/** * @class YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog * @extends YAHOO.ext.util.Observable * Lightweight Dialog Class. * * The code below lists all configuration options along with the default value. * If the default value is what you want you can leave it out: * <pre><code> var dlg = new YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog('element-id', { autoCreate: false, (true to auto create from scratch, or DomHelper Object) title: null, (title to set at config time) width: (css), height: (css), x: 200, //(defaults to center screen if blank) y: 500, //(defaults to center screen if blank) animateTarget: null,// (no animation) This is the id or element to animate from resizable: true, minHeight: 80, minWidth: 200, modal: false, autoScroll: true, closable: true, constraintoviewport: true, draggable: true, autoTabs: false, (if true searches child nodes for elements with class ydlg-tab and converts them to tabs) tabTag: 'div', // the tag name of tab elements proxyDrag: false, (drag a proxy element rather than the dialog itself) fixedcenter: false, shadow: false, buttonAlign: 'right', minButtonWidth: 75, shim: false // true to create an iframe shim to // keep selects from showing through }); </code></pre> * @constructor * Create a new BasicDialog. * @param {String/HTMLElement/YAHOO.ext.Element} el The id of or container element * @param {Object} config configuration options */ YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog = function(el, config){ this.el = getEl(el); var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; if(!this.el && config && config.autoCreate){ if(typeof config.autoCreate == 'object'){ if(!config.autoCreate.id){ config.autoCreate.id = el; } this.el = dh.append(document.body, config.autoCreate, true); }else{ this.el = dh.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', id: el}, true); } } el = this.el; el.setDisplayed(true); el.hide = this.hideAction; this.id = el.id; el.addClass('ydlg'); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); this.proxy = el.createProxy('ydlg-proxy'); this.proxy.hide = this.hideAction; this.proxy.setOpacity(.5); this.proxy.hide(); if(config.width){ el.setWidth(config.width); } if(config.height){ el.setHeight(config.height); } this.size = el.getSize(); if(typeof config.x != 'undefined' && typeof config.y != 'undefined'){ this.xy = [config.x,config.y]; }else{ this.xy = el.getCenterXY(true); } // find the header, body and footer var cn = el.dom.childNodes; for(var i = 0, len = cn.length; i < len; i++) { var node = cn[i]; if(node && node.nodeType == 1){ if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(node, 'ydlg-hd')){ this.header = getEl(node, true); }else if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(node, 'ydlg-bd')){ this.body = getEl(node, true); }else if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(node, 'ydlg-ft')){ /** * The footer element * @type YAHOO.ext.Element */ this.footer = getEl(node, true); } } } if(!this.header){ /** * The header element * @type YAHOO.ext.Element */ this.header = this.body ? dh.insertBefore(this.body.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd'}, true) : dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd'}, true); } if(this.title){ this.header.update(this.title); } // this element allows the dialog to be focused for keyboard event this.focusEl = dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'a', href:'#', cls:'ydlg-focus', tabIndex:'-1'}, true); this.focusEl.swallowEvent('click', true); if(!this.body){ /** * The body element * @type YAHOO.ext.Element */ this.body = dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-bd'}, true); } // wrap the header for special rendering var hl = dh.insertBefore(this.header.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd-left'}); var hr = dh.append(hl, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd-right'}); hr.appendChild(this.header.dom); // wrap the body and footer for special rendering this.bwrap = dh.insertBefore(this.body.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-dlg-body'}, true); this.bwrap.dom.appendChild(this.body.dom); if(this.footer) this.bwrap.dom.appendChild(this.footer.dom); this.bg = this.el.createChild({ tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-bg', html: '<div class="ydlg-bg-left"><div class="ydlg-bg-right"><div class="ydlg-bg-center"> </div></div></div>' }); this.centerBg = getEl(this.bg.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild); if(this.autoScroll !== false && !this.autoTabs){ this.body.setStyle('overflow', 'auto'); } if(this.closable !