/** * @class YAHOO.ext.TabPanel * @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable * Creates a lightweight TabPanel component using Yahoo! UI. * <br><br> * Usage: * <pre><code> <font color="#008000">// basic tabs 1, built from existing content</font> var tabs = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanel('tabs1'); tabs.addTab('script', "View Script"); tabs.addTab('markup', "View Markup"); tabs.activate('script'); <font color="#008000">// more advanced tabs, built from javascript</font> var jtabs = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanel('jtabs'); jtabs.addTab('jtabs-1', "Normal Tab", "My content was added during construction."); <font color="#008000">// set up the UpdateManager</font> var tab2 = jtabs.addTab('jtabs-2', "Ajax Tab 1"); var updater = tab2.getUpdateManager(); updater.setDefaultUrl('ajax1.htm'); tab2.onActivate.subscribe(updater.refresh, updater, true); <font color="#008000">// Use setUrl for Ajax loading</font> var tab3 = jtabs.addTab('jtabs-3', "Ajax Tab 2"); tab3.setUrl('ajax2.htm', null, true); <font color="#008000">// Disabled tab</font> var tab4 = jtabs.addTab('tabs1-5', "Disabled Tab", "Can't see me cause I'm disabled"); tab4.disable(); jtabs.activate('jtabs-1'); } * </code></pre> * @requires YAHOO.ext.Element * @requires YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager * @requires YAHOO.util.Dom * @requires YAHOO.util.Event * @requires YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @requires YAHOO.util.Connect (optional) * @constructor * Create new TabPanel. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} container The id, DOM element or YAHOO.ext.Element container where this TabPanel is to be rendered. * @param {Boolean} config Config object to set any properties for this TabPanel or true to render the tabs on the bottom. */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanel = function(container, config){ /** * The container element for this TabPanel. * @type YAHOO.ext.Element */ this.el = getEl(container, true); /** The position of the tabs. Can be 'top' or 'bottom' @type String */ this.tabPosition = 'top'; this.currentTabWidth = 0; /** The minimum width of a tab (ignored if resizeTabs is not true). @type Number */ this.minTabWidth = 40; /** The maximum width of a tab (ignored if resizeTabs is not true). @type Number */ this.maxTabWidth = 250; /** The preferred (default) width of a tab (ignored if resizeTabs is not true). @type Number */ this.preferredTabWidth = 175; /** Set this to true to enable dynamic tab resizing. @type Boolean */ this.resizeTabs = false; /** Set this to true to turn on window resizing monitoring (ignored if resizeTabs is not true). @type Boolean */ this.monitorResize = true; if(config){ if(typeof config == 'boolean'){ this.tabPosition = config ? 'bottom' : 'top'; }else{ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); } } if(this.tabPosition == 'bottom'){ this.bodyEl = getEl(this.createBody(this.el.dom)); this.el.addClass('ytabs-bottom'); } this.stripWrap = getEl(this.createStrip(this.el.dom), true); this.stripEl = getEl(this.createStripList(this.stripWrap.dom), true); this.stripBody = getEl(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild.firstChild, true); if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isIE){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild, 'overflow-x', 'hidden'); } if(this.tabPosition != 'bottom'){ /** The body element that contains TabPaneItem bodies. * @type YAHOO.ext.Element */ this.bodyEl = getEl(this.createBody(this.el.dom)); this.el.addClass('ytabs-top'); } this.items = []; this.bodyEl.setStyle('position', 'relative'); // add indexOf to array if it isn't present if(!this.items.indexOf){ this.items.indexOf = function(o){ for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){ if(this[i] == o) return i; } return -1; } } this.active = null; this.onTabChange = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('TabItem.onTabChange'); this.activateDelegate = this.activate.createDelegate(this); this.events = { /** * @event tabchange * Fires when the active tab changes * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanel} this * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} activePanel The new active tab */ 'tabchange': this.onTabChange, /** * @event beforetabchange * Fires before the active tab changes, set cancel to true on the "e" parameter to cancel the change * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanel} this * @param {Object} e Set cancel to true on this object to cancel the tab change * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} tab The tab being changed to */ 'beforetabchange' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforechange') }; YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.onResize, this, true); this.cpad = this.el.getPadding('lr'); this.hiddenCount = 0; } YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, /** * Creates a new TabPanelItem by looking for an existing element with the provided id - if it's not found it creates one. * @param {String} id The id of the div to use <b>or create</b> * @param {String} text The text for the tab * @param {<i>String</i>} content (optional) Content to put in the TabPanelItem body * @param {<i>Boolean</i>} closable (optional) True to create a close icon on the tab * @return {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} The created TabPanelItem */ addTab : function(id, text, content, closable){ var item = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem(this, id, text, closable); this.addTabItem(item); if(content){ item.setContent(content); } return item; }, /** * Returns the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to fetch. * @return {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} */ getTab : function(id){ return this.items[id]; }, /** * Hides the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to hide. */ hideTab : function(id){ var t = this.items[id]; if(!t.isHidden()){ t.setHidden(true); this.hiddenCount++; this.autoSizeTabs(); } }, /** * "Unhides" the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to unhide. */ unhideTab : function(id){ var t = this.items[id]; if(t.isHidden()){ t.setHidden(false); this.hiddenCount--; this.autoSizeTabs(); } }, /** * Add an existing TabPanelItem. * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} item The TabPanelItem to add */ addTabItem : function(item){ this.items[item.id] = item; this.items.push(item); if(this.resizeTabs){ item.setWidth(this.currentTabWidth || this.preferredTabWidth) this.autoSizeTabs(); }else{ item.autoSize(); } }, /** * Remove a TabPanelItem. * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to remove. */ removeTab : function(id){ var items = this.items; var tab = items[id]; if(!tab) return; var index = items.indexOf(tab); if(this.active == tab && items.length > 1){ var newTab = this.getNextAvailable(index); if(newTab)newTab.activate(); } this.stripEl.dom.removeChild(tab.pnode.dom); if(tab.bodyEl.dom.parentNode == this.bodyEl.dom){ // if it was moved already prevent error this.bodyEl.dom.removeChild(tab.bodyEl.dom); } items.splice(index, 1); delete this.items[tab.id]; tab.fireEvent('close', tab); tab.purgeListeners(); this.autoSizeTabs(); }, getNextAvailable : function(start){ var items = this.items; var index = start; // look for a next tab that will slide over to // replace the one being removed while(index < items.length){ var item = items[++index]; if(item && !item.isHidden()){ return item; } } // if one isn't found select the previous tab (on the left) var index = start; while(index >= 0){ var item = items[--index]; if(item && !item.isHidden()){ return item; } } return null; }, /** * Disable a TabPanelItem. <b>It cannot be the active tab, if it is this call is ignored.</b>. * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to disable. */ disableTab : function(id){ var tab = this.items[id]; if(tab && this.active != tab){ tab.disable(); } }, /** * Enable a TabPanelItem that is disabled. * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to enable. */ enableTab : function(id){ var tab = this.items[id]; tab.enable(); }, /** * Activate a TabPanelItem. The currently active will be deactivated. * @param {String/Number} id The id or index of the TabPanelItem to activate. */ activate : function(id){ var tab = this.items[id]; if(tab == this.active){ return tab; } var e = {}; this.fireEvent('beforetabchange', this, e, tab); if(e.cancel !== true && !tab.disabled){ if(this.active){ this.active.hide(); } this.active = this.items[id]; this.active.show(); this.onTabChange.fireDirect(this, this.active); } return tab; }, /** * Get the active TabPanelItem * @return {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} The active TabPanelItem or null if none are active. */ getActiveTab : function(){ return this.active; }, /** * Updates the tab body element to fit the height of the container element * for overflow scrolling * @param {Number} targetHeight (optional) Override the starting height from the elements height */ syncHeight : function(targetHeight){ var height = (targetHeight || this.el.getHeight())-this.el.getBorderWidth('tb')-this.el.getPadding('tb'); var bm = this.bodyEl.getMargins(); var newHeight = height-(this.stripWrap.getHeight()||0)-(bm.top+bm.bottom); this.bodyEl.setHeight(newHeight); return newHeight; }, onResize : function(){ if(this.monitorResize){ this.autoSizeTabs(); } }, /** * Disables tab resizing while tabs are being added (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing) */ beginUpdate : function(){ this.updating = true; }, /** * Stops an update and resizes the tabs (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing) */ endUpdate : function(){ this.updating = false; this.autoSizeTabs(); }, /** * Manual call to resize the tabs (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing) */ autoSizeTabs : function(){ var count = this.items.length; var vcount = count - this.hiddenCount; if(!this.resizeTabs || count < 1 || vcount < 1 || this.updating) return; var w = Math.max(this.el.getWidth() - this.cpad, 10); var availWidth = Math.floor(w / vcount); var b = this.stripBody; if(b.getWidth() > w){ var tabs = this.items; this.setTabWidth(Math.max(availWidth, this.minTabWidth)); if(availWidth < this.minTabWidth){ /*if(!this.sleft){ // incomplete scrolling code this.createScrollButtons(); } this.showScroll(); this.stripClip.setWidth(w - (this.sleft.getWidth()+this.sright.getWidth()));*/ } }else{ if(this.currentTabWidth < this.preferredTabWidth){ this.setTabWidth(Math.min(availWidth, this.preferredTabWidth)); } } }, /** * Returns the number of tabs * @return {Number} */ getCount : function(){ return this.items.length; }, /** * Resizes all the tabs to the passed width * @param {Number} The new width */ setTabWidth : function(width){ this.currentTabWidth = width; for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { if(!this.items[i].isHidden())this.items[i].setWidth(width); } }, /** * Destroys this TabPanel * @param {Boolean} removeEl (optional) True to remove the element from the DOM as well */ destroy : function(removeEl){ YAHOO.ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.onResize, this); for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++){ this.items[i].purgeListeners(); } if(removeEl === true){ this.el.update(''); this.el.remove(); } } }; /** * @class YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem * @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem = function(tabPanel, id, text, closable){ /** * The TabPanel this TabPanelItem belongs to * @type YAHOO.ext.TabPanel */ this.tabPanel = tabPanel; /** * The id for this TabPanelItem * @type String */ this.id = id; /** @private */ this.disabled = false; /** @private */ this.text = text; /** @private */ this.loaded = false; this.closable = closable; /** * The body element for this TabPanelItem * @type YAHOO.ext.Element */ this.bodyEl = getEl(tabPanel.createItemBody(tabPanel.bodyEl.dom, id)); this.bodyEl.setVisibilityMode(YAHOO.ext.Element.VISIBILITY); this.bodyEl.setStyle('display', 'block'); this.bodyEl.setStyle('zoom', '1'); this.hideAction(); var els = tabPanel.createStripElements(tabPanel.stripEl.dom, text, closable); /** @private */ this.el = getEl(els.el, true); this.inner = getEl(els.inner, true); this.textEl = getEl(this.el.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild, true); this.pnode = getEl(els.el.parentNode, true); this.el.mon('click', this.onTabClick, this, true); /** @private */ if(closable){ var c = getEl(els.close, true); c.dom.title = this.closeText; c.addClassOnOver('close-over'); c.mon('click', this.closeClick, this, true); } // these two are now private and deprecated this.onActivate = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('TabItem.onActivate'); this.onDeactivate = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('TabItem.onDeactivate'); this.events = { /** * @event activate * Fires when this tab becomes the active tab * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanel} tabPanel * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} this */ 'activate': this.onActivate, /** * @event beforeclose * Fires before this tab is closed. To cancal the close, set cancel to true on e. (e.cancel = true) * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} this * @param {Object} e Set cancel to true on this object to cancel the close. */ 'beforeclose': new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforeclose'), /** * @event close * Fires when this tab is closed * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} this */ 'close': new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('close'), /** * @event deactivate * Fires when this tab is no longer the active tab * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanel} tabPanel * @param {YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem} this */ 'deactivate' : this.onDeactivate }; this.hidden = false; }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : function(){ YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners.call(this); this.el.removeAllListeners(); }, /** * Show this TabPanelItem - this <b>does not</b> deactivate the currently active TabPanelItem. */ show : function(){ this.pnode.addClass('on'); this.showAction(); if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isOpera){ this.tabPanel.stripWrap.repaint(); } this.onActivate.fireDirect(this.tabPanel, this); }, /** * Returns true if this tab is the active tab * @return {Boolean} */ isActive : function(){ return this.tabPanel.getActiveTab() == this; }, /** * Hide this TabPanelItem - if you don't activate another TabPanelItem this could look odd. */ hide : function(){ this.pnode.removeClass('on'); this.hideAction(); this.onDeactivate.fireDirect(this.tabPanel, this); }, hideAction : function(){ this.bodyEl.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); this.bodyEl.setLeft('-20000px'); this.bodyEl.setTop('-20000px'); this.bodyEl.hide(); }, showAction : function(){ this.bodyEl.setStyle('position', 'relative'); this.bodyEl.setTop(''); this.bodyEl.setLeft(''); this.bodyEl.show(); this.tabPanel.el.repaint.defer(1); }, /** * Set the tooltip (title attribute) for the tab * @param {String} tooltip */ setTooltip : function(text){ this.textEl.dom.title = text; }, onTabClick : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); this.tabPanel.activate(this.id); }, getWidth : function(){ return this.inner.getWidth(); }, setWidth : function(width){ var iwidth = width - this.pnode.getPadding("lr"); this.inner.setWidth(iwidth); this.textEl.setWidth(iwidth-this.inner.getPadding('lr')); this.pnode.setWidth(width); }, setHidden : function(hidden){ this.hidden = hidden; this.pnode.setStyle('display', hidden ? 