/** * @class YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel * @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable * A basic ContentPanel element. * @cfg {Boolean} fitToFrame True for this panel to manually adjust it's size when the region resizes (defaults to false) * @cfg {Boolean/Object} autoCreate True to auto generate the DOM element for this panel, or a DomHelper config of the element to create * @cfg {Boolean} closable True if the panel can be closed/removed * @cfg {Boolean} background True if the panel should not be activated when it is added (defaults to false) * @cfg {String/HTMLElement/Element} resizeEl An element to resize if fitToFrame is true (instead of this panel's element) * @cfg {Toolbar} toolbar A toolbar for this panel * @cfg {Boolean} autoScroll True to scroll overflow in this panel (use with fitToFrame) * @cfg {String} title The title for this panel * @cfg {Array} adjustments Values to <b>add</b> to the width/height when doing a fitToFrame (default is [0, 0]) * @constructor * Create a new ContentPanel. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The container element for this panel * @param {String/Object} config A string to set only the title or a config object * @param {String} content (optional) Set the HTML content for this panel */ YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel = function(el, config, content){ YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.el = getEl(el, true); if(!this.el && config && config.autoCreate){ if(typeof config.autoCreate == 'object'){ if(!config.autoCreate.id){ config.autoCreate.id = el; } this.el = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, config.autoCreate, true); }else{ this.el = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-inactive-content', id: el}, true); } } this.closable = false; this.loaded = false; this.active = false; if(typeof config == 'string'){ this.title = config; }else{ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); } if(this.resizeEl){ this.resizeEl = getEl(this.resizeEl, true); }else{ this.resizeEl = this.el; } this.events = { /** * @event activate * Fires when this panel is activated. * @param {YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel} this */ 'activate' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('activate'), /** * @event deactivate * Fires when this panel is activated. * @param {YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel} this */ 'deactivate' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('deactivate') }; if(this.autoScroll){ this.resizeEl.setStyle('overflow', 'auto'); } if(content){ this.setContent(content); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { setRegion : function(region){ this.region = region; if(region){ this.el.replaceClass('ylayout-inactive-content', 'ylayout-active-content'); }else{ this.el.replaceClass('ylayout-active-content', 'ylayout-inactive-content'); } }, /** * Returns the toolbar for this Panel if one was configured * @return {YAHOO.ext.Toolbar} */ getToolbar : function(){ return this.toolbar; }, setActiveState : function(active){ this.active = active; if(!active){ this.fireEvent('deactivate', this); }else{ this.fireEvent('activate', this); } }, /** * Updates this panel's element * @param {String} content The new content * @param {<i>Boolean</i>} loadScripts (optional) true to look for and process scripts */ setContent : function(content, loadScripts){ this.el.update(content, loadScripts); }, /** * Get the {@link YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager} for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates. * @return {YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager} The UpdateManager */ getUpdateManager : function(){ return this.el.getUpdateManager(); }, /** * Set a URL to be used to load the content for this panel. * @param {String/Function} url The url to load the content from or a function to call to get the url * @param {<i>String/Object</i>} params (optional) The string params for the update call or an object of the params. See {@link YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager#update} for more details. (Defaults to null) * @param {<i>Boolean</i>} loadOnce (optional) Whether to only load the content once. If this is false it makes the Ajax call every time this panel is activated. (Defaults to false) * @return {YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager} The UpdateManager */ setUrl : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.removeListener('activate', this.refreshDelegate); } this.refreshDelegate = this._handleRefresh.createDelegate(this, [url, params, loadOnce]); this.on('activate', this._handleRefresh.createDelegate(this, [url, params, loadOnce])); return this.el.getUpdateManager(); }, _handleRefresh : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(!loadOnce || !this.loaded){ var updater = this.el.getUpdateManager(); updater.update(url, params, this._setLoaded.createDelegate(this)); } }, _setLoaded : function(){ this.loaded = true; }, /** * Returns this panel's id * @return {String} */ getId : function(){ return this.el.id; }, /** * Returns this panel's element * @return {YAHOO.ext.Element} */ getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, adjustForComponents : function(width, height){ if(this.toolbar){ var te = this.toolbar.getEl(); height -= te.getHeight(); te.setWidth(width); } if(this.adjustments){ width += this.adjustments[0]; height += this.adjustments[1]; } return {'width': width, 'height': height}; }, setSize : function(width, height){ if(this.fitToFrame){ var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); this.resizeEl.setSize(this.autoWidth ? 'auto' : size.width, size.height); } }, /** * Returns this panel's title * @return {String} */ getTitle : function(){ return this.title; }, /** * Set this panel's title * @param {String} title */ setTitle : function(title){ this.title = title; if(this.region){ this.region.updatePanelTitle(this, title); } }, /** * Returns true is this panel was configured to be closable * @return {Boolean} */ isClosable : function(){ return this.closable; }, beforeSlide : function(){ this.el.clip(); this.resizeEl.clip(); }, afterSlide : function(){ this.el.unclip(); this.resizeEl.unclip(); }, /** * Force a content refresh from the URL specified in the setUrl() method. * Will fail silently if the setUrl method has not been called. * This does not activate the panel, just updates its content. */ refresh : function(){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.loaded = false; this.refreshDelegate(); } }, /** * Destroys this panel */ destroy : function(){ this.el.removeAllListeners(); var tempEl = document.createElement('span'); tempEl.appendChild(this.el.dom); tempEl.innerHTML = ''; this.el = null; } }); /** * @class YAHOO.ext.GridPanel * @extends YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel * @constructor * Create a new GridPanel. * @param {YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid} grid The grid for this panel * @param {String/Object} config A string to set only the title or a config object */ YAHOO.ext.GridPanel = function(grid, config){ this.wrapper = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, // wrapper for IE7 strict & safari scroll issue {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-grid-wrapper ylayout-inactive-content'}, true); this.wrapper.dom.appendChild(grid.container.dom); YAHOO.ext.GridPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, this.wrapper, config); if(this.toolbar){ this.toolbar.el.insertBefore(this.wrapper.dom.firstChild); } grid.monitorWindowResize = false; // turn off autosizing grid.autoHeight = false; grid.autoWidth = false; this.grid = grid; this.grid.container.replaceClass('ylayout-inactive-content', 'ylayout-component-panel'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.GridPanel, YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel, { getId : function(){ return this.grid.id; }, /** * Returns the grid for this panel * @return {YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid} */ getGrid : function(){ return this.grid; }, setSize : function(width, height){ var grid = this.grid; var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); grid.container.setSize(size.width, size.height); grid.autoSize(); }, beforeSlide : function(){ this.grid.getView().wrapEl.clip(); }, afterSlide : function(){ this.grid.getView().wrapEl.unclip(); }, destroy : function(){ this.grid.getView().unplugDataModel(this.grid.getDataModel()); this.grid.container.removeAllListeners(); YAHOO.ext.GridPanel.superclass.destroy.call(this); } }); /** * @class YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel * @extends YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel * @constructor * Create a new NestedLayoutPanel. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout} layout The layout for this panel * @param {String/Object} config A string to set only the title or a config object */ YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel = function(layout, config){ YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, layout.getEl(), config); layout.monitorWindowResize = false; // turn off autosizing this.layout = layout; this.layout.getEl().addClass('ylayout-nested-layout'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel, YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel, { setSize : function(width, height){ var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); this.layout.getEl().setSize(size.width, size.height); this.layout.layout(); }, /** * Returns the nested BorderLayout for this panel * @return {YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout} */ getLayout : function(){ return this.layout; } });