[col].renderer; }, /** * Sets the rendering (formatting) function for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Function} fn */ setRenderer : function(col, fn){ this.config[col].renderer = fn; }, /** * Returns the width for the specified column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {Number} */ getColumnWidth : function(col){ return this.config[col].width || this.defaultWidth; }, /** * Sets the width for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Number} width The new width */ setColumnWidth : function(col, width, suppressEvent){ this.config[col].width = width; this.totalWidth = null; if(!suppressEvent){ this.onWidthChange.fireDirect(this, col, width); } }, /** * Returns the total width of all columns. * @param {Boolean} includeHidden True to include hidden column widths * @return {Number} */ getTotalWidth : function(includeHidden){ if(!this.totalWidth){ this.totalWidth = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.config.length; i++){ if(includeHidden || !this.isHidden(i)){ this.totalWidth += this.getColumnWidth(i); } } } return this.totalWidth; }, /** * Returns the header for the specified column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {String} */ getColumnHeader : function(col){ return this.config[col].header; }, /** * Sets the header for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {String} header The new header */ setColumnHeader : function(col, header){ this.config[col].header = header; this.onHeaderChange.fireDirect(this, col, header); }, /** * Returns the tooltip for the specified column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {String} */ getColumnTooltip : function(col){ return this.config[col].tooltip; }, /** * Sets the tooltip for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {String} tooltip The new tooltip */ setColumnTooltip : function(col, header){ this.config[col].tooltip = tooltip; }, /** * Returns the dataIndex for the specified column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @return {Number} */ getDataIndex : function(col){ if(typeof this.config[col].dataIndex != 'number'){ return col; } return this.config[col].dataIndex; }, /** * Sets the dataIndex for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Number} dataIndex The new dataIndex */ setDataIndex : function(col, dataIndex){ this.config[col].dataIndex = dataIndex; }, /** * Returns true if the cell is editable. * @param {Number} colIndex The column index * @param {Number} rowIndex The row index * @return {Boolean} */ isCellEditable : function(colIndex, rowIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].editable || (typeof this.config[colIndex].editable == 'undefined' && this.config[colIndex].editor); }, /** * Returns the editor defined for the cell/column. * @param {Number} colIndex The column index * @param {Number} rowIndex The row index * @return {Object} */ getCellEditor : function(colIndex, rowIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].editor; }, /** * Sets if a column is editable. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Boolean} editable True if the column is editable */ setEditable : function(col, editable){ this.config[col].editable = editable; }, /** * Returns true if the column is hidden. * @param {Number} colIndex The column index * @return {Boolean} */ isHidden : function(colIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].hidden; }, /** * Returns true if the column width cannot be changed */ isFixed : function(colIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].fixed; }, /** * Returns true if the column cannot be resized * @return {Boolean} */ isResizable : function(colIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].resizable !== false; }, /** * Sets if a column is hidden. * @param {Number} colIndex The column index */ setHidden : function(colIndex, hidden){ this.config[colIndex].hidden = hidden; this.totalWidth = null; this.fireHiddenChange(colIndex, hidden); }, /** * Sets the editor for a column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Object} editor The editor object */ setEditor : function(col, editor){ this.config[col].editor = editor; } }); /** * Defines the default sorting (casting?) comparison functions used when sorting data: * <br> sortTypes.none - sorts data as it is without casting or parsing (the default) * <br> sortTypes.asUCString - case insensitive string * <br> sortTypes.asDate - attempts to parse data as a date * <br> sortTypes.asFloat * <br> sortTypes.asInt * @static */ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes = { none : function(s) { return s; }, asUCString : function(s) { return String(s).toUpperCase(); }, asDate : function(s) { if(s instanceof Date){ return s.getTime(); } return Date.parse(String(s)); }, asFloat : function(s) { var val = parseFloat(String(s).replace(/,/g, '')); if(isNaN(val)) val = 0; return val; }, asInt : function(s) { var val = parseInt(String(s).replace(/,/g, '')); if(isNaN(val)) val = 0; return val; } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.defaultRenderer = function(value){ if(typeof value == 'string' && value.length < 1){ return ' '; } return value; }