/** * @class YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel * This is the default implementation of a DataModel used by the Grid. It works * with multi-dimensional array based data. Using the event system in the base class * {@link YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel}, all updates to this DataModel are automatically * reflected in the user interface. * <br>Usage:<br> * <pre><code> * var myData = [ ["MSFT","Microsoft Corporation", "314,571.156", "32,187.000", "55000"], ["ORCL", "Oracle Corporation", "62,615.266", "9,519.000", "40650"] * ]; * var dataModel = new YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel(myData); * </code></pre> * @extends YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel * @constructor * @param {Array} data */ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel = function(data){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); /**@private*/ this.data = data; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel, { /** * Returns the number of rows in the dataset * @return {Number} */ getRowCount : function(){ return this.data.length; }, /** * Returns the ID of the specified row. By default it return the value of the first column. * Override to provide more advanced ID handling. * @return {Number} */ getRowId : function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex][0]; }, /** * Returns the column data for the specified row. * @return {Array} */ getRow : function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex]; }, /** * Returns the column data for the specified rows as a * multi-dimensional array: rows[3][0] would give you the value of row 4, column 0. * @param {Array} indexes The row indexes to fetch * @return {Array} */ getRows : function(indexes){ var data = this.data; var r = []; for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++){ r.push(data[indexes[i]]); } return r; }, /** * Returns the value at the specified data position * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} colIndex * @return {Object} */ getValueAt : function(rowIndex, colIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex][colIndex]; }, /** * Sets the specified value at the specified data position * @param {Object} value The new value * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} colIndex */ setValueAt: function(value, rowIndex, colIndex){ this.data[rowIndex][colIndex] = value; this.fireCellUpdated(rowIndex, colIndex); }, /** * @private * Removes the specified range of rows. * @param {Number} startIndex * @param {<i>Number</i>} endIndex (optional) Defaults to startIndex */ removeRows: function(startIndex, endIndex){ endIndex = endIndex || startIndex; this.data.splice(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex+1); this.fireRowsDeleted(startIndex, endIndex); }, /** * Remove a row. * @param {Number} index */ removeRow: function(index){ this.data.splice(index, 1); this.fireRowsDeleted(index, index); }, /** * @private * Removes all rows. */ removeAll: function(){ var count = this.getRowCount(); if(count > 0){ this.removeRows(0, count-1); } }, /** * Query the DataModel rows by the filters defined in spec, for example... * <pre><code> * // column 1 starts with Jack, column 2 filtered by myFcn, column 3 equals 'Fred' * dataModel.filter({1: /^Jack.+/i}, 2: myFcn, 3: 'Fred'}); * </code></pre> * @param {Object} spec The spec is generally an object literal consisting of * column index and filter type. The filter type can be a string/number (exact match), * a regular expression to test using String.search() or a function to call. If it's a function, * it will be called with the value for the specified column and an array of the all column * values for that row: yourFcn(value, columnData). If it returns anything other than true, * the row is not a match. If you have modified Object.prototype this method may fail. * @param {Boolean} returnUnmatched True to return rows which <b>don't</b> match the query instead * of rows that do match * @return {Array} An array of row indexes that match */ query: function(spec, returnUnmatched){ var d = this.data; var r = []; for(var i = 0; i < d.length; i++){ var row = d[i]; var isMatch = true; for(var col in spec){ //if(typeof spec[col] != 'function'){ if(!isMatch) continue; var filter = spec[col]; switch(typeof filter){ case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': if(row[col] != filter){ isMatch = false; } break; case 'function': if(!filter(row[col], row)){ isMatch = false; } break; case 'object': if(filter instanceof RegExp){ if(String(row[col]).search(filter) === -1){ isMatch = false; } } break; } //} } if(isMatch && !returnUnmatched){ r.push(i); }else if(!isMatch && returnUnmatched){ r.push(i); } } return r; }, /** * Filter the DataModel rows by the query defined in spec, see {@link #query} for more details * on the query spec. * @param {Object} query The