2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
/ *
2015-03-09 15:45:35 +01:00
Copyright 2008 - 2015 Clipperz Srl
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
2013-01-31 14:42:04 +01:00
This file is part of Clipperz , the online password manager .
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
For further information about its features and functionalities please
2011-10-06 01:36:10 +01:00
refer to http : //www.clipperz.com.
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
2013-01-31 14:42:04 +01:00
* Clipperz is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
2013-01-31 14:42:04 +01:00
* Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
2013-01-31 14:42:04 +01:00
License along with Clipperz . If not , see http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/.
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
* /
// E N G L I S H A M E R I C A N ( en_US )
Clipperz . PM . Strings . Languages [ 'en-us' ] = {
/ *
// Login page - description
'clipperzServiceDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE -- > \
< h2 > Keep it to yourself ! < / h 2 > \
< ul > \
< li > \
< h3 > Clipperz is : < / h 3 > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > a secure and simple password manager < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > an effective single sign - on solution < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > a digital vault for your personal data < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< / l i > \
< li > \
< h3 > With Clipperz you can : < / h 3 > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > store and manage your passwords and online credentials < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > login to your web services without entering any username or password < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > protect all your sensitive data : codes for burglar alarms , PINs , credit card numbers , … < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > share secrets with family members and associates ( coming soon ) < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< / l i > \
< li > \
< h3 > Clipperz benefits : < / h 3 > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > free and completely anonymous < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > access it any time from any computer < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > no software to download and nothing to install < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > avoid keeping secrets on your PC or on paper < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< / l i > \
< li > \
< h3 > Clipperz security : < / h 3 > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > your secrets are locally encrypted by your browser before being uploaded to Clipperz < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > the encryption key is a passphrase known only to you < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Clipperz hosts your sensitive data in encrypted form and could never actually access the data in its plain form < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Clipperz is built upon standard encryption schemes , nothing fancies or homemade < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > you can review the source code anytime you like , but you need to know nothing about cryptography to be an happy user ! < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< / l i > \
< li > \
< a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com\" target=\"_blank\" > Learn more < / a > \
< / l i > \
< / u l > " ,
'loginFormTitle' : "login with your Clipperz account" ,
'loginFormUsernameLabel' : "username" ,
'loginFormPassphraseLabel' : "passphrase" ,
'loginFormDontHaveAnAccountLabel' : "don\'t have an account?" ,
'loginFormCreateOneLabel' : "create one" ,
'loginFormForgotYourCredentialsLabel' : "forgot your credentials?" ,
'loginFormAarghThatsBadLabel' : "aargh! that\'s bad!" ,
'loginFormAfraidOfMaliciousScriptsLabel' : "afraid of malicious scripts?" ,
'loginFormVerifyTheCodeLabel' : "verify the code" ,
'loginFormButtonLabel' : "Login" ,
'loginFormOneTimePasswordCheckboxLabel' : "use a one-time passphrase" ,
'loginFormOneTimePasswordCheckboxDescription' : "" ,
// Login page - language selection
'loginPanelSwithLanguageDescription' : "<h5>Switch to your preferred language</h5>" ,
// Login page - browser compatibility
'browserCompatibilityDescription' : "<p>Have a better and safer Clipperz experience with Firefox. However Clipperz works just fine also with Opera, Safari and MS Internet Explorer!</p>" ,
// Login with OTP - message panel
'OTPloginMessagePanelInitialTitle' : "Logging in using a one-time passphrase" ,
'OTPloginMessagePanelInitialText' : "Sending OTP credentials …" ,
'OTPloginMessagePanelLoadingTitle' : "Logging in using a one-time passphrase" ,
'OTPloginMessagePanelLoadingText' : "Fetching encrypted authentication data from the server …" ,
'OTPloginMessagePanelProcessingTitle' : "Logging in using a one-time passphrase" ,
'OTPloginMessagePanelProcessingText' : "Local decryption of authentication data" ,
// Regular login - message panel
'loginMessagePanelInitialTitle' : "Logging in …" ,
'loginMessagePanelInitialText' : "---" ,
'loginMessagePanelInitialButtonLabel' : "Cancel" ,
'loginMessagePanelConnectedTitle' : "Connected" ,
'loginMessagePanelConnectedText' : "Done" ,
'loginMessagePanelFailureTitle' : "Error" ,
'loginMessagePanelFailureText' : "Login failed" ,
'loginMessagePanelFailureButtonLabel' : "Close" ,
// Regular login - message panel - connection
'connectionLoginSendingCredentialsMessageTitle' : "Verifying credentials" ,
'connectionLoginSendingCredentialsMessageText' : "Sending credentials" ,
'connectionLoginCredentialsVerificationMessageTitle' : "Verifying credentials" ,
'connectionLoginCredentialsVerificationMessageText' : "Performing SRP authentication" ,
'connectionLoginDoneMessageTitle' : "Verifying credentials" ,
'connectionLoginDoneMessageText' : "Connected" ,
// Regular login - message panel - user
'userLoginPanelUpgradingUserCredentialsMessageTitle' : "Verifying credentials" ,
'userLoginPanelUpgradingUserCredentialsMessageText' : "Upgrading your credentials to a new authentication schema" ,
'userLoginPanelConnectedMessageTitle' : "User authenticated" ,
'userLoginPanelConnectedMessageText' : "Successfully logged in" ,
'userLoginPanelTryingAnOlderConnectionSchemaMessageTitle' : "Verifying credentials" ,
'userLoginPanelTryingAnOlderConnectionSchemaMessageText' : "Trying an older authentication schema" ,
'userLoginPanelLoadingUserDataMessageTitle' : "User authenticated" ,
'userLoginPanelLoadingUserDataMessageText' : "Downloading encrypted card headers from Clipperz" ,
'userLoginPanelDecryptingUserDataMessageTitle' : "User authenticated" ,
'userLoginPanelDecryptingUserDataMessageText' : "Local decryption of card headers" ,
'userLoginPanelDecryptingUserStatisticsMessageTitle' : "User authenticated" ,
