5.0 2021-02-27T12:14:57Z MailGraph WEBHOOK baseURL https://zbx.puzzl.nl/zabbix duration {EVENT.DURATION} eventId {EVENT.ID} eventValue {EVENT.VALUE} graphHeight 120 graphWidth 300 HTTPProxy itemId {ITEM.ID} recipient {ALERT.SENDTO} showLegend 0 subject {{ EVENT_SEVERITY }} --- {{ EVENT_NAME }} triggerId {TRIGGER.ID} URL https://zbx.puzzl.nl/mailGraph.php YES The "URL" must point to the location of the processing script. If a proxy is required, define "HTTPProxy" for the proxy address. Customization: - "graphWidth" and "graphWidth" can be defined for the image size - "showLegend" can be defined to show or hide the legend of the graph - "subject" can be defined for a customized subject for the mail message The html.template and plain.template files can be adjusted (TWIG format). Values available: {{ baseURL }} - base url of the Zabbix system (use for references to API and login) {{ TRIGGER_ID }} - id of the applicable trigger {{ TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION }} - raw trigger description (note: macros are not parsed!) {{ TRIGGER_COMMENTS }} - comments of the trigger {{ TRIGGER_URL }} - url of the trigger form {{ ITEM_ID }} - id of the associated item to the trigger {{ ITEM_KEY }} - key of the item {{ ITEM_NAME }} - item name {{ ITEM_DESCRIPTION }} - description of the item {{ ITEM_LASTVALUE }} - last value of the item {{ ITEM_PREVIOUSVALUE }} - the value of the before LASTVALUE {{ ITEM_URL }} - url of the item form {{ HOST_ID }} - id of the associated host to the item {{ HOST_NAME }} - name of the host {{ HOST_ERROR }} - last error state of the applicable host {{ HOST_DESCRIPTION }} - description of the host {{ HOST_URL }} - url of the host form {{ EVENT_ID }} - id of the associated event {{ EVENT_NAME }} - name of the event (note: macros are parsed!) {{ EVENT_OPDATA }} - associated operational data of the vent {{ EVENT_VALUE }} - event state (0=Recovered, 1=Triggered/Active) {{ EVENT_SEVERITY }} - severity of the event {{ EVENT_STATUS }} - status of the event {{ EVENT_URL }} - url of the event details {{ GRAPH_ID }} - id of the (first) associated graph that contains the item {{ GRAPH_NAME }} - name of this graph {{ GRAPH_URL }} - URL to this graph (assuming script produces to an accessible location) {{ GRAPH_CID }} - IMG embed string (<img src="{{ GRAPH_CID }}" />) {{ LOG_HTML }} - script log in HTML format {{ LOG_PLAIN }} - script log in PLAIN text format TRIGGERS PROBLEM Problem: {EVENT.NAME} Problem started at {EVENT.TIME} on {EVENT.DATE} Problem name: {EVENT.NAME} Host: {HOST.NAME} Severity: {EVENT.SEVERITY} Operational data: {EVENT.OPDATA} Original problem ID: {EVENT.ID} {TRIGGER.URL} TRIGGERS RECOVERY Resolved in {EVENT.DURATION}: {EVENT.NAME} Problem has been resolved at {EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} on {EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} Problem name: {EVENT.NAME} Problem duration: {EVENT.DURATION} Host: {HOST.NAME} Severity: {EVENT.SEVERITY} Original problem ID: {EVENT.ID} {TRIGGER.URL} TRIGGERS UPDATE Updated problem in {EVENT.AGE}: {EVENT.NAME} {USER.FULLNAME} {EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} problem at {EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} {EVENT.UPDATE.TIME}. {EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE} Current problem status is {EVENT.STATUS}, age is {EVENT.AGE}, acknowledged: {EVENT.ACK.STATUS}. DISCOVERY PROBLEM Discovery: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} Discovery rule: {DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} Device IP: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} Device DNS: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} Device status: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} Device uptime: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} Device service name: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} Device service port: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} Device service status: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} Device service uptime: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} AUTOREGISTRATION PROBLEM Autoregistration: {HOST.HOST} Host name: {HOST.HOST} Host IP: {HOST.IP} Agent port: {HOST.PORT}