
Copyright 2008-2011 Clipperz Srl

This file is part of Clipperz Community Edition.
Clipperz Community Edition is an online password manager.
For further information about its features and functionalities please
refer to http://www.clipperz.com.

* Clipperz Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute
  it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
  3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

* Clipperz Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will
  be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
  License along with Clipperz Community Edition.  If not, see


addEvent(window, "load", sortables_init);


function sortables_init() {
    // Find all tables with class sortable and make them sortable
    if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
    tbls = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
    for (ti=0;ti<tbls.length;ti++) {
        thisTbl = tbls[ti];
        if (((' '+thisTbl.className+' ').indexOf("sortable") != -1) && (thisTbl.id)) {

function ts_makeSortable(table) {
    if (table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) {
        var firstRow = table.rows[0];
    if (!firstRow) return;
    // We have a first row: assume it's the header, and make its contents clickable links
    for (var i=0;i<firstRow.cells.length;i++) {
        var cell = firstRow.cells[i];
        var txt = ts_getInnerText(cell);
        cell.innerHTML = '<a href="#" class="sortheader" '+ 
        'onclick="ts_resortTable(this, '+i+');return false;">' + 
        txt+'<span class="sortarrow">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></a>';

function ts_getInnerText(el) {
	if (typeof el == "string") return el;
	if (typeof el == "undefined") { return el };
	if (el.innerText) return el.innerText;	//Not needed but it is faster
	var str = "";
	var cs = el.childNodes;
	var l = cs.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
		switch (cs[i].nodeType) {
			case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE
				str += ts_getInnerText(cs[i]);
			case 3:	//TEXT_NODE
				str += cs[i].nodeValue;
	return str;

function ts_resortTable(lnk,clid) {
    // get the span
    var span;
    for (var ci=0;ci<lnk.childNodes.length;ci++) {
        if (lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName && lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') span = lnk.childNodes[ci];
    var spantext = ts_getInnerText(span);
    var td = lnk.parentNode;
    var column = clid || td.cellIndex;
    var table = getParent(td,'TABLE');

    // Work out a type for the column
    if (table.rows.length <= 1) return;
    var itm = ts_getInnerText(table.rows[1].cells[column]);
    sortfn = ts_sort_caseinsensitive;
    if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d\d\d$/)) {
		sortfn = ts_sort_date;
    if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d$/)) {
		sortfn = ts_sort_date;
    if (itm.match(/^[£$]/)) {
		sortfn = ts_sort_currency;
    if (itm.match(/^[\d\.]+$/)) {
		sortfn = ts_sort_numeric;
    SORT_COLUMN_INDEX = column;
    var firstRow = new Array();
    var newRows = new Array();
    for (i=0;i<table.rows[0].length;i++) {
		firstRow[i] = table.rows[0][i];

    for (j=1;j<table.rows.length;j++) {
		newRows[j-1] = table.rows[j];

    if (span.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'down') {
        ARROW = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;';
    } else {
        ARROW = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&darr;';
    // We appendChild rows that already exist to the tbody, so it moves them rather than creating new ones
    // don't do sortbottom rows
    for (i=0;i<newRows.length;i++) {
		if (!newRows[i].className || (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') == -1))) {
    // do sortbottom rows only
    for (i=0;i<newRows.length;i++) { 
		if (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') != -1)) {
    // Delete any other arrows there may be showing
    var allspans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
    for (var ci=0;ci<allspans.length;ci++) {
        if (allspans[ci].className == 'sortarrow') {
            if (getParent(allspans[ci],"table") == getParent(lnk,"table")) { // in the same table as us?
                allspans[ci].innerHTML = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    span.innerHTML = ARROW;

function getParent(el, pTagName) {
	if (el == null) return null;
	else if (el.nodeType == 1 && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == pTagName.toLowerCase())	// Gecko bug, supposed to be uppercase
		return el;
		return getParent(el.parentNode, pTagName);
function ts_sort_date(a,b) {
    // y2k notes: two digit years less than 50 are treated as 20XX, greater than 50 are treated as 19XX
    aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
    bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
    if (aa.length == 10) {
        dt1 = aa.substr(6,4)+aa.substr(3,2)+aa.substr(0,2);
    } else {
        yr = aa.substr(6,2);
        if (parseInt(yr) < 50) { yr = '20'+yr; } else { yr = '19'+yr; }
        dt1 = yr+aa.substr(3,2)+aa.substr(0,2);
    if (bb.length == 10) {
        dt2 = bb.substr(6,4)+bb.substr(3,2)+bb.substr(0,2);
    } else {
        yr = bb.substr(6,2);
        if (parseInt(yr) < 50) { yr = '20'+yr; } else { yr = '19'+yr; }
        dt2 = yr+bb.substr(3,2)+bb.substr(0,2);
    if (dt1==dt2) return 0;
    if (dt1<dt2) return -1;
    return 1;

function ts_sort_currency(a,b) { 
    aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');
    bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');
    return parseFloat(aa) - parseFloat(bb);

function ts_sort_numeric(a,b) { 
    aa = parseFloat(ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]));
    if (isNaN(aa)) aa = 0;
    bb = parseFloat(ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX])); 
    if (isNaN(bb)) bb = 0;
    return aa-bb;

function ts_sort_caseinsensitive(a,b) {
    aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
    bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
    if (aa==bb) return 0;
    if (aa<bb) return -1;
    return 1;

function ts_sort_default(a,b) {
    aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
    bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
    if (aa==bb) return 0;
    if (aa<bb) return -1;
    return 1;

function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture)
// addEvent and removeEvent
// cross-browser event handling for IE5+,  NS6 and Mozilla
// By Scott Andrew
  if (elm.addEventListener){
    elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
    return true;
  } else if (elm.attachEvent){
    var r = elm.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
    return r;
  } else {
    alert("Handler could not be removed");

if (typeof(Clipperz) == 'undefined') { Clipperz = {}; }
if (typeof(Clipperz.Profile) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.Profile = {}; }