'userLoginPanelDecryptingUserStatisticsMessageText' : "Local decryption of usage statistics" ,
// Registration page - splash alert
'splashAlertTitle' : "Welcome to Clipperz!" ,
'splashAlertText' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > Some security advice < / p > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > Storing your data at Clipperz is as secure as the passphrase you choose to protect them . Nobody can access them unless they know your passphrase . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > If you are going to use Clipperz for safeguarding sensitive and critical information please make sure to use a strong passphrase . The longer the better ! < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Clipperz will not be able to recover a lost passphrase ! < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< p > For any further information , please refer to < a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com\" target=\"_blank\">Clipperz</a> website.</p>" ,
'splashAlertCloseButtonLabel' : "Ok" ,
// Registration page - form
'registrationFormTitle' : "create your account" ,
'registrationFormUsernameLabel' : "username" ,
'registrationFormPassphraseLabel' : "passphrase" ,
'registrationFormRetypePassphraseLabel' : "re-enter passphrase" ,
'registrationFormSafetyCheckLabel' : "I understand that Clipperz will not be able to recover a lost passphrase." ,
2013-08-30 17:56:53 +02:00
'registrationFormTermsOfServiceCheckLabel' : "I have read and agreed to the <a href='https://www.clipperz.com/terms_service' target='_blank'>Terms of Service</a>." ,
2011-10-03 00:56:18 +01:00
'registrationFormDoYouAlreadyHaveAnAccountLabel' : "do you already have an account?" ,
'registrationFormSimplyLoginLabel' : "simply login" ,
'registrationFormButtonLabel' : "Register" ,
// Registration page - warning messages
'registrationFormWarningMessageNotMatchingPassphrases' : "Your passphrases don't match, please re-type them." ,
'registrationFormWarningMessageSafetyCheckNotSelected' : "Please read and check all the boxes below." ,
'registrationFormWarningMessageTermsOfServiceCheckNotSelected' : "You need to agree to the Terms of Service." ,
// Registration page - message panel
'registrationMessagePanelInitialTitle' : "Creating account …" ,
'registrationMessagePanelInitialText' : "---" ,
'registrationMessagePanelInitialButtonLabel' : "Cancel" ,
'registrationMessagePanelRegistrationDoneTitle' : "Registration" ,
'registrationMessagePanelRegistrationDoneText' : "Done" ,
'registrationMessagePanelFailureTitle' : "Registration failed" ,
'registrationMessagePanelFailureButtonLabel' : "Close" ,
// Registration page - message panel - connection
'connectionRegistrationSendingRequestMessageText' : "Verifying credentials" ,
'connectionRegistrationSendingCredentialsMessageText' : "Sending credentials" ,
// Registration page - splash panel
'registrationSplashPanelTitle' : "Security advice" ,
'registrationSplashPanelDescription' : "<p>These are your Clipperz credentials, take good care of them. Clipperz will never display your username and passphrase a second time!</p>" ,
'registrationSplashPanelUsernameLabel' : "username" ,
'registrationSplashPanelPassphraseLabel' : "passphrase" ,
'registrationSplashPanelShowPassphraseButtonLabel' : "show passphrase" ,
// Header links
'donateHeaderLinkLabel' : "donate" ,
'creditsHeaderLinkLabel' : "credits" ,
'feedbackHeaderLinkLabel' : "feedback" ,
'helpHeaderLinkLabel' : "help" ,
'forumHeaderLinkLabel' : "forum" ,
// Menu labels
'recordMenuLabel' : "cards" ,
'accountMenuLabel' : "account" ,
'dataMenuLabel' : "data" ,
'contactsMenuLabel' : "contacts" ,
'toolsMenuLabel' : "tools" ,
'logoutMenuLabel' : "logout" ,
'lockMenuLabel' : "lock" ,
// Lock dialog
'lockTitle' : "The account is locked" ,
'lockDescription' : "<p>To unlock your account, please enter your passphrase.</p>" ,
'unlockButtonLabel' : "Unlock" ,
// Account panel - change passphrase
'changePasswordTabLabel' : "Change your passphrase" ,
'changePasswordTabTitle' : "Change your passphrase" ,
'changePasswordFormUsernameLabel' : "username" ,
'changePasswordFormOldPassphraseLabel' : "old passphrase" ,
'changePasswordFormNewPassphraseLabel' : "new passphrase" ,
'changePasswordFormRetypePassphraseLabel' : "re-enter new passphrase" ,
'changePasswordFormSafetyCheckboxLabel' : "I understand that Clipperz will not be able to recover a lost passphrase." ,
'changePasswordFormSubmitLabel' : "Change passphrase" ,
// Account panel - change passphrase - warning messages
'changePasswordFormWrongUsernameWarning' : "Wrong username" ,
'changePasswordFormWrongPassphraseWarning' : "Wrong passphrase" ,
'changePasswordFormWrongRetypePassphraseWarning' : "Your passphrases don't match, please re-type them." ,
'changePasswordFormSafetyCheckWarning' : "Please read and check the box below." ,
// Account panel - change passphrase - progress dialog
'changePasswordFormProgressDialogTitle' : "Changing user credentials" ,
'changePasswordFormProgressDialogEmptyText' : "---" ,
'changePasswordFormProgressDialogConnectedMessageTitle' : "Connected" ,
'changePasswordFormProgressDialogConnectedMessageText' : "Done" ,
'changePasswordFormProgressDialogErrorMessageTitle' : "Error" ,
'changePasswordFormProgressDialogErrorMessageText' : "Credentials change failed!" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelEncryptingDataMessageTitle' : "Changing your passphrase" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelEncryptingDataMessageText' : "Local encryption of card headers" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelCreatingNewCredentialsMessageTitle' : "Changing your passphrase" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelCreatingNewCredentialsMessageText' : "Updating your credentials" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelSendingNewCredentialsToTheServerMessageTitle' : "Changing your passphrase" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelSendingNewCredentialsToTheServerMessageText' : "Uploading your encrypted credentials to Clipperz" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelDoneMessageTitle' : "Changing your passphrase" ,
'changeCredentialsPanelDoneMessageText' : "Done" ,
// Account panel - OTP
'manageOTPTabLabel' : "Manage your one-time passphrases" ,
'manageOTPTabTitle' : "Manage your one-time passphrases" ,
'manageOTPTabDescription' : " \
< p > A one - time passphrase works like your regular passphrase , but can be used only once . < / p > \
< p > If the same passphrase is used again at a later stage in a login attempt it will be rejected and the login process will fail . < / p > \
< p > Immediately after a successful login , your one - time passphrase will be deleted preventing any fraudulent access . < / p > \
< p > One - time passphrases are an excellent choice if one is concerned about keyloggers or spyware infections that may be collecting data from compromised machines . < / p > \
< p > < b > It ' s strongly advisable to use one - time passphrases when accessing Clipperz from public terminals , such as Internet cafes and libraries . < / b > < / p > " ,