'none' : ''); }, /** * Returns true if this tab is "hidden" * @return {Boolean} */ isHidden : function(){ return this.hidden; }, /** * Returns the text for this tab * @return {String} */ getText : function(){ return this.text; }, autoSize : function(){ this.el.beginMeasure(); this.textEl.setWidth(1); this.setWidth(this.textEl.dom.scrollWidth+this.pnode.getPadding("lr")+this.inner.getPadding('lr')); this.el.endMeasure(); }, /** * Sets the text for the tab (Note: this also sets the tooltip) * @param {String} text */ setText : function(text){ this.text = text; this.textEl.update(text); this.textEl.dom.title = text; if(!this.tabPanel.resizeTabs){ this.autoSize(); } }, /** * Activate this TabPanelItem - this <b>does</b> deactivate the currently active TabPanelItem. */ activate : function(){ this.tabPanel.activate(this.id); }, /** * Disable this TabPanelItem - this call is ignore if this is the active TabPanelItem. */ disable : function(){ if(this.tabPanel.active != this){ this.disabled = true; this.pnode.addClass('disabled'); } }, /** * Enable this TabPanelItem if it was previously disabled. */ enable : function(){ this.disabled = false; this.pnode.removeClass('disabled'); }, /** * Set the content for this TabPanelItem. * @param {String} content The content * @param {Boolean} loadScripts true to look for and load scripts */ setContent : function(content, loadScripts){ this.bodyEl.update(content, loadScripts); }, /** * Get the {@link YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager} for the body of this TabPanelItem. Enables you to perform Ajax updates. * @return {YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager} The UpdateManager */ getUpdateManager : function(){ return this.bodyEl.getUpdateManager(); }, /** * Set a URL to be used to load the content for this TabPanelItem. * @param {String/Function} url The url to load the content from or a function to call to get the url * @param {<i>String/Object</i>} params (optional) The string params for the update call or an object of the params. See {@link YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager#update} for more details. (Defaults to null) * @param {<i>Boolean</i>} loadOnce (optional) Whether to only load the content once. If this is false it makes the Ajax call every time this TabPanelItem is activated. (Defaults to false) * @return {YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager} The UpdateManager */ setUrl : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.onActivate.unsubscribe(this.refreshDelegate); } this.refreshDelegate = this._handleRefresh.createDelegate(this, [url, params, loadOnce]); this.onActivate.subscribe(this.refreshDelegate); return this.bodyEl.getUpdateManager(); }, /** @private */ _handleRefresh : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(!loadOnce || !this.loaded){ var updater = this.bodyEl.getUpdateManager(); updater.update(url, params, this._setLoaded.createDelegate(this)); } }, /** * Force a content refresh from the URL specified in the setUrl() method. * Will fail silently if the setUrl method has not been called. * This does not activate the panel, just updates its content. */ refresh : function(){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.loaded = false; this.refreshDelegate(); } }, /** @private */ _setLoaded : function(){ this.loaded = true; }, /** @private */ closeClick : function(e){ var e = {}; this.fireEvent('beforeclose', this, e); if(e.cancel !== true){ this.tabPanel.removeTab(this.id); } }, /** * The text displayed in the tooltip for the close icon. * @type String */ closeText : 'Close this tab' }; /** @private */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createStrip = function(container){ var strip = document.createElement('div'); strip.className = 'ytab-wrap'; container.appendChild(strip); return strip; }; /** @private */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createStripList = function(strip){ // div wrapper for retard IE strip.innerHTML = '<div class="ytab-strip-wrap"><table class="ytab-strip" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tbody><tr></tr></tbody></table></div>'; return strip.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; }; /** @private */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createBody = function(container){ var body = document.createElement('div'); YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(body, 'tab-body'); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(body, 'yui-ext-tabbody'); container.appendChild(body); return body; }; /** @private */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createItemBody = function(bodyEl, id){ var body = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id); if(!body){ body = document.createElement('div'); body.id = id; } YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(body, 'yui-ext-tabitembody'); bodyEl.insertBefore(body, bodyEl.firstChild); return body; }; /** @private */ YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createStripElements = function(stripEl, text, closable){ var td = document.createElement('td'); stripEl.appendChild(td); if(closable){ td.className = "ytab-closable"; if(!this.closeTpl){ this.closeTpl = new YAHOO.ext.Template( '<a href="#" class="ytab-right"><span class="ytab-left"><em class="ytab-inner">' + '<span unselectable="on" title="{text}" class="ytab-text">{text}</span>' + '<div unselectable="on" class="close-icon"> </div></em></span></a>' ); } var el = this.closeTpl.overwrite(td, {'text': text}); var close = el.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; var inner = el.getElementsByTagName('em')[0]; return {'el': el, 'close': close, 'inner': inner}; } else { if(!this.tabTpl){ this.tabTpl = new YAHOO.ext.Template( '<a href="#" class="ytab-right"><span class="ytab-left"><em class="ytab-inner">' + '<span unselectable="on" title="{text}" class="ytab-text">{text}</span></em></span></a>' ); } var el = this.tabTpl.overwrite(td, {'text': text}); var inner = el.getElementsByTagName('em')[0]; return {'el': el, 'inner': inner}; } };