== false){ this.el.addClass('ydlg-closable'); this.close = dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-close'}, true); this.close.mon('click', this.closeClick, this, true); this.close.addClassOnOver('ydlg-close-over'); } if(this.resizable !== false){ this.el.addClass('ydlg-resizable'); this.resizer = new YAHOO.ext.Resizable(el, { minWidth: this.minWidth || 80, minHeight:this.minHeight || 80, handles: 'all', pinned: true }); this.resizer.on('beforeresize', this.beforeResize, this, true); this.resizer.on('resize', this.onResize, this, true); } if(this.draggable !== false){ el.addClass('ydlg-draggable'); if (!this.proxyDrag) { var dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(el.dom.id, 'WindowDrag'); } else { var dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(el.dom.id, 'WindowDrag', {dragElId: this.proxy.id}); } dd.setHandleElId(this.header.id); dd.endDrag = this.endMove.createDelegate(this); dd.startDrag = this.startMove.createDelegate(this); dd.onDrag = this.onDrag.createDelegate(this); this.dd = dd; } if(this.modal){ this.mask = dh.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-mask'}, true); this.mask.enableDisplayMode('block'); this.mask.hide(); this.el.addClass('ydlg-modal'); } if(this.shadow){ this.shadow = el.createProxy({tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-shadow'}); this.shadow.setOpacity(.3); this.shadow.setVisibilityMode(YAHOO.ext.Element.VISIBILITY); this.shadow.setDisplayed('block'); this.shadow.hide = this.hideAction; this.shadow.hide(); }else{ this.shadowOffset = 0; } // adding an iframe shim to FF kills the cursor on the PC, but is needed on the Mac // where it (luckily) does not kill the cursor if(!YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko || YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isMac){ if(this.shim){ this.shim = this.el.createShim(); this.shim.hide = this.hideAction; this.shim.hide(); } }else{ this.shim = false; } if(this.autoTabs){ this.initTabs(); } this.syncBodyHeight(); this.events = { /** * @event keydown * Fires when a key is pressed * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this * @param {YAHOO.ext.EventObject} e */ 'keydown' : true, /** * @event move * Fires when this dialog is moved by the user. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this * @param {Number} x The new page X * @param {Number} y The new page Y */ 'move' : true, /** * @event resize * Fires when this dialog is resized by the user. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this * @param {Number} width The new width * @param {Number} height The new height */ 'resize' : true, /** * @event beforehide * Fires before this dialog is hidden. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ 'beforehide' : true, /** * @event hide * Fires when this dialog is hidden. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ 'hide' : true, /** * @event beforeshow * Fires before this dialog is shown. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ 'beforeshow' : true, /** * @event show * Fires when this dialog is shown. * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ 'show' : true }; el.mon('keydown', this.onKeyDown, this, true); el.mon("mousedown", this.toFront, this, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.adjustViewport, this, true); this.el.hide(); YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.register(this); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { shadowOffset: 3, minHeight: 80, minWidth: 200, minButtonWidth: 75, defaultButton: null, buttonAlign: 'right', /** * Sets the dialog title. * @param {String} text * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ setTitle : function(text){ this.header.update(text); return this; }, closeClick : function(){ this.hide(); }, /** * Reinitializes the tabs component, clearing out old tabs and finding new ones. * @return {YAHOO.ext.TabPanel} tabs The tabs component */ initTabs : function(){ var tabs = this.getTabs(); while(tabs.getTab(0)){ tabs.removeTab(0); } var tabEls = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('ydlg-tab', this.tabTag || 'div', this.el.dom); if(tabEls.length > 0){ for(var i = 0, len = tabEls.length; i < len; i++) { var tabEl = tabEls[i]; tabs.addTab(YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(tabEl), tabEl.title); tabEl.title = ''; } tabs.activate(0); } return tabs; }, beforeResize : function(){ this.resizer.minHeight = Math.max(this.minHeight, this.getHeaderFooterHeight(true)+40); }, onResize : function(){ this.refreshSize(); this.syncBodyHeight(); this.adjustAssets(); this.fireEvent('resize', this, this.size.width, this.size.height); }, onKeyDown : function(e){ if(this.isVisible()){ this.fireEvent('keydown', this, e); } }, /** * Resizes the dialog. * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ resizeTo : function(width, height){ this.el.setSize(width, height); this.size = {width: width, height: height}; this.syncBodyHeight(); if(this.fixedcenter){ this.center(); } if(this.isVisible()){ this.constrainXY(); this.adjustAssets(); } this.fireEvent('resize', this, width, height); return this; }, /** * Resizes the dialog to fit the specified content size. * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ setContentSize : function(w, h){ h += this.getHeaderFooterHeight() + this.body.getMargins('tb'); w += this.body.getMargins('lr') + this.bwrap.getMargins('lr') + this.centerBg.getPadding('lr'); //if(!this.el.isBorderBox()){ h += this.body.getPadding('tb') + this.bwrap.getBorderWidth('tb') + this.body.getBorderWidth('tb') + this.el.getBorderWidth('tb'); w += this.body.getPadding('lr') + this.bwrap.getBorderWidth('lr') + this.body.getBorderWidth('lr') + this.bwrap.getPadding('lr') + this.el.getBorderWidth('lr'); //} if(this.tabs){ h += this.tabs.stripWrap.getHeight() + this.tabs.bodyEl.getMargins('tb') + this.tabs.bodyEl.getPadding('tb'); w += this.tabs.bodyEl.getMargins('lr') + this.tabs.bodyEl.getPadding('lr'); } this.resizeTo(w, h); return this; }, /** * Adds a key listener for when this dialog is displayed * @param {Number/Array/Object} key Either the numeric key code, array of key codes or an object with the following options: * {key: (number or array), shift: (true/false), ctrl: (true/false), alt: (true/false)} * @param {Function} fn The function to call * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope of the function * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ addKeyListener : function(key, fn, scope){ var keyCode, shift, ctrl, alt; if(typeof key == 'object' && !(key instanceof Array)){ keyCode = key['key']; shift = key['shift']; ctrl = key['ctrl']; alt = key['alt']; }else{ keyCode = key; } var handler = function(dlg, e){ if((!shift || e.shiftKey) && (!ctrl || e.ctrlKey) && (!alt || e.altKey)){ var k = e.getKey(); if(keyCode instanceof Array){ for(var i = 0, len = keyCode.length; i < len; i++){ if(keyCode[i] == k){ fn.call(scope || window, dlg, k, e); return; } } }else{ if(k == keyCode){ fn.call(scope || window, dlg, k, e); } } } }; this.on('keydown', handler); return this; }, /** * Returns the TabPanel component (if autoTabs) * @return {YAHOO.ext.TabPanel} */ getTabs : function(){ if(!this.tabs){ this.el.addClass('ydlg-auto-tabs'); this.body.addClass(this.tabPosition == 'bottom' ? 'ytabs-bottom' : 'ytabs-top'); this.tabs = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanel(this.body.dom, this.tabPosition == 'bottom'); } return this.tabs; }, /** * Adds a button. * @param {String/Object} config A string becomes the button text, an object is expected to be a valid YAHOO.ext.DomHelper element config * @param {Function} handler The function called when the button is clicked * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope of the handler function * @return {YAHOO.ext.Button} */ addButton : function(config, handler, scope){ var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; if(!this.footer){ this.footer = dh.append(this.bwrap.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-ft'}, true); } if(!this.btnContainer){ var tb = this.footer.createChild({ tag:'div', cls:'ydlg-btns ydlg-btns-'+this.buttonAlign, html:'<table cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr></tr></tbody></table>' }); this.btnContainer = tb.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; } var bconfig = { handler: handler, scope: scope, minWidth: this.minButtonWidth }; if(typeof config == 'string'){ bconfig.text = config; }else{ bconfig.dhconfig = config; } var btn = new YAHOO.ext.Button( this.btnContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('td')), bconfig ); this.syncBodyHeight(); if(!this.buttons){ this.buttons = []; } this.buttons.push(btn); return btn; }, /** * Sets the default button to be focused when the dialog is displayed * @param {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog.Button} btn The button object returned by addButton * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ setDefaultButton : function(btn){ this.defaultButton = btn; return this; }, getHeaderFooterHeight : function(safe){ var height = 0; if(this.header){ height += this.header.getHeight(); } if(this.footer){ var fm = this.footer.getMargins(); height += (this.footer.getHeight()+fm.top+fm.bottom); } height += this.bwrap.getPadding('tb')+this.bwrap.getBorderWidth('tb'); height += this.centerBg.getPadding('tb'); return height; }, syncBodyHeight : function(){ var height = this.size.height - this.getHeaderFooterHeight(false); this.body.setHeight(height-this.body.getMargins('tb')); if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.syncHeight(); } var hh = this.header.getHeight(); var h = this.size.height-hh; this.centerBg.setHeight(h); this.bwrap.setLeftTop(this.centerBg.getPadding('l'), hh+this.centerBg.getPadding('t')); this.bwrap.setHeight(h-this.centerBg.getPadding('tb')); this.bwrap.setWidth(this.el.getWidth(true)-this.centerBg.getPadding('lr')); this.body.setWidth(this.bwrap.getWidth(true)); }, /** * Restores the previous state of the dialog if YAHOO.ext.state is configured * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ restoreState : function(){ var box = YAHOO.ext.state.Manager.get(this.stateId || (this.el.id + '-state')); if(box && box.width){ this.xy = [box.x, box.y]; this.resizeTo(box.width, box.height); } return this; }, beforeShow : function(){ if(this.fixedcenter) { this.xy = this.el.getCenterXY(true); } if(this.modal){ YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(document.body, 'masked'); this.mask.setSize(YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentHeight()); this.mask.show(); } this.constrainXY(); }, animShow : function(){ var b = getEl(this.animateTarget, true).getBox(); this.proxy.setSize(b.width, b.height); this.proxy.setLocation(b.x, b.y); this.proxy.show(); this.proxy.setBounds(this.xy[0], this.xy[1], this.size.width, this.size.height, true, .35, this.showEl.createDelegate(this)); }, /** * Shows the dialog. * @param {String/HTMLElement/YAHOO.ext.Element} animateTarget (optional) Reset the animation target * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ show : function(animateTarget){ if (this.fireEvent('beforeshow', this) === false){ return; } if(this.syncHeightBeforeShow){ this.syncBodyHeight(); } this.animateTarget = animateTarget || this.animateTarget; if(!this.el.isVisible()){ this.beforeShow(); if(this.animateTarget){ this.animShow(); }else{ this.showEl(); } } return this; }, showEl : function(){ this.proxy.hide(); this.el.setXY(this.xy); this.el.show(); this.adjustAssets(true); this.toFront(); this.focus(); this.fireEvent('show', this); }, focus : function(){ if(this.defaultButton){ this.defaultButton.focus(); }else{ this.focusEl.focus(); } }, constrainXY : function(){ if(this.constraintoviewport !== false){ if(!this.viewSize){ if(this.container){ var s = this.container.getSize(); this.viewSize = [s.width, s.height]; }else{ this.viewSize = [YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight()]; } } var x = this.xy[0], y = this.xy[1]; var w = this.size.width, h = this.size.height; var vw = this.viewSize[0], vh = this.viewSize[1]; // only move it if it needs it var moved = false; // first validate right/bottom if(x + w > vw){ x = vw - w; moved = true; } if(y + h > vh){ y = vh - h; moved = true; } // then make sure top/left isn't negative if(x < 0){ x = 0; moved = true; } if(y < 0){ y = 0; moved = true; } if(moved){ // cache xy this.xy = [x, y]; if(this.isVisible()){ this.el.setLocation(x, y); this.adjustAssets(); } } } }, onDrag : function(){ if(!this.proxyDrag){ this.xy = this.el.getXY(); this.adjustAssets(); } }, adjustAssets : function(doShow){ var x = this.xy[0], y = this.xy[1]; var w = this.size.width, h = this.size.height; if(doShow === true){ if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.show(); } if(this.shim){ this.shim.show(); } } if(this.shadow && this.shadow.isVisible()){ this.shadow.setBounds(x + this.shadowOffset, y + this.shadowOffset, w, h); } if(this.shim && this.shim.isVisible()){ this.shim.setBounds(x, y, w, h); } }, adjustViewport : function(w, h){ if(!w || !h){ w = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(); h = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight(); } // cache the size this.viewSize = [w, h]; if(this.modal && this.mask.isVisible()){ this.mask.setSize(w, h); // first make sure the mask isn't causing overflow this.mask.setSize(YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentHeight()); } if(this.isVisible()){ this.constrainXY(); } }, /** * Destroys this dialog * @param {Boolean} removeEl (optional) true to remove the element from the DOM */ destroy : function(removeEl){ YAHOO.ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.adjustViewport, this); if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.destroy(removeEl); } if(this.shim){ this.shim.remove(); } if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.remove(); } if(this.proxy){ this.proxy.remove(); } if(this.resizer){ this.resizer.destroy(); } if(this.close){ this.close.removeAllListeners(); this.close.remove(); } if(this.mask){ this.mask.remove(); } if(this.dd){ this.dd.unreg(); } if(this.buttons){ for(var i = 0, len = this.buttons.length; i < len; i++){ this.buttons[i].destroy(); } } this.el.removeAllListeners(); if(removeEl === true){ this.el.update(''); this.el.remove(); } YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.unregister(this); }, startMove : function(){ if(this.proxyDrag){ this.proxy.show(); } if(this.constraintoviewport !== false){ this.dd.constrainTo(document.body, {right: this.shadowOffset, bottom: this.shadowOffset}); } }, endMove : function(){ if(!this.proxyDrag){ YAHOO.util.DD.prototype.endDrag.apply(this.dd, arguments); }else{ YAHOO.util.DDProxy.prototype.endDrag.apply(this.dd, arguments); this.proxy.hide(); } this.refreshSize(); this.adjustAssets(); this.fireEvent('move', this, this.xy[0], this.xy[1]) }, /** * Brings this dialog to the front of any other visible dialogs * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ toFront : function(){ YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.bringToFront(this); return this; }, /** * Sends this dialog to the back (under) of any other visible dialogs * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ toBack : function(){ YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.sendToBack(this); return this; }, /** * Centers this dialog * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ center : function(){ var xy = this.el.getCenterXY(true); this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1]); return this; }, /** * Moves the dialog to the specified point * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ moveTo : function(x, y){ this.xy = [x,y]; if(this.isVisible()){ this.el.setXY(this.xy); this.adjustAssets(); } return this; }, /** * Returns true if the dialog is visible * @return {Boolean} */ isVisible : function(){ return this.el.isVisible(); }, animHide : function(callback){ var b = getEl(this.animateTarget, true).getBox(); this.proxy.show(); this.proxy.setBounds(this.xy[0], this.xy[1], this.size.width, this.size.height); this.el.hide(); this.proxy.setBounds(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, true, .35, this.hideEl.createDelegate(this, [callback])); }, /** * Hides the dialog. * @param {Function} callback (optional) Function to call when the dialog is hidden * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} this */ hide : function(callback){ if (this.fireEvent('beforehide', this) === false) return; if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.hide(); } if(this.shim) { this.shim.hide(); } if(this.animateTarget){ this.animHide(callback); }else{ this.el.hide(); this.hideEl(callback); } return this; }, hideEl : function(callback){ this.proxy.hide(); if(this.modal){ this.mask.hide(); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(document.body, 'masked'); } this.fireEvent('hide', this); if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } }, hideAction : function(){ this.setLeft('-10000px'); this.setTop('-10000px'); this.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); }, refreshSize : function(){ this.size = this.el.getSize(); this.xy = this.el.getXY(); YAHOO.ext.state.Manager.set(this.stateId || this.el.id + '-state', this.el.getBox()); }, setZIndex : function(index){ if(this.modal){ this.mask.setStyle('z-index', index); } if(this.shim){ this.shim.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } this.el.setStyle('z-index', ++index); if(this.proxy){ this.proxy.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } if(this.resizer){ this.resizer.proxy.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } this.lastZIndex = index; }, /** * Returns the element for this dialog * @return {YAHOO.ext.Element} */ getEl : function(){ return this.el; } }); /** * @class YAHOO.ext.DialogManager * Provides global access to BasicDialogs that have been created and * support for z-indexing (layering) multiple open dialogs. */ YAHOO.ext.DialogManager = function(){ var list = {}; var accessList = []; var front = null; var sortDialogs = function(d1, d2){ return (!d1._lastAccess || d1._lastAccess < d2._lastAccess) ? -1 : 1; }; var orderDialogs = function(){ accessList.sort(sortDialogs); var seed = YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.zseed; for(var i = 0, len = accessList.length; i < len; i++){ if(accessList[i]){ accessList[i].setZIndex(seed + (i*10)); } } }; return { /** * The starting z-index for BasicDialogs - defaults to 10000 * @type Number */ zseed : 10000, register : function(dlg){ list[dlg.id] = dlg; accessList.push(dlg); }, unregister : function(dlg){ delete list[dlg.id]; if(!accessList.indexOf){ for(var i = 0, len = accessList.length; i < len; i++){ accessList.splice(i, 1); return; } }else{ var i = accessList.indexOf(dlg); if(i != -1){ accessList.splice(i, 1); } } }, /** * Gets a registered dialog by id * @param {String/Object} id The id of the dialog or a dialog * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} */ get : function(id){ return typeof id == 'object' ? id : list[id]; }, /** * Brings the specified dialog to the front * @param {String/Object} dlg The id of the dialog or a dialog * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} */ bringToFront : function(dlg){ dlg = this.get(dlg); if(dlg != front){ front = dlg; dlg._lastAccess = new Date().getTime(); orderDialogs(); } return dlg; }, /** * Sends the specified dialog to the back * @param {String/Object} dlg The id of the dialog or a dialog * @return {YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog} */ sendToBack : function(dlg){ dlg = this.get(dlg); dlg._lastAccess = -(new Date().getTime()); orderDialogs(); return dlg; } }; }(); /** * @class YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog * @extends YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog * Dialog which provides adjustments for working with a layout in a Dialog. * Add your neccessary layout config options to the dialogs config.<br> * Example Usage (including a nested layout): * <pre><code> if(!dialog){ dialog = new YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog("download-dlg", { modal: true, width:600, height:450, shadow:true, minWidth:500, minHeight:350, autoTabs:true, proxyDrag:true, // layout config merges with the dialog config center:{ tabPosition: 'top', alwaysShowTabs: true } }); dialog.addKeyListener(27, dialog.hide, dialog); dialog.setDefaultButton(dialog.addButton('Close', dialog.hide, dialog)); dialog.addButton('Build It!', this.getDownload, this); // we can even add nested layouts var innerLayout = new YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout('dl-inner', { east: { initialSize: 200, autoScroll:true, split:true }, center: { autoScroll:true } }); innerLayout.beginUpdate(); innerLayout.add('east', new YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel('dl-details')); innerLayout.add('center', new YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel('selection-panel')); innerLayout.endUpdate(true); // when doing updates to the top level layout in a dialog, you need to // use dialog.beginUpdate()/endUpdate() instead of layout.beginUpdate()/endUpdate() var layout = dialog.getLayout(); dialog.beginUpdate(); layout.add('center', new YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel('standard-panel', {title: 'Download the Source', fitToFrame:true})); layout.add('center', new YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel(innerLayout, {title: 'Build your own yui-ext.js'})); layout.getRegion('center').showPanel(sp); dialog.endUpdate();</code></pre> * @constructor * @param {String/HTMLElement/YAHOO.ext.Element} el The id of or container element * @param {Object} config configuration options */ YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog = function(el, config){ config.autoTabs = false; YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, config); this.body.setStyle({overflow:'hidden', position:'relative'}); this.layout = new YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout(this.body.dom, config); this.layout.monitorWindowResize = false; this.el.addClass('ydlg-auto-layout'); // fix case when center region overwrites center function this.center = YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog.prototype.center; this.on('show', this.layout.layout, this.layout, true); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog, YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog, { /** * Ends update of the layout <strike>and resets display to none</strike>. Use standard beginUpdate/endUpdate on the layout. * @deprecated */ endUpdate : function(){ this.layout.endUpdate(); }, /** * Begins an update of the layout <strike>and sets display to block and visibility to hidden</strike>. Use standard beginUpdate/endUpdate on the layout. * @deprecated */ beginUpdate : function(){ this.layout.beginUpdate(); }, /** * Get the BorderLayout for this dialog * @return {YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout} */ getLayout : function(){ return this.layout; }, syncBodyHeight : function(){ YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog.superclass.syncBodyHeight.call(this); if(this.layout)this.layout.layout(); } });