// Account panel - OTP - OTP table
'oneTimePasswordReadOnlyMessage' : " \
< h6 > Sorry ! < / h 6 > \
< p > You cannot manage your one - time passphrases when using the offline version of Clipperz . < / p > " ,
'oneTimePasswordLoadingMessage' : " \
< h6 > Loading data < / h 6 > \
< p > Please wait … < / p > " ,
'oneTimePasswordNoPasswordAvailable' : " \
< h6 > No one - time passphrase available < / h 6 > \
< p > Click the “ New ” button above to add one - time passphrases to your account . < / p > " ,
'createNewOTPButtonLabel' : "New" ,
'deleteOTPButtonLabel' : "Delete" ,
'printOTPButtonLabel' : "Print" ,
'disabledOneTimePassword_warning' : "disabled" ,
'oneTimePasswordSelectionLink_selectLabel' : "Select:" ,
'oneTimePasswordSelectionLink_all' : "all" ,
'oneTimePasswordSelectionLink_none' : "none" ,
'oneTimePasswordSelectionLink_used' : "used" ,
'oneTimePasswordSelectionLink_unused' : "unused" ,
//Account panel - OTP - saving new OTP dialog
'saveOTP_encryptUserDataTitle' : "Saving one-time passphrase" ,
'saveOTP_encryptUserDataText' : "Processing new OTP credentials …" ,
'saveOTP_encryptOTPDataTitle' : "Saving one-time passphrase" ,
'saveOTP_encryptOTPDataText' : "Local encryption of authentication data …" ,
'saveOTP_sendingDataTitle' : "Saving one-time passphrase" ,
'saveOTP_sendingDataText' : "Sending authentication data to the server …" ,
'saveOTP_updatingInterfaceTitle' : "Saving one-time passphrase" ,
'saveOTP_updatingInterfaceText' : "Updating interface" ,
// Account panel - preferences
'accountPreferencesLabel' : "Preferences" ,
'accountPreferencesTabTitle' : "Preferences" ,
'accountPreferencesLanguageTitle' : "Language" ,
'accountPreferencesLanguageDescription' : "<p>Choose your preferred language from the list below.</p>" ,
'showDonationReminderPanelTitle' : "Donation reminders" ,
'showDonationReminderPanelDescription' : "<p>Show donation reminders</p>" ,
'saveUserPreferencesFormSubmitLabel' : "Save" ,
'cancelUserPreferencesFormSubmitLabel' : "Cancel" ,
// Account panel - preferences - saving dialog
'accountPreferencesSavingPanelTitle_Step1' : "Saving preferences" ,
'accountPreferencesSavingPanelText_Step1' : "Local encryption of your preferences" ,
'accountPreferencesSavingPanelTitle_Step2' : "Saving preferences" ,
'accountPreferencesSavingPanelText_Step2' : "Sending encrypted preferences to Clipperz" ,
// Account panel - login history
'accountLoginHistoryLabel' : "Login history" ,
'loginHistoryTabTitle' : "Login history" ,
'loginHistoryReadOnlyMessage' : " \
< h6 > Sorry ! < / h 6 > \
< p > The login history is not available while using the offline version of Clipperz . < / p > " ,
'loginHistoryLoadingMessage' : " \
< h6 > Loading data < / h 6 > \
< p > Please wait … < / p > " ,
'loginHistoryLoadedMessage' : " \
< h6 > Your latest 10 logins < / h 6 > \
< p > < / p > " ,
'loginHistoryIPLabel' : "IP" ,
'loginHistoryTimeLabel' : "date" ,
'loginHistoryCurrentSessionText' : "current session" ,
'loginHistoryReloadButtonLabel' : "Reload login history" ,
// Account panel - delete account
'deleteAccountTabLabel' : "Delete your account" ,
'deleteAccountTabTitle' : "Delete your account" ,
'deleteAccountFormUsernameLabel' : "username" ,
'deleteAccountFormPassphraseLabel' : "passphrase" ,
'deleteAccountFormSafetyCheckboxLabel' : "I understand that all my data will be deleted and that this action is irreversible." ,
'deleteAccountFormSubmitLabel' : "Delete my account" ,
//Account panel - delete account - warnings
'deleteAccountFormWrongUsernameWarning' : "Wrong username" ,
'deleteAccountFormWrongPassphraseWarning' : "Wrong passphrase" ,
'deleteAccountFormSafetyCheckWarning' : "Please read and check the box below." ,
//Account panel - delete account - confirmation
'accountPanelDeletingAccountPanelConfirmationTitle' : "ATTENTION" ,
'accountPanelDeleteAccountPanelConfirmationText' : "Are your sure you want to delete your account?" ,
'accountPanelDeleteAccountPanelConfirmButtonLabel' : "Yes" ,
'accountPanelDeleteAccountPanelDenyButtonLabel' : "No" ,
//Account panel - delete account - confirmation
'accountPanelDeletingAccountPanelProgressTitle' : "Deleting the account data" ,
'accountPanelDeletingAccountPanelProgressText' : "The operation could take long, please be patient." ,
//Data panel - offline copy
'offlineCopyTabLabel' : "Offline copy" ,
'offlineCopyTabTitle' : "Offline copy" ,
'offlineCopyTabDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > With just one click you can dump all your encrypted data from Clipperz servers to your hard disk and create a read - only offline version of Clipperz to be used when you are not connected to the Internet . < / p > \
< p > The read - only version is as secure as the read - and - write one and will not expose your data to higher risks since they both share the same code and security architecture . < / p > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Click the link below to start the download . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > The browser will ask you what to do with the “ Clipperz _YYYYMMDD . html ” file . Save it on your hard disk . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Double click on the downloaded file to launch the offline version in your browser . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Enter the usual username and passphrase . < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > " ,
'offlineCopyDownloadLinkLabel' : "Download" ,
// Data panel - offline copy - not updated
'offlineCopyDownloadWarning' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< h4 > < a href = \ "#\" id=\"offlineCopyDownloadWarningLink\" > Update your “ offline copy ” ! < / a > < / h 4 > \
< p > You have recently created or modified one or more cards , it would be wise to download a new copy of the offline version . < / p > " ,
'offlineCopyDownloadOk' : "" ,
// Data panel - sharing
'sharingTabLabel' : "Sharing" ,
'sharingTabTitle' : "Sharing" ,
'sharingTabDescription' : " \
< p > Quite often a confidential piece of information needs to be shared with one or more persons . < / p > \
< p > This could be as simple as giving your colleague the access code of your voice mailbox when you are out of the office , or as complicated as enabling the entitled heirs to access your safe deposit box at the local bank when you pass on . < / p > \
< p > Clipperz can make sharing your secrets a secure and straightforward process . < / p > \
< p > < / p > \
< p > < b > Coming soon … < / b > < / p > " ,
// Data panel - import
'importTabLabel' : "Import" ,
'importTabTitle' : "Import" ,
'importTabDescription' : "<p>You can bulk import data to your Clipperz account from several file formats.</p>" ,
// Data panel - export
'printingTabLabel' : "Export" ,
'printingTabTitle' : "Export" ,
'printingTabDescription' : " \
< h5 > Printing < / h 5 > \
< p > Click on the link below to open a new window displaying all your cards in a printable format . < / p > \
