/* Copyright 2008-2018 Clipperz Srl This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager. For further information about its features and functionalities please refer to http://www.clipperz.com. * Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ if (typeof(Clipperz) == 'undefined') { Clipperz = {}; } if (typeof(Clipperz.PM) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.PM = {}; } //============================================================================= Clipperz.PM.Toll = function(args) { args = args || {}; this._requestType = args.requestType; this._targetValue = args.targetValue; this._cost = args.cost; this._toll = null; return this; } Clipperz.PM.Toll.prototype = MochiKit.Base.update(null, { 'toString': function() { return "Clipperz.PM.Toll (" + this.requestType() + ": " + this.cost() + " - " + ((this.toll() == null)? 'UNPAID' : 'PAID') + ")"; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'requestType': function() { return this._requestType; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'targetValue': function() { return this._targetValue; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'cost': function() { return this._cost; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'toll': function() { return this._toll; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* '__pay': function() { var result; var targetData; var targetMatchSize; var prefixMatchingBits; var payment; var i; if (this.toll() == null) { i = 0; targetData = new Clipperz.ByteArray("0x" + this.targetValue()); targetMatchSize = this.cost(); payment = Clipperz.Crypto.PRNG.defaultRandomGenerator().getRandomBytes(32); do { var paymentData; //payment = Clipperz.Crypto.PRNG.defaultRandomGenerator().getRandomBytes(32); payment.increment(); paymentData = Clipperz.Crypto.SHA.sha256(payment); // prefixMatchingBits = this.prefixMatchingBits(targetData, paymentData); prefixMatchingBits = Clipperz.ByteArray.prefixMatchingBits(targetData, paymentData); i++; } while (prefixMatchingBits < targetMatchSize); this._toll = payment.toHexString().substring(2) } return this; }, */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'innerDeferredPay': function (aTargetValue, aCost, aPayment) { var deferredResult; var result; var payment; var startTime; var currentTime; var elapsedTime; currentTime = (new Date()).getMilliseconds(); startTime = currentTime; result = null; payment = aPayment; elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime; while ((result == null) && (elapsedTime < Clipperz.PM.Toll.maxTimeForCloseLoopIterations)) { if (Clipperz.ByteArray.prefixMatchingBits(aTargetValue, Clipperz.Crypto.SHA.sha256(payment)) > aCost) { result = payment; } else { payment.increment(); } currentTime = (new Date()).getMilliseconds(); elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime; } if (result == null) { deferredResult = MochiKit.Async.callLater(Clipperz.PM.Toll.pauseBetweenEachCloseLoop, MochiKit.Base.method(this, 'innerDeferredPay', aTargetValue, aCost, aPayment)); } else { deferredResult = MochiKit.Async.succeed(result); } return deferredResult; }, 'deferredPay': function () { var deferredResult; var toll; toll = this; deferredResult = new Clipperz.Async.Deferred("Toll.deferredPay", {trace:false}); deferredResult.addMethod(Clipperz.Crypto.PRNG.defaultRandomGenerator(), 'getRandomBytes', 32); deferredResult.addMethod(toll, 'innerDeferredPay', new Clipperz.ByteArray("0x" + this.targetValue()), this.cost()); deferredResult.addCallback(MochiKit.Base.bind(function(aPayment) { var result; result = { targetValue: this.targetValue(), toll: aPayment.toHexString().substr(2) }; return result; }, this)); deferredResult.callback(); return deferredResult; }, //========================================================================= __syntaxFix__: "syntax fix" }); Clipperz.PM.Toll.validate = function(aTargetValue, aToll, aCost) { var result; var tollValue; var targetValue; var hashedTollValue; var payedToll; tollValue = new Clipperz.ByteArray("0x" + aToll); targetValue = new Clipperz.ByteArray("0x" + aTargetValue); hashedTollValue = Clipperz.Crypto.SHA.sha256(tollValue); payedToll = Clipperz.ByteArray.prefixMatchingBits(targetValue, hashedTollValue); if (payedToll < aCost) { result = false; } else { result = true; } return result; }; Clipperz.PM.Toll.maxTimeForCloseLoopIterations = 500; // milliseconds Clipperz.PM.Toll.pauseBetweenEachCloseLoop = 0.1; // seconds