I've decided to take v2.0 forward through a series of code rewrites to facilitate some requests and to start with the code separation for obtaining Graphs through stand-alone code.
Also looking at the "Zabbix Web Agenet" possibilities recently added to Zabbix 5.4 at the same time. Still no clue why Zabbix does not also move the Graph generation into such module and to provision an API on it ...
## Major changes to the code (2021/12/16)
A major change was required to deal with some API changes found in Zabbix 5.4.
- itemId is no longer passed by default by Zabbix. As a result the itemId is now picked up from the Trigger information (itemId from the first element in "functions").
- Some parameters moved under "params" in JSON.
- Care is taken about Some (unneccessry) warnings and index errors due to lack of testing of information available.
To upgrade from v1.x to v2.0 you only have to replace mailGraph.php. No changes made to other files in this release.
If you upgrade to v1.27 please be aware of the additional features for adding Tags to Trigger and Host to add additional graphs and the associated `html.template` updates that come alone with it (otherwise the new graphs will not show ...).
Template data provisioning and code has fundamentally changed. If you upgrade from an earlier version as v1.25, make sure you understand the changes in templates/html.template (now making use of arrays for lists of items).
The below message is just an example of what MailGraph is capable of. The template engine used ("Twig") allows for a fully customized message creation to your needs!