< p > If you are going to print for backup purposes , please consider the safer option provided by the “ offline copy ” . < / p > " ,
'printingLinkLabel' : "Printable version" ,
'exportTabDescription' : " \
< h5 > Exporting to JSON < / h 5 > \
< p > JSON enables a “ lossless ” export of your cards . All the information will be preserved , including direct login configurations . < / p > \
< p > This custom format it ’ s quite convenient if you need to move some of all of your cards to a different Clipperz account . Or if you want to restore a card that has been accidentally deleted . < / p > \
< p > Click on the link below to start the export process . < / p > " ,
'exportLinkLabel' : "Export to JSON" ,
'exportDataInProgressDescription' : "<h4>Exporting, please wait while your data are being processed …</h4>" ,
'exportDataDescription' : " \
< h4 > Instructions < / h 4 > \
< p > Copy the text below to your favorite editor and save it . ( e . g . “ clipperz _export _20071217 . json ” ) < / p > " ,
// Contacts panel
'contactsTabLabel' : "Contacts" ,
'contactsTabTitle' : "Contacts" ,
//Tools panel - password generator
'passwordGeneratorTabLabel' : "Password generator" ,
'bookmarkletTabLabel' : "Bookmarklet" ,
'compactTabLabel' : "Compact edition" ,
'httpAuthTabLabel' : "HTTP authentication" ,
'passwordGeneratorTabTitle' : "Password generator" ,
'bookmarkletTabTitle' : "Bookmarklet" ,
'compactTabTitle' : "Compact edition" ,
'httpAuthTabTitle' : "HTTP authentication" ,
// Tools panel - password generator - description
'paswordGeneratorTabDescription' : "<p></p>" ,
'passwordGeneratorTabButtonLabel' : "Generate password" ,
// Tools panel - bookmarklet
'bookmarkletTabLabel' : "Bookmarklet" ,
'bookmarkletTabTitle' : "Bookmarklet" ,
'bookmarkletTabDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > A bookmarklet is a simple “ one - click ” tool that can perform very useful tasks . It can be saved and used like a normal web page bookmark . < / p > \
< p > The Clipperz bookmarklet will help you to quickly create new cards and new “ direct logins ” within existing cards . < / p > \
< p > < b > Please note that the bookmarklet does not include any information related to your account ( e . g . your username or passphrase ) , the bookmarklet is a general tool containing the same code for every Clipperz user . < / b > < / p > \
< h3 > How to install the bookmarklet < / h 3 > \
< h > Firefox , Camino , Opera , Safari < / h 5 > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Make sure that the “ Bookmarks Bar ” is displayed by selecting “ View > Toolbars > Bookmarks ” , or similar menu items , from the browser menu . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Drag and drop the “ Add to Clipperz ” link below to the bookmark bar . < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > \
< h5 > Internet Explorer < / h 5 > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Make sure that the “ Links ” toolbar is displayed by selecting “ View > Toolbars > Links ” from the browser menu . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Right - click on the “ Add to Clipperz ” link below . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Select “ Add to favorites ” from the contextual menu . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Click “ Yes ” for any security message that pops up . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Open the “ Links ” folder and click “ OK ” < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > " ,
'bookmarkletTabBookmarkletTitle' : "Add to Clipperz" ,
// Tools panel - bookmarklet - instructions
'bookmarkletTabInstructions' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< h3 > How to create a new card inclusive of a “ direct login ” link to an online service < / h 3 > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Open the web page where the login form is hosted . ( this is the page where you usually enter your sign - in credentials ) < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Launch the bookmarklet by clicking on it : a pop - up window will appear over the web page . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Copy to the clipboard the content of the large text area within the pop - up . ( ctrl - C ) < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Enter your Clipperz account and click on the < b > Add new card < / b > b u t t o n . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Select the “ Direct login ” template and paste the content of the clipboard to the large text area in the form . ( ctrl - V ) < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Press the < b > Create < / b > b u t t o n , c o m p l e t e a n d r e v i e w t h e d e t a i l s , t h e n c l i c k < b > S a v e < / b > . < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > \
< h3 > How to add a “ direct login ” link to an existing card < / h 3 > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Same as above . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Same as above . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Same as above . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Enter your Clipperz account and select the card containing the credentials for the web service you just visited and click the < b > Edit < / b > b u t t o n . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Paste the content of the clipboard to the large text area in the “ Direct logins ” section . ( ctrl - V ) < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Press the < b > Add direct login < / b > b u t t o n , r e v i e w t h e d e t a i l s a n d t h e n c l i c k < b > S a v e < / b > . < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > \
< p > < / p > \
< p > Further information about the bookmarklet are < a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com/support/user_guide/bookmarklet\" target=\"_blank\">available here</a>.</p>" ,
// Tools panel - Compact - instructions
'compactTabDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > Clipperz Compact is a special version of Clipperz designed to be opened in the Firefox sidebar . < / p > \
< p > Its purpose is to keep your collection of “ direct logins ” always at hand . Read more < a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com/support/user_guide/clipperz_compact\", target=\"blank\" > here < / a > < / p > \
< h3 > How to launch Clipperz Compact in the sidebar < / h 3 > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Get Firefox ! Sidebars are only available in Firefox and you need to switch to Firefox in order to enjoy the convenience of Clipperz Compact . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > \
< p > Add the following URL to Firefox bookmarks , or even better , drag it to the bookmark bar . < / p > \
< div id = \ "compactLinkBox\"><a href=\"https://www.clipperz.com/beta/index.html?compact\" target=\"_search\" > Clipperz Compact < / a > < / d i v > \
< / l i > \