query spec {@link #query} * @return {Number} The number of rows removed */ filter: function(query){ var matches = this.query(query, true); var data = this.data; // go thru the data setting matches to deleted // while not disturbing row indexes for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++){ data[matches[i]]._deleted = true; } for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ while(data[i] && data[i]._deleted === true){ this.removeRow(i); } } return matches.length; }, /** * Adds a row to the dataset. * @param {Array} cellValues The array of values for the new row * @return {Number} The index of the added row */ addRow: function(cellValues){ this.data.push(cellValues); var newIndex = this.data.length-1; this.fireRowsInserted(newIndex, newIndex); this.applySort(); return newIndex; }, /** * @private * Adds a set of rows. * @param {Array} rowData This should be an array of arrays like the constructor takes */ addRows: function(rowData){ this.data = this.data.concat(rowData); var firstIndex = this.data.length-rowData.length; this.fireRowsInserted(firstIndex, firstIndex+rowData.length-1); this.applySort(); }, /** * Inserts a row a the specified location in the dataset. * @param {Number} index The index where the row should be inserted * @param {Array} cellValues The array of values for the new row * @return {Number} The index the row was inserted in */ insertRow: function(index, cellValues){ this.data.splice(index, 0, cellValues); this.fireRowsInserted(index, index); this.applySort(); return index; }, /** * @private * Inserts a set of rows. * @param {Number} index The index where the rows should be inserted * @param {Array} rowData This should be an array of arrays like the constructor takes */ insertRows: function(index, rowData){ /* if(index == this.data.length){ // try these two first since they are faster this.data = this.data.concat(rowData); }else if(index == 0){ this.data = rowData.concat(this.data); }else{ var newData = this.data.slice(0, index); newData.concat(rowData); newData.concat(this.data.slice(index)); this.data = newData; }*/ var args = rowData.concat(); args.splice(0, 0, index, 0); this.data.splice.apply(this.data, args); this.fireRowsInserted(index, index+rowData.length-1); this.applySort(); }, /** * Applies the last used sort to the current data. */ applySort: function(suppressEvent){ if(typeof this.sortColumn != 'undefined'){ this.sort(this.sortInfo, this.sortColumn, this.sortDir, suppressEvent); } }, /** * Sets the default sort info. Note: this function does not actually apply the sort. * @param {Function/Object} sortInfo A sort comparison function or null to use the default or A object that has a method getSortType(index) that returns a function like * a grid column model. * @param {Number} columnIndex The column index to sort by * @param {String} direction The direction of the sort ('DESC' or 'ASC') */ setDefaultSort: function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction){ this.sortInfo = sortInfo; this.sortColumn = columnIndex; this.sortDir = direction; }, /** * Sorts the data by the specified column - Uses the sortType specified for the column in the passed columnModel. * @param {Function/Object} sortInfo A sort comparison function or null to use the default or A object that has a method getSortType(index) that returns a function like * a grid column model. * @param {Number} columnIndex The column index to sort by * @param {String} direction The direction of the sort ('DESC' or 'ASC') */ sort: function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction, suppressEvent){ // store these so we can maintain sorting when we load new data this.sortInfo = sortInfo; this.sortColumn = columnIndex; this.sortDir = direction; var dsc = (direction && direction.toUpperCase() == 'DESC'); var sortType = null; if(sortInfo != null){ if(typeof sortInfo == 'function'){ sortType = sortInfo; }else if(typeof sortInfo == 'object'){ sortType = sortInfo.getSortType(columnIndex);; } } var fn = function(cells, cells2){ var v1 = sortType ? sortType(cells[columnIndex], cells) : cells[columnIndex]; var v2 = sortType ? sortType(cells2[columnIndex], cells2) : cells2[columnIndex]; if(v1 < v2) return dsc ? +1 : -1; if(v1 > v2) return dsc ? -1 : +1; return 0; }; this.data.sort(fn); if(!suppressEvent){ this.fireRowsSorted(columnIndex, direction); } }, /** * Calls passed function with each rows data - if the function returns false it stops. * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} scope (optional) */ each: function(fn, scope){ var d = this.data; for(var i = 0, len = d.length; i < len; i++){ if(fn.call(scope || window, d[i], i) === false) break; } } }); /** * Alias to YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes * @static */ if(YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel.sortTypes = YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes; }