Clipperz.Profile.VERSION = "0.1";
Clipperz.Profile.NAME = "Clipperz.Profile";

MochiKit.Base.update(Clipperz.Profile, {


	'__repr__': function () {
		var	status;
		if (Clipperz.Profile.isEnabled == true) {
			status = ENABLED;
		} else {
			status = DISABLED;
		return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + " - " + status + "]";


	'toString': function () {
		return this.__repr__();


	'isEnabled': function() {
		return false;

	'initialValues': function() {
		return {iters:0, total:0, min:Number.MAX_VALUE, max:0}

	'start': function(aName) {},
	'stop': function(aName) {},
	'dump': function(aName) {},
	'profileData': function(aName, aKey) {
		var	result;

		if (typeof(aName) != 'undefined') {
			result = this.initialValues();

			if (typeof(aKey) != 'undefined') {
				result = result[aKey];
		} else {
			result = null;
		return result;
	'resetProfileData': function() {},

	'end': function(aName) {

	__syntaxFix__: "syntax fix"

if ((typeof(clipperz_profiling_enabled) != 'undefined') && (clipperz_profiling_enabled == true)) {

var _clipperz_profile_profiles = {};
var _clipperz_profile_pns = [];

MochiKit.Base.update(Clipperz.Profile, {


	'isEnabled': function() {
		return true;


	'start': function(aName) {
		if (!_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName]) {
			_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName] = this.initialValues();
			_clipperz_profile_pns[_clipperz_profile_pns.length] = aName;
		} else {
			if (_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName]["start"]) {

		_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName].end = null;
		_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName].start = new Date();

	'stop': function(aName) {
		if ((_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName]) && (_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName]["start"])) {
			with(_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName]) {
				var now;
				var	elapsedTime;
				now = new Date();
				elapsedTime = (now - start);
				end = now;
				min = Math.min(min, elapsedTime);
				max = Math.max(max, elapsedTime);
				total += elapsedTime;
				start = null;
		} else {
			// oops! bad call to end(), what should we do here?
			return true;

	'dump': function(appendToDoc) {
//		var tbl = document.createElement("table");
		var tbl = MochiKit.DOM.TABLE(null, MochiKit.DOM.TBODY());
		tbl.className = 'sortable';
		tbl.id = "profileOutputTable_table";
			border = "1px solid black";
			borderCollapse = "collapse";
		var hdr = tbl.createTHead();
		var hdrtr = hdr.insertRow(0);
		// document.createElement("tr");
		var cols = ["Identifier","#","Min", "Avg","Max","Total"];
		for(var x=0; x<cols.length; x++){
			var ntd = hdrtr.insertCell(x);
				backgroundColor = "#225d94";
				color = "white";
				borderBottom = "1px solid black";
				borderRight = "1px solid black";
				fontFamily = "tahoma";
				fontWeight = "bolder";
				paddingLeft = paddingRight = "5px";

		for(var x=0; x < _clipperz_profile_pns.length; x++){
			var prf = _clipperz_profile_profiles[_clipperz_profile_pns[x]];
				var bdytr = tbl.insertRow(true);
				var vals = [_clipperz_profile_pns[x], prf.iters, prf.min, parseInt(Math.round(prf.total/prf.iters)), prf.max, prf.total];
				for(var y=0; y<vals.length; y++){
					var cc = bdytr.insertCell(y);
						borderBottom = "1px solid gray";
						paddingLeft = paddingRight = "5px";
							backgroundColor = "#e1f1ff";
							textAlign = "right";
							borderRight = "1px solid gray";
							borderRight = "1px solid black";

			var ne = document.createElement("div");
			ne.id = "profileOutputTable";
				fontFamily = "Courier New, monospace";
				fontSize = "12px";
				lineHeight = "16px";
				borderTop = "1px solid black";
				padding = "10px";
				MochiKit.DOM.swapDOM("profileOutputTable", ne);

		return tbl;


	'profileData': function(aName, aKey) {
		var	result;

		if (typeof(aName) == 'undefined') {
			result = _clipperz_profile_profiles;
		} else {
			if (typeof(_clipperz_profile_profiles[aName]) != 'undefined') {
				result = _clipperz_profile_profiles[aName];
			} else {
				result = {};

		if (typeof(aKey) != 'undefined') {
			if (aKey == "average") {
				result = Math.round(Clipperz.Profile.profileData(aName, 'total')/Clipperz.Profile.profileData(aName, 'iters'));
			} else {
				if (typeof(result[aKey]) != 'undefined') {
					result = result[aKey];
				} else {
					result = 0;
		return result;


	'resetProfileData': function() {
		_clipperz_profile_profiles = {};
		_clipperz_profile_pns = [];


	__syntaxFix__: "syntax fix"
