/* Copyright 2008-2013 Clipperz Srl This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager. For further information about its features and functionalities please refer to http://www.clipperz.com. * Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ //try { if (typeof(Clipperz.ByteArray) == 'undefined') { throw ""; }} catch (e) { // throw "Clipperz.Crypto.ECC depends on Clipperz.ByteArray!"; //} if (typeof(Clipperz) == 'undefined') { Clipperz = {}; } if (typeof(Clipperz.Crypto) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.Crypto = {}; } if (typeof(Clipperz.Crypto.ECC) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.Crypto.ECC = {}; } if (typeof(Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField = {}; } Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value = function(aValue, aBase, aBitSize) { if (aValue.constructor == String) { var value; var stringLength; var numberOfWords; var i,c; if (aBase != 16) { throw Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.exception.UnsupportedBase; } value = aValue.replace(/ /g, ''); stringLength = value.length; numberOfWords = Math.ceil(stringLength / 8); this._value = new Array(numberOfWords); c = numberOfWords; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { var word; if (i < (c-1)) { word = parseInt(value.substr(stringLength-((i+1)*8), 8), 16); } else { word = parseInt(value.substr(0, stringLength-(i*8)), 16); } this._value[i] = word; } } else if (aValue.constructor == Array) { var itemsToCopy; itemsToCopy = aValue.length; while (aValue[itemsToCopy - 1] == 0) { itemsToCopy --; } this._value = aValue.slice(0, itemsToCopy); } else if (aValue.constructor == Number) { this._value = [aValue]; } else { // throw Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.exception.UnsupportedConstructorValueType; } this._bitSize == aBitSize || null; return this; } Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.prototype = MochiKit.Base.update(null, { 'value': function() { return this._value; }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'wordSize': function() { return this._value.length }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'clone': function() { return new Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value(this._value.slice(0), null, this._bitSize); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'isZero': function() { return (this.compare(Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.O) == 0); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'asString': function(aBase) { var result; var i,c; if (aBase != 16) { throw Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.exception.UnsupportedBase; } result = ""; c = this.wordSize(); for (i=0; i<c; i++) { var wordAsString; // wordAsString = ("00000000" + this.value()[i].toString(16)); wordAsString = ("00000000" + this._value[i].toString(16)); wordAsString = wordAsString.substring(wordAsString.length - 8); result = wordAsString + result; } result = result.replace(/^(00)*/, ""); if (result == "") { result = "0"; } return result; }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'shiftLeft': function(aNumberOfBitsToShift) { // this method seems like it is never called. :-( return new Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value(Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._shiftLeft(this._value, aNumberOfBitsToShift)); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'bitSize': function() { if (this._bitSize == null) { this._bitSize = Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._bitSize(this._value); } return this._bitSize; }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'isBitSet': function(aBitPosition) { return Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._isBitSet(this._value, aBitPosition); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'xor': function(aValue) { return new Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value(Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._xor(this._value, aValue._value)); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'compare': function(aValue) { return Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._compare(this._value, aValue._value); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __syntaxFix__: "syntax fix" }); Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.O = new Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value('0', 16); Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.I = new Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value('1', 16); Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._xor = function(a, b, aFirstItemOffset) { var result; var resultSize; var i,c; var firstItemOffset; firstItemOffset = aFirstItemOffset || 0; resultSize = Math.max((a.length - firstItemOffset), b.length) + firstItemOffset; result = new Array(resultSize); c = firstItemOffset; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { result[i] = a[i]; } c = resultSize; for (i=firstItemOffset; i<c; i++) { result[i] = (((a[i] || 0) ^ (b[i - firstItemOffset] || 0)) >>> 0); } return result; }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._overwriteXor = function(a, b, aFirstItemOffset) { var i,c; var firstItemOffset; firstItemOffset = aFirstItemOffset || 0; c = Math.max((a.length - firstItemOffset), b.length) + firstItemOffset; for (i=firstItemOffset; i<c; i++) { a[i] = (((a[i] || 0) ^ (b[i - firstItemOffset] || 0)) >>> 0); } }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._shiftLeft = function(aWordArray, aNumberOfBitsToShift) { var numberOfWordsToShift; var numberOfBitsToShift; var result; var overflowValue; var nextOverflowValue; var i,c; numberOfWordsToShift = Math.floor(aNumberOfBitsToShift / 32); numberOfBitsToShift = aNumberOfBitsToShift % 32; result = new Array(aWordArray.length + numberOfWordsToShift); c = numberOfWordsToShift; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { result[i] = 0; } overflowValue = 0; nextOverflowValue = 0; c = aWordArray.length; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { var value; var resultWord; // value = this.value()[i]; value = aWordArray[i]; if (numberOfBitsToShift > 0) { nextOverflowValue = (value >>> (32 - numberOfBitsToShift)); value = value & (0xffffffff >>> numberOfBitsToShift); resultWord = (((value << numberOfBitsToShift) | overflowValue) >>> 0); } else { resultWord = value; } result[i+numberOfWordsToShift] = resultWord; overflowValue = nextOverflowValue; } if (overflowValue != 0) { result[aWordArray.length + numberOfWordsToShift] = overflowValue; } return result; }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._overwriteShiftLeft = function(aWordArray, aNumberOfBitsToShift) { var numberOfWordsToShift; var numberOfBitsToShift; var result; var overflowValue; var i,c; numberOfWordsToShift = Math.floor(aNumberOfBitsToShift / 32); numberOfBitsToShift = aNumberOfBitsToShift % 32; result = new Array(aWordArray.length + numberOfWordsToShift); c = numberOfWordsToShift; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { result[i] = 0; } overflowValue = 0; nextOverflowValue = 0; c = aWordArray.length; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { var value; var resultWord; // value = this.value()[i]; value = aWordArray[i]; if (numberOfBitsToShift > 0) { var nextOverflowValue; nextOverflowValue = (value >>> (32 - numberOfBitsToShift)); value = value & (0xffffffff >>> numberOfBitsToShift); resultWord = (((value << numberOfBitsToShift) | overflowValue) >>> 0); } else { resultWord = value; } result[i+numberOfWordsToShift] = resultWord; overflowValue = nextOverflowValue; } if (overflowValue != 0) { result[aWordArray.length + numberOfWordsToShift] = overflowValue; } return result; }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._bitSize = function(aWordArray) { var result; var notNullElements; var mostValuableWord; var matchingBitsInMostImportantWord; var mask; var i,c; notNullElements = aWordArray.length; if ((aWordArray.length == 1) && (aWordArray[0] == 0)) { result = 0; } else { notNullElements --; while((notNullElements > 0) && (aWordArray[notNullElements] == 0)) { notNullElements --; } result = notNullElements * 32; mostValuableWord = aWordArray[notNullElements]; matchingBits = 32; mask = 0x80000000; while ((matchingBits > 0) && ((mostValuableWord & mask) == 0)) { matchingBits --; mask >>>= 1; } result += matchingBits; } return result; }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._isBitSet = function(aWordArray, aBitPosition) { var result; var byteIndex; var bitIndexInSelectedByte; byteIndex = Math.floor(aBitPosition / 32); bitIndexInSelectedByte = aBitPosition % 32; if (byteIndex <= aWordArray.length) { result = ((aWordArray[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndexInSelectedByte)) != 0); } else { result = false; } return result; }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value._compare = function(a,b) { var result; var i,c; result = MochiKit.Base.compare(a.length, b.length); c = a.length; for (i=0; (i<c) && (result==0); i++) { result = MochiKit.Base.compare(a[c-i-1], b[c-i-1]); } return result; }; Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value['exception']= { 'UnsupportedBase': new MochiKit.Base.NamedError("Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.exception.UnsupportedBase"), 'UnsupportedConstructorValueType': new MochiKit.Base.NamedError("Clipperz.Crypto.ECC.BinaryField.Value.exception.UnsupportedConstructorValueType") };