/** * @class YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel * @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable * This abstract class provides default implementations of the events required by the Grid. It takes care of the creating the CustomEvents and provides some convenient methods for firing the events. <br><br> * @constructor */ YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel = function(){ /** Fires when a cell is updated - fireDirect sig: (this, rowIndex, columnIndex) * @private * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @deprecated Use addListener instead of accessing directly */ this.onCellUpdated = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onCellUpdated'); /** Fires when all data needs to be revalidated - fireDirect sig: (thisd) * @private * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @deprecated Use addListener instead of accessing directly */ this.onTableDataChanged = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onTableDataChanged'); /** Fires when rows are deleted - fireDirect sig: (this, firstRowIndex, lastRowIndex) * @private * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @deprecated Use addListener instead of accessing directly */ this.onRowsDeleted = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsDeleted'); /** Fires when a rows are inserted - fireDirect sig: (this, firstRowIndex, lastRowIndex) * @private * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @deprecated Use addListener instead of accessing directly */ this.onRowsInserted = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsInserted'); /** Fires when a rows are updated - fireDirect sig: (this, firstRowIndex, lastRowIndex) * @private * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @deprecated Use addListener instead of accessing directly */ this.onRowsUpdated = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsUpdated'); /** Fires when a sort has reordered the rows - fireDirect sig: (this, sortColumnIndex, * @private * sortDirection = 'ASC' or 'DESC') * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent * @deprecated Use addListener instead of accessing directly */ this.onRowsSorted = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsSorted'); this.events = { /** * @event cellupdated * Fires when a cell is updated * @param {DataModel} this * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} columnIndex */ 'cellupdated' : this.onCellUpdated, /** * @event datachanged * Fires when the entire data structure has changed * @param {DataModel} this */ 'datachanged' : this.onTableDataChanged, /** * @event rowsdeleted * Fires when a range of rows have been deleted * @param {DataModel} this * @param {Number} firstRowIndex * @param {Number} lastRowIndex */ 'rowsdeleted' : this.onRowsDeleted, /** * @event rowsinserted * Fires when a range of rows have been inserted * @param {DataModel} this * @param {Number} firstRowIndex * @param {Number} lastRowIndex */ 'rowsinserted' : this.onRowsInserted, /** * @event rowsupdated * Fires when a range of rows have been updated * @param {DataModel} this * @param {Number} firstRowIndex * @param {Number} lastRowIndex */ 'rowsupdated' : this.onRowsUpdated, /** * @event rowssorted * Fires when the data has been sorted * @param {DataModel} this */ 'rowssorted' : this.onRowsSorted }; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, bufferedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.bufferedListener, /** * Notifies listeners that the value of the cell at [row, col] has been updated * @deprecated * @private */ fireCellUpdated : function(row, col){ this.onCellUpdated.fireDirect(this, row, col); }, /** * Notifies listeners that all data for the grid may have changed - use as a last resort. This * also wipes out all selections a user might have made. * @deprecated * @private */ fireTableDataChanged : function(){ this.onTableDataChanged.fireDirect(this); }, /** * Notifies listeners that rows in the range [firstRow, lastRow], inclusive, have been deleted * @deprecated * @private */ fireRowsDeleted : function(firstRow, lastRow){ this.onRowsDeleted.fireDirect(this, firstRow, lastRow); }, /** * Notifies listeners that rows in the range [firstRow, lastRow], inclusive, have been inserted * @deprecated * @private */ fireRowsInserted : function(firstRow, lastRow){ this.onRowsInserted.fireDirect(this, firstRow, lastRow); }, /** * Notifies listeners that rows in the range [firstRow, lastRow], inclusive, have been updated * @deprecated * @private */ fireRowsUpdated : function(firstRow, lastRow){ this.onRowsUpdated.fireDirect(this, firstRow, lastRow); }, /** * Notifies listeners that rows have been sorted and any indexes may be invalid * @deprecated * @private */ fireRowsSorted : function(sortColumnIndex, sortDir, noRefresh){ this.onRowsSorted.fireDirect(this, sortColumnIndex, sortDir, noRefresh); }, /** * Empty interface method - Classes which extend AbstractDataModel should implement this method. * See {@link YAHOO.ext.DefaultDataModel#sort} for an example implementation. * @private */ sort : function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction, suppressEvent){ }, /** * Interface method to supply info regarding the Grid's current sort state - if overridden, * this should return an object like this {column: this.sortColumn, direction: this.sortDir}. * @return {Object} */ getSortState : function(){ return {column: this.sortColumn, direction: this.sortDir}; }, /** * Empty interface method - Classes which extend AbstractDataModel should implement this method. * See {@link YAHOO.ext.DefaultDataModel} for an example implementation. * @private */ getRowCount : function(){ }, /** * Empty interface method - Classes which extend AbstractDataModel should implement this method to support virtual row counts. * @private */ getTotalRowCount : function(){ return this.getRowCount(); }, /** * Empty interface method - Classes which extend AbstractDataModel should implement this method. * See {@link YAHOO.ext.DefaultDataModel} for an example implementation. * @private */ getRowId : function(rowIndex){ }, /** * Empty interface method - Classes which extend AbstractDataModel should implement this method. * See {@link YAHOO.ext.DefaultDataModel} for an example implementation. * @private */ getValueAt : function(rowIndex, colIndex){ }, /** * Empty interface method - Classes which extend AbstractDataModel should implement this method. * See {@link YAHOO.ext.DefaultDataModel} for an example implementation. * @private */ setValueAt : function(value, rowIndex, colIndex){ }, isPaged : function(){ return false; } };