< li > < p > Change the properties of the bookmark so that “ load this bookmark in the sidebar ” is checked . < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > \
< h5 > Added bonus : Clipperz Compact works also in Opera ’ s panel . < / h 5 > " ,
// Tools panel - HTTP authentication - instructions
'httpAuthTabDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > HTTP authentication is a method designed to allow a web browser to provide credentials – in the form of a username and password – including them in a website address ( HTTP or HTTPS URL ) . < / p > \
< p > Nowadays it is rarely used , but it can still be found on small , private websites . You can tell that a website is protected by HTTP authentication when the browser displays a pop - up window to enter username and password . < / p > \
< p > Unfortunately the Clipperz bookmarklet does not work on websites that use HTTP authentication . However you can still create a “ direct login ” . < / p > \
< h3 > How to create a “ direct login ” for a website that uses HTTP authentication < / h 3 > \
< ol > \
< li > < p > Store website URL , username and password in a new card . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Copy the configuration below and paste it to the large text area in the “ Direct logins ” section of the new card . < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > Press the < b > Add direct login < / b > b u t t o n , b i n d U R L , u s e r n a m e a n d p a s s w o r d f i e l d s a n d t h e n c l i c k < b > S a v e < / b > . < / p > < / l i > \
< / o l > \
< h5 > < a href = \ "http://support.microsoft.com/kb/834489\" target=\"_blank\">Warning: Internet Explorer does not support HTTP authentication.</a></h5>" ,
// Direct logins block
'mainPanelDirectLoginBlockLabel' : "Direct logins" ,
'directLinkReferenceShowButtonLabel' : "show" ,
// Direct logins - blank slate
'mainPanelDirectLoginBlockDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > Add “ direct logins ” to sign in to your web accounts without typing usernames and passwords ! < / p > \
< p > “ Direct logins ” greatly enhance your password security since you can : < / p > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > conveniently adopt and enter complex passwords ; < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > never re - use the same and easy - to - guess password . < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< p > Simple and quick configuration with the < b > Clipperz bookmarklet < / b > . < / p > \
< a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com/support/user_guide/direct_logins\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more about “direct logins”</a>" ,
// Cards block
'mainPanelRecordsBlockLabel' : "Cards" ,
'mainPanelAddRecordButtonLabel' : "Add new card" ,
'mainPanelRemoveRecordButtonLabel' : "Delete card" ,
// Cards block - filter tabs
'mainPanelRecordFilterBlockAllLabel' : "all" ,
'mainPanelRecordFilterBlockTagsLabel' : "tags" ,
'mainPanelRecordFilterBlockSearchLabel' : "search" ,
// Cards block - blank slate
'recordDetailNoRecordAtAllTitle' : "Welcome to Clipperz!" ,
'recordDetailNoRecordAtAllDescription' : " \
< h5 > Get started by adding cards to your account . < / h 5 > \
< p > Cards are simple and flexible forms where you can store your passwords and any other confidential data . < / p > \
< p > Cards could contain credentials for accessing a web site , the combination of your bicycle lock , details of y our credit card , … < / p > \
< h5 > Don ' t forget the Clipperz bookmarklet ! < / h 5 > \
< p > Before you start , install the “ Add to Clipperz ” bookmarklet : it will make creating cards easier and more fun . < / p > \
< p > Go to the “ Tools ” tab to discover how to install it and how it use it . < / p > \
< p > < / p > \
< p > Then simply click the < b > \ "Add new card\" < / b > b u t t o n a n d e n j o y y o u r C l i p p e r z a c c o u n t . < / p > \
< p > < / p > \
< a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com/support/user_guide/managing_cards\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more about creating and managing cards</a>" ,
// Cards block - new card wizard - bookmarklet configuration
'newRecordWizardTitleBox' : " \
< h5 > Please select a template < / h 5 > \
< p > Cards are simple and flexible forms where you can store passwords or any other confidential data . < / p > \
< p > Start choosing one of the templates below . You can always customize your cards later by adding or removing fields . < / p > " ,
'newRecordWizardBookmarkletConfigurationTitle' : "Direct login" ,
'newRecordWizardBookmarkletConfigurationDescription' : " \
< p > Paste below the configuration code generated by the Clipperz bookmarklet . < / p > \
< p > A new card complete with a direct login to your web account will be created . < / p > " ,
'newRecordWizardCreateButtonLabel' : "Create" ,
'newRecordWizardCancelButtonLabel' : "Cancel" ,
// Create new card - Donation splash
'donateSplashPanelTitle' : "Support Clipperz, make a donation today!" ,
'donateSplashPanelDescription' : " \
<!-- FIX CSS DONE ! -- > \
< p > A few good reasons to make a donation : < / p > \
< ul > \
< li > < p > support the development of new features < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > keep Clipperz free < / p > < / l i > \
< li > < p > show appreciation for our hard work < / p > < / l i > \
< / u l > \
< p > For any further information , please visit our < a href = \ "http://www.clipperz.com/donations\" target=\"_blank\" > Donations page < / a > . < / p > \
< p > < b > Ready to donate ? < / b > < / p > " ,
'donateCloseButtonLabel' : "Not yet" ,
'donateDonateButtonLabel' : "Yes" ,
// Card templates
'recordTemplates' : {
//Web password
'WebAccount' : {
'title' : "Web password" ,
'description' : "<p>A simple card to store login credentials for your online services.</p>" ,
'fields' : [
{ label : "Web address" , type : 'URL' } ,
{ label : "Username or email" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Password" , type : 'PWD' }
} ,
//Bank account
'BankAccount' : {
'title' : "Bank account" ,
'description' : "<p>Safely store your bank account number and online banking credentials.</p>" ,
'fields' : [
{ label : "Bank" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Account number" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Bank website" , type : 'URL' } ,
{ label : "Online banking ID" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Online banking password" , type : 'PWD' }
} ,
// Credit card
'CreditCard' : {
'title' : "Credit card" ,
'description' : "<p>Card number, expire date, CVV2 and PIN always at hand with Clipperz.</p>" ,
'fields' : [
{ label : "Type (Visa, AmEx, …)" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Number" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Owner name" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Expiry date" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "CVV2" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "PIN" , type : 'PWD' } ,
{ label : "Card website" , type : 'URL' } ,
{ label : "Username" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Password" , type : 'PWD' }
} ,
// Address book entry
'AddressBookEntry' : {
'title' : "Address book entry" ,
'description' : "<p>Clipperz could also work as your new private address book. Use this template to easily add a new entry.</p>" ,
'fields' : [
{ label : "Name" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Email" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Phone" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Mobile" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Address" , type : 'ADDR' }
} ,
//Custom card
'Custom' : {
'title' : "Custom card" ,
'description' : "<p>No matter which kind of confidential data you need to protect, create a custom card to match your needs.</p>" ,
'fields' : [
{ label : "Label 1" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Label 2" , type : 'TXT' } ,
{ label : "Label 3" , type : 'TXT' }
} ,
'recordFieldTypologies' : {
'TXT' : {
description : "simple text field" ,
shortDescription : "text"
} ,
'PWD' : {
description : "simple text field, with default status set to hidden" ,
shortDescription : "password"
} ,
'URL' : {
description : "simple text field in edit mode, that became an active url in view mode" ,
shortDescription : "web address"
} ,
'DATE' : {
description : "a value set with a calendar helper" ,
shortDescription : "date"
} ,
'ADDR' : {
description : "just like the URL, but the active link points to Google Maps (or similar service) passing the address value as argument" ,
shortDescription : "street address"
} ,
'CHECK' : {
description : "check description" ,
shortDescription : "check"
} ,
'RADIO' : {
description : "radio description" ,
shortDescription : "radio"
} ,
'SELECT' : {
description : "select description" ,
shortDescription : "select"
} ,
// Cards block - new card - warnings
'newRecordPanelGeneralExceptionTitle' : "Error" ,
'newRecordPanelGeneralExceptionMessage' : "The configuration text is not valid. Make sure to get your text from the bookmarklet pop-up and retry." ,
'newRecordPanelWrongBookmarkletVersionExceptionTitle' : "Error" ,
'newRecordPanelWrongBookmarkletVersionExceptionMessage' : "The configuration text has been generated by an old version of the bookmarklet. Please update your bookmarklet and retry." ,
'newRecordPanelExceptionPanelCloseButtonLabel' : "Cancel" ,
// Cards block - delete card
'mainPanelDeletingRecordPanelConfirmationTitle' : "Deleting selected card" ,
'mainPanelDeleteRecordPanelConfirmationText' : "Do your really want to delete the selected card?" ,
'mainPanelDeleteRecordPanelConfirmButtonLabel' : "Yes" ,
'mainPanelDeleteRecordPanelDenyButtonLabel' : "No" ,
'mainPanelDeletingRecordPanelInitialTitle' : "Deleting selected card" ,
'mainPanelDeletingRecordPanelInitialText' : "---" ,
'mainPanelDeletingRecordPanelCompletedText' : "Done" ,
// Cards block - delete card panel
'deleteRecordPanelCollectRecordDataMessageTitle' : "Delete card" ,
'deleteRecordPanelCollectRecordDataMessageText' : "Updating card list" ,
'deleteRecordPanelEncryptUserDataMessageTitle' : "Delete card" ,
'deleteRecordPanelEncryptUserDataMessageText' : "Local encryption of card headers" ,
'deleteRecordPanelSendingDataToTheServerMessageTitle' : "Delete card" ,
'deleteRecordPanelSendingDataToTheServerMessageText' : "Uploading encrypted card headers to Clipperz" ,
'deleteRecordPanelUpdatingTheInterfaceMessageTitle' : "Delete card" ,
'deleteRecordPanelUpdatingTheInterfaceMessageText' : "Updating the interface" ,
// Cards block - no record selected
'recordDetailNoRecordSelectedTitle' : "No card selected" ,
'recordDetailNoRecordSelectedDescription' : "<p>Please select a card from the list on the left.</p>" ,
// Cards block - loading messages
'recordDetailLoadingRecordMessage' : "Downloading encrypted card from Clipperz" ,
'recordDetailDecryptingRecordMessage' : "Local decryption of card\'s data" ,
'recordDetailLoadingRecordVersionMessage' : "Downloading latest card version" ,
'recordDetailDecryptingRecordVersionMessage' : "Local decryption of latest version" ,
'recordDetailLoadingErrorMessageTitle' : "Error while downloading the card" ,
// Cards block - card details
'recordDetailNotesLabel' : "Notes" ,
'recordDetailLabelFieldColumnLabel' : "Field label" ,
'recordDetailDataFieldColumnLabel' : "Field data" ,
'recordDetailTypeFieldColumnLabel' : "Type" ,
'recordDetailSavingChangesMessagePanelInitialTitle' : "Saving card" ,
'recordDetailSavingChangesMessagePanelInitialText' : "---" ,
'recordDetailRemoveFieldButtonLabel' : "-" ,
'recordDetailAddFieldButtonLabel' : "Add new field" ,
'recordDetailPasswordFieldHelpLabel' : "click the stars to select the password and then Ctrl-C to copy" ,
'recordDetailPasswordFieldScrambleLabel' : "scramble" ,
'recordDetailPasswordFieldUnscrambleLabel' : "unscramble" ,
'recordDetailDirectLoginBlockTitle' : "Direct logins" ,
'recordDetailNewDirectLoginDescription' : "<p>Direct login configuration</p>" ,
'recordDetailDirectLoginBlockNoDirectLoginConfiguredDescription' : " \
< p > Does this card contain credentials to access an online service ? < / p > \
< p > Use the bookmarklet to configure a “ direct login ” from Clipperz with just one click ! < / p > " ,
'recordDetailDeleteDirectLoginButtonLabel' : "-" ,
'recordDetailAddNewDirectLoginButtonLabel' : "Add new direct login" ,
'recordDetailEditButtonLabel' : "Edit" ,
'recordDetailSaveButtonLabel' : "Save" ,
'recordDetailCancelButtonLabel' : "Cancel" ,
'newRecordTitleLabel' : "_new card_" ,
'newDirectLoginLabelSuffix' : "" ,
// Cards block - save card panel
'recordSaveChangesPanelCollectRecordInfoMessageTitle' : "Save card" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelCollectRecordInfoMessageText' : "Updating card headers" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelEncryptUserDataMessageTitle' : "Save card" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelEncryptUserDataMessageText' : "Local encryption of card headers" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelEncryptRecordDataMessageTitle' : "Save card" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelEncryptRecordDataMessageText' : "Local encryption of card's data" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelEncryptRecordVersionDataMessageTitle' : "Save card" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelEncryptRecordVersionDataMessageText' : "Local encryption of card's version data" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelSendingDataToTheServerMessageTitle' : "Save card" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelSendingDataToTheServerMessageText' : "Uploading encrypted card's header to Clipperz" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelUpdatingTheInterfaceMessageTitle' : "Save card" ,
'recordSaveChangesPanelUpdatingTheInterfaceMessageText' : "Updating the interface" ,
// Password Generator strings
'passwordGeneratorPanelTitle' : "Password generator" ,
'passwordGeneratorPanelOkLabel' : "Ok" ,
'passwordGeneratorPanelCancelLabel' : "Cancel" ,
'passwordGeneratorLowercaseLabel' : "abc" ,
'passwordGeneratorUppercaseLabel' : "ABC" ,
'passwordGeneratorNumberLabel' : "012" ,
'passwordGeneratorSymbolLabel' : "@#$" ,
'passwordGeneratorLengthLabel' : "length:" ,
//Miscellaneous strings
'comingSoon' : "coming soon …" ,
'panelCollectingEntryopyMessageText' : "Collecting entropy" ,
'directLoginConfigurationCheckBoxFieldSelectedValue' : "Yes" ,
'directLoginConfigurationCheckBoxFieldNotSelectedValue' : "No" ,
// NEW - Import panel
'importFormats' : {
'CSV' : {
'label' : "CSV" ,
'description' : "<p>A widely recognized file format that stores tabular data. Several password managers can export data to this format.</p>"
} ,
'Excel' : {
'label' : "Excel" ,
'description' : "<p>The popular spreadsheet from Microsoft. Storing passwords in Excel files is very common but not advisable.</p>"
} ,
'KeePass' : {
'label' : "KeePass" ,
'description' : "<p>The custom TXT file created by KeePass password manager.</p>"
} ,
'PasswordPlus' : {
'label' : "Password Plus" ,
'description' : "<p>The custom CSV format produced by Password Plus, a password manager mostly used on mobile devices.</p>"
} ,
'Roboform' : {
'label' : "RoboForm" ,
'description' : "<p>The special HTML file created by Roboform password manager when displaying Passcard and Safenotes for printing.</p>"
} ,
'ClipperzExport' : {
'label' : "JSON" ,
'description' : "<p>The file created by Clipperz itself in JSON format. It preserves all information contained in your cards, even direct login configurations.</p>"
} ,
'Clipperz_ImportWizard_Title' : "JSON import" ,
'importOptions_clipperz_description' : "<p>Open the JSON file exported from Clipperz in a text editor. Then copy and paste its content to the text area below.</p>" ,
// CSV
'CSV_ImportWizard_Title' : "CSV import" ,
'importOptions_csv_description_' : " \
< p > Open the CSV file in a text editor . Then copy and paste its content to the text area below . < / p > \
< p > Please select the special characters used within your file . < / p > " ,
// Excel
'Excel_ImportWizard_Title' : "Excel import" ,
'importOptions_excel_description_' : "<p>Open the Excel file and select the cells you want to import. Then copy and paste them to the text area below.</p>" ,
// KeePass
'KeePass_ImportWizard_Title' : "KeePass import" ,
'importOptions_keePass_description_' : "<p>Open the TXT file created by Keepass in a text editor. Then copy and paste its content to the text area below.</p>" ,
// PasswordPlus
'PasswordPlus_ImportWizard_Title' : "Password Plus import" ,
'importOptions_passwordPlus_description' : "<p>Open the CSV file created by PasswordPlus in a text editor. Then copy and paste its content to the text area below.</p>" ,
// RoboForm
'RoboForm_ImportWizard_Title' : "RoboForm import" ,
'importOptions_roboForm_description' : "<p>Open the HTML file created by RoboForm in a text editor. Then copy and paste its content to the text area below.</p>" ,
'importData_parsingDataTitle' : "Import" ,
'importData_parsingDataText' : "Parsing data …" ,
'importData_previewingDataTitle' : "Import" ,
'importData_previewingDataText' : "Processing data …" ,
'importData_processingDataTitle' : "Import" ,
'importData_processingDataText' : "Creating new cards …" ,
'ImportWizard' : {
'EDIT' : "edit" ,
'PREVIEW' : "preview" ,
'IMPORT' : "import" ,
'KEEPASS_SETTINGS' : "settings" ,
'CSV_EDIT' : "paste" ,
'CSV_COLUMNS' : "columns" ,
'CSV_HEADER' : "labels" ,
'CSV_TITLE' : "titles" ,
'CSV_NOTES' : "notes" ,
'CSV_FIELDS' : "types" ,
'EXCEL_EDIT' : "edit"
} ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Columns' : "<p>Select the columns you want to import.</p>" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Header' : "<p>If the first row of the CSV file contains field labels, tick off the checkbox below.</p>" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Header_Settings_firstRowHeaderLabel' : "Use the first row as labels?" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Title' : "<p>Select the column that contains titles of the cards you are importing. (mandatory)</p>" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Notes' : "<p>Select the column that represents a \"notes\" field. (optional)</p>" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Notes_Settings_noSelectionLabel' : "\"notes\" field not present" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Fields' : "<p>Select the correct type for each column from the drop down lists.</p>" ,
'CSV_ImportWizard_Fields_MissingLabelWarning' : "Missing label" ,
'importData_importConfirmation_title' : "Import" ,
'importData_importConfirmation_text' : "Do you want to import __numberOfRecords__ cards?" ,
// Vulnerability warning
'VulnerabilityWarning_Panel_title' : "Vulnerability warning" ,
'VulnerabilityWarning_Panel_message' : "The action as been aborted due to a catched vulnerability" ,
'VulnerabilityWarning_Panel_buttonLabel' : "Close" ,
// All the loginInfo panel infos
'WELCOME_BACK' : "Welcome back!" ,
'currentConnectionText' : "You are connected from ip __ip__, apparently from __country__, using __browser__ on __operatingSystem__." ,
'latestConnectionText' : "Your latest connection was __elapsedTimeDescription__ (__time__) from ip __ip__, apparently from __country__, using __browser__ on __operatingSystem__." ,
'fullLoginHistoryLinkLabel' : "show login history" ,
'elapsedTimeDescriptions' : {
'MORE_THAN_A_MONTH_AGO' : "more than a month ago" ,
'MORE_THAN_A_WEEK_AGO' : "more than a week ago" ,
'MORE_THAN_*_WEEKS_AGO' : "more than __elapsed__ weeks ago" ,
'YESTERDAY' : "yesterday" ,
'*_DAYS_AGO' : "__elapsed__ days ago" ,
'ABOUT_AN_HOUR_AGO' : "about an hour ago" ,
'*_HOURS_AGO' : "__elapsed__ hours ago" ,
'JUST_A_FEW_MINUTES_AGO' : "just a few minutes ago" ,
'ABOUT_*_MINUTES_AGO' : "about __elapsed__ minutes ago"
} ,
'unknown_ip' : "unknown" ,
'countries' : {
'--' : "unknown" ,
'AD' : "Andorra" ,
'AE' : "United Arab Emirates" ,
'AF' : "Afghanistan" ,
'AG' : "Antigua and Barbuda" ,
'AI' : "Anguilla" ,
'AL' : "Albania" ,
'AM' : "Armenia" ,
'AN' : "Netherlands Antilles" ,
'AO' : "Angola" ,
'AP' : "Non-Spec Asia Pas Location" ,
'AR' : "Argentina" ,
'AS' : "American Samoa" ,
'AT' : "Austria" ,
'AU' : "Australia" ,
'AW' : "Aruba" ,
'AX' : "Aland Islands" ,
'AZ' : "Azerbaijan" ,
'BA' : "Bosnia and Herzegowina" ,
'BB' : "Barbados" ,
'BD' : "Bangladesh" ,
'BE' : "Belgium" ,
'BF' : "Burkina Faso" ,
'BG' : "Bulgaria" ,
'BH' : "Bahrain" ,
'BI' : "Burundi" ,
'BJ' : "Benin" ,
'BM' : "Bermuda" ,
'BN' : "Brunei Darussalam" ,
'BO' : "Bolivia" ,
'BR' : "Brazil" ,
'BS' : "Bahamas" ,
'BT' : "Bhutan" ,
'BW' : "Botswana" ,
'BY' : "Belarus" ,
'BZ' : "Belize" ,
'CA' : "Canada" ,
'CD' : "Congo the Democratic Republic of the" ,
'CF' : "Central African Republic" ,
'CH' : "Switzerland" ,
'CI' : "Cote D'ivoire" ,
'CK' : "Cook Islands" ,
'CL' : "Chile" ,
'CM' : "Cameroon" ,
'CN' : "China" ,
'CO' : "Colombia" ,
'CR' : "Costa Rica" ,
'CS' : "Serbia and Montenegro" ,
'CU' : "Cuba" ,
'CY' : "Cyprus" ,
'CZ' : "Czech Republic" ,
'DE' : "Germany" ,
'DJ' : "Djibouti" ,
'DK' : "Denmark" ,
'DO' : "Dominican Republic" ,
'DZ' : "Algeria" ,
'EC' : "Ecuador" ,
'EE' : "Estonia" ,
'EG' : "Egypt" ,
'ER' : "Eritrea" ,
'ES' : "Spain" ,
'ET' : "Ethiopia" ,
'EU' : "European Union" ,
'FI' : "Finland" ,
'FJ' : "Fiji" ,
'FM' : "Micronesia Federated States of" ,
'FO' : "Faroe Islands" ,
'FR' : "France" ,
'GA' : "Gabon" ,
'GB' : "United Kingdom" ,
'GD' : "Grenada" ,
'GE' : "Georgia" ,
'GF' : "French Guiana" ,
'GG' : "Guernsey" ,
'GH' : "Ghana" ,
'GI' : "Gibraltar" ,
'GL' : "Greenland" ,
'GM' : "Gambia" ,
'GP' : "Guadeloupe" ,
'GR' : "Greece" ,
'GT' : "Guatemala" ,
'GU' : "Guam" ,
'GW' : "Guinea-Bissau" ,
'GY' : "Guyana" ,
'HK' : "Hong Kong" ,
'HN' : "Honduras" ,
'HR' : "Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)" ,
'HT' : "Haiti" ,
'HU' : "Hungary" ,
'ID' : "Indonesia" ,
'IE' : "Ireland" ,
'IL' : "Israel" ,
'IM' : "Isle of Man" ,
'IN' : "India" ,
'IO' : "British Indian Ocean Territory" ,
'IQ' : "Iraq" ,
'IR' : "Iran (Islamic Republic of)" ,
'IS' : "Iceland" ,
'IT' : "Italy" ,
'JE' : "Jersey" ,
'JM' : "Jamaica" ,
'JO' : "Jordan" ,
'JP' : "Japan" ,
'KE' : "Kenya" ,
'KG' : "Kyrgyzstan" ,
'KH' : "Cambodia" ,
'KI' : "Kiribati" ,
'KN' : "Saint Kitts and Nevis" ,
'KR' : "Korea Republic of" ,
'KW' : "Kuwait" ,
'KY' : "Cayman Islands" ,
'KZ' : "Kazakhstan" ,
'LA' : "Lao People's Democratic Republic" ,
'LB' : "Lebanon" ,
'LC' : "Saint Lucia" ,
'LI' : "Liechtenstein" ,
'LK' : "Sri Lanka" ,
'LR' : "Liberia" ,
'LS' : "Lesotho" ,
'LT' : "Lithuania" ,
'LU' : "Luxembourg" ,
'LV' : "Latvia" ,
'LY' : "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" ,
'MA' : "Morocco" ,
'MC' : "Monaco" ,
'MD' : "Moldova Republic of" ,
'MG' : "Madagascar" ,
'MH' : "Marshall Islands" ,
'MK' : "Macedonia the Former Yugoslav Republic of" ,
'ML' : "Mali" ,
'MM' : "Myanmar" ,
'MN' : "Mongolia" ,
'MO' : "Macau" ,
'MP' : "Northern Mariana Islands" ,
'MR' : "Mauritania" ,
'MS' : "Montserrat" ,
'MT' : "Malta" ,
'MU' : "Mauritius" ,
'MV' : "Maldives" ,
'MW' : "Malawi" ,
'MX' : "Mexico" ,
'MY' : "Malaysia" ,
'MZ' : "Mozambique" ,
'NA' : "Namibia" ,
'NC' : "New Caledonia" ,
'NF' : "Norfolk Island" ,
'NG' : "Nigeria" ,
'NI' : "Nicaragua" ,
'NL' : "Netherlands" ,
'NO' : "Norway" ,
'NP' : "Nepal" ,
'NR' : "Nauru" ,
'NU' : "Niue" ,
'NZ' : "New Zealand" ,
'OM' : "Oman" ,
'PA' : "Panama" ,
'PE' : "Peru" ,
'PF' : "French Polynesia" ,
'PG' : "Papua New Guinea" ,
'PH' : "Philippines" ,
'PK' : "Pakistan" ,
'PL' : "Poland" ,
'PR' : "Puerto Rico" ,
'PS' : "Palestinian Territory Occupied" ,
'PT' : "Portugal" ,
'PW' : "Palau" ,
'PY' : "Paraguay" ,
'QA' : "Qatar" ,
'RO' : "Romania" ,
'RS' : "Serbia" ,
'RU' : "Russian Federation" ,
'RW' : "Rwanda" ,
'SA' : "Saudi Arabia" ,
'SB' : "Solomon Islands" ,
'SC' : "Seychelles" ,
'SD' : "Sudan" ,
'SE' : "Sweden" ,
'SG' : "Singapore" ,
'SI' : "Slovenia" ,
'SK' : "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)" ,
'SL' : "Sierra Leone" ,
'SM' : "San Marino" ,
'SN' : "Senegal" ,
'SR' : "Suriname" ,
'SV' : "El Salvador" ,
'SY' : "Syrian Arab Republic" ,
'SZ' : "Swaziland" ,
'TC' : "Turks and Caicos Islands" ,
'TG' : "Togo" ,
'TH' : "Thailand" ,
'TJ' : "Tajikistan" ,
'TM' : "Turkmenistan" ,
'TN' : "Tunisia" ,
'TO' : "Tonga" ,
'TR' : "Turkey" ,
'TT' : "Trinidad and Tobago" ,
'TV' : "Tuvalu" ,
'TW' : "Taiwan Province of China" ,
'TZ' : "Tanzania United Republic of" ,
'UA' : "Ukraine" ,
'UG' : "Uganda" ,
'US' : "United States" ,
'UY' : "Uruguay" ,
'UZ' : "Uzbekistan" ,
'VA' : "Holy See (Vatican City State)" ,
'VE' : "Venezuela" ,
'VG' : "Virgin Islands (British)" ,
'VI' : "Virgin Islands (U.S.)" ,
'VN' : "Viet Nam" ,
'VU' : "Vanuatu" ,
'WF' : "Wallis and Futuna Islands" ,
'WS' : "Samoa" ,
'YE' : "Yemen" ,
'ZA' : "South Africa" ,
'ZM' : "Zambia" ,
'ZW' : "Zimbabwe" ,
'ZZ' : "Reserved"
} ,
'browsers' : {
'UNKNOWN' : "Unknown" ,
'MSIE' : "Internet Explorer" ,
'FIREFOX' : "Firefox" ,
'OPERA' : "Opera" ,
'SAFARI' : "Safari" ,
'OMNIWEB' : "OmniWeb" ,
'CAMINO' : "Camino" ,
'CHROME' : "Chrome"
} ,
'operatingSystems' : {
'UNKNOWN' : "Unknown" ,
'WINDOWS' : "Windows" ,
'MAC' : "Mac" ,
'LINUX' : "Linux" ,
'IPHONE' : "iPhone" ,
'MOBILE' : "Mobile" ,
'OPENBSD' : "OpenBSD" ,
'FREEBSD' : "FreeBSD" ,
} ,
// Calendar texts
'calendarStrings' : {
'months' : {
'0' : "January" ,
'1' : "February" ,
'2' : "March" ,
'3' : "April" ,
'4' : "May" ,
'5' : "June" ,
'6' : "July" ,
'7' : "August" ,
'8' : "September" ,
'9' : "October" ,
'10' : "November" ,
'11' : "December"
} ,
'shortMonths' : {
'0' : "Jan" ,
'1' : "Feb" ,
'2' : "Mar" ,
'3' : "Apr" ,
'4' : "May" ,
'5' : "Jun" ,
'6' : "Jul" ,
'7' : "Aug" ,
'8' : "Sep" ,
'9' : "Oct" ,
'10' : "Nov" ,
'11' : "Dec"
} ,
'days' : {
'0' : "Sunday" ,
'1' : "Monday" ,
'2' : "Tuesday" ,
'3' : "Wednesday" ,
'4' : "Thursday" ,
'5' : "Friday" ,
'6' : "Saturday"
} ,
'shortDays' : {
'0' : "Sun" ,
'1' : "Mon" ,
'2' : "Tue" ,
'3' : "Wed" ,
'4' : "Thu" ,
'5' : "Fri" ,
'6' : "Sat"
} ,
'veryShortDays' : {
'0' : "Su" ,
'1' : "Mo" ,
'2' : "Tu" ,
'3' : "We" ,
'4' : "Th" ,
'5' : "Fr" ,
'6' : "Sa"
} ,
'amDesignation' : "am" ,
'pmDesignation' : "pm"
} ,
// Date format
'fullDate_format' : "l, F d, Y H:i:s" ,
* /
/ *
'pageHeader' : {
'donation' : "donAte" ,
'forum' : "foRum" ,
'credits' : "creDits" ,
'feedback' : "feeDback" ,
'help' : "hElp"
} ,
'bookmarkletCopy' : {
'noExceptionMessage' : "The direct login configuration has been collected." ,
'exceptionMessage' : "Sorry! There was an error while processing the page." ,
'copy' : "copy" ,
'successfulMessage' : "DONE!" ,
'failMessage' : "Failed! :("
} ,
* /
'Wizards' : {
'DirectLoginWizard' : {
'LABEL' : {
'name' : "label" ,
'description' : "Enter a name for your new direct login."
} ,
'TYPE' : {
'name' : "type" ,
'description' : "short description of the different types of direct login available"
} ,
'name' : "config" , // "bookmarklet config",
'description' : "Paste the code collected by the bookmarklet. (To install the bookmarklet drag the link below to the bookmark bar of your browser.)"
} ,
'name' : "bindings" ,
'description' : "Select the right value for each field from the drop down menus."
} ,
'name' : "favicon" ,
'description' : "If you are not satisfied with the small icon for this direct login, enter the URL of a new image file (.ico, .png, .jpg)."
} ,
'DONE' : {
'name' : "done" ,
'description' : "Congratulations! You have created a new direct login using credentials contained in your '__cardName__' card.\nEnjoy 1-clik access to '__directLoginName__'!"
} ,
'NewUserWizard' : {
'name' : "credentials" ,
'description' : "[choose you credentials]"
} ,
'name' : "check credentials" ,
'description' : "[check credentials]"
} ,
'name' : "terms of service" ,
'description' : "[terms of service]"
} ,
'name' : "login" ,
'description' : "[create user]"
} //,
/ *
'LOGIN' : {
'name' : "login" ,
'description' : "[enjoy Clipperz]"
} ,
* /
} ,
'exceptionsMessages' : {
'Clipperz' : {
'Crypto' : {
'Base' : {
'exception' : {
'CorruptedMessage' : "Corrupted message"
} ,
_ _syntaxFix _ _ : "syntax fix"