/** * @class YAHOO.ext.Button * @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable * Simple Button class * @cfg {String} text The button text * @cfg {Function} handler A function called when the button is clicked (can be used instead of click event) * @cfg {Object} scope The scope of the handler * @cfg {Number} minWidth The minimum width for this button (used to give a set of buttons a common width) * @constructor * Create a new button * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} renderTo The element to append the button to * @param {Object} config The config object */ YAHOO.ext.Button = function(renderTo, config){ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); this.events = { /** * @event click * Fires when this button is clicked * @param {Button} this * @param {EventObject} e The click event */ 'click' : true }; if(renderTo){ this.render(renderTo); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.Button, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { render : function(renderTo){ var btn; if(!this.dhconfig){ if(!YAHOO.ext.Button.buttonTemplate){ // hideous table template YAHOO.ext.Button.buttonTemplate = new YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.Template('<a href="#" class="ybtn-focus"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="ybtn-wrap"><tbody><tr><td class="ybtn-left"> </td><td class="ybtn-center" unselectable="on">{0}</td><td class="ybtn-right"> </td></tr></tbody></table></a>'); } btn = YAHOO.ext.Button.buttonTemplate.append( getEl(renderTo).dom, [this.text], true); this.tbl = getEl(btn.dom.firstChild, true); }else{ btn = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(this.footer.dom, this.dhconfig, true); } this.el = btn; this.autoWidth(); btn.addClass('ybtn'); btn.mon('click', this.onClick, this, true); btn.on('mouseover', this.onMouseOver, this, true); btn.on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut, this, true); btn.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this, true); btn.on('mouseup', this.onMouseUp, this, true); }, /** * Returns the buttons element * @return {YAHOO.ext.Element} */ getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, /** * Destroys this Button. */ destroy : function(){ this.el.removeAllListeners(); this.purgeListeners(); this.el.update(''); this.el.remove(); }, autoWidth : function(){ if(this.tbl){ this.el.setWidth('auto'); this.tbl.setWidth('auto'); if(this.minWidth){ if(this.tbl.getWidth() < this.minWidth){ this.tbl.setWidth(this.minWidth); } } this.el.setWidth(this.tbl.getWidth()); } }, /** * Sets this buttons click handler * @param {Function} handler The function to call when the button is clicked * @param {Object} scope (optional) Scope for the function passed above */ setHandler : function(handler, scope){ this.handler = handler; this.scope = scope; }, /** * Set this buttons text * @param {String} text */ setText : function(text){ this.text = text; this.el.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].innerHTML = text; this.autoWidth(); }, /** * Get the text for this button * @return {String} */ getText : function(){ return this.text; }, /** * Show this button */ show: function(){ this.el.setStyle('display', ''); }, /** * Hide this button */ hide: function(){ this.el.setStyle('display', 'none'); }, /** * Convenience function for boolean show/hide * @param {Boolean} visible true to show/false to hide */ setVisible: function(visible){ if(visible) { this.show(); }else{ this.hide(); } }, /** * Focus the button */ focus : function(){ this.el.focus(); }, /** * Disable this button */ disable : function(){ this.el.addClass('ybtn-disabled'); this.disabled = true; }, /** * Enable this button */ enable : function(){ this.el.removeClass('ybtn-disabled'); this.disabled = false; }, onClick : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!this.disabled){ this.fireEvent('click', this, e); if(this.handler){ this.handler.call(this.scope || this, this, e); } } }, onMouseOver : function(e){ if(!this.disabled){ this.el.addClass('ybtn-over'); } }, onMouseOut : function(e){ this.el.removeClass('ybtn-over'); }, onMouseDown : function(){ if(!this.disabled){ this.el.addClass('ybtn-click'); } }, onMouseUp : function(){ this.el.removeClass('ybtn-